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Neonatal Period Supraventricular Tachycardia and Treatment Approaches in the

Year 2016, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 31 - 34, 01.04.2016


Objective: Retrospective analysis for treatment approaches of supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) during the prenatal and postnatal period.Material and Methods: Fifteen new-born patients who were followed with supraventricular tachycardia were analysed retrospectively. Patients were divided into two groups as prenatal onset (PreOSVT) and postnatal onset (PostOSVT).Results: Eight patients (53%) were diagnosed with PreOSVT and 7 patients (47%) were diagnosed with PostOSVT. It was observed that, 0.1 mg/kg dose of adenosine was used in all patient as a fi rst line treatment, 4 antiarrhythmic agents (amiodarone, propranolol, adenosine, digoxin) were used in 4 patients, 5 antiarrhythmic agents (amiodarone, propranolol, adenosine, digoxin, propafenone) were used in one patient and the cardioversion procedure was used in 2 patients with PreOSVT and one patient with PostOSVT.Conclusion: Treatment approaches and the results are similar in patients with PreOSVT and PostOSVT


  • Van Hare GF. Neonatal arrhythmias. In: Fanaroff AA, Martin RJ (eds). Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Diseases of the Fetus and Infant. Vol: 2, 9th ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 2011:1277-89.
  • Hoffman TM, Wernovsky G, Wieand TS, Cohen MI, Jennings AC, Vetter VL, et al. The incidence of arrhythmias in a pediatric intensive car e unit. Pediatr Cardiol 2002;23:598-604.
  • Tavera MC, Bassareo PP, Neroni P, Follese C, Manca D, Montis S, et al. Supraventricular tachycardia in neonates: Antiarrhythmic drug choice dilemma. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2011;24:541- 4.
  • Garson A Jr, Gillette PC, McNamara DG. Supraventricular tachycardia in children: Clinical features, response to treatment, and long-term follow-up in 217 patients. J Pediatr 1981;98: 875-82.
  • Kleinman CS, Neghme RA. Cardiac arrhythmias in the human fetus. Pediatr Cardiol 2004;25:234-51.
  • Rasiah SV, Ewer AK, Miller P, Kilby MD. Prenatal diagnosis, management and outcome of fetal dysrhythmia: A tertiary fetal medicine centre experience over an eight-year period. Fetal Diagn Ther 2011;30:122-7.
  • Wren C. Cardiac arrhythmias in the fetus and newborn. Semin Fetal Neonatal Med 2006;11:182-90.
  • Oudijk MA, Visser GH, Meijboom EJ. Fetal tachyarrhythmia—part I: Diagnosis. Indian Pacing Electrophysiol J 2004;4:104-13.
  • Kantoch MJ. Supraventricular tachycardia in children. Indian J Pediatr 2005;72:609-19
  • Manole MD, Saladino RA. Emergency department management of the pediatric patient with supraventricular tachycardia. Pediatr Emerg Care 2007;23:176-85.
  • Balaguer Gargallo M, Jordán García I, Caritg Bosch J, Cambra Lasaosa FJ, Prada Hermogenes F, Palomaque Rico A. Supraventricular tachycardia in infants and children. An Pediatr 2007; 67:133-8.
  • Etheridge SP, Janet C, Steven J. Amiodarone is safe and highly effective therapy for supraventricular tachycardia in infants. Am Heart J 2001;141:105-10.
  • Abid L, Trabelsi I, Maazoun Y, Krichène S, Laroussi L, Hammami R, et al. Supraventricular tachycardia in infants. Ann Cardiol Angeiol 2011;60:141-7.
  • Park MK. Cardiac arrhytmias. In: Park MK (ed). Pediatric Cardiology for Practitioners. 5th ed. Philedelphia: Mosby Elsevier Pres, 2008: 417-44.
  • Bodegas A, Cabrera A, Sarrionaindia MJ, Idígoras G, Rumoroso JR, Pérez García P, et al. Propafenone effi cacy in preventing supraventricular tachycardia in childhood. Rev Esp Cardiol 1994;47:86-91.
  • Kishore AG, Camm AJ. Guidelines for the use of propafenone in treating supraventricular arrhythmias. Drugs 1995;50:250-62.
  • Stephanie BW, Wernovsky G. Arrhythmias. In: Cloherty John P, Eichenwald Eric C, Stark Ann R (eds). Manual of Neonatal Care, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2008:429- 35.

Yenidoğan Döneminde Supraventriküler Taşikardi ve Tedavi Yaklaşımları

Year 2016, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 31 - 34, 01.04.2016


Amaç: Prenatal ve postnatal dönemde supraventriküler taşikardi (SVT) tanısı alan yenidoğanların tedavi şekillerinin retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmesi.Gereç ve Yöntemler: SVT tanısı ile takip edilen 15 yenidoğan retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Hastalar SVT başlangıç zamanına göre prenatal başlangıçlı SVT (PreBSVT) ve postnatal başlangıçlı SVT (PostBSVT) olarak iki gruba ayrıldı.Bulgular: PreBSVT; 8 hastada (%53), PostBSVT; 7 hastada (%47) saptandı. Tüm hastalara atak sırasında ilk ilaç olarak intravenöz 0.1 mg/kg adenozin tedavisi verildiği, 4 hastada 4’lü antiaritmik (Adenozin, digoksin, amiadoron, Propranolol), 1 hastada 5’li antiaritmik (Adenozin, digoksini, amiadoron, Propranolol, Propafenon) kullanıldığı ve PreBSVT tanılı 2 hastaya ve PostBSVT tanılı 1 hastaya kardiyoversiyon uygulandığı görüldü.Sonuç: PreBSVT ve PostSVT tanılı hastalarda SVT’nin tedavi yaklaşımları ve sonuçları benzerdir.


  • Van Hare GF. Neonatal arrhythmias. In: Fanaroff AA, Martin RJ (eds). Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Diseases of the Fetus and Infant. Vol: 2, 9th ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 2011:1277-89.
  • Hoffman TM, Wernovsky G, Wieand TS, Cohen MI, Jennings AC, Vetter VL, et al. The incidence of arrhythmias in a pediatric intensive car e unit. Pediatr Cardiol 2002;23:598-604.
  • Tavera MC, Bassareo PP, Neroni P, Follese C, Manca D, Montis S, et al. Supraventricular tachycardia in neonates: Antiarrhythmic drug choice dilemma. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2011;24:541- 4.
  • Garson A Jr, Gillette PC, McNamara DG. Supraventricular tachycardia in children: Clinical features, response to treatment, and long-term follow-up in 217 patients. J Pediatr 1981;98: 875-82.
  • Kleinman CS, Neghme RA. Cardiac arrhythmias in the human fetus. Pediatr Cardiol 2004;25:234-51.
  • Rasiah SV, Ewer AK, Miller P, Kilby MD. Prenatal diagnosis, management and outcome of fetal dysrhythmia: A tertiary fetal medicine centre experience over an eight-year period. Fetal Diagn Ther 2011;30:122-7.
  • Wren C. Cardiac arrhythmias in the fetus and newborn. Semin Fetal Neonatal Med 2006;11:182-90.
  • Oudijk MA, Visser GH, Meijboom EJ. Fetal tachyarrhythmia—part I: Diagnosis. Indian Pacing Electrophysiol J 2004;4:104-13.
  • Kantoch MJ. Supraventricular tachycardia in children. Indian J Pediatr 2005;72:609-19
  • Manole MD, Saladino RA. Emergency department management of the pediatric patient with supraventricular tachycardia. Pediatr Emerg Care 2007;23:176-85.
  • Balaguer Gargallo M, Jordán García I, Caritg Bosch J, Cambra Lasaosa FJ, Prada Hermogenes F, Palomaque Rico A. Supraventricular tachycardia in infants and children. An Pediatr 2007; 67:133-8.
  • Etheridge SP, Janet C, Steven J. Amiodarone is safe and highly effective therapy for supraventricular tachycardia in infants. Am Heart J 2001;141:105-10.
  • Abid L, Trabelsi I, Maazoun Y, Krichène S, Laroussi L, Hammami R, et al. Supraventricular tachycardia in infants. Ann Cardiol Angeiol 2011;60:141-7.
  • Park MK. Cardiac arrhytmias. In: Park MK (ed). Pediatric Cardiology for Practitioners. 5th ed. Philedelphia: Mosby Elsevier Pres, 2008: 417-44.
  • Bodegas A, Cabrera A, Sarrionaindia MJ, Idígoras G, Rumoroso JR, Pérez García P, et al. Propafenone effi cacy in preventing supraventricular tachycardia in childhood. Rev Esp Cardiol 1994;47:86-91.
  • Kishore AG, Camm AJ. Guidelines for the use of propafenone in treating supraventricular arrhythmias. Drugs 1995;50:250-62.
  • Stephanie BW, Wernovsky G. Arrhythmias. In: Cloherty John P, Eichenwald Eric C, Stark Ann R (eds). Manual of Neonatal Care, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2008:429- 35.
There are 17 citations in total.


Other ID JA76ZF24DP
Journal Section Research Article

Osman Öztekin This is me

Salih Kalay This is me

Gönül Tezel This is me

Murat Çiftçi This is me

Mustafa Akçakuş This is me

Nihal Oygür This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2016
Submission Date April 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Öztekin, O., Kalay, S., Tezel, G., Çiftçi, M., et al. (2016). Neonatal Period Supraventricular Tachycardia and Treatment Approaches in the. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, 10(1), 31-34.
AMA Öztekin O, Kalay S, Tezel G, Çiftçi M, Akçakuş M, Oygür N. Neonatal Period Supraventricular Tachycardia and Treatment Approaches in the. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. April 2016;10(1):31-34.
Chicago Öztekin, Osman, Salih Kalay, Gönül Tezel, Murat Çiftçi, Mustafa Akçakuş, and Nihal Oygür. “Neonatal Period Supraventricular Tachycardia and Treatment Approaches in the”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 10, no. 1 (April 2016): 31-34.
EndNote Öztekin O, Kalay S, Tezel G, Çiftçi M, Akçakuş M, Oygür N (April 1, 2016) Neonatal Period Supraventricular Tachycardia and Treatment Approaches in the. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 10 1 31–34.
IEEE O. Öztekin, S. Kalay, G. Tezel, M. Çiftçi, M. Akçakuş, and N. Oygür, “Neonatal Period Supraventricular Tachycardia and Treatment Approaches in the”, Turkish J Pediatr Dis, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 31–34, 2016.
ISNAD Öztekin, Osman et al. “Neonatal Period Supraventricular Tachycardia and Treatment Approaches in the”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 10/1 (April 2016), 31-34.
JAMA Öztekin O, Kalay S, Tezel G, Çiftçi M, Akçakuş M, Oygür N. Neonatal Period Supraventricular Tachycardia and Treatment Approaches in the. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2016;10:31–34.
MLA Öztekin, Osman et al. “Neonatal Period Supraventricular Tachycardia and Treatment Approaches in the”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 1, 2016, pp. 31-34.
Vancouver Öztekin O, Kalay S, Tezel G, Çiftçi M, Akçakuş M, Oygür N. Neonatal Period Supraventricular Tachycardia and Treatment Approaches in the. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2016;10(1):31-4.

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