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Sağlıklı Yenidoğanların İlk Günleri, Erken Taburculukları ve Yeniden Hastaneye Yatış Sebepleri

Year 2014, Volume: 8 Issue: 4, 192 - 195, 01.04.2014


Amaç: Sağlıklı bebeklerin 48 saat izlendikten sonra taburcu edilmeleri uygun olur. Son yıllarda bebeklerin erken taburcu edilmeleri şeklinde bir eğilim vardır. Araştırmamızda son bir yıl içinde doğum yapmış anne ve bebeklerinin demografik özelliklerini, ilk idrar ve mekonyum saatlerini, taburculuk zamanlarını, ilk gün ve ilk hafta içindeki vücut ağırlığı değişimlerini, hastaneye tekrar yatış oran ve nedenlerini sorgulamayı amaçladık.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Hastane otomasyon sistemi, hasta dosyaları ve doğum defterleri geriye dönük tarandı.Bulgular: Annelerin yaşları 27.95±5.30 yıl, ortalama gebelik süreleri 38.67±1.23 hafta idi. Annelerin %84.6’sı sezaryen doğumla bebek sahibi olurken, %38.8 annede mükerrer sezaryen en sık sezaryen sebebiydi. Bebekler ilk gün ortalama 104.41±54.59 gram ağırlık kaybetmişlerdi. İlk gün ortalama kayıp yüzdesi 3.14±1.57 hesaplandı. İlk gün kaybedilen ağırlık gram ve yüzdesi sezaryen ile dünyaya gelen bebeklerde anlamlı derecede daha fazlaydı (sırasıyla p<0.001 ve p<0.001).Bebekler ilk idrarını 4.87±3.84 (0-28) saatinde; dışkısını ortalama 7.86±5.45 (0-30) saatte yapmıştı. İlk idrar süresi normal doğan bebeklerde anlamlı derecede daha uzundu (p=0.006). Bebekler ortalama 26.71±13.13 saat sonra taburcu oldular. Bir ay içinde bebeklerin %12.6’sı tekrar servise yatırıldı, bunların %81.4’ünün nedeni sarılıktı.Sonuç: Hastaneden erken taburculuk için ebeveynlerle görüşülerek karar verilmeli, ilk hafta içinde tüm bebekler tekrar değerlendirilmelidir


  • Atıcı A. Yenidoğanın değerlendirilmesi. In: Hasanoğlu E, Düşünsel R, Bideci A (eds). Temel Pediatri. Ankara: Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri, 2010:450- 5.
  • Vasarri PL. Discharge of the newborn: Timing, mode and controls. Early Human Development 2013; 89:S27-S8.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics. Committee on Fetus and Newborn. Hospital stay for healthy term newborns. Pediatrics 2010;125:405-9.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics. Committee on Fetus and Newborn. Hospital stay for healthy term newborns. Pediatrics 2004;113;1434-6.
  • Tekinalp G, Yurdakök M, Yiğit Ş, Korkmaz A. Yenidoğan bakımında Hacettepe uygulamaları. Ankara: Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri, 2009: 10-13.
  • Sadeh-Mestechkin D, Walfi sch A, Zeadna A, Shoham-Vardi I, Hallak I. Early post partum discharge: Is it possible? Arch Gynecol Obstet 2007; 276: 65-70.
  • Fink AM. Early hospital discharge in maternal and newborn care. JOGNN 2011; 40: 149-56.
  • Vanpée M, Rylander E, Bergius H, Marchini G. Early discharge for healthy newborn infants.The Scandinavian model. Archives de Pediatrie 2009;16:709-10.
  • Akman İ. Yenidoğanda sıvı-elektrolit tedavisi. In: Hasanoğlu E, Düşünsel R, Bideci A (eds). Temel Pediatri. Ankara: Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri, 2010: 458-61.
  • Flaherman VJ, Kuzniewicz MW, Li S, Walsh E, McCulloch CE, Newman TB. First-day weight loss predicts eventual weight nadir for breastfeeding newborns. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2013;98: 488-92.
  • Konetzny G, Bucher HU, Arlettaz R. Prevention of hypernatraemic dehydration in breastfed newborn infants by daily weighing. Eur J Pediatr 2009;168:815-8.
  • Bakar FT, Ozen A, Karatepe HÖ, Berber M, Ercan H. Impact of early weight loss on growth of Caesarean delivered babies: How long does it last? Child Care Health Dev 2012;38:706-13.
  • Cambonie G, Rey V, Sabarros S, Baum TP, Fournier-Favre S, Mazurier E, et al. Early postpartum discharge and breastfeeding: An observational study from France. Pediatr Int 2010;52:180-6.
  • Okoro PE, Enyindah CE. Time of passage of fi rst stool in newborns in a tertiary health facility in Southern Nigeria. Niger J Surg 2013;19: 20-2.
  • Kayıran SM, Eroğlu E, Kayıran P, Sazak S, Gürakan B. Meconium/ stool and urinary patterns of healthy newborns. Marmara Medical Journal 2012; 25:143-7.
  • Jackson GL, Kennedy KA, Sendelbach DM, Talley DH, Aldridge CL, Vedro DA, et al. Problem identifi cation in apparently well neonates: Implications for early discharge. Clin Pediatr 2000;39: 581-90.
  • Akın MA, Kavuncuoğlu S, Özbek S, ve ark. Erken taburcu olan yenidoğanlarda yeniden hastaneye yatış nedenleri ve sonuçları. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 2006;41:201-7.
  • Farhat R, Rajab M. Length of postnatal hospital stay in healthy newborns and re-hospitalization following early discharge. North Am J Med Sci 2011;3:146-51.
  • De Luca D, Carnielli VP, Paolillo P. Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and early discharge from the maternity ward. Eur J Pediatr 2009;168:1025-30.
  • Habip HS. Impact of discharge timings of healthy newborns on the rates and etiology of neonatal hospital readmissions. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 2013;23:715-9.

The First Day of Healthy Newborns Early Hospital Discharge and Causes of Readmission to Hospital

Year 2014, Volume: 8 Issue: 4, 192 - 195, 01.04.2014


Objective: Healthy newborns must stay at hospital 48 hours before discharge. During recent years there is a tendency for early newborn discharge. We studied the demographics of mothers and babies, fi rst day of healthy newborns, early hospital discharge and causes of readmission to hospital.Material and Methods: Hospital computer records, patients’ documents and birth entries were scanned retrospectively.Results: Mothers had a mean age of 27.95±5.30 years old, gestational age of babies was 38.67±1.23 weeks. Cesarean section (C/S) was the delivery method for 84.6% of mothers. Recurrent C/S was the most common (38.8%) reason for C/S. During fi rst day, mean weight loss of babies was 104.41±54.59 grams. Percentage of weight loss was 3.14±1.57. Infants born with C/S had signifi cantly more body weight loss in grams and percentage (p<0.001 and p<0.001 respectively). First urination time was 4.87±3.84 hours, babies had meconium passage in 7.86±5.45 (030) hours. Urine time in infants born with vajinal delivery was longer (p=0.006). Length of hospital stay was 26.71±13.13 hours. Readmission rate was 12.6% with in the fi rst month, hyperbilirubinemia was the most common (81.4%) reason for readmission. Conclusion: Early hospital discharge must be decided with parents and all the babies must be reevaluated in fi rst week


  • Atıcı A. Yenidoğanın değerlendirilmesi. In: Hasanoğlu E, Düşünsel R, Bideci A (eds). Temel Pediatri. Ankara: Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri, 2010:450- 5.
  • Vasarri PL. Discharge of the newborn: Timing, mode and controls. Early Human Development 2013; 89:S27-S8.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics. Committee on Fetus and Newborn. Hospital stay for healthy term newborns. Pediatrics 2010;125:405-9.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics. Committee on Fetus and Newborn. Hospital stay for healthy term newborns. Pediatrics 2004;113;1434-6.
  • Tekinalp G, Yurdakök M, Yiğit Ş, Korkmaz A. Yenidoğan bakımında Hacettepe uygulamaları. Ankara: Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri, 2009: 10-13.
  • Sadeh-Mestechkin D, Walfi sch A, Zeadna A, Shoham-Vardi I, Hallak I. Early post partum discharge: Is it possible? Arch Gynecol Obstet 2007; 276: 65-70.
  • Fink AM. Early hospital discharge in maternal and newborn care. JOGNN 2011; 40: 149-56.
  • Vanpée M, Rylander E, Bergius H, Marchini G. Early discharge for healthy newborn infants.The Scandinavian model. Archives de Pediatrie 2009;16:709-10.
  • Akman İ. Yenidoğanda sıvı-elektrolit tedavisi. In: Hasanoğlu E, Düşünsel R, Bideci A (eds). Temel Pediatri. Ankara: Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri, 2010: 458-61.
  • Flaherman VJ, Kuzniewicz MW, Li S, Walsh E, McCulloch CE, Newman TB. First-day weight loss predicts eventual weight nadir for breastfeeding newborns. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2013;98: 488-92.
  • Konetzny G, Bucher HU, Arlettaz R. Prevention of hypernatraemic dehydration in breastfed newborn infants by daily weighing. Eur J Pediatr 2009;168:815-8.
  • Bakar FT, Ozen A, Karatepe HÖ, Berber M, Ercan H. Impact of early weight loss on growth of Caesarean delivered babies: How long does it last? Child Care Health Dev 2012;38:706-13.
  • Cambonie G, Rey V, Sabarros S, Baum TP, Fournier-Favre S, Mazurier E, et al. Early postpartum discharge and breastfeeding: An observational study from France. Pediatr Int 2010;52:180-6.
  • Okoro PE, Enyindah CE. Time of passage of fi rst stool in newborns in a tertiary health facility in Southern Nigeria. Niger J Surg 2013;19: 20-2.
  • Kayıran SM, Eroğlu E, Kayıran P, Sazak S, Gürakan B. Meconium/ stool and urinary patterns of healthy newborns. Marmara Medical Journal 2012; 25:143-7.
  • Jackson GL, Kennedy KA, Sendelbach DM, Talley DH, Aldridge CL, Vedro DA, et al. Problem identifi cation in apparently well neonates: Implications for early discharge. Clin Pediatr 2000;39: 581-90.
  • Akın MA, Kavuncuoğlu S, Özbek S, ve ark. Erken taburcu olan yenidoğanlarda yeniden hastaneye yatış nedenleri ve sonuçları. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 2006;41:201-7.
  • Farhat R, Rajab M. Length of postnatal hospital stay in healthy newborns and re-hospitalization following early discharge. North Am J Med Sci 2011;3:146-51.
  • De Luca D, Carnielli VP, Paolillo P. Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and early discharge from the maternity ward. Eur J Pediatr 2009;168:1025-30.
  • Habip HS. Impact of discharge timings of healthy newborns on the rates and etiology of neonatal hospital readmissions. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 2013;23:715-9.
There are 20 citations in total.


Other ID JA88JP89DJ
Journal Section Research Article

Bayram Çoban This is me

Burhan Topal This is me

Fatih Aytekin This is me

Halit Kaplan This is me

Anıl Dolgun This is me

Nesrin Ülkü This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2014
Submission Date April 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 8 Issue: 4


APA Çoban, B., Topal, B., Aytekin, F., Kaplan, H., et al. (2014). The First Day of Healthy Newborns Early Hospital Discharge and Causes of Readmission to Hospital. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease, 8(4), 192-195.
AMA Çoban B, Topal B, Aytekin F, Kaplan H, Dolgun A, Ülkü N. The First Day of Healthy Newborns Early Hospital Discharge and Causes of Readmission to Hospital. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. April 2014;8(4):192-195.
Chicago Çoban, Bayram, Burhan Topal, Fatih Aytekin, Halit Kaplan, Anıl Dolgun, and Nesrin Ülkü. “The First Day of Healthy Newborns Early Hospital Discharge and Causes of Readmission to Hospital”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 8, no. 4 (April 2014): 192-95.
EndNote Çoban B, Topal B, Aytekin F, Kaplan H, Dolgun A, Ülkü N (April 1, 2014) The First Day of Healthy Newborns Early Hospital Discharge and Causes of Readmission to Hospital. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 8 4 192–195.
IEEE B. Çoban, B. Topal, F. Aytekin, H. Kaplan, A. Dolgun, and N. Ülkü, “The First Day of Healthy Newborns Early Hospital Discharge and Causes of Readmission to Hospital”, Turkish J Pediatr Dis, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 192–195, 2014.
ISNAD Çoban, Bayram et al. “The First Day of Healthy Newborns Early Hospital Discharge and Causes of Readmission to Hospital”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 8/4 (April 2014), 192-195.
JAMA Çoban B, Topal B, Aytekin F, Kaplan H, Dolgun A, Ülkü N. The First Day of Healthy Newborns Early Hospital Discharge and Causes of Readmission to Hospital. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2014;8:192–195.
MLA Çoban, Bayram et al. “The First Day of Healthy Newborns Early Hospital Discharge and Causes of Readmission to Hospital”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease, vol. 8, no. 4, 2014, pp. 192-5.
Vancouver Çoban B, Topal B, Aytekin F, Kaplan H, Dolgun A, Ülkü N. The First Day of Healthy Newborns Early Hospital Discharge and Causes of Readmission to Hospital. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2014;8(4):192-5.

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