Ellis-van Creveld (EvC) sendromu, otosomal resesif olarak kalıtılan nadir bir kondral ve ektodermal hastalıktır. Kondro ve ektodermal displazi, polidaktili ve konjenital kalp defektleri bu sendromun karakteristik bulgularıdır. Tek atrium ve endokardiyal yastık defektlerinin bu sendromda en sık rastlanan konjenital kalp defektleri olduğu bildirilmektedir. EvC sendromunun nadir görülmesi nedeni ile ekokardiyografik ve anjiyokardiyografik incelemede, tek atrium ve persistan sol süperior vena kava gibi doğumsal kalp anomalilerinin yanı sıra EvC sendromunun diğer klasik bulguları saptanan dört yaşındaki kız hasta sunulmuştur.
The Ellis-van Creveld (EvC) syndrome (EvC) is a rare chondral and ectodermal dysplasia inherited autosomal recessively. The EvC syndrome is characterized by chondrodysplasia and ectodermal dysplasia, polydactyly, and congenital cardiac defects. It is reported that common atrium and endocardial cushion defects are the most common congenital cardiac defects in patients with the EvC syndrome. Here, a four-year-old girl with the diagnostic features of EvC syndrome and a common atrium with persistent left superior vena cava demonstrated by echocardiographic and angiocardiographic investigations is described because of the rarity of this syndrome
Other ID | JA86ZP86HH |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | August 1, 2013 |
Submission Date | August 1, 2013 |
Published in Issue | Year 2013 Volume: 7 Issue: 2 |
The publication language of Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease is English.
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The aim of the Turkish Journal of Pediatrics is to publish high-quality original research articles that will contribute to the international literature in the field of general pediatric health and diseases and its sub-branches. It also publishes editorial opinions, letters to the editor, reviews, case reports, book reviews, comments on previously published articles, meeting and conference proceedings, announcements, and biography. In addition to the field of child health and diseases, the journal also includes articles prepared in fields such as surgery, dentistry, public health, nutrition and dietetics, social services, human genetics, basic sciences, psychology, psychiatry, educational sciences, sociology and nursing, provided that they are related to this field. can be published.