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Çocukluk Çağında Aktigrafi Kullanım

Year 2012, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 59 - 64, 01.12.2012


Uyku çocuğun sağlıklı büyümesinde önemli yer tutar. Bu nedenle uyku bozukluğu hem çocuk hem aile için büyük sorun yaratır. Son yıllarda geliştirilen aktigrafi çocuk ve adolesanlarda uyku ve uyanıklık siklusunu ölçen motor aktiviteleri hassas bir şekilde algılayan, el veya ayak bileklerine takılarak kullanılan, istirahat ve aktivite paternlerinin dijital ortamda kaydedilmesine ve depolanmasına olanak sağlayan; küçük, hafif, saat şeklinde taşınabilir cihazdır. İçerdiği mikrosensorların kapasitelerine bağlı olarak değişen sürelerle aktivite kaydı yapabilen ve non-dominant ele takılarak kullanılan bu cihazlar uyku günlükleri ile birlikte, uyku yakınması olan kişilerde uzun süreli uyku takibi amacı ile kullanılmaktadırlar. Çocukluk çağında uykuyu etkileyecek patolojiler aktigrafi ile tespit edilebilmektedir. Polisomnografiye alternatif olarak geliştirilen ve kullanımı kolay olan bu cihaz ile çocukluk çağı uyku bozuklukları kolayca tanınıp takip edilebilir.


  • Aydın H. Uyku. Uyku ve Bozuklukları, Editör Köroğlu E. HYB Basım Yayın, Ankara,2007;3-38.
  • Fisch BJ. Neurological aspects of sleep, Aminoff MJ Ed. Neu- rology and general medicine 2nd ed. USA; Churcill Livingsto- ne,1995;491-520.
  • Goodlin-Jones B, Tang K, Liu J, Anders TF. Sleep problems, sle- epiness and daytime behavior in preschool-age children. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 2009;50(12):1532-40.
  • Sadeh A, Hauri PJ, Kripke DF, Lavie P. The role of actigraphy in the evaluation of sleep disorders. Sleep 1995;18(4):288-302.
  • Sung M, Adamson TM, Horne RS. Validation of actigraphy for determining sleep and wake in preterm infants. Acta Paediatr 2009;98(1):52-7.
  • Pollak CP, Stokes PE, Wagner DR. Direct comparison of two wi- dely used activity recorders. Sleep 1998;21(2):207–12.
  • Nixon GM, Thompson JM, Han DY, Becroft DM, Clark PM, Ro- binson E,et al. Short Sleep Duration in Middle Childhood: Risk Factors and Consequences. Sleep 2008;31(1):71-8.
  • Sitnick SL, Goodlin-Jones BL, Anders TF. The Use of Actigraphy to Study Sleep Disorders in Preschoolers: Some Concerns about Detection of Nighttime Awakenings. Sleep 2008;31(3):395-401.
  • Yilmaz H, Iskesen I. Follow-up with objective and subjective tests of the sleep characteristics of patients after cardiac surgery. Circ J 2007;71(10):1506-10.
  • Jean-Louis G, von Gizycki H, Zizi F, Fookson J, Spielman A, Nu- nes J,et al. Determination of sleep and wakefulness with the actig- raph data analysis software (ADAS). Sleep 1996 ;19(9):739-43.
  • Sadeh A, Acebo C. The role of actigraphy in sleep medicine. Sleep Med Rev 2002;6(2):113-24.
  • Ancoli-Israel S, Cole R, Alessi C, Chambers M, Moorcroft W, Pol- lak CP. The role of actigraphy in the study of sleep and circadian rhytms. Sleep 2003;26(3):342-92.
  • Werner H, Molinari L, Guyer C, Jenni OG. Agreement rates bet- ween actigraphy, diary, and questionnaire for children’s sleep pat- terns. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2008;162(4):350-8.
  • Rama AN, Cho SC, Kushida CA. Normal human sleep. Lee- Chiong TL Ed. Sleep:A comprehensive handbook.1st edition, USA.John Wiley&Sons Inc.,2006;3-10.
  • Iwata S, Iwata O, Iemura A, Iwasaki M, Matsuishi T. Determinants of sleep patterns in healthy Japanese 5-year-old children.Int J Dev Neurosci 2011;29(1):57-62.
  • Geiger A, Achermann P, Jenni OG. Association between sleep du- ration and intelligence scores in healthy children. Dev Psychol 2010;46(4):949-54.
  • Capio CM, Sit CH, Abernethy B. Physical activity measurement using MTI (actigraph) among children with cerebral palsy. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2010;91(8):1283-90.
  • Armitage R, Flynn H, Hoffmann R, Vazquez D, Lopez J, Marcus S. Early developmental changes in sleep in infants: The impact of maternal depression. Sleep 2009;32(5):693-6.
  • Tininenko JR, Fisher PA, Bruce J, Pears KC. Associations between sleep and inattentive/hyperactive problem behavior among foster and community children. J Dev Behav Pediatr 2010;31(8):668-74.
  • Hatzinger M, Brand S, Perren S, Stadelmann S, von Wyl A, von Klitzing K, et al. Sleep actigraphy pattern and behavioral/emo- tional difficulties in kindergarten children: Association with hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) activity. J Psychiatr Res 2010;44(4):253-61.
  • Yuksel H, Sogut A, Yilmaz H, Yilmaz O, Dinc G. Sleep actigraphy evidence of improved sleep after treatment of allergic rhinitis. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2009;103(4):290-4.
  • Kobayashi S, Hayashi K, Koyama S, Tsubaki H, Itano T, Momo- mura M,et al. Actigraphy for the assessment of sleep quality in pe- diatric atopic dermatitis patients. Arerugi 2010;59(6):706-15.


Year 2012, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 59 - 64, 01.12.2012


Sleeping is an important factor for the growth of children in a healthy way. Therefore, sleeping disturbances may cause serious problems both for children and their families. Recently developed actigraphy is a small and light device, portable like a watch to perceive motor activities which measures sleep and wakefulness cycles sensitively in children and adolescents, worn on hand and foot ankles, enables resting and activity patterns to be recorded and stored in a digital media. These devices, that can record activities in variable periods depending on capacities of microsensors that they include and worn on non-dominant hand are being used for long term follow-up of sleeping with sleeping diaries of people who complain about sleeping disturbances. The pathologies that will affect sleeping during childhood can be detected by actigraphy. Sleeping disturbances of childhood can easily be identified and followed with this device which can easily be used and was developed as an alternative to polysomnography


  • Aydın H. Uyku. Uyku ve Bozuklukları, Editör Köroğlu E. HYB Basım Yayın, Ankara,2007;3-38.
  • Fisch BJ. Neurological aspects of sleep, Aminoff MJ Ed. Neu- rology and general medicine 2nd ed. USA; Churcill Livingsto- ne,1995;491-520.
  • Goodlin-Jones B, Tang K, Liu J, Anders TF. Sleep problems, sle- epiness and daytime behavior in preschool-age children. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 2009;50(12):1532-40.
  • Sadeh A, Hauri PJ, Kripke DF, Lavie P. The role of actigraphy in the evaluation of sleep disorders. Sleep 1995;18(4):288-302.
  • Sung M, Adamson TM, Horne RS. Validation of actigraphy for determining sleep and wake in preterm infants. Acta Paediatr 2009;98(1):52-7.
  • Pollak CP, Stokes PE, Wagner DR. Direct comparison of two wi- dely used activity recorders. Sleep 1998;21(2):207–12.
  • Nixon GM, Thompson JM, Han DY, Becroft DM, Clark PM, Ro- binson E,et al. Short Sleep Duration in Middle Childhood: Risk Factors and Consequences. Sleep 2008;31(1):71-8.
  • Sitnick SL, Goodlin-Jones BL, Anders TF. The Use of Actigraphy to Study Sleep Disorders in Preschoolers: Some Concerns about Detection of Nighttime Awakenings. Sleep 2008;31(3):395-401.
  • Yilmaz H, Iskesen I. Follow-up with objective and subjective tests of the sleep characteristics of patients after cardiac surgery. Circ J 2007;71(10):1506-10.
  • Jean-Louis G, von Gizycki H, Zizi F, Fookson J, Spielman A, Nu- nes J,et al. Determination of sleep and wakefulness with the actig- raph data analysis software (ADAS). Sleep 1996 ;19(9):739-43.
  • Sadeh A, Acebo C. The role of actigraphy in sleep medicine. Sleep Med Rev 2002;6(2):113-24.
  • Ancoli-Israel S, Cole R, Alessi C, Chambers M, Moorcroft W, Pol- lak CP. The role of actigraphy in the study of sleep and circadian rhytms. Sleep 2003;26(3):342-92.
  • Werner H, Molinari L, Guyer C, Jenni OG. Agreement rates bet- ween actigraphy, diary, and questionnaire for children’s sleep pat- terns. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2008;162(4):350-8.
  • Rama AN, Cho SC, Kushida CA. Normal human sleep. Lee- Chiong TL Ed. Sleep:A comprehensive handbook.1st edition, USA.John Wiley&Sons Inc.,2006;3-10.
  • Iwata S, Iwata O, Iemura A, Iwasaki M, Matsuishi T. Determinants of sleep patterns in healthy Japanese 5-year-old children.Int J Dev Neurosci 2011;29(1):57-62.
  • Geiger A, Achermann P, Jenni OG. Association between sleep du- ration and intelligence scores in healthy children. Dev Psychol 2010;46(4):949-54.
  • Capio CM, Sit CH, Abernethy B. Physical activity measurement using MTI (actigraph) among children with cerebral palsy. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2010;91(8):1283-90.
  • Armitage R, Flynn H, Hoffmann R, Vazquez D, Lopez J, Marcus S. Early developmental changes in sleep in infants: The impact of maternal depression. Sleep 2009;32(5):693-6.
  • Tininenko JR, Fisher PA, Bruce J, Pears KC. Associations between sleep and inattentive/hyperactive problem behavior among foster and community children. J Dev Behav Pediatr 2010;31(8):668-74.
  • Hatzinger M, Brand S, Perren S, Stadelmann S, von Wyl A, von Klitzing K, et al. Sleep actigraphy pattern and behavioral/emo- tional difficulties in kindergarten children: Association with hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) activity. J Psychiatr Res 2010;44(4):253-61.
  • Yuksel H, Sogut A, Yilmaz H, Yilmaz O, Dinc G. Sleep actigraphy evidence of improved sleep after treatment of allergic rhinitis. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2009;103(4):290-4.
  • Kobayashi S, Hayashi K, Koyama S, Tsubaki H, Itano T, Momo- mura M,et al. Actigraphy for the assessment of sleep quality in pe- diatric atopic dermatitis patients. Arerugi 2010;59(6):706-15.
There are 22 citations in total.


Other ID JA69MN54NU
Journal Section Research Article

Pelin Ertan This is me

Senem Alkan This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2012
Submission Date December 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Ertan, P., & Alkan, S. (2012). ACTIGRAPHY APPLICATIONS IN CHILDREN. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, 6(1), 59-64.
AMA Ertan P, Alkan S. ACTIGRAPHY APPLICATIONS IN CHILDREN. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. December 2012;6(1):59-64.
Chicago Ertan, Pelin, and Senem Alkan. “ACTIGRAPHY APPLICATIONS IN CHILDREN”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 6, no. 1 (December 2012): 59-64.
EndNote Ertan P, Alkan S (December 1, 2012) ACTIGRAPHY APPLICATIONS IN CHILDREN. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 6 1 59–64.
IEEE P. Ertan and S. Alkan, “ACTIGRAPHY APPLICATIONS IN CHILDREN”, Turkish J Pediatr Dis, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 59–64, 2012.
ISNAD Ertan, Pelin - Alkan, Senem. “ACTIGRAPHY APPLICATIONS IN CHILDREN”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 6/1 (December 2012), 59-64.
JAMA Ertan P, Alkan S. ACTIGRAPHY APPLICATIONS IN CHILDREN. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2012;6:59–64.
MLA Ertan, Pelin and Senem Alkan. “ACTIGRAPHY APPLICATIONS IN CHILDREN”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 1, 2012, pp. 59-64.
Vancouver Ertan P, Alkan S. ACTIGRAPHY APPLICATIONS IN CHILDREN. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2012;6(1):59-64.

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