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Önceden Sağlıklı Olan Yenidoğanlarda Gelişen Metabolik Asidoz Nedenleri ve Prognoz

Year 2011, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 162 - 168, 01.06.2011


Amaç: Yenidoğanlarda perinatal asfiksi sonucu oluşan metabolik asidoz dışında, geç metabolik asidoz ciddi hastalıklar nedeniyle oluşmakta ve geriye dönüşümsüz sonuçlara neden olabilmektedir.Metod: Yenidoğan ünitemize yatırılan, perinatal asfiksisi olmayan, gestasyon yaşı >35 hafta olup şok bulgularıyla başvuran yenidoğanlar retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Başvuru sırasında arteriyel pH≤7.30, HCO3≤16 mmol/L, baz açığı≥8 mmol/L olup NaHCO3 infüzyonu uygulananlar çalışmaya alındı. Etiyolojik nedenler, kan gazlarına NaHCO3 infüzyonunun etkisi ve prognozu etkileyen faktörler incelendi.Bulgular: Hastanemize Ekim 2009/Eylül 2010 tarihlerinde yatırılan 1284 yenidoğandan 32 term ve geç prematürede başvuruda şok bulguları olup geç metabolik asidoz nedeniyle NaHCO3 defisiti verilmişti. Hastaların hipovolemik, septik, kardiyojenik şok oranları sırasıyla %21.9, %28.1, %50; kompanse, dekompanse, geriye dönüşsüz şok evreleri ise %21.9, %37.5, %40.6 idi. Olgularda dissemine intravasküler koagülasyon (%43.8), çoklu organ yetmezliği (%28.1), akut böbrek yetmezliği (%21.9), karaciğer yetmezliğinin (%20.5) eşlik ettiği görüldü. Geç metabolik asidoz en sık doğumsal kalp hastalıkları [büyük damarların transpozisyonu, pulmoner atrezi, koarktasyon, kesintili arkus, kardiyomiyopati, atriyo-ventriküler kanal defekti; (%31.3)], sepsis (%28.1), akut böbrek yetmezliği (%18.8), doğuştan metabolizma hastalıkları [propiyonik asidemi, metil-malonik asidemi, sitrulinemi, galaktozemi, leprechaunism (%18.8)] nedenleriyle gelişmişti. NaHCO3 defisiti verildikten sonra serum pH, HCO3 ve baz fazlalığının düzeldiği saptandı (p<0.05). Mortalite oranı %28.1 idi; mekanik ventilasyon, konjenital kalp hastalığı, sepsis, doğumsal anomaliler, başvurudaki pH-pO2-pCO2- potasyum-kalsiyum-ürikasit-PT-INR düzeyleri, anyon açığı, NTISS skoruyla mortalite ilişkisi anlamlıydı (p<0.05). Kaybedilen 9 yenidoğanın NTISS skorları daha yüksekti (p=0.001).Sonuç: Yenidoğanlarda akut geç metabolik asidoz ciddi hastalıklar nedeniyle oluşmakta ve mortalitesi yüksek olabilmektedir. NaHCO3 defisit tedavisinin, diğer destek tedavilerle birlikte uygulanması asidozun düzelmesine katkı sağlamaktadır.


  • Walter JH. Metabolic acidosis in newborn infants. Arch Dis Child 1992;67(7):767–9.
  • Kraut JA, Madias NE. Metabolic acidosis: pathophysi- ology, diagnosis and management. Nat Rev Nephrol 2010;6(5):274-85.
  • Barela TD, Johnson JD, Hayek A. Metabolic acidosis in the newborn period. Clin Endocrinol Metab 1983;12(2):429-46.
  • Kiesewetter WB, Turner CR, Sieber WK. Imperforate anus. Review of a sixteen year experience with 146 patients. Am J Surg 1964;107:412-21.
  • Alon U, Berant M, Bar-Maor JA. Hyperchloremic meta- bolic acidosis as a clue to recto-urethral fistula in an infant with anal atresia. Int J Pediatr Nephrol 1986;7(2): 121-4.
  • Menon PA, Thach BT, Smith CH, Landt M, Roberts JL, Hillman RE,et al. Benzyl alcohol toxicity in a neonatal in- tensive care unit. Incidence, symptomatology, and mortal- ity. Am J Perinatol 1984;1(4):288-92.
  • Groh-Wargo S, Ciaccia A, Moore J. Neonatal metabolic acidosis: effect of chloride from normal saline flushes. J Parenter Enteral Nutr 1988;12(2):159-61.
  • Rennie JM. Transcutaneous carbon dioxide monitoring. Arch Dis Child 1990;65(4): 345-6.
  • Fok TF, So LY, Lee NN, Leung RK, Wong W, Cheung KL, et al. metabolic acidosis and poor weight gain in moder- ately pre-term babies fed with a casein-predominant for- mula: a continuing need for caution. Ann Trop Paediatr 1989;9(4):243-7.
  • Harrison HL, Linshaw MA, Bergen JS, McGeeney T. Goat milk acidosis. J Pediatr 1979;94(6):927-9.
  • Low JA, Froese AF, Galbraith RS, Sauerbrei EE, McK- inven JP, Karchmar EJ. The association of fetal and new- born metabolic acidosis with severe periventricular leu- komalacia in the preterm newborn. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1990;162(4):977-82.
  • Beveridge CJ, Wilkinson AR. Sodium bicarbonate infusion during resuscitation of infants at birth. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006;25(1):CD004864.
  • Aschner JL, Poland RL. Sodium bicarbonate: basically use- less therapy. Pediatrics 2008;122(4):831-5.
  • JA Kraut, Madias NE. Serum anion gap: its uses and limitations in clinical medicine. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2007;2(1):162-74.
  • Gray JE, Richardson DK, McCormick MC, Workman-Dan- iels K, Goldmann DA. Neonatal therapeutic intervention scoring system: a therapy-based severity-of-illness index. Pediatrics 1992;90(4):561-7.
  • Jonsson M, Nordén-Lindeberg S, Ostlund I, Hanson U. Metabolic acidosis at birth and suboptimal care-illustration of the gap between knowledge and clinical practice. BJOG 2009;116(11):1453-60.
  • Berg CS, Barnette AR, Myers BJ, Shimony MK, Barton AW, Inder TE. Sodium bicarbonate administration and out- come in preterm infants. J Pediatr 2010;157(4): 684-7.
  • Howell JH. Sodium bicarbonate in the perinatal setting- revisited. Clin Perinatol 1987; 14(4):807-16.
  • Papile LA, Burstein J, Burstein R, Koffler H, Koops B. Relationship of intravenous sodium bicarbonate infu- sions and cerebral intraventricular hemorrhage. J Pediatr 1978;93(5):834-6.
  • Lou HC, Lassen NA, Fris-Hansen B. Decreased cere- bral blood flow after administration of sodium bicarbon- ate in the distressed newborn infant. Acta Neurol Scand 1978;57(3):239-47.


Year 2011, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 162 - 168, 01.06.2011


Background: Late neonatal metabolic acidosis except for metabolic asidosis secondary to perinatal asphyxia generally caused by severe diseases and results in irreversible adverse outcomes. Method: The findings of hospitalized neonates without perinatal asphyxia and with gestational age>35 weeks and clinical findings of shock were analysed retrospectively. At admission, the neonates with pH≤7.30, HCO3≤16 mmol/L, base excess≥8 mmol/L, and requirement of NaHCO3 infusion were included in the study. The etiology for metabolic asidosis, factors affecting prognosis, and the effect of NaHCO3 infusion on blood gases were investigated in this study. Results: Among 1284 newborns hospitalized in our hospital between October, 2009 and September, 2010; 32 neonates with significant metabolic acidosis and clinical findings of shock required NaHCO3 infusion. Hypovolemic, septic, and cardiogenic shock were determined in 21.9%, 28.1%, and 50% of neonates; retrospectively. The stages of shock were defined as compensated, decompensated, and irreversible shock in 21.9%, 37.5%, 40.6% of neonates; respectively. There were also accompanied disseminated intravascular coagulation (43.8%), multiple organ failure (28.1%), liver failure (20.5%), and acute renal failure (21.9%) in neonates with metabolic asidosis. The most common etiological disorders for development of late metabolic asidosis were congenital heart diseases [transposition of great arteries, pulmonary atresia, coarctation, aortic interruption, cardiomyopathy, atrio-ventricular canal defect (31.3%)], sepsis (28.1%), acute renal failure (18.8%), inborn errors of metabolism [propionic acidemia, methyl-malonic acidemia, citrullinemia, galactosemia, leprechaunism (18.8%)].After the infusion of NaHCO3; a statistically significant improvement was detected on parameters of pH, HCO3, and base excess (p<0.05). The mortality rate was 28.1% in this series. The relationship between mortality and requirement of mechanical ventilation; the diagnosis of congenital heart disease, septicemia, congenital anomalies; serum levels of pH, pO2, pCO2, K+, Ca++, uric acid, PT, INR, anion gap, NTISS was found to be statistically significant (p<0.05). Nine neonates who was lost had higher NTISS scores than the neonates who were not lost (p= 0.017). Conclusion: Late neonatal metabolic acidosis is often associated with severe diseases, and may have high mortality rates. NaHCO3 infusion together with other supportive therapies may contribute to the improvement of the asidosis


  • Walter JH. Metabolic acidosis in newborn infants. Arch Dis Child 1992;67(7):767–9.
  • Kraut JA, Madias NE. Metabolic acidosis: pathophysi- ology, diagnosis and management. Nat Rev Nephrol 2010;6(5):274-85.
  • Barela TD, Johnson JD, Hayek A. Metabolic acidosis in the newborn period. Clin Endocrinol Metab 1983;12(2):429-46.
  • Kiesewetter WB, Turner CR, Sieber WK. Imperforate anus. Review of a sixteen year experience with 146 patients. Am J Surg 1964;107:412-21.
  • Alon U, Berant M, Bar-Maor JA. Hyperchloremic meta- bolic acidosis as a clue to recto-urethral fistula in an infant with anal atresia. Int J Pediatr Nephrol 1986;7(2): 121-4.
  • Menon PA, Thach BT, Smith CH, Landt M, Roberts JL, Hillman RE,et al. Benzyl alcohol toxicity in a neonatal in- tensive care unit. Incidence, symptomatology, and mortal- ity. Am J Perinatol 1984;1(4):288-92.
  • Groh-Wargo S, Ciaccia A, Moore J. Neonatal metabolic acidosis: effect of chloride from normal saline flushes. J Parenter Enteral Nutr 1988;12(2):159-61.
  • Rennie JM. Transcutaneous carbon dioxide monitoring. Arch Dis Child 1990;65(4): 345-6.
  • Fok TF, So LY, Lee NN, Leung RK, Wong W, Cheung KL, et al. metabolic acidosis and poor weight gain in moder- ately pre-term babies fed with a casein-predominant for- mula: a continuing need for caution. Ann Trop Paediatr 1989;9(4):243-7.
  • Harrison HL, Linshaw MA, Bergen JS, McGeeney T. Goat milk acidosis. J Pediatr 1979;94(6):927-9.
  • Low JA, Froese AF, Galbraith RS, Sauerbrei EE, McK- inven JP, Karchmar EJ. The association of fetal and new- born metabolic acidosis with severe periventricular leu- komalacia in the preterm newborn. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1990;162(4):977-82.
  • Beveridge CJ, Wilkinson AR. Sodium bicarbonate infusion during resuscitation of infants at birth. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006;25(1):CD004864.
  • Aschner JL, Poland RL. Sodium bicarbonate: basically use- less therapy. Pediatrics 2008;122(4):831-5.
  • JA Kraut, Madias NE. Serum anion gap: its uses and limitations in clinical medicine. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2007;2(1):162-74.
  • Gray JE, Richardson DK, McCormick MC, Workman-Dan- iels K, Goldmann DA. Neonatal therapeutic intervention scoring system: a therapy-based severity-of-illness index. Pediatrics 1992;90(4):561-7.
  • Jonsson M, Nordén-Lindeberg S, Ostlund I, Hanson U. Metabolic acidosis at birth and suboptimal care-illustration of the gap between knowledge and clinical practice. BJOG 2009;116(11):1453-60.
  • Berg CS, Barnette AR, Myers BJ, Shimony MK, Barton AW, Inder TE. Sodium bicarbonate administration and out- come in preterm infants. J Pediatr 2010;157(4): 684-7.
  • Howell JH. Sodium bicarbonate in the perinatal setting- revisited. Clin Perinatol 1987; 14(4):807-16.
  • Papile LA, Burstein J, Burstein R, Koffler H, Koops B. Relationship of intravenous sodium bicarbonate infu- sions and cerebral intraventricular hemorrhage. J Pediatr 1978;93(5):834-6.
  • Lou HC, Lassen NA, Fris-Hansen B. Decreased cere- bral blood flow after administration of sodium bicarbon- ate in the distressed newborn infant. Acta Neurol Scand 1978;57(3):239-47.
There are 20 citations in total.


Other ID JA88ET55UJ
Journal Section Research Article

Sevim Ünal This is me

Leyla Bilgin This is me

M. Yekta Öncel This is me

Mehmet Gündüz This is me

Filiz Ekici This is me

İ. İlker Çetin This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2011
Submission Date June 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 5 Issue: 3


Vancouver Ünal S, Bilgin L, Öncel MY, Gündüz M, Ekici F, Çetin İİ. ETIOLOGY OF METABOLIC ACIDOSIS IN PREVIOUSLY HEALTHY NEONATES AND ITS PROGNOSIS. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. 2011;5(3):162-8.

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