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Doğum Şekli Ve Anneye Uygulanan Anestezi Tipinin Postnatal Erken Dönemde Yeni Doğanlarda Görülen Tartı Kaybına Etkileri

Year 2009, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 31 - 40, 01.12.2009


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, doğum şekli ve anneye uygulanan anestezinin, yenidoğanlarda, erken postnatal dönemde görülen tartı kaybına etkisi olup olmadığını belirlemek amaçlandı. Materyal ve Metod: Retrospektif olarak gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmaya, Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’nde doğan ve herhangi bir nedenle yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesine yatırılmayan, konjenital anomalisi olmayan, formula desteği almayan ve sadece anne sütü ile beslenen 1463 yenidoğan dahil edildi. Yenidoğanlar, doğum şekli ve anneye uygulanan anestezi tipine göre; normal spontan vajinal yolla doğup annesine anestezi uygulanmayan, annesine epidural anestezi uygulanan, sezaryenle doğup annesine genel anestezi veya epidural anestezi uygulanan olmak üzere 4 alt gruba ayrıldılar. Çalışmaya alınan tüm yenidoğanlar, postnatal 2., 3., 5. ve 7. günlerde tartıldı ve tartı alımı ve kayıpları (% olarak) kaydedildi. Bulgular: Yenidoğanlarda postnatal 2., 3., 5. ve 7. günlerdeki tartı kayıpları sırasıyla %5.3±2.7, %5.8±3.0, %4.6±3.2 and %2.2±2.4 olarak bulundu. Maksimum tartı kaybı postnatal 3. günde (%5.8) gerçekleşti. Sezaryen ile doğan yenidoğanlarda tartı kaybı, vajinal yolla doğanlara göre (p<0.05) ve annesine epidural anestezi uygulananlarda, genel anestezi uygulananlara göre (p<0.05) daha fazla bulundu. Sonuç: Yenidoğanlarda postnatal tartı kaybı, doğum şekli ve anneye uygulanan anestezi tipine göre farklılık göstermektedir. Bildirilen bu sonuçlar ışığında, yenidoğanlarda postnatal erken dönemde tartı kaybı değerlendirilirken, doğum şekli ve anestezi tipinin de gözönünde bulundurulması gerekmektedir.


  • Abboud TK, Nagappala S, Murakawa K, David S, Haroutunian S, Zakarian M, Yanagi T, Sheikh-Ol-Eslam A. Comparison of the effects of general and regional anesthesia for cesarean section on neonatal neurologic and adaptive capacity scores. Anesth Analg 1985;64:996-1000.
  • Lussos SA: Anesthesia for cesarean delivery. In: Datta S (ed): Common Problems in Obstetric Anesthesia. St Louis: CV Mosby,1995:203-227.
  • Petropoulos G, Siristatidis C, Salamalekis E, Creatsas G. Spinal and epidural versus general anesthesia for elective cesarean section at term: effect on the acid-base status of the mother and new- born. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2003;13:260-266.
  • Rout CC, Rocke DA. Prevention of hypotension following spinal anesthesia for cesarian section. Int Anesthesiol Clin 1994;32:117- 135.
  • Riley ET, Cohen SE, Rubenstein AJ, Flanagan B. Prevention of hypotension after spinal anesthesia for cesarian section: six per- cent hetastarch versus lactated ringers solution. Anesth Analg 1995;81:838-842.
  • Avoa A, Fischer P. The influence of perinatal instruction about breastfeeding on neonatal weight loss. Pediatrics 1990;86:313- 315.
  • Rodriguez G, Ventura P, Samper MP, Moreno L, Sarria A, Perez- Gonzalez JM. Changes in body composition during the initial ho- urs of life in breast-fed healthy term newborns. Biol Neonate 2000;77:12-16.
  • Marchini G, Stock S. Thirst and vasopressin secretion counteract dehydration in newborn infants. J Pediatr 1997;130:736-739.
  • Bishop NJ, King FJ, Lucas A. Linear growth in the early neonatal period. Arch Dis Child 1990;65:707-708.
  • Brace RA: Fluid distribution in the fetus and neonate. In: Polin RA, Fox WW (eds): Fetal and Neonatal Physiology. WB Saunders: Philadelphia, 1998:1703-1713.
  • Lapillonne A, Braillon P, Claris O, Chatelain PG, Delmas PD, Salle BL. Body composition in appropriate and in small for gestational age infants. Acta Paediatr 1997;86:196-200.
  • Bauer K, Bovermann G, Roithmaier A, Gotz M, Proiss A, Vers- mold HT. Body composition, nutrition, and fluid balance during the first two weeks of life in preterm neonates weighing less than 1500 grams. J Pediatr 1991;118:615-620.
  • vd Wagen A, Okken A, Zweens J, Zijlstra WG. Composition of postnatal weight loss and subsequent weight gain in small for da- tes newborn infants. Acta Paediatr Scand 1985;74:57-61.
  • Heimler R, Doumas BT, Jendrzejczak BM, Nemeth PB, Hoffman RG, Nelin LD. Relationship between nutrition, weight change, and fluid compartments in preterm infants during the first week of life. J Pediatr 1993;122:110-114.
  • Offringa PJ, Boersma ER. Differences in early neonatal growth patterns between several developing countries and some industri- alized societies. Hum Nutr Clin Nutr 1987;41:307-310.
  • Bauer K, Versmold H. Postnatal weight loss in preterm neonates less than 1,500 g is due to isotonic dehydration of the extracellular volume. Acta Paediatr Scand Suppl 1989;360:37-42.
  • Tulassay T. Role of atrial natriuretic peptide in the postnatal adap- tation of term and preterm infants. Contrib Nephrol 1988;76:138- 144.
  • Enzunga A, Fischer PR. Neonatal weight loss in rural Zaire. Ann Trop Paediatr 1990;10:159-163.
  • Martens PJ, Romphf L. Factors associated with newborn in- hospital weight loss: comparisons by feeding method, demograp- hics, and birthing procedures. J Hum Lact 2007;23:233-241.
  • Dollberg S, Lahav S, Mimouni FB. A comparison of intakes of breast-fed and bottle-fed infants during the first two days of life. J Am Coll Nutr 2001;20:209-211.
  • Marchini G, Fried G, Ostlund E, Hagenas L. Plasma leptin in infants: relations to birth weight and weight loss. Pediatrics 1998;101:429-432.
  • Modi N, Betremieux P, Midgley J, Hartnoll G. Postnatal weight loss and contraction of the extracellular compartment is triggered by atrial natriuretic peptide. Early hum Dev 2000;59:201-208.
  • Menacker F, Declercq E, Macdorman MF. Cesarean Deli- very: Background, Trends, and Epidemiology. Semin Perinatol 2006;30:235-241.
  • Bailit JL, Love TE, Mercer B. Rising cesarean rates: Are patients sicker? Am J Obstet Gynecol 2004;191:800-803.
  • Lubchenco LO, Hansman C, Boyd E. Intrauterine growth in length and head circumference as estimated from live births at gestational ages from 26 to 42 weeks. Pediatrics 1966;37:403-408. Tjon A Ten WE, Kusin JA, de With C. Early postnatal growth of Basotho infants in the Mantsonyane area, Lesotho. Ann Trop Paediatr 1986;6:195-198.
  • Tulassay T, Seri I, Rascher W. Atrial natriuretic peptide and 27.
  • extracellular volume control after birth. Acta Paediatr Scand 1987;76:444-446.
  • Bauer K, Cowett RM, Howard GM, vanEpp J, Oh W. Effect of intrauterine growth retardation on postnatal weight change in pre- term infants. J Pediatr 1993;123:301-306.
  • Hall RT, Mercer AM, Teasley SL, McPherson DM, Simon SD, Santos SR, Meyers BM, Hipsh NE. A breastfeeding assessment score to evaluate the risk for cessation of breast-feeding by 7 to 10 days of age. J Pediatr 2002;141:659-664.
  • Sener EB, Guldogus F, Karakaya D, Baris S, Kocamanoglu S, Tur A. Comparison of neonatal effects of epidural and general anest- hesia for cesarian section. Gynecol Obstet Invest 2003;55:41-45.
  • Cody RJ, Atlas SA, Laragh JH, Kubo SH, Covit AB, Ryman KS, Shaknovich A, Pondolfino K, Clark M, Camargo MJ. Atrial natri- uretic factor in normal subjects and heart failure patients. Plasma levels and renal, hormonal, and hemodynamic responses to pepti- de infusion. J Clin Invest 1986;78:1362-1374.
  • Rascher W, Bald M, Kreis J, Tulassay T, Heinrich U, Scharer K. Atrial natriuretic peptide in infants and children. Hormone Res 1987;28:58-63.
  • Laatikainen T, Hakkinen L, Nikkila L, Leppaluoto J, Vuolteenaho O. Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and N-terminal peptide of proANP (NT-proANP) in maternal and umbilical cord plasma in spontaneous labor and at elective cesarean section. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 1992;46:11-17.
  • Gemelli M, Mami C, Manganaro R, Stelitano L, Bonaccorsi P, Martino F. Effects of the mode of delivery on ANP and renin- aldosterone system in the fetus and the neonate. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 1992;43:181-184.


Year 2009, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 31 - 40, 01.12.2009


Aim: Our objective was to evaluate the effects of birth route and type of maternal anesthesia on weight loss in newborns in the early postnatal period. Material and Methods: All newborns who were born in Gazi University Medical Faculty in the study period without any congenital anomalies, completely breastfed and who were not hospitalized in neonatal intensive care unit were included in this retrospective study.Newborns were grouped according to mode of delivery (vaginal delivery or cesarean section) and type of maternal anesthesia (no anesthesia, epidural anesthesia, general anesthesia). All newborns who included in the study were evaluated for the postnatal weight loss (% of birth weight) at least once on the 2nd, 3rd, 5th and/or 7th day of life. Results: There were 1463 newborns who met the inclusion criteria. Average weight losses on the 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 7th days of life were 5.3±2.7%, 5.8±3.0%, 4.6±3.2% and 2.2±2.4%, respectively. Maximum weight loss (5.8%) occured on postnatal 3rd day. Newborns born by cesarean section lost more weight than those born vaginally (p<0.05) and newborns whose mothers were applied epidural anesthesia lost more weight than those whose mothers were applied general anesthesia (p<0.05). Conclusion: Postnatal weight loss pattern is different among newborns, according to mode of delivery and type of maternal anesthesia. According to our results, in evaluating early postnatal weight loss in newborns, mode of delivery an type of maternal anesthesia must be kept in mind


  • Abboud TK, Nagappala S, Murakawa K, David S, Haroutunian S, Zakarian M, Yanagi T, Sheikh-Ol-Eslam A. Comparison of the effects of general and regional anesthesia for cesarean section on neonatal neurologic and adaptive capacity scores. Anesth Analg 1985;64:996-1000.
  • Lussos SA: Anesthesia for cesarean delivery. In: Datta S (ed): Common Problems in Obstetric Anesthesia. St Louis: CV Mosby,1995:203-227.
  • Petropoulos G, Siristatidis C, Salamalekis E, Creatsas G. Spinal and epidural versus general anesthesia for elective cesarean section at term: effect on the acid-base status of the mother and new- born. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2003;13:260-266.
  • Rout CC, Rocke DA. Prevention of hypotension following spinal anesthesia for cesarian section. Int Anesthesiol Clin 1994;32:117- 135.
  • Riley ET, Cohen SE, Rubenstein AJ, Flanagan B. Prevention of hypotension after spinal anesthesia for cesarian section: six per- cent hetastarch versus lactated ringers solution. Anesth Analg 1995;81:838-842.
  • Avoa A, Fischer P. The influence of perinatal instruction about breastfeeding on neonatal weight loss. Pediatrics 1990;86:313- 315.
  • Rodriguez G, Ventura P, Samper MP, Moreno L, Sarria A, Perez- Gonzalez JM. Changes in body composition during the initial ho- urs of life in breast-fed healthy term newborns. Biol Neonate 2000;77:12-16.
  • Marchini G, Stock S. Thirst and vasopressin secretion counteract dehydration in newborn infants. J Pediatr 1997;130:736-739.
  • Bishop NJ, King FJ, Lucas A. Linear growth in the early neonatal period. Arch Dis Child 1990;65:707-708.
  • Brace RA: Fluid distribution in the fetus and neonate. In: Polin RA, Fox WW (eds): Fetal and Neonatal Physiology. WB Saunders: Philadelphia, 1998:1703-1713.
  • Lapillonne A, Braillon P, Claris O, Chatelain PG, Delmas PD, Salle BL. Body composition in appropriate and in small for gestational age infants. Acta Paediatr 1997;86:196-200.
  • Bauer K, Bovermann G, Roithmaier A, Gotz M, Proiss A, Vers- mold HT. Body composition, nutrition, and fluid balance during the first two weeks of life in preterm neonates weighing less than 1500 grams. J Pediatr 1991;118:615-620.
  • vd Wagen A, Okken A, Zweens J, Zijlstra WG. Composition of postnatal weight loss and subsequent weight gain in small for da- tes newborn infants. Acta Paediatr Scand 1985;74:57-61.
  • Heimler R, Doumas BT, Jendrzejczak BM, Nemeth PB, Hoffman RG, Nelin LD. Relationship between nutrition, weight change, and fluid compartments in preterm infants during the first week of life. J Pediatr 1993;122:110-114.
  • Offringa PJ, Boersma ER. Differences in early neonatal growth patterns between several developing countries and some industri- alized societies. Hum Nutr Clin Nutr 1987;41:307-310.
  • Bauer K, Versmold H. Postnatal weight loss in preterm neonates less than 1,500 g is due to isotonic dehydration of the extracellular volume. Acta Paediatr Scand Suppl 1989;360:37-42.
  • Tulassay T. Role of atrial natriuretic peptide in the postnatal adap- tation of term and preterm infants. Contrib Nephrol 1988;76:138- 144.
  • Enzunga A, Fischer PR. Neonatal weight loss in rural Zaire. Ann Trop Paediatr 1990;10:159-163.
  • Martens PJ, Romphf L. Factors associated with newborn in- hospital weight loss: comparisons by feeding method, demograp- hics, and birthing procedures. J Hum Lact 2007;23:233-241.
  • Dollberg S, Lahav S, Mimouni FB. A comparison of intakes of breast-fed and bottle-fed infants during the first two days of life. J Am Coll Nutr 2001;20:209-211.
  • Marchini G, Fried G, Ostlund E, Hagenas L. Plasma leptin in infants: relations to birth weight and weight loss. Pediatrics 1998;101:429-432.
  • Modi N, Betremieux P, Midgley J, Hartnoll G. Postnatal weight loss and contraction of the extracellular compartment is triggered by atrial natriuretic peptide. Early hum Dev 2000;59:201-208.
  • Menacker F, Declercq E, Macdorman MF. Cesarean Deli- very: Background, Trends, and Epidemiology. Semin Perinatol 2006;30:235-241.
  • Bailit JL, Love TE, Mercer B. Rising cesarean rates: Are patients sicker? Am J Obstet Gynecol 2004;191:800-803.
  • Lubchenco LO, Hansman C, Boyd E. Intrauterine growth in length and head circumference as estimated from live births at gestational ages from 26 to 42 weeks. Pediatrics 1966;37:403-408. Tjon A Ten WE, Kusin JA, de With C. Early postnatal growth of Basotho infants in the Mantsonyane area, Lesotho. Ann Trop Paediatr 1986;6:195-198.
  • Tulassay T, Seri I, Rascher W. Atrial natriuretic peptide and 27.
  • extracellular volume control after birth. Acta Paediatr Scand 1987;76:444-446.
  • Bauer K, Cowett RM, Howard GM, vanEpp J, Oh W. Effect of intrauterine growth retardation on postnatal weight change in pre- term infants. J Pediatr 1993;123:301-306.
  • Hall RT, Mercer AM, Teasley SL, McPherson DM, Simon SD, Santos SR, Meyers BM, Hipsh NE. A breastfeeding assessment score to evaluate the risk for cessation of breast-feeding by 7 to 10 days of age. J Pediatr 2002;141:659-664.
  • Sener EB, Guldogus F, Karakaya D, Baris S, Kocamanoglu S, Tur A. Comparison of neonatal effects of epidural and general anest- hesia for cesarian section. Gynecol Obstet Invest 2003;55:41-45.
  • Cody RJ, Atlas SA, Laragh JH, Kubo SH, Covit AB, Ryman KS, Shaknovich A, Pondolfino K, Clark M, Camargo MJ. Atrial natri- uretic factor in normal subjects and heart failure patients. Plasma levels and renal, hormonal, and hemodynamic responses to pepti- de infusion. J Clin Invest 1986;78:1362-1374.
  • Rascher W, Bald M, Kreis J, Tulassay T, Heinrich U, Scharer K. Atrial natriuretic peptide in infants and children. Hormone Res 1987;28:58-63.
  • Laatikainen T, Hakkinen L, Nikkila L, Leppaluoto J, Vuolteenaho O. Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and N-terminal peptide of proANP (NT-proANP) in maternal and umbilical cord plasma in spontaneous labor and at elective cesarean section. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 1992;46:11-17.
  • Gemelli M, Mami C, Manganaro R, Stelitano L, Bonaccorsi P, Martino F. Effects of the mode of delivery on ANP and renin- aldosterone system in the fetus and the neonate. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 1992;43:181-184.
There are 34 citations in total.


Other ID JA98CT32CT
Journal Section Research Article

Nurullah Okumuş This is me

Eray Esra Önal This is me

Canan Türkyılmaz This is me

Selda Demirci This is me

Esin Koç This is me

Yıldız Atalay This is me

Ebru Ergenekon This is me

Berrin Günaydın This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2009
Submission Date December 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


Vancouver Okumuş N, Önal EE, Türkyılmaz C, Demirci S, Koç E, Atalay Y, Ergenekon E, Günaydın B. EFFECTS OF BIRTH ROUTE AND TYPE OF MATERNAL ANESTHE- SIA ON WEIGHT LOSS IN NEWBORNS IN EARLY POSTNATAL PERIOD. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. 2009;3(1):31-40.

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