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Adrenokortikal Karsinom: Olgu Sunumu

Year 2009, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 41 - 45, 01.12.2009


Adrenokortikal karsinom (AKK) çocukluk çağının nadir görülen malign tümörlerindendir. Klinik ve laboratuvar bulgularıyla konjenital adrenal hiperplaziye (KAH) benzerlik gösterebilir. Burada başlangıçta KAH düşünülen, ancak hemen sonrasında adrenokortikal karsinom tanısı alan 3 yaşında bir erkek hasta sunulmuştur. Hasta, altı aydır vücudunda kıllanma ve penis büyümesi şikayeti ile başvurdu. Fizik muayenesin de ciddi hipertansiyon saptanan hastanın penis boyu 90 persentilin üzerinde, testis volümleri bilateral 5 ml ve evre-2 pubarşı vardı. Laboratuvar değerlendirmede, ACTH, 0.8 pg/ml, bazal kortizol düzeyi 19, pik kortizol düzeyi 19.2 mcg/dl, pik 17OH progesteron 60.1 ng/ml, bazal 11- deoksikortizol 16.3 ng/ml (normal düzey: 0–8), serum testesteron; 27.9 ng/dl, Serum Na138mmol/L, K3.3 mmol/L bulunması üzerine 11 ß hidroksilaz eksikliğine bağlı KAH düşünüldü. Günlük 20 mg/m2 hidrokortizon başlanan hastaya bir haftalık izlem süresince antihipertansif tedaviye yanıt alınamaması ve trunkal obezitesi nedeniyle yapılan abdominal USG’de sağ adrenal yerleşimde 5x6x5 cm’lik kitle saptandı. Hasta preoperatif ve postoperatif adrenalyetmezlik riski nedeniyle steroid profilaksisi ile opere edildi. Total cerrahi rezeksiyon sonrası AKK tanısı alan hastanın, klinik ve laboratuar bulguları bir hafta içerisinde normale döndü.


  • Teinturier C, Pauchard MS, Brugrers C, Landais P, Chaussain JL, Bougneres PF. Clinical and prognostic aspects of adrenocortical neoplasms in childhood. Med pediatr oncol 1999; 32 : 106-111.
  • Michalkiewicz E, Sandrini B, Figueinedo B, Miranda EC, Caran E, Oliveria-Filho AG, Margues R, Pianouski MA, Lacerda L, Cristo- fani LM, Jerkins J, Rodiguez-Galindo C, Ribeiro RC. Clinical and outcome characteristics of children with adrenocortical tumor registry.J clin oncol 2004; 22: 838-845
  • Ng L, Libertino JM. Adrenocortical carsinoma: diagnosis, evalua- tion and treathment J urol. 2003;169:5-11.
  • Roman S. Adrenocortical carcinoma. Curr Opin Oncol 2006;18:36
  • Koschker AC, Fassnacht M, Hahner S, Weismann D, Allolio B. Adrenocortical carcinoma --improving patient care by establis- hing new structures. Exp Clin EndocrinolDiabetes 2006;114:45
  • Varan A, Unal S, Ruacan S, Vidinlisan S. Adrenocortical carsi noma asssociated with adrenogenital syndrome in a child. Med pediatr oncol 2000; 35: 88-90
  • Lee PD, Winter RJ, Green OC. Virilizing adrenocortical tumors in childhood: eight cases and a reiview of the literatüre. Pediatrics ; 76: 437-444
  • Pang S, Becker D, Cotelingam J, Foley TP Jr, Drash AL. Adreno- cortical tumor in a patient with congenital adrenal hyperplasia doe to 21- hydroxylase deficiency. Pediatrics 1981, 68: 242-246
  • Daeschner GL. Adrenal cortical adenoma arising in a girl with congenital adrenogenital syndrome. Pediatrics 1965; 36: 141-142.
  • Riberio RC, Figueiredo B. Childhood adrenocortical tumors. Eur J cancer 2004; 40: 1117- 1126.
  • Van Setere AP, Van Aalderen W, Moolenaar AJ,Gorsiro MC, van Roon F, Becker ET. Adrenocortical tumor in untreated congeni- tal adrenocortical hyperplasia associated with inadequate ACTH suppressibility. Clin endocrinol 1981;14:325-334.
  • Benson RF, Vulliamy DG, Taubmann JO. Congenital hemihypert- rophy and malignancy . Lancet 1963; 1:468-469.
  • Miller PW. Relation betweeen cancer and congenital defects: on epidemiologic evaluation. J Natl cancer inst. 1968; 40:1079-1085.
  • Reincke M, Karl M, Travis WH, Mastorakos G, Allalio B, Line- han HM, Chrousos GP. P53 mutations in human adrenocortical neoplasms: immunohystochemical and moleculer studies. J clin Endocrinol Metab 1994;78: 790-794.
  • Stojadinovic A, Ghossein RA, Hoos A, Nisa A, Marshall D, Du- das M, Cordon-Cardo C, Jagues DP, Brennan MF. Adrenocortical carsinoma: clinical, morphologic and moleculer characterization . J clin oncol 2002; 20: 941-950.
  • Wagner J, Portwine C, Robin K, Leclorc JM, Narod SA, Malkin D. High frequency of germline P53 mutations in childhood adreno- cortical cancer. J matl cancer inst. 1994; 86: 1707- 1710.
  • Rodiguez-Galindo C, Figueiredo BC, Zambetti GP, Riberio RC. Biology, clinical characteristics, and management of adrenocorti- cal tumors in children. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2005; 45: 265 –273.
  • Kasperlik-Zaluska AA, Migdalska BM, Zgliczynski S, Madowska AM. Adrenocortical carsinoma .A clinical study and treathment results of 52 patients. Cancer 1995;75: 2587-2591.


Year 2009, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 41 - 45, 01.12.2009


Adrenocortical carcinoma (AKC) is an uncommon malignancy with poor prognosis in childhood. Because of the similar clinical and laboratary findings, it can be misdiagnosed as congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). Here, we present a three year old male who was firstly thought to be CAH, but later diagnosed with AKC. He was admitted to our hospital with the complaints of increase in body hair and penile enlargement six month. His physical examination revealed high blood pressure over 95 percentile for his age, streched penis length was above 90 percentile for age, his testes volumes were 5 mL/5mL and he had Taner stage 2 pubic hair. Other vital sign and physical examination findings were normal. His plasma ACTH level ( 0.8 pg/mL), basal cortisol level (19.0 mcg/dl), peak cortisol level (19.2 mcg/dl), peak 17-OH progesteron level ( 60.1 ng/mL), basal 11- deoxycortisol (16.3 ng/mL) and testosteron level (27.9 ng/dl).Were high for his age. His plasma Na and K levels were within normal limits. With these clinical and laboratory findings he was firstly diagnosed as congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 11 ß hydroxylase deficiency. He was put on hydrocortisone tretment at a dose of 20 mg/m2 /day but after one week of treatment his blood pressure levels were still high and he had prominent truncal obesity. Abdominal ultrasonography showed a 5x6x5 cm sized solid mass in the right surrenal region. The patient was operated in pediatric Surgery Department of our hospital. while on prophylaxis with steroid treatment for adrenal insufficiency. The clinical and laboratory findings of the patient ameliorated in a week after the total surgical resection of the tumor which was pathologically proven to be ACC


  • Teinturier C, Pauchard MS, Brugrers C, Landais P, Chaussain JL, Bougneres PF. Clinical and prognostic aspects of adrenocortical neoplasms in childhood. Med pediatr oncol 1999; 32 : 106-111.
  • Michalkiewicz E, Sandrini B, Figueinedo B, Miranda EC, Caran E, Oliveria-Filho AG, Margues R, Pianouski MA, Lacerda L, Cristo- fani LM, Jerkins J, Rodiguez-Galindo C, Ribeiro RC. Clinical and outcome characteristics of children with adrenocortical tumor registry.J clin oncol 2004; 22: 838-845
  • Ng L, Libertino JM. Adrenocortical carsinoma: diagnosis, evalua- tion and treathment J urol. 2003;169:5-11.
  • Roman S. Adrenocortical carcinoma. Curr Opin Oncol 2006;18:36
  • Koschker AC, Fassnacht M, Hahner S, Weismann D, Allolio B. Adrenocortical carcinoma --improving patient care by establis- hing new structures. Exp Clin EndocrinolDiabetes 2006;114:45
  • Varan A, Unal S, Ruacan S, Vidinlisan S. Adrenocortical carsi noma asssociated with adrenogenital syndrome in a child. Med pediatr oncol 2000; 35: 88-90
  • Lee PD, Winter RJ, Green OC. Virilizing adrenocortical tumors in childhood: eight cases and a reiview of the literatüre. Pediatrics ; 76: 437-444
  • Pang S, Becker D, Cotelingam J, Foley TP Jr, Drash AL. Adreno- cortical tumor in a patient with congenital adrenal hyperplasia doe to 21- hydroxylase deficiency. Pediatrics 1981, 68: 242-246
  • Daeschner GL. Adrenal cortical adenoma arising in a girl with congenital adrenogenital syndrome. Pediatrics 1965; 36: 141-142.
  • Riberio RC, Figueiredo B. Childhood adrenocortical tumors. Eur J cancer 2004; 40: 1117- 1126.
  • Van Setere AP, Van Aalderen W, Moolenaar AJ,Gorsiro MC, van Roon F, Becker ET. Adrenocortical tumor in untreated congeni- tal adrenocortical hyperplasia associated with inadequate ACTH suppressibility. Clin endocrinol 1981;14:325-334.
  • Benson RF, Vulliamy DG, Taubmann JO. Congenital hemihypert- rophy and malignancy . Lancet 1963; 1:468-469.
  • Miller PW. Relation betweeen cancer and congenital defects: on epidemiologic evaluation. J Natl cancer inst. 1968; 40:1079-1085.
  • Reincke M, Karl M, Travis WH, Mastorakos G, Allalio B, Line- han HM, Chrousos GP. P53 mutations in human adrenocortical neoplasms: immunohystochemical and moleculer studies. J clin Endocrinol Metab 1994;78: 790-794.
  • Stojadinovic A, Ghossein RA, Hoos A, Nisa A, Marshall D, Du- das M, Cordon-Cardo C, Jagues DP, Brennan MF. Adrenocortical carsinoma: clinical, morphologic and moleculer characterization . J clin oncol 2002; 20: 941-950.
  • Wagner J, Portwine C, Robin K, Leclorc JM, Narod SA, Malkin D. High frequency of germline P53 mutations in childhood adreno- cortical cancer. J matl cancer inst. 1994; 86: 1707- 1710.
  • Rodiguez-Galindo C, Figueiredo BC, Zambetti GP, Riberio RC. Biology, clinical characteristics, and management of adrenocorti- cal tumors in children. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2005; 45: 265 –273.
  • Kasperlik-Zaluska AA, Migdalska BM, Zgliczynski S, Madowska AM. Adrenocortical carsinoma .A clinical study and treathment results of 52 patients. Cancer 1995;75: 2587-2591.
There are 18 citations in total.


Other ID JA66NG64MV
Journal Section Case Report

Atilla Çayır This is me

Gonca Kılıç This is me

Zehra Aycan This is me

Tuğrul Tiryaki This is me

Suna Emir This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2009
Submission Date December 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


Vancouver Çayır A, Kılıç G, Aycan Z, Tiryaki T, Emir S. ADRENOCORTİCAL CARCİNOMA: A CASE REPORT. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. 2009;3(1):41-5.

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