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Çocukluk Çağı Sünnetinin Nadir Bir Komplikasyonu: Penil Cilt Köprüsü

Year 2009, Volume: 3 Issue: 4, 40 - 45, 01.04.2009


Giriş ve Amaç: Glans ile penil şaft arasında oluşan adezyon şeklindeki penil cilt köprüsü, çocukluk çağı sünnetinin kozmetik ve fonksiyonel sorunlara yol açan geç ve nadir bir komplikasyonudur.Penil cilt köprüsünün sıklıkla genel anestezi altında uygulanan cerrahi eksizyonla veya elektrokoter ablasyonla düzeltilmesi gerekir.Bu makalede, çocukluk çağında sünnet edilen ve peniste şekil bozukluğu ve/veya ağrılı ereksiyon yakınmalarıyla başvuran, penil cilt köprüsü saptanan olguların klinik özellikleri ve lokal anestezi altında uygulanan cerrahi tedavi sonuçlarının sunulması amaçlandı.Hastalar ve Yöntem: Son 6 yılda sünnet olan çocuklar arasında saptanan ve tedavi edilen penil cilt köprüsü olgularının kayıtları taranarak tanısal ve tedaviyle ilgili özellikleri çıkartıldı.Bulgular: Son 6 yılda sünnet edilen hastalar arasında toplam 6 penil cilt köprüsü olgusu saptandı. Hastaların ikisi çocuk, dördü erişkin yaş grubundaydı. Üç hasta cerrah tarafından klinikte diğer 3 hasta sünnetçi tarafından evde sünnet edilmişti. Beş hasta kültürel, 1 hasta tıbbi nedenle sünnet edilmişti. Tüm hastalarda penil şekil bozukluğu ortak yakınma iken 4 hastada ereksiyon sırasında ağrı ve olumsuz psikolojik etkilenme mevcuttu. Dört hasta cerrahi eksizyonla, 2 hasta elektrokoter ablasyonla tedavi edildi. Cerrahi girişim tüm hastalarda lokal anestezi altında uygulandı. Kontrol muayenelerinde tüm hastalarda cilt köprüsünün düzeldiği, erişkin 4 hastada ereksiyon sırasında ağrı oluşmadığı saptandı.Sonuçlar: Olgu serimiz, çocukluk çağı sünnetinin bir komplikasyonu olarak gelişen penil cilt köprüsünün, erişkin yaşamda kozmetik problemlerin yanında işlevsel sorunlara da yol açabileceğini ve düzeltilmesi amacıyla yapılacak cerrahi tedavinin lokal anestezi altında yapılabileceğini ve tatminkar sonuçlar sağladığını göstermektedir.


  • Aydur E, Gungor S, Ceyhan ST, Taiimaz L, Baser I. Effects of childhood circumcision age on adult male sexual functions. Int J Impot Res 2007;19:424-431.
  • Moses S, Bailey RC, Ronald AR. Male circumcision: assessment of health benefits and risks. Sex Transm Inf 1998;74:368–373.
  • Singh-Grewal D, Macdessi J, Craig J. Circumcision for the pre- vention of urinary tract infection in boys: a systematic review of randomised trials and observational studies. Arch Dis Child ;90:853–858. Yapanoğlu T, Aksoy Y, Atmaca AF, Ziypak T, Cesur M, Özbey İ. Bölgemizdeki sünnet komplikasyonları. Türk Üroloji Dergisi ;30: 441-445. Yıldırım İ, Bedir S, Ceylan S, Seçkin B, Erduran D. Evaluation of Circumcision In Turkey. Journal of Ankara Medıcal School ;25:127-132. Canadian Pediatric Society, Fetus and Newborn Committee: Neo- natal circumcision revisited. Can Med Assoc J 1996;154:769–780.
  • Yazıcı M, Etensel B, Gürsoy H. A very late onset urethral fistula coexisting with skin bridge after neonatal circumcision: a case re- port. J Pediatr Surg 2003;38:642-643.
  • Peters KM, Kass EJ. Electrosurgery for routine pediatric penile procedures. J Urol 1997;157:1453-1455.
  • Sathaye UV, Goswami AK, Sharma SK. Skin bridge-a complicati- on of paediatric circumcision. Br J Urol 1990;66:214.
  • Naimer SA,Peleg R, Meidvidovski Y, Zvulunov A, Cohen AD, Vardy D. Office management of penile skin bridges with electro- cautery. J Am Board Fam Pract 2002;15:485– 458.
  • Snodgrass W. Extensive skin bridging with glans epithelium rep- lacement by penile shaft skin following newborn circumcision. J Pediatr Urol 2006;2:555-558.
  • Klauber GT, Boyle J. Preputial skin-bridging. Complication of cir- cumcision. Urology 1974;3:722-723.
  • Koçak İ, Özkök S, Dündar M, Özeren B, Erol H. Bir toplu sünnet uygulaması ve sonuçlarının medikolegal yönden değerlendirilmesi. Türk Üroloji Dergisi 2001;27: 65-69.
  • Yazıcı M, Etensel B, Gürsoy H. Sünnet komplikasyonları. ADÜ Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2003;4:5-7.
  • Ben Chaim J, Livne PM, Binyamini J, Hardak B, Ben-Meir D, Mor Y. Complications of circumcision in Israel: a one year multicenter survey. Isr Med Assoc J 2005;7:368-370.
  • Kaplan GW. Complications of circumcision. Urol Clin North Am ; 10: 543-549. Kaplan GW. Circumcision: an overview. Curr Probl Pediatr ;7: 1-33. Gluckman GR, Stoller ML, Jacobs MM, Kogan BA. Newborn penile glans amputation during circumcision and successful reat- tachment. J Urol 1995; 153: 778-779.
  • Eason JD, McDonell M, Clark G. Male ritual circumcision resul- ting in acute renal failure. BMJ 1994; 309: 660-661.
  • Ritchey ML, Bloom DA. Re: Skin bridge-a complication of paedi- atric circumcision. Br J Urol 1991;68:331.
  • Baskin LS, Canning DA, Snyder HM, Duckett JW. Treating comp- lications of circumcision. Pediatr Emerg Care 1996;12:62-68.
  • Gerharz EW, Haarmann C. The first cut is the deepest? Medicole- gal aspects of male circumcision. BJU Int 2000;86: 332-338.


Year 2009, Volume: 3 Issue: 4, 40 - 45, 01.04.2009


Introduction: Skin bridge that is formed as an adhesion from glans to penile shaft skin is a rare and late complication of childhood circumcision, leading to cosmetic and functional problems. Skin bridge must be corrected by simple surgical excision or electrocautery, frequently under general anesthesia. In this article, we presented clinical features and outcomes of surgical treatment performed under local anesthesia in 6 cases with skin bridge, who was circumcised in childhood and presented with penile deviation and/or painful erection.Materials and Methods: The charts of the cases with penile skin bridge who have been diagnosed and treated during last 6 years were reviewed and their diagnostic and therapeutic features were noted.Results: During last 6 years, 6 cases with skin bridge were found. Of the patients, 2 were child and others were adult. Three patients were circumcised at clinics by surgeons and others at their home by traditional circumcisers. Five patients were circumcised due to cultural and the other due to medical reason. In all patients, penile deviation was the common symptom, while 4 had painful erection and psychological impairment. Four patients were treated by surgical excision and 2 others by electrocautery. Surgery was performed under local anesthesia and in follow-up, it is noted that the skin bridges were corrected in all patients and no pain was felt during erection in 4 of the patients.Conclusions: Our case series show that skin bridge as a complication of childhood circumcision might lead to functional problems as well cosmetic issues in adult life and corrective surgery could be performed under local anesthesia, providing satisfactory outcomes


  • Aydur E, Gungor S, Ceyhan ST, Taiimaz L, Baser I. Effects of childhood circumcision age on adult male sexual functions. Int J Impot Res 2007;19:424-431.
  • Moses S, Bailey RC, Ronald AR. Male circumcision: assessment of health benefits and risks. Sex Transm Inf 1998;74:368–373.
  • Singh-Grewal D, Macdessi J, Craig J. Circumcision for the pre- vention of urinary tract infection in boys: a systematic review of randomised trials and observational studies. Arch Dis Child ;90:853–858. Yapanoğlu T, Aksoy Y, Atmaca AF, Ziypak T, Cesur M, Özbey İ. Bölgemizdeki sünnet komplikasyonları. Türk Üroloji Dergisi ;30: 441-445. Yıldırım İ, Bedir S, Ceylan S, Seçkin B, Erduran D. Evaluation of Circumcision In Turkey. Journal of Ankara Medıcal School ;25:127-132. Canadian Pediatric Society, Fetus and Newborn Committee: Neo- natal circumcision revisited. Can Med Assoc J 1996;154:769–780.
  • Yazıcı M, Etensel B, Gürsoy H. A very late onset urethral fistula coexisting with skin bridge after neonatal circumcision: a case re- port. J Pediatr Surg 2003;38:642-643.
  • Peters KM, Kass EJ. Electrosurgery for routine pediatric penile procedures. J Urol 1997;157:1453-1455.
  • Sathaye UV, Goswami AK, Sharma SK. Skin bridge-a complicati- on of paediatric circumcision. Br J Urol 1990;66:214.
  • Naimer SA,Peleg R, Meidvidovski Y, Zvulunov A, Cohen AD, Vardy D. Office management of penile skin bridges with electro- cautery. J Am Board Fam Pract 2002;15:485– 458.
  • Snodgrass W. Extensive skin bridging with glans epithelium rep- lacement by penile shaft skin following newborn circumcision. J Pediatr Urol 2006;2:555-558.
  • Klauber GT, Boyle J. Preputial skin-bridging. Complication of cir- cumcision. Urology 1974;3:722-723.
  • Koçak İ, Özkök S, Dündar M, Özeren B, Erol H. Bir toplu sünnet uygulaması ve sonuçlarının medikolegal yönden değerlendirilmesi. Türk Üroloji Dergisi 2001;27: 65-69.
  • Yazıcı M, Etensel B, Gürsoy H. Sünnet komplikasyonları. ADÜ Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2003;4:5-7.
  • Ben Chaim J, Livne PM, Binyamini J, Hardak B, Ben-Meir D, Mor Y. Complications of circumcision in Israel: a one year multicenter survey. Isr Med Assoc J 2005;7:368-370.
  • Kaplan GW. Complications of circumcision. Urol Clin North Am ; 10: 543-549. Kaplan GW. Circumcision: an overview. Curr Probl Pediatr ;7: 1-33. Gluckman GR, Stoller ML, Jacobs MM, Kogan BA. Newborn penile glans amputation during circumcision and successful reat- tachment. J Urol 1995; 153: 778-779.
  • Eason JD, McDonell M, Clark G. Male ritual circumcision resul- ting in acute renal failure. BMJ 1994; 309: 660-661.
  • Ritchey ML, Bloom DA. Re: Skin bridge-a complication of paedi- atric circumcision. Br J Urol 1991;68:331.
  • Baskin LS, Canning DA, Snyder HM, Duckett JW. Treating comp- lications of circumcision. Pediatr Emerg Care 1996;12:62-68.
  • Gerharz EW, Haarmann C. The first cut is the deepest? Medicole- gal aspects of male circumcision. BJU Int 2000;86: 332-338.
There are 17 citations in total.


Other ID JA45BJ72MJ
Journal Section Research Article

Şeref Başal This is me

Emin Aydur This is me

Fatih Çanaklı This is me

Emrah Coğuplugil This is me

Murat Dayanç This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2009
Submission Date April 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 3 Issue: 4


Vancouver Başal Ş, Aydur E, Çanaklı F, Coğuplugil E, Dayanç M. RARE COMPLICATION OF CHILDHOOD CIRCUMCISION: PENILE SKIN BRIDGE. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. 2009;3(4):40-5.

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