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Kist Hidatik Hastalıklı Çocuklarda On Yıllık Deneyimimiz

Year 2008, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 19 - 25, 01.04.2008


Amaç: Kliniğimizde son on yılda kist hidatik tanısı konarak ameliyata alınan 101 olgu sunularak cerrahi sonuçlarımıztartışılacaktır.Materyal ve Metod: 1997-2007 yılları arasında Kist hidatik tanısı konarak opere edilen 101 olgu geriye dönük olarak irdelenmiştir. Yaşları 2 ile 15 arasında değişen 56 kız, 45 erkek olgu çalışmaya alındı. Karında şişlik, öksürük, karın ağrısı, kusma, ateş, göğüs ağrısı en sık karşılaşılan semptomlardı.Tüm kist hidatik olgularında tanı radyolojik değerlendirme yöntemleri ile gerçekleştirildi.Bulgular: Kist hidatik hastalığı 32 olguda (%32) akciğerde, 47 olguda (%48) karaciğerde, 16 olguda ise (%16) hem akciğer hem de karaciğerde saptandı. 59 olguda (%58) tek bir kist mevcut iken 42 olguda (%42) birden fazla kist olduğu belirlendi. Cerrahi tedavi sonrası karaciğer kist hidatiği olan üç olguda nüks saptanırken, eksternal drenaj yapılan bir olgumuzda uzamış bilier drenajla karşılaşıldı. Serimizde kist hidatik hastalığı nedeni ile kaybedilen hastamız olmadı.Tartışma ve Sonuç: Kist hidatiğin endemik olarak bulunduğu bölgelerde şüpheli radyolojik ve klinik bulgular mutlaka kist hidatik açısından değerlendirmeye alınmalıdır. Akciğer kist hidatikli olguların% 28'inde kist içeriği enfekte iken, karaciğerde saptanan kist hidatiklerin %7' inde kistin enfekte olduğu, %18'inde ise kist içeriğinin safra ile boyalı olduğu belirlenmiştir. Karaciğer kist hidatikli olgularımızda %4 oranında relaps ile karşılaşılırken akciğer kist hidatikli olgularda relaps saptanmamıştır. Çocuk olgularda erişkin serilerinde bildirilen komplikasyonlarla karşılaşılmadığı için özellikle bilier sistemle ilgili koledokeksplorasyonu gibi agresif girişimlerden kaçınılmalıdır.


  • 1. Slim MS, Khayııt G, Nasr AT, Jidcjiıın YD. Hydatid discase in chiklhood.. JPediatr Surg. 1971; 6:440-448.
  • 2. Sayck I, Yalin R. Sanaç Y. Surgical trcatmcnt of hydatid discasc of thc livcr.ArchSurg.1980;115:847-850.
  • 3. Sayck I, Timaksiz MB, Dogan R. Cystic hydatid discasc: currcnt ttcn- '18 in cliagnosis and managcmcnt. SurgToday. 2004;34:987-996.
  • 4. Harris KM, Morıis DL, Tudor R. Toqhill P, Hardcastle JD. Clinical and radiographic features of simple and hydatid cysts of the liver. Br J Surg.1986; 73:835-838.
  • 5. Yoı:ganci K, Sa yek I. Surgical trcatınent of hydatid cysts of thc livcı: in the eraof pe=ıtaneous treatment. Am J Surg. 2002;184:63-69.
  • 6. Kalyoncu AF, Selçuk ZT, Emri AS, Cöplü L, Sahin AA, Bariş Yl. Echinococcosis in the Middle Bast and 1\ırkey. Rev Infect Dis. 1991; 13:1028-1029.
  • 7. WılliamL.DonnellanHydatidcystinchildren,AbdominalSurgeryof Infancy and Childten. Harwood Acadcmic Publishcrs, Luxembourg. pp. 64:19-25.
  • 8. Al-Torna AA, Vcnneijden RJ, Van De Wiel A. Acutı:: panacatitis complicating intrabiliary rupture of livcr hydatid cyst. Eur J Intem Med. 2004;15:65-67.
  • 9. Ariogul O, Emre A, Alper A, UrasA. Introflcxion ıı.s amethod of surgical ttcatıncnt fo.t hydatid discasc. Suıg Gynccol Obstı::t. 1989; 169:356-358.
  • 10. Çelik M, Scnol C, Keles M, Halezaroqlu S, Urek S, Haciibrahimoqlu G, Erııev AA, Arman B.Surgical treatınent of pulmonıı.ry hydatid discasc in childrcn: repott of 122 cases. J Pcdiatr Surg. 2000; 35:1710- 1713.
  • 11. Dziri C, Paquet J C, Hıı.y JM, Fingeı-hut A, Msikıı. S, Zcitoun G, Sastre B, Khalfallah T. Omcntoplasty in thc prevcntion of dcep abdominal complications aftcr surgery far hydatid diseasc of the livcr: ıı. multiccntcr, prospcctive, tandomized trial. Frcnch Associations for SurgicalRescan:h. J AmCollSurg.1999;188:281-289.
  • 12. Dcınirbilck S, Sandcr S, Atayurt HF, Aydin G.Hydatid discasc of thc Livcr in childhood: thc success of medical therapy aııd surgical altcı'­ mtives. Pediatr Surg Int. 2001;17:373-377
  • 13. Milicc:vic M. Hydatid cliscase In: Blumgart lll, Fong Y (eds) Sw:gery of the liver ınd bilieary ttact. Saunders, Philadelpbia, 2000 pp1167- 1204.
  • 14. Gollaclıner B, Lanqle F, Aııcr H, A, Mittlböck M, Aqstner 1, KarnerJ,LangerF,AspöckH,LoidoltH,RockenschaubS,Steininger R. Raclical sutgical therapy of abdomiııal cystic hydatid clisease: factonof r=ence. World J Surg,2000;24:717-721.
  • 15. Türlı:yilmaz Z, Sönmez K, Karabulut R, Dcmiroqullari B, Göl H, Basaklar AC, Kale N. Coruıervative surgery for treatment of hydatid cysts in chiklıen. World J Sutg. 2004; 28:597-601.
  • 16. Buttcııııchoen K, Caı:li Buttenschoen n Echinococcus graııulosus infection: the challenge of sutgical treatment. Langenbecks Arch Sutg. 2003;88:218-230.
  • 17. Yalin R, Aktan AO, Yeğen C, Döşlüoğlu HH. Significance of intracystic pressure in abdomiııal hydatid disease. Br J Surg. 1992;79: 1182-1183.
  • 18. Kayaalp C, BostanciB, Yo!S,Akoqlu M. Distribution of hydatid cysts into the livet with reference to cystobiliaty comınuııications and cmty-related complications. AmJ Surg. 2003;185:175-179.
  • 19. Ezer A, Nursal TZ, Moray G, Yilclirirn S, Karal<Ayali F, Noyın T, Habcral M. Suıgical treatment of livet hydatid cysts. HPB (O:ıı:ford). 2006; 8: 38-42.
  • 20. Bozkurt B, Soran A, Karabeyoğlu M, Unal B, Coşkun F, Cengiz O. Follow-up problems and clııınges in obliteration of the residual cystic cmty after treatment for hepatic hydati.dosis. J Hepatobiliary Pancroat Sutg.2003;10:441-445.


Year 2008, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 19 - 25, 01.04.2008


Aim: in this study, 1 Ol patients with the diagnosis of Hydatid Disease (HD) who underwent operation atthe authors clinic were discussed.
Methods: The 1 Ol cases of HD have been evaluated retrospedively. There were 56 female and
45 male ranging in age from 2 years to 15 years. Asymptomatic abdominal mass, cough,
abdominal pain, fever, vomiting, chest pain were the most common symptoms. The diagnosis of
HD was -made on the basis of radiologic imaging methods.
Results: The HD was located at the lung only in 32 (32%), at the liver only in 47 (46%), simultaneous lung and liver in 16 {16%) patients. There were only one cyst in 59 (58%) patients and 42
(42%) patients had more than one cyst. Recurrence of echinococcosis was seen in three patients
with hepatic disease. There were no mortality. Prolonged bilier drainage was seen in one patient in
this series.
Conclusions: in an endemic area any suspected radiologic or clinical symptoms should be
evaluated for hydatic disease. The cyst content is infected in 28% of the cases with lung hydatic cyst
whereas of the hydatic cysts situated in liver 7% was found to be infected and in 18% the cyst
content was bile stained. in a ratio of 4% recurrence was faced in our cases with liver hydatic cyst
whereas recurrence was not noted in cases with lung hydatic cyst. Complications reported at adult
series are not encountered in child cases sp aggressive approaches especially pertaining the
biliary system like choledochal exploration must be avoided.


  • 1. Slim MS, Khayııt G, Nasr AT, Jidcjiıın YD. Hydatid discase in chiklhood.. JPediatr Surg. 1971; 6:440-448.
  • 2. Sayck I, Yalin R. Sanaç Y. Surgical trcatmcnt of hydatid discasc of thc livcr.ArchSurg.1980;115:847-850.
  • 3. Sayck I, Timaksiz MB, Dogan R. Cystic hydatid discasc: currcnt ttcn- '18 in cliagnosis and managcmcnt. SurgToday. 2004;34:987-996.
  • 4. Harris KM, Morıis DL, Tudor R. Toqhill P, Hardcastle JD. Clinical and radiographic features of simple and hydatid cysts of the liver. Br J Surg.1986; 73:835-838.
  • 5. Yoı:ganci K, Sa yek I. Surgical trcatınent of hydatid cysts of thc livcı: in the eraof pe=ıtaneous treatment. Am J Surg. 2002;184:63-69.
  • 6. Kalyoncu AF, Selçuk ZT, Emri AS, Cöplü L, Sahin AA, Bariş Yl. Echinococcosis in the Middle Bast and 1\ırkey. Rev Infect Dis. 1991; 13:1028-1029.
  • 7. WılliamL.DonnellanHydatidcystinchildren,AbdominalSurgeryof Infancy and Childten. Harwood Acadcmic Publishcrs, Luxembourg. pp. 64:19-25.
  • 8. Al-Torna AA, Vcnneijden RJ, Van De Wiel A. Acutı:: panacatitis complicating intrabiliary rupture of livcr hydatid cyst. Eur J Intem Med. 2004;15:65-67.
  • 9. Ariogul O, Emre A, Alper A, UrasA. Introflcxion ıı.s amethod of surgical ttcatıncnt fo.t hydatid discasc. Suıg Gynccol Obstı::t. 1989; 169:356-358.
  • 10. Çelik M, Scnol C, Keles M, Halezaroqlu S, Urek S, Haciibrahimoqlu G, Erııev AA, Arman B.Surgical treatınent of pulmonıı.ry hydatid discasc in childrcn: repott of 122 cases. J Pcdiatr Surg. 2000; 35:1710- 1713.
  • 11. Dziri C, Paquet J C, Hıı.y JM, Fingeı-hut A, Msikıı. S, Zcitoun G, Sastre B, Khalfallah T. Omcntoplasty in thc prevcntion of dcep abdominal complications aftcr surgery far hydatid diseasc of the livcr: ıı. multiccntcr, prospcctive, tandomized trial. Frcnch Associations for SurgicalRescan:h. J AmCollSurg.1999;188:281-289.
  • 12. Dcınirbilck S, Sandcr S, Atayurt HF, Aydin G.Hydatid discasc of thc Livcr in childhood: thc success of medical therapy aııd surgical altcı'­ mtives. Pediatr Surg Int. 2001;17:373-377
  • 13. Milicc:vic M. Hydatid cliscase In: Blumgart lll, Fong Y (eds) Sw:gery of the liver ınd bilieary ttact. Saunders, Philadelpbia, 2000 pp1167- 1204.
  • 14. Gollaclıner B, Lanqle F, Aııcr H, A, Mittlböck M, Aqstner 1, KarnerJ,LangerF,AspöckH,LoidoltH,RockenschaubS,Steininger R. Raclical sutgical therapy of abdomiııal cystic hydatid clisease: factonof r=ence. World J Surg,2000;24:717-721.
  • 15. Türlı:yilmaz Z, Sönmez K, Karabulut R, Dcmiroqullari B, Göl H, Basaklar AC, Kale N. Coruıervative surgery for treatment of hydatid cysts in chiklıen. World J Sutg. 2004; 28:597-601.
  • 16. Buttcııııchoen K, Caı:li Buttenschoen n Echinococcus graııulosus infection: the challenge of sutgical treatment. Langenbecks Arch Sutg. 2003;88:218-230.
  • 17. Yalin R, Aktan AO, Yeğen C, Döşlüoğlu HH. Significance of intracystic pressure in abdomiııal hydatid disease. Br J Surg. 1992;79: 1182-1183.
  • 18. Kayaalp C, BostanciB, Yo!S,Akoqlu M. Distribution of hydatid cysts into the livet with reference to cystobiliaty comınuııications and cmty-related complications. AmJ Surg. 2003;185:175-179.
  • 19. Ezer A, Nursal TZ, Moray G, Yilclirirn S, Karal<Ayali F, Noyın T, Habcral M. Suıgical treatment of livet hydatid cysts. HPB (O:ıı:ford). 2006; 8: 38-42.
  • 20. Bozkurt B, Soran A, Karabeyoğlu M, Unal B, Coşkun F, Cengiz O. Follow-up problems and clııınges in obliteration of the residual cystic cmty after treatment for hepatic hydati.dosis. J Hepatobiliary Pancroat Sutg.2003;10:441-445.
There are 20 citations in total.


Other ID JA25CH63BA
Journal Section Research Article

Tuğrul Tiryaki This is me

Emrah Şenel This is me

Fatih Akbıyık This is me

Ervin Mambet

Ziya Livanelioôlu This is me

Halil Atayurt This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2008
Submission Date April 1, 2008
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 2 Issue: 3


Vancouver Tiryaki T, Şenel E, Akbıyık F, Mambet E, Livanelioôlu Z, Atayurt H. 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN HYDATIC CYST DISEASE OF CHILDHOOD. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. 2008;2(3):19-25.

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