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Aarskog Sendromu: Olgu Sunumu

Year 2008, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 45 - 49, 01.04.2008


Aarskog sendromu boy kısalığı, tipik yüz ve parmak özellikler ve atkı (shawl) scrotum bulguları ile seyreden nadir ve kalıtsal bir hastalıktır. Burada Aarskog sendromunun özelliklerini gösteren; boy kısalığı, dismorfik yüz özellikleri, brakidaktili ve konjenital kalp hastalığı (KKH) bulguları olan 14.5 yaşındaki bir kız çocuğu ve klinik benzerlik gösteren annesi, hastalığın kadınlarda nadiren bulgu vermesi nedeniyle sunulmuştur.


  • 1. Momes SG, Guetta-Junior G,Maciel-Guetta AT. Fernale of shııwl scrotum in Aarskog-Scott syndrome. lnt Braz J UroJ. 2006; 32:459-461.
  • 2. Scpulvcda W, Dczcrega V, Horvath E, .Aracena M. Ptcııatal sonogmphic diagnosis of Aımkog syndrome. ] Ultra8ound Med. 1999; 18:707-710.
  • 3. Lizaıno-Gil LA, Gıın:i11.-Cruz D, Cıntu JM, Fryns JP. The fa.ciodigito-gcııital syndroınc (Aarskog syndromc): a furthct dclincatioo of the distioct mdiologial findings. Geoet Couruı. 1994;5:387-392.
  • 4. Teebi AS, Naguib KK, Al-Awııdi S, Al-Saleh QA. New autosomal recessivc f.aciodigitogcııitalsyndromc.J Med Gcnet. 1988;25:400-406.
  • 5. Scııraııo G, Rinalcli MM, Cavaliere ML, Esposito M, Sicolo A, Sıntulli B, Stabile M, Fas:lllO R, Veotmto V. Aarskog's syndroınc (fa.cialdigital-gcııital syndroınc). Study of a f.amily (authoı:'s ttans~. Pc:diatt MedChir. 1981;3:323-325.
  • 6. Cincion11.ti P, Lomb11.rdi AM, Morelli M, Rutiloni C. Aarskog syndromc. A case tcport. Mioc:rva 1994;46:407-41 O.
  • 7. Noutaci SM, Ha= A, Chaudhari MP, DuoniogJ. Aarskog syndrome with aortic toot dilatation ınd sub-valvulat aottic steoosis: sll!gical maııagemcnt. lntcrııct C11.rdiovasc Tborac Suı:g. 2005;4:47-48.
  • 8. Chaddha V, Phadke SR. Aarskog syndrome. Indiao Pedi11.trics. 2002; 39:400.
  • 9. Gricr RE, Farı:ington FH, Kcndig R, Maınıınes P. Autosomal dominant inheritance of the Aarskog syndrome. Am J Med Gcnet. 1983; 15:39-46.
  • 10. vıın de Vooren MJ, Niemıcijer MF, Hoogcboom AJ. The Aarskog syndrome in a large faınily, suggestivc for autosomal dominant inheritance. Clin Genet. 1983;24:439-445.
  • 11. Bawle E, Tyrk:us M, Lipmao S, Boziınowski D. Aarskog syoclromc: full male ınd feıruı.le expression 11.Ssoci11.ted with an X-11.utosome translocation.Am] Med Genet. 1984;17:595-602.
  • 12. Ouico A, Galli L, Cavalicre ML, Garavdli L, Fryns JP, Crushcll E, Rinalcli MM, Medeim A, Serentioo V: Pheootypic aod moJecıılar characterisation of the Aarskog-Soott syndrome: a survey of the clinical variability in light of FGD1 mutation analysis in 46 patients. EurJ Hum Geoet. 2004; 12: 16-23


Year 2008, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 45 - 49, 01.04.2008


Aarskog syndrome is a rare and inherited disease associated with short stature, typical facial and
digital features and shawl scrotum. Here, we report a female 14.5 year-old Aarskog syndrome
case, with short stature, dysmorphic facial features, brachydactyly and congenital heart disease
(CHD).She and her mother with similar clinical features are presented as females with clinical
features are very rare


  • 1. Momes SG, Guetta-Junior G,Maciel-Guetta AT. Fernale of shııwl scrotum in Aarskog-Scott syndrome. lnt Braz J UroJ. 2006; 32:459-461.
  • 2. Scpulvcda W, Dczcrega V, Horvath E, .Aracena M. Ptcııatal sonogmphic diagnosis of Aımkog syndrome. ] Ultra8ound Med. 1999; 18:707-710.
  • 3. Lizaıno-Gil LA, Gıın:i11.-Cruz D, Cıntu JM, Fryns JP. The fa.ciodigito-gcııital syndroınc (Aarskog syndromc): a furthct dclincatioo of the distioct mdiologial findings. Geoet Couruı. 1994;5:387-392.
  • 4. Teebi AS, Naguib KK, Al-Awııdi S, Al-Saleh QA. New autosomal recessivc f.aciodigitogcııitalsyndromc.J Med Gcnet. 1988;25:400-406.
  • 5. Scııraııo G, Rinalcli MM, Cavaliere ML, Esposito M, Sicolo A, Sıntulli B, Stabile M, Fas:lllO R, Veotmto V. Aarskog's syndroınc (fa.cialdigital-gcııital syndroınc). Study of a f.amily (authoı:'s ttans~. Pc:diatt MedChir. 1981;3:323-325.
  • 6. Cincion11.ti P, Lomb11.rdi AM, Morelli M, Rutiloni C. Aarskog syndromc. A case tcport. Mioc:rva 1994;46:407-41 O.
  • 7. Noutaci SM, Ha= A, Chaudhari MP, DuoniogJ. Aarskog syndrome with aortic toot dilatation ınd sub-valvulat aottic steoosis: sll!gical maııagemcnt. lntcrııct C11.rdiovasc Tborac Suı:g. 2005;4:47-48.
  • 8. Chaddha V, Phadke SR. Aarskog syndrome. Indiao Pedi11.trics. 2002; 39:400.
  • 9. Gricr RE, Farı:ington FH, Kcndig R, Maınıınes P. Autosomal dominant inheritance of the Aarskog syndrome. Am J Med Gcnet. 1983; 15:39-46.
  • 10. vıın de Vooren MJ, Niemıcijer MF, Hoogcboom AJ. The Aarskog syndrome in a large faınily, suggestivc for autosomal dominant inheritance. Clin Genet. 1983;24:439-445.
  • 11. Bawle E, Tyrk:us M, Lipmao S, Boziınowski D. Aarskog syoclromc: full male ınd feıruı.le expression 11.Ssoci11.ted with an X-11.utosome translocation.Am] Med Genet. 1984;17:595-602.
  • 12. Ouico A, Galli L, Cavalicre ML, Garavdli L, Fryns JP, Crushcll E, Rinalcli MM, Medeim A, Serentioo V: Pheootypic aod moJecıılar characterisation of the Aarskog-Soott syndrome: a survey of the clinical variability in light of FGD1 mutation analysis in 46 patients. EurJ Hum Geoet. 2004; 12: 16-23
There are 12 citations in total.


Other ID JA46NU87UA
Journal Section Case Report

Hatice Koçak This is me

Zehra Aycan This is me

Mehmet Fatih Azık This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2008
Submission Date April 1, 2008
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 2 Issue: 3


APA Koçak, H., Aycan, Z., & Azık, M. F. (2008). AARSKOG SYNDROME: A CASE REPORT. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, 2(3), 45-49.
AMA Koçak H, Aycan Z, Azık MF. AARSKOG SYNDROME: A CASE REPORT. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. April 2008;2(3):45-49.
Chicago Koçak, Hatice, Zehra Aycan, and Mehmet Fatih Azık. “AARSKOG SYNDROME: A CASE REPORT”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 2, no. 3 (April 2008): 45-49.
EndNote Koçak H, Aycan Z, Azık MF (April 1, 2008) AARSKOG SYNDROME: A CASE REPORT. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 2 3 45–49.
IEEE H. Koçak, Z. Aycan, and M. F. Azık, “AARSKOG SYNDROME: A CASE REPORT”, Turkish J Pediatr Dis, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 45–49, 2008.
ISNAD Koçak, Hatice et al. “AARSKOG SYNDROME: A CASE REPORT”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 2/3 (April 2008), 45-49.
JAMA Koçak H, Aycan Z, Azık MF. AARSKOG SYNDROME: A CASE REPORT. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2008;2:45–49.
MLA Koçak, Hatice et al. “AARSKOG SYNDROME: A CASE REPORT”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, vol. 2, no. 3, 2008, pp. 45-49.
Vancouver Koçak H, Aycan Z, Azık MF. AARSKOG SYNDROME: A CASE REPORT. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2008;2(3):45-9.

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