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İnfantil Kolik

Year 2007, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 57 - 63, 01.06.2007


İnfantil kolik aileler ve bebek bakıcıları için önemli bir problem olup 2-3 hafta 4 ay arasında çocuk hekimlerine en sık başvuru nedenidir. İnfantil kolik insidansı % 17-30 arasındadır. İnfantil kolik genellikle sağlıklı, iyi beslenmiş bebeklerde üç haftadan uzun süreli, haftada 3 günden fazla günde en az 3 saat ağlayan, ağlama nöbetleri ile karakterize bir durumdur. İnfantil kolikte etiopatogenez genellikle multifaktöriyeldir. Bebeklerin % 5' inden azında organik sebep saptanmıştır. İnfantil kolikli bebeklerin tedavisi için çeşitli medikal ilaçlar (simetikon, disiklomin, metil skopolamin, laktaz içeren enzim preparatları vb.), hipoallerjik diyet, soya ve sukroz ile beslenme), araç simülatörleri ve ebeveynlere yönelik psikoterapiler uygulanmaktadır. Bu uygulamaların yanı sıra masajla yerel olarak veya ağızdan bitkisel tedaviler de kullanılmaktadır.


  • Barr RG. Colic and crying syndromes in infants. Pediatrics 1998;102:1282-1286.
  • Barr RG. Crying in the first year of life: good news in the midst of distress. Child Care Health Dev 1998;24:425-439.
  • Wessel MA, Cobb JC, Jackson EB, Haris GS, Detwiler AC. Paroxysmal fussing in infancy, sometimes called “colic”. Pediatrics 1954;14:421- 435.
  • Neu M, Robinson J. Infants with colic: Their childhood characteristics. J Pediatr Nurs 2003;18:12-20.
  • Lucas A, St James­Roberts I. Crying, fussing and colic behaviour in breast and bottle­fed infants. Early Hum Dev 1998;53:9­18.
  • Miller-Loncar C, Bigsby R, High P, Wallach M, Lester B. Infant colic and feeding difficulties. Arch Dis Child 2004;89:908-912.
  • Hill DJ, Firer MA, Shelton MJ, Hosking CS. Manifestations of milk allergy in infancy: clinical and immunological findings. J Pediatr 1986;109:270-276.
  • Kilshaw PJ, Cant AJ. The passage of maternal dietary proteins into human breast milk. Int Arch Allergy Appl Immunol 1984;75:8-15.
  • Kanabar D, Randhawa M, Clayton P. Improvement of symptoms of lactose intolerance following reduction in lactose load with lactase. J Hum Nutr Diet 2001; 14:359-363.
  • Rautava P, Helenius H, Lehtonen L. Psychosocial predisposing factors for infantile colic. BMJ 1993;307:600-604.
  • Rautava P, Lehtonen L, Helenius H, Sillanpaa M. Infantile colic: child and family three years later. Pediatrics 1995;96:43-47.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics. Committee on Nutrition. Hypoallergenic infant formulas. Pediatrics 2000;106:346-349.
  • Savino F, Oggero R. Management of infantile colics . Minerva Pediatr. 1996;48:313 - 319.
  • Savino F, Palumeri E , Castagno E , Cresi F , Dalmasso P , Cavallo F, Oggero; Reduction of crying episodes owing to infantile colic: a randomized controlled study on the efficacy of a new infant formula. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2006;60:1304-1310.
  • Cirgin Ellet ML, Murphy D, Stroud L, Shelton RA, Sullivan A, Ellett SG, Ellet LD. Development and psychometric testing of the infant colic scale. Gastroenter Nurs. 2003;26; 96-103.
  • Cetinkaya B, Basbakkal Z. A Validity and reliability study investigating the Turkish version of the Infant Colic Scale. Gastroenterol Nurs 2007;30;84-90.
  • Yakut Hİ, Toplu C. İnfantil kolikte tedavi. Yeni Tıp Der 2006;23:95-97.
  • Parkin PC, Schwartz CJ, Manuel BA. Randomized controlled trial of three interventions in the management of persistent crying of infancy. Pediatrics 1993; 92:197-201.
  • Sethi KS, Sethi JK. Simethicone in the management of infant colic. Practitioner 1988;232:508.
  • Weissbluth M, Christoffel KK, Davis AT. Treatment of infantile colic making. Fourth ed. Philadelphia: Mosby,2003:290-3.
  • Hiscock H, Jordan B. Problem crying in infancy. Med J Aust. 2004;
  • Illingworth RS. Three months' colic. Treatment by methylscopolamine 181:507-512. nitrate. Acta Paediatr 1955;44:203-208.
  • Cirgin Ellet ML. What is known about infant colic. Gastroenterology with dicyclomine hydrochloride. J Pediatr 1984;104:951-955.
  • Keefe MR, Kajrlsen KA, Lobo ML, Kotzer AM, Dudley WN. Reducing parenting stress in families with irritable infants. Nurs Res. 2006;55:198-205.
  • Wade S, Kilgour T. Extracts “ clinical evitence”: İnfantile colic. BMJ 2001;323;437-440.
  • Hiscock H. The crying baby. Aust Fam Physician 2006;35: 680-684.
  • Poole SR. The infant with acute, unexplained, excessive crying. Physician 2004;70:735-740.
  • Garrison M, Christakis DA. A systematic review of treatments for Pediatrics 1991:88:450-455.
  • Kearney PJ, Malone AJ, Hayes T, Cole M, Hyland M. A trial of lactase in the management of infant colic. J Hum Nutrition Dietetics 1998;11:281­285.
  • Lucassen PL, Assendelft WJ, Gubbels JW, van Eijk JT, Douwes AC. Infantile colic: crying time reduction with a whey hydrolysate; a double blind, randomized placebo­controlled trial. Pediatrics 2000;106:1349 ­1354
  • Weizman Z, Alkrinawi S, Goldfarb D, Bitran C. Efficacy of herbal tea preparation in infantile colic. J Pediatr 1993;122:650-652.
  • Alexandrovich IV, Rakovitskaya O, Kolmo E, Sidorova T, Shushunov S. Effect of fennel seed oil emulsion in infantile colic: Ya ranoxmijed, placeba-controlled study. Altern Ther Health Med 2003;9: 58-61.
  • Hajhashemi V, Ghannadi A, Jafarabadi H.Black cumin seed essential oil, as a potent analgesic and antiinflammatory drug. Phytother Res 2004;18:195-199.
  • Mullany LC, Darmstadt GL, Khatry SK, Tielsch JM. Traditional massage of newborns in Nepal: Implications for trials of improved practice. J Trop Pediatr 2005;51:82-86.
  • Darmstadt GL, Kaha SK.Neonatal oil massage. Indian Pediatr 2003;40:1098-1099.


Year 2007, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 57 - 63, 01.06.2007


Infantile colic is a very important problem for parents and also baby-sitters being the most frequent cause of consultation of infants aged 2-3 weeks 4 months to a pediatrician. Infantile colic is characterized by crying episodes losting more than 3 hours, at least 3 days of the week, noshyseen in otherwife healty 2 vell-fed infants. For less than 5 % of the cases the causes are organic problems, generally the cause is multifactorial.For treatment of infants with infantile colic; lots of medicines (simethicone, dicyclomine, methyl scopolamine, enzyme preparations containing lactase), hypoallergenic diet, fed with soy formula and sucrose, and interventions have been tried. Car ride simulations were used to eliminate infantile colic symptoms and crying. Medical and behavioral therapies with limited benefits have forced population to herbal treatments (herbal teas or application of massaging)


  • Barr RG. Colic and crying syndromes in infants. Pediatrics 1998;102:1282-1286.
  • Barr RG. Crying in the first year of life: good news in the midst of distress. Child Care Health Dev 1998;24:425-439.
  • Wessel MA, Cobb JC, Jackson EB, Haris GS, Detwiler AC. Paroxysmal fussing in infancy, sometimes called “colic”. Pediatrics 1954;14:421- 435.
  • Neu M, Robinson J. Infants with colic: Their childhood characteristics. J Pediatr Nurs 2003;18:12-20.
  • Lucas A, St James­Roberts I. Crying, fussing and colic behaviour in breast and bottle­fed infants. Early Hum Dev 1998;53:9­18.
  • Miller-Loncar C, Bigsby R, High P, Wallach M, Lester B. Infant colic and feeding difficulties. Arch Dis Child 2004;89:908-912.
  • Hill DJ, Firer MA, Shelton MJ, Hosking CS. Manifestations of milk allergy in infancy: clinical and immunological findings. J Pediatr 1986;109:270-276.
  • Kilshaw PJ, Cant AJ. The passage of maternal dietary proteins into human breast milk. Int Arch Allergy Appl Immunol 1984;75:8-15.
  • Kanabar D, Randhawa M, Clayton P. Improvement of symptoms of lactose intolerance following reduction in lactose load with lactase. J Hum Nutr Diet 2001; 14:359-363.
  • Rautava P, Helenius H, Lehtonen L. Psychosocial predisposing factors for infantile colic. BMJ 1993;307:600-604.
  • Rautava P, Lehtonen L, Helenius H, Sillanpaa M. Infantile colic: child and family three years later. Pediatrics 1995;96:43-47.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics. Committee on Nutrition. Hypoallergenic infant formulas. Pediatrics 2000;106:346-349.
  • Savino F, Oggero R. Management of infantile colics . Minerva Pediatr. 1996;48:313 - 319.
  • Savino F, Palumeri E , Castagno E , Cresi F , Dalmasso P , Cavallo F, Oggero; Reduction of crying episodes owing to infantile colic: a randomized controlled study on the efficacy of a new infant formula. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2006;60:1304-1310.
  • Cirgin Ellet ML, Murphy D, Stroud L, Shelton RA, Sullivan A, Ellett SG, Ellet LD. Development and psychometric testing of the infant colic scale. Gastroenter Nurs. 2003;26; 96-103.
  • Cetinkaya B, Basbakkal Z. A Validity and reliability study investigating the Turkish version of the Infant Colic Scale. Gastroenterol Nurs 2007;30;84-90.
  • Yakut Hİ, Toplu C. İnfantil kolikte tedavi. Yeni Tıp Der 2006;23:95-97.
  • Parkin PC, Schwartz CJ, Manuel BA. Randomized controlled trial of three interventions in the management of persistent crying of infancy. Pediatrics 1993; 92:197-201.
  • Sethi KS, Sethi JK. Simethicone in the management of infant colic. Practitioner 1988;232:508.
  • Weissbluth M, Christoffel KK, Davis AT. Treatment of infantile colic making. Fourth ed. Philadelphia: Mosby,2003:290-3.
  • Hiscock H, Jordan B. Problem crying in infancy. Med J Aust. 2004;
  • Illingworth RS. Three months' colic. Treatment by methylscopolamine 181:507-512. nitrate. Acta Paediatr 1955;44:203-208.
  • Cirgin Ellet ML. What is known about infant colic. Gastroenterology with dicyclomine hydrochloride. J Pediatr 1984;104:951-955.
  • Keefe MR, Kajrlsen KA, Lobo ML, Kotzer AM, Dudley WN. Reducing parenting stress in families with irritable infants. Nurs Res. 2006;55:198-205.
  • Wade S, Kilgour T. Extracts “ clinical evitence”: İnfantile colic. BMJ 2001;323;437-440.
  • Hiscock H. The crying baby. Aust Fam Physician 2006;35: 680-684.
  • Poole SR. The infant with acute, unexplained, excessive crying. Physician 2004;70:735-740.
  • Garrison M, Christakis DA. A systematic review of treatments for Pediatrics 1991:88:450-455.
  • Kearney PJ, Malone AJ, Hayes T, Cole M, Hyland M. A trial of lactase in the management of infant colic. J Hum Nutrition Dietetics 1998;11:281­285.
  • Lucassen PL, Assendelft WJ, Gubbels JW, van Eijk JT, Douwes AC. Infantile colic: crying time reduction with a whey hydrolysate; a double blind, randomized placebo­controlled trial. Pediatrics 2000;106:1349 ­1354
  • Weizman Z, Alkrinawi S, Goldfarb D, Bitran C. Efficacy of herbal tea preparation in infantile colic. J Pediatr 1993;122:650-652.
  • Alexandrovich IV, Rakovitskaya O, Kolmo E, Sidorova T, Shushunov S. Effect of fennel seed oil emulsion in infantile colic: Ya ranoxmijed, placeba-controlled study. Altern Ther Health Med 2003;9: 58-61.
  • Hajhashemi V, Ghannadi A, Jafarabadi H.Black cumin seed essential oil, as a potent analgesic and antiinflammatory drug. Phytother Res 2004;18:195-199.
  • Mullany LC, Darmstadt GL, Khatry SK, Tielsch JM. Traditional massage of newborns in Nepal: Implications for trials of improved practice. J Trop Pediatr 2005;51:82-86.
  • Darmstadt GL, Kaha SK.Neonatal oil massage. Indian Pediatr 2003;40:1098-1099.
There are 35 citations in total.


Other ID JA52CK32YA
Journal Section Research Article

Halil İbrahim Yakut This is me

Bahattin Tunç This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2007
Submission Date June 1, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Yakut, H. İ., & Tunç, B. (2007). İNFANTİL KOLİK. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease, 1(1), 57-63.
AMA Yakut Hİ, Tunç B. İNFANTİL KOLİK. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. June 2007;1(1):57-63.
Chicago Yakut, Halil İbrahim, and Bahattin Tunç. “İNFANTİL KOLİK”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 1, no. 1 (June 2007): 57-63.
EndNote Yakut Hİ, Tunç B (June 1, 2007) İNFANTİL KOLİK. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 1 1 57–63.
IEEE H. İ. Yakut and B. Tunç, “İNFANTİL KOLİK”, Turkish J Pediatr Dis, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 57–63, 2007.
ISNAD Yakut, Halil İbrahim - Tunç, Bahattin. “İNFANTİL KOLİK”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 1/1 (June 2007), 57-63.
JAMA Yakut Hİ, Tunç B. İNFANTİL KOLİK. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2007;1:57–63.
MLA Yakut, Halil İbrahim and Bahattin Tunç. “İNFANTİL KOLİK”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease, vol. 1, no. 1, 2007, pp. 57-63.
Vancouver Yakut Hİ, Tunç B. İNFANTİL KOLİK. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2007;1(1):57-63.

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