Case Report
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Kırım Kongo Kanamalı Ateşini Taklit Eden İki Pediatrik Bruselloz Olgusu

Year 2021, Volume: 15 Issue: 6, 538 - 541, 26.11.2021


Bruselloz pastörize edilmemiş süt ve süt ürünlerinin ağız yoluyla alınmasıyla veya enfekte hayvan salgılarıyla yakın temas yoluyla bulaşan, gram negatif bir kokobasil olan Brucella türlerinin neden olduğu ülkemizde de yaygın olarak görülen zoonotik bir hastalıktır. Bruselloz özgül olmayan semptom ve bulgulara sahip olması nedeniyle diğer birçok hastalığı taklit edebilir. Kırım Kongo Kanamalı Ateşi (KKKA) brusellozun ayırıcı tanısında yer alan zoonotik bir hastalıktır. Bu yazıda KKKA ön tanısı ile hastanemize sevk edilen ve bruselloz tanısı konulan iki pediatrik olgu sunulmuştur.

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Project Number





  • Seleem MN, Boyle SM, Sriranganathan N. Brucellosis: a reemerging zoonosis. Vet Microbiol 2010;140:392-
  • Yagupsky P. Pediatric brucellosis: an (almostforgotten disease. Adv Exp Med Biol 2011;719:123-
  • Tuygun N, Tanir G, Caglayik DY, Uyar Y, Korukluoglu G, Cenesiz F. Pediatric cases of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in Turkey. Pediatr Int 2012;54:402-6.
  • Onguru P, Dagdas S, Bodur H, Yilmaz M, Akinci E, Eren S, Ozet G. Coagulopathy parameters in patients with Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever and its relation with mortality. J Clin Lab Anal 2010;24:163-6.
  • Young EJ, Brucellosis RD, Feigin JD, Cherry GJ, Demmler SL. Kaplan (eds). Textbook of pediatric infectious diseases. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Co 2004:1582-7.
  • Kanık Yüksek S, Gülhan B. Çocukluk Çağında Bruselloz: Tek Merkez Deneyimi. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg 2019;6:435-41.
  • Kara SS, Kara D, Fettah A. Various clinical conditions can mimic Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in pediatric patients in endemic regions. J Infect Public Health 2016;9:626-32.
  • Karaman K, Akbayram S, Bayhan GI, Doğan M, Parlak M, Akbayram HT, et al. Hematologic Findings in Children With Brucellosis: Experiences of 622 Patients in Eastern Turkey. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2016;38:463-6.
  • Karli A, Şensoy G, Albayrak C, Koken O, Cıraklı S, Belet N, et al. Pancytopenia As the Initial Manifestation of Brucellosis in Children. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis 2015;15:545-9.
  • Metin O, Teke TA, Aydin ZGG, Kaman A, Oz FN, Bayhan GI, et al. A case of brucellosis mimicking Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever. Journal of Infection and Public Health 2015;8:302-4.
  • Yoldas T, Tezer H, Ozkaya-Parlakay A, Sayli TR. Clinical and laboratory findings of 97 pediatric brucellosis patients in central Turkey. J Microbiol Immunol Infect 2015;48:446-9.
  • Karakeçili F, Çıkman A, Akın H, Gülhan B, Özçiçek A. A case of brucellosis and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever coinfection in an endemic area. Mikrobiyol Bul 2016;50:322-7.
  • Yilmaz GR, Buzgan T, Irmak H, Safran A, Uzun R, Cevik MA, Torunoglu MA. The epidemiology of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in Turkey, 2002-2007. Int J Infect Dis 2009;13:380-6.
  • Young EJ. Brucella Species (Brucellosis). In: Sarah S. Long, Charles G. Prober, Marc Fischer (eds). Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Fifth edition. Elsevier 2017:4563-4.
  • Tanir G, Tufekci SB, Tuygun N. Presentation, complications, and treatment outcome of brucellosis in Turkish children. Pediatr Int 2009;51:114-9.

Two Pediatric Cases of Brucellosis Mimicking Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever

Year 2021, Volume: 15 Issue: 6, 538 - 541, 26.11.2021


Brucellosis is a common zoonotic disease in our country caused by Brucella species, a gram negative coccobacillus that is transmitted by oral ingestion of unpasteurized milk and dairy products or by close contact with infected animal secretions. Because brucellosis has nonspecific symptoms and findings, it can mimic many other diseases. Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) is a zoonotic disease included in the differential diagnosis of brucellosis. In this article, two pediatric cases referred with a pre-diagnosis of CCHF and diagnosed with brucellosis were presented.

Project Number



  • Seleem MN, Boyle SM, Sriranganathan N. Brucellosis: a reemerging zoonosis. Vet Microbiol 2010;140:392-
  • Yagupsky P. Pediatric brucellosis: an (almostforgotten disease. Adv Exp Med Biol 2011;719:123-
  • Tuygun N, Tanir G, Caglayik DY, Uyar Y, Korukluoglu G, Cenesiz F. Pediatric cases of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in Turkey. Pediatr Int 2012;54:402-6.
  • Onguru P, Dagdas S, Bodur H, Yilmaz M, Akinci E, Eren S, Ozet G. Coagulopathy parameters in patients with Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever and its relation with mortality. J Clin Lab Anal 2010;24:163-6.
  • Young EJ, Brucellosis RD, Feigin JD, Cherry GJ, Demmler SL. Kaplan (eds). Textbook of pediatric infectious diseases. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Co 2004:1582-7.
  • Kanık Yüksek S, Gülhan B. Çocukluk Çağında Bruselloz: Tek Merkez Deneyimi. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg 2019;6:435-41.
  • Kara SS, Kara D, Fettah A. Various clinical conditions can mimic Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in pediatric patients in endemic regions. J Infect Public Health 2016;9:626-32.
  • Karaman K, Akbayram S, Bayhan GI, Doğan M, Parlak M, Akbayram HT, et al. Hematologic Findings in Children With Brucellosis: Experiences of 622 Patients in Eastern Turkey. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2016;38:463-6.
  • Karli A, Şensoy G, Albayrak C, Koken O, Cıraklı S, Belet N, et al. Pancytopenia As the Initial Manifestation of Brucellosis in Children. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis 2015;15:545-9.
  • Metin O, Teke TA, Aydin ZGG, Kaman A, Oz FN, Bayhan GI, et al. A case of brucellosis mimicking Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever. Journal of Infection and Public Health 2015;8:302-4.
  • Yoldas T, Tezer H, Ozkaya-Parlakay A, Sayli TR. Clinical and laboratory findings of 97 pediatric brucellosis patients in central Turkey. J Microbiol Immunol Infect 2015;48:446-9.
  • Karakeçili F, Çıkman A, Akın H, Gülhan B, Özçiçek A. A case of brucellosis and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever coinfection in an endemic area. Mikrobiyol Bul 2016;50:322-7.
  • Yilmaz GR, Buzgan T, Irmak H, Safran A, Uzun R, Cevik MA, Torunoglu MA. The epidemiology of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in Turkey, 2002-2007. Int J Infect Dis 2009;13:380-6.
  • Young EJ. Brucella Species (Brucellosis). In: Sarah S. Long, Charles G. Prober, Marc Fischer (eds). Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Fifth edition. Elsevier 2017:4563-4.
  • Tanir G, Tufekci SB, Tuygun N. Presentation, complications, and treatment outcome of brucellosis in Turkish children. Pediatr Int 2009;51:114-9.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects ​Internal Diseases
Journal Section CASE REPORTS

Ömer Güneş 0000-0001-7121-3810

Saliha Kanık Yüksek 0000-0002-2538-2872

Latife Güder This is me 0000-0003-4565-3665

Özlem Mustafaoğlu 0000-0001-8915-6922

Ahmet Yasin Güney 0000-0002-3446-7034

Belgin Gülhan 0000-0003-0839-1301

Gülsüm İclal Bayhan 0000-0002-1423-4348

Aslınur Özkaya Parlakay 0000-0001-5691-2461

Project Number yok
Publication Date November 26, 2021
Submission Date November 12, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 15 Issue: 6


APA Güneş, Ö., Kanık Yüksek, S., Güder, L., Mustafaoğlu, Ö., et al. (2021). Kırım Kongo Kanamalı Ateşini Taklit Eden İki Pediatrik Bruselloz Olgusu. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, 15(6), 538-541.
AMA Güneş Ö, Kanık Yüksek S, Güder L, Mustafaoğlu Ö, Güney AY, Gülhan B, Bayhan Gİ, Özkaya Parlakay A. Kırım Kongo Kanamalı Ateşini Taklit Eden İki Pediatrik Bruselloz Olgusu. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. November 2021;15(6):538-541. doi:10.12956/tchd.823943
Chicago Güneş, Ömer, Saliha Kanık Yüksek, Latife Güder, Özlem Mustafaoğlu, Ahmet Yasin Güney, Belgin Gülhan, Gülsüm İclal Bayhan, and Aslınur Özkaya Parlakay. “Kırım Kongo Kanamalı Ateşini Taklit Eden İki Pediatrik Bruselloz Olgusu”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 15, no. 6 (November 2021): 538-41.
EndNote Güneş Ö, Kanık Yüksek S, Güder L, Mustafaoğlu Ö, Güney AY, Gülhan B, Bayhan Gİ, Özkaya Parlakay A (November 1, 2021) Kırım Kongo Kanamalı Ateşini Taklit Eden İki Pediatrik Bruselloz Olgusu. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 15 6 538–541.
IEEE Ö. Güneş, S. Kanık Yüksek, L. Güder, Ö. Mustafaoğlu, A. Y. Güney, B. Gülhan, G. İ. Bayhan, and A. Özkaya Parlakay, “Kırım Kongo Kanamalı Ateşini Taklit Eden İki Pediatrik Bruselloz Olgusu”, Turkish J Pediatr Dis, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 538–541, 2021, doi: 10.12956/tchd.823943.
ISNAD Güneş, Ömer et al. “Kırım Kongo Kanamalı Ateşini Taklit Eden İki Pediatrik Bruselloz Olgusu”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 15/6 (November 2021), 538-541.
JAMA Güneş Ö, Kanık Yüksek S, Güder L, Mustafaoğlu Ö, Güney AY, Gülhan B, Bayhan Gİ, Özkaya Parlakay A. Kırım Kongo Kanamalı Ateşini Taklit Eden İki Pediatrik Bruselloz Olgusu. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2021;15:538–541.
MLA Güneş, Ömer et al. “Kırım Kongo Kanamalı Ateşini Taklit Eden İki Pediatrik Bruselloz Olgusu”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, vol. 15, no. 6, 2021, pp. 538-41, doi:10.12956/tchd.823943.
Vancouver Güneş Ö, Kanık Yüksek S, Güder L, Mustafaoğlu Ö, Güney AY, Gülhan B, Bayhan Gİ, Özkaya Parlakay A. Kırım Kongo Kanamalı Ateşini Taklit Eden İki Pediatrik Bruselloz Olgusu. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2021;15(6):538-41.

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