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Behavior problems of preschoolers with Developmental Language Disorder

Year 2024, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 21 - 26, 10.01.2024


Objective: Children with developmental language disorder (DLD) are prone to numerous adverse outcomes throughout their lives. The aim of the study was to investigate risk factors and behavior problems in children aged 1.5 to 5 years with DLD in a low/middle-income country.
Material and Methods: This case-control study included 101 preschoolers (54 children with DLD and 47 children with typical development (TD)). A developmental pediatrician evaluated each child’s development using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire. Children Behavior Checklist and Beck Depression Inventory were completed by mothers. Socio-demographic information and screen parameters were obtained using a researcher-developed form.
Results: Risk factors for DLD were identified as less frequent reading books with parents, consanguineous marriage, and having a family member with language disorders. Preschoolers with DLD had more behavior problems (except sleep and somatic problems) than preschoolers with TD (p<0.050). The risk factors for behavior problems of preschooler with DLD in the multivariable regression model included: ages of parents and children, paternal education, lack of having their own room, and maternal depressive symptoms.
Conclusion: Consistent with the findings of this study, consanguineous marriage, family history of language disorders, and infrequent reading of books with parents were associated with the development of DLD. Attention should be given to behavioral problems in preschool children with DLD. Maternal depressive symptoms, lower paternal education, younger father, and lack of having their own room can be highlighted factors for behavior problems of children with DLD. Parents play a crucial role in shaping behavior and language development during the preschool period.


  • Bishop DV. Ten questions about terminology for children with unexplained language problems. Int J Lang Commun Disord 2014;49:381-415.
  • National Academies of Sciences E, Medicine. Speech and language disorders in children: Implications for the social security administration’s supplemental security income program. 2016.
  • Tomblin JB, Records NL, Buckwalter P, Zhang X, Smith E, O’Brien M. Prevalence of specific language impairment in kindergarten children. J Speech Lang Hear Res 1997;40:1245-60.
  • Ziegenfusz S, Paynter J, Flückiger B, Westerveld MF. A systematic review of the academic achievement of primary and secondary school-aged students with developmental language disorder. Autism Dev Lang Impair 2022;7:23969415221099397.
  • Conti‐Ramsden G, Durkin K, Toseeb U, Botting N, Pickles A. Education and employment outcomes of young adults with a history of developmental language disorder. Int J Lang Commun Disord 2018;53:237-55.
  • Curtis PR, Frey JR, Watson CD, Hampton LH, Roberts MY. Language disorders and problem behaviors: A meta-analysis. Pediatrics 2018;142.
  • Özcebe E, Noyan Erbas A, Karahan Tiğrak T. Analysis of behavioural characteristics of children with developmental language disorders. Int J Speech-Lang Pathol 2020;22:30-6.
  • Thordardottir E, Topbaş S. How aware is the public of the existence, characteristics and causes of language impairment in childhood and where have they heard about it? A European survey. J Commun Disord 2021;89:106057.
  • Kuvač Kraljević J, Matić Škorić A, Roch M, Kogovšek D, Novšak Brce J. Public awareness of developmental language disorder in Croatia, Italy and Slovenia. Int J Lang Commun Disord 2022;57:1269-80.
  • Hoff E, Tian C. Socioeconomic status and cultural influences on language. J Commun Disord 2005;38:271-8.
  • Beck AT, Steer RA, Carbin MG. Psychometric properties of the Beck Depression Inventory: Twenty-five years of evaluation. Clin Psychol Rev 1988;8:77-100.
  • Hisli N. A study on the validity of the Beck Depression Inventory. Turk Psychol J 1998;6:118-23.
  • Kapci EG, Kucuker S, Uslu RI. How applicable are Ages and Stages Questionnaires for use with Turkish children? Top Early Child Spec Educ 2010;30:176-88.
  • Squires J, Potter L, Bricker D. The ASQ user’s guide for the Ages & Stages Questionnaires: A parent-completed, child-monitoring system: Paul H Brookes Publishing 1995.
  • Achenbach TM, Ruffle TM. The Child Behavior Checklist and related forms for assessing behavioral/emotional problems and competencies. Pediatr Rev 2000;21:265-71.
  • Erol N, Simsek Z, Oner O, Munir K. Behavioral and emotional problems among Turkish children at ages 2 to 3 years. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatr 2005;44:80-7.
  • Collisson BA, Graham SA, Preston JL, Rose MS, McDonald S, Tough S. Risk and protective factors for late talking: An epidemiologic investigation. The J Pediatr 2016;172:168-74. e1.
  • Wallace IF, Berkman ND, Watson LR, Coyne-Beasley T, Wood CT, Cullen K, et al. Screening for speech and language delay in children 5 years old and younger: a systematic review. Pediatrics 2015;136:e448-e62.
  • Marini A. The beauty of diversity in cognitive neuroscience: The case of sex‐related effects in language production networks. J Neurosci Res 2023;101:633-42.
  • Çelen Yoldaş T, Özmert EN. Communicative environmental factors including maternal depression and media usage patterns on early language development. Matern Child Health J 2021;25:900-8.
  • Dowdall N, Melendez‐Torres GJ, Murray L, Gardner F, Hartford L, Cooper PJ. Shared picture book reading interventions for child language development: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Child Dev 2020;91:e383-e99.
  • Egger HL, Angold A. Common emotional and behavioral disorders in preschool children: Presentation, nosology, and epidemiology. J Child Psychol Psychiatr 2006;47:313-37.
  • Engle PL, Fernald LC, Alderman H, Behrman J, O’Gara C, Yousafzai A, et al. Strategies for reducing inequalities and improving developmental outcomes for young children in low-income and middle-income countries. The Lancet 2011;378:1339-53.
  • Conti-Ramsden G, Mok P, Durkin K, Pickles A, Toseeb U, Botting N. Do emotional difficulties and peer problems occur together from childhood to adolescence? The case of children with a history of developmental language disorder (DLD). Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatr 2019;28:993-1004.
  • Valera-Pozo M, Adrover-Roig D, Pérez-Castelló JA, Sanchez-Azanza VA, Aguilar-Mediavilla E. Behavioral, emotional and school adjustment in adolescents with and without developmental language disorder (DLD) is related to family involvement. Int J Environ Res Public health 2020;17:1949.
  • Toseeb U, Gibson JL, Newbury DF, Orlik W, Durkin K, Pickles A, et al. Play and prosociality are associated with fewer externalizing problems in children with developmental language disorder: The role of early language and communication environment. Int J Lang Comm Disord 2020;55:583-602.
  • Baker CE, Brooks‐Gunn J, Gouskova N. Reciprocal relations between maternal depression and child behavior problems in families served by Head Start. Child Dev 2020;91:1563-76.
  • Urizar GG, Muñoz RF. Role of maternal depression on child development: A prospective analysis from pregnancy to early childhood. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev 2021:1-13.
  • Duncan GJ, Magnuson K, Votruba-Drzal E. Boosting family income to promote child development. Future Child 2014:99-120.
  • Jeong J, McCoy DC, Fink G. Pathways between paternal and maternal education, caregivers’ support for learning, and early child development in 44 low-and middle-income countries. Early Child Res Q 2017;41:136-48.
  • Jeong J, Kim R, Subramanian S. How consistent are associations between maternal and paternal education and child growth and development outcomes across 39 low-income and middle-income countries? J Epidemiol Community Health 2018;72:434-41.
  • Kashahu L, Dibra G, Osmanaga F, Bushati J. The relationship between parental demographics, parenting styles and student academic achievement. Eur Sci J 2014;10.
  • Hosokawa R, Katsura T. Effect of socioeconomic status on behavioral problems from preschool to early elementary school–A Japanese longitudinal study. PLoS One 2018;13:e0197961.
  • Clair A. Housing: an under-explored influence on children’s well-being and becoming. Child Indic Res 2019;12:609-26.

Gelişimsel Konuşma Bozukluğu Olan Okul Öncesi Çocukların Davranış Problemleri

Year 2024, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 21 - 26, 10.01.2024


Amaç: Gelişimsel konuşma bozukluğu (GKB) tanısıyla izlenen çocuklar, yaşamları boyunca birçok olumsuz durumla karşılaşabilirler. Çalışmanın amacı, düşük/orta gelirli bir ülkede yaşayan 1.5-5 yaş arası GKB olan çocukların davranış problemlerini ve GKB risk faktörlerini araştırmaktır.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu vaka-kontrol çalışmasına, okul öncesi yaş grubundaki 101 çocuk (GKB tanısı olan 54 çocuk ve tipik gelişim gösteren (TD) 47 çocuk) dahil edildi. Her çocuğun gelişimi Erken Gelişim Envanteri kullanılarak gelişimsel pediatri uzmanı tarafından değerlendirildi. 1.5- 5 Yaş Çocukları İçin Davranış Değerlendirme Ölçeği ve Beck Depresyon Envanteri anneler tarafından dolduruldu. Sosyo-demografik özellikler ve ekran parametreleri, araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen anketle kaydedildi.Bulgular: Ebeveynlerle birlikte az kitap okunması, akraba evliliği ve ailede konuşma bozukluğu olan bir bireyin olması GKB açısından muhtemel risk faktörleri olarak saptandı. GKB tanısıyla izlenen okul öncesi çocukların, tipik gelişim gösteren çocuklara nazaran daha fazla davranış problemlerine sahip oldukları görüldü (uyku ve somatik problemler dışında) (p<0.05). Çoklu regresyon modelinde, çocukların yaşları, ebeveynlerin yaşları, babanın eğitim durumu, çocukların kendi odalarının olması ve annenin depresif belirtileri GKB tanısıyla izlenen çocukların davranış problemleriyle ilişkili bulundu.
Sonuç: Çalışmanın bulguları doğrultusunda, akraba evliliği, ailede konuşma bozukluğu olan bireylerin olması ve ebeveynlerle daha az kitap okunması GKB gelişimiyle ilişkili bulunmuştur. GKB tanısıyla izlenen okul öncesi çocuklarda, davranış problemleri açısından dikkatli olunmalıdır. Anne depresyonu, baba eğitiminin düşük olması ve çocuğun kendine ait odasının olmaması GKB olan çocukların davranış problemlerinde öne çıkan risk faktörleri olabilir. Okul öncesi dönemde davranış şekillenmesinde ve dil gelişiminde ebeveynler önemli bir rol oynamaktadır.


  • Bishop DV. Ten questions about terminology for children with unexplained language problems. Int J Lang Commun Disord 2014;49:381-415.
  • National Academies of Sciences E, Medicine. Speech and language disorders in children: Implications for the social security administration’s supplemental security income program. 2016.
  • Tomblin JB, Records NL, Buckwalter P, Zhang X, Smith E, O’Brien M. Prevalence of specific language impairment in kindergarten children. J Speech Lang Hear Res 1997;40:1245-60.
  • Ziegenfusz S, Paynter J, Flückiger B, Westerveld MF. A systematic review of the academic achievement of primary and secondary school-aged students with developmental language disorder. Autism Dev Lang Impair 2022;7:23969415221099397.
  • Conti‐Ramsden G, Durkin K, Toseeb U, Botting N, Pickles A. Education and employment outcomes of young adults with a history of developmental language disorder. Int J Lang Commun Disord 2018;53:237-55.
  • Curtis PR, Frey JR, Watson CD, Hampton LH, Roberts MY. Language disorders and problem behaviors: A meta-analysis. Pediatrics 2018;142.
  • Özcebe E, Noyan Erbas A, Karahan Tiğrak T. Analysis of behavioural characteristics of children with developmental language disorders. Int J Speech-Lang Pathol 2020;22:30-6.
  • Thordardottir E, Topbaş S. How aware is the public of the existence, characteristics and causes of language impairment in childhood and where have they heard about it? A European survey. J Commun Disord 2021;89:106057.
  • Kuvač Kraljević J, Matić Škorić A, Roch M, Kogovšek D, Novšak Brce J. Public awareness of developmental language disorder in Croatia, Italy and Slovenia. Int J Lang Commun Disord 2022;57:1269-80.
  • Hoff E, Tian C. Socioeconomic status and cultural influences on language. J Commun Disord 2005;38:271-8.
  • Beck AT, Steer RA, Carbin MG. Psychometric properties of the Beck Depression Inventory: Twenty-five years of evaluation. Clin Psychol Rev 1988;8:77-100.
  • Hisli N. A study on the validity of the Beck Depression Inventory. Turk Psychol J 1998;6:118-23.
  • Kapci EG, Kucuker S, Uslu RI. How applicable are Ages and Stages Questionnaires for use with Turkish children? Top Early Child Spec Educ 2010;30:176-88.
  • Squires J, Potter L, Bricker D. The ASQ user’s guide for the Ages & Stages Questionnaires: A parent-completed, child-monitoring system: Paul H Brookes Publishing 1995.
  • Achenbach TM, Ruffle TM. The Child Behavior Checklist and related forms for assessing behavioral/emotional problems and competencies. Pediatr Rev 2000;21:265-71.
  • Erol N, Simsek Z, Oner O, Munir K. Behavioral and emotional problems among Turkish children at ages 2 to 3 years. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatr 2005;44:80-7.
  • Collisson BA, Graham SA, Preston JL, Rose MS, McDonald S, Tough S. Risk and protective factors for late talking: An epidemiologic investigation. The J Pediatr 2016;172:168-74. e1.
  • Wallace IF, Berkman ND, Watson LR, Coyne-Beasley T, Wood CT, Cullen K, et al. Screening for speech and language delay in children 5 years old and younger: a systematic review. Pediatrics 2015;136:e448-e62.
  • Marini A. The beauty of diversity in cognitive neuroscience: The case of sex‐related effects in language production networks. J Neurosci Res 2023;101:633-42.
  • Çelen Yoldaş T, Özmert EN. Communicative environmental factors including maternal depression and media usage patterns on early language development. Matern Child Health J 2021;25:900-8.
  • Dowdall N, Melendez‐Torres GJ, Murray L, Gardner F, Hartford L, Cooper PJ. Shared picture book reading interventions for child language development: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Child Dev 2020;91:e383-e99.
  • Egger HL, Angold A. Common emotional and behavioral disorders in preschool children: Presentation, nosology, and epidemiology. J Child Psychol Psychiatr 2006;47:313-37.
  • Engle PL, Fernald LC, Alderman H, Behrman J, O’Gara C, Yousafzai A, et al. Strategies for reducing inequalities and improving developmental outcomes for young children in low-income and middle-income countries. The Lancet 2011;378:1339-53.
  • Conti-Ramsden G, Mok P, Durkin K, Pickles A, Toseeb U, Botting N. Do emotional difficulties and peer problems occur together from childhood to adolescence? The case of children with a history of developmental language disorder (DLD). Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatr 2019;28:993-1004.
  • Valera-Pozo M, Adrover-Roig D, Pérez-Castelló JA, Sanchez-Azanza VA, Aguilar-Mediavilla E. Behavioral, emotional and school adjustment in adolescents with and without developmental language disorder (DLD) is related to family involvement. Int J Environ Res Public health 2020;17:1949.
  • Toseeb U, Gibson JL, Newbury DF, Orlik W, Durkin K, Pickles A, et al. Play and prosociality are associated with fewer externalizing problems in children with developmental language disorder: The role of early language and communication environment. Int J Lang Comm Disord 2020;55:583-602.
  • Baker CE, Brooks‐Gunn J, Gouskova N. Reciprocal relations between maternal depression and child behavior problems in families served by Head Start. Child Dev 2020;91:1563-76.
  • Urizar GG, Muñoz RF. Role of maternal depression on child development: A prospective analysis from pregnancy to early childhood. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev 2021:1-13.
  • Duncan GJ, Magnuson K, Votruba-Drzal E. Boosting family income to promote child development. Future Child 2014:99-120.
  • Jeong J, McCoy DC, Fink G. Pathways between paternal and maternal education, caregivers’ support for learning, and early child development in 44 low-and middle-income countries. Early Child Res Q 2017;41:136-48.
  • Jeong J, Kim R, Subramanian S. How consistent are associations between maternal and paternal education and child growth and development outcomes across 39 low-income and middle-income countries? J Epidemiol Community Health 2018;72:434-41.
  • Kashahu L, Dibra G, Osmanaga F, Bushati J. The relationship between parental demographics, parenting styles and student academic achievement. Eur Sci J 2014;10.
  • Hosokawa R, Katsura T. Effect of socioeconomic status on behavioral problems from preschool to early elementary school–A Japanese longitudinal study. PLoS One 2018;13:e0197961.
  • Clair A. Housing: an under-explored influence on children’s well-being and becoming. Child Indic Res 2019;12:609-26.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences

Evin İlter Bahadur 0000-0003-0592-6710

Mine Yılmaz 0009-0003-7647-5061

Asena Ayça Özdemir 0000-0002-0108-1880

Early Pub Date November 2, 2023
Publication Date January 10, 2024
Submission Date May 17, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 18 Issue: 1


APA İlter Bahadur, E., Yılmaz, M., & Özdemir, A. A. (2024). Behavior problems of preschoolers with Developmental Language Disorder. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, 18(1), 21-26.
AMA İlter Bahadur E, Yılmaz M, Özdemir AA. Behavior problems of preschoolers with Developmental Language Disorder. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. January 2024;18(1):21-26. doi:10.12956/tchd.1298463
Chicago İlter Bahadur, Evin, Mine Yılmaz, and Asena Ayça Özdemir. “Behavior Problems of Preschoolers With Developmental Language Disorder”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 18, no. 1 (January 2024): 21-26.
EndNote İlter Bahadur E, Yılmaz M, Özdemir AA (January 1, 2024) Behavior problems of preschoolers with Developmental Language Disorder. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 18 1 21–26.
IEEE E. İlter Bahadur, M. Yılmaz, and A. A. Özdemir, “Behavior problems of preschoolers with Developmental Language Disorder”, Turkish J Pediatr Dis, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 21–26, 2024, doi: 10.12956/tchd.1298463.
ISNAD İlter Bahadur, Evin et al. “Behavior Problems of Preschoolers With Developmental Language Disorder”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 18/1 (January 2024), 21-26.
JAMA İlter Bahadur E, Yılmaz M, Özdemir AA. Behavior problems of preschoolers with Developmental Language Disorder. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2024;18:21–26.
MLA İlter Bahadur, Evin et al. “Behavior Problems of Preschoolers With Developmental Language Disorder”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, vol. 18, no. 1, 2024, pp. 21-26, doi:10.12956/tchd.1298463.
Vancouver İlter Bahadur E, Yılmaz M, Özdemir AA. Behavior problems of preschoolers with Developmental Language Disorder. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2024;18(1):21-6.

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