Research Article
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The Spectral Decay Parameter κ (kappa) for the Near Site Events in Van Region

Year 2020, , 1 - 13, 29.06.2020


The spectral decay parameter κ (kappa) is increasingly used in many applications since it is first introduced by Anderson and Hough (1984) and basically measures the decay of high-frequency ground motion amplitudes for each ground motion acceleration time history record at one location. During the past years, multiple approaches were developed for its estimation and effect on seismic hazard calculations, where it was observed that κ can have an impact in terms of 3 to 6 times increased seismic hazard values for high-frequency ground motions depending on the site conditions. In this study, the strong ground motion recordings from the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) stations in Van region are taken into account for κ evaluations.

Supporting Institution

Gebze Technical University, Earthquake Engineering Association of Turkey.


The data is provided from Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD).


  • Abrahamson N., Silva W., 2008. Summary of the Abrahamson and Silva NGA Ground-Motion Relations. Earthquake Spectra (24), 67-97.
  • AFAD, 2018. Türkiye Ulusal Kuvvetli Yer Hareketi Veri Tabanı (TR-KYH), Ankara. Erişim adresi:
  • Askan A., Sisman F.N., Pekcan O., 2014. A regional near-surface high frequency spectral attenuation (kappa) model for northwestern Turkey. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (65), 113–125.
  • Anderson J., Hough S., 1984. A model for the shape of the Fourier amplitude spectrum of acceleration at high frequencies. Bulletin of Seismological Society of America (74), 1969-1993.
  • Andrews D.J., 1986. Objective determination of source parameters and similarity of earthquakes of different size. Earthquake source mechanics, American Geophysical Monograph (37), 259-267.
  • Biro Y., Renault P., 2012. Importance and impact of host-to-target conversions for ground motion equations in PSHA, Proceedings 15th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering (15WCEE), 24-28 September 2012, Lisbon-Portugal, 1855.
  • EPRI, 1993. Method and guidelines for estimating earthquake ground motion in eastern North America. Guidelines for Determining Design Basis Ground Motions, EPRI TR-102293, (Vol 1), Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA.
  • Kotha S.R., Bindi D., Cotton F., 2017. From ergodic to region-and site-specific probabilistic seismic hazard assessment: Method development and application at European and Middle Eastern sites. Earthquake Spectra, 33(4), 1433–1453.
  • Kurtulmus O., Akyol N., 2015. Separation of source, site and near-surface attenuation effects in western Turkey. Natural Hazards (77), 1515-1532.
  • Ktenidou O.J., Abrahamson N.A., Darragh R.B., Silva W.A., 2016. A methodology for the estimation of kappa (κ) from large datasets: Example application to rock sites in NGA-East database and implications on design motions. Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER), Report No: 2016/01, April 2016, CA, USA.
  • Ktenidou O.J., Silva W.A., Darragh R.B., Abrahamson N.A., Kishida T., 2017. Squeezing Kappa (κ) Out of the Transportable Array: A Strategy for Using Bandlimited Data in Regions of Sparse Seismicity. Bulletin of Seismological Society of America 107(1), 256-275.
  • Laurendeau A., Cotton F., Ktenidou O.J., Bonilla L.F., Hollender F., 2013. Rock and stiff-soil site amplification: Dependency on Vs30 and kappa (κ0). Bulletin of Seismological Society of America 103(6), 3131-3148.
  • Renault P., Abrahamson N.A., Coppersmith K.J., Koller M., Roth P., Hölker A., 2013. PEGASOS refinement project probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for Swiss Nuclear Power Plant Sites, Summary Report, Volumes 1-5, Swissnuclear, Switzerland.
  • SIGMA-2 Kappa Project, France. Erişim adresi:
  • Tanircan G. and Dikmen S.U., 2018. Variation of high frequency spectral attenuation (Kappa) in vertical arrays. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (113): 406-414.

Van Bölgesinde Yakın Saha Deprem Hareketlerinde Spektral Sönüm Parametresi, κ (kappa)

Year 2020, , 1 - 13, 29.06.2020


Anderson ve Hough (1984) tarafından ilk kez kullanılmaya başlanan spektral sönüm parametresi, κ (kappa), birçok uygulamada gittikçe artarak kullanılmaktadır ve bir istasyonda kaydedilmiş kuvvetli yer hareketinin spektral alanda yüksek frekanstaki eğimini ifade eder. Geçtiğimiz son yıllarda, kappa tahmini ve deprem tehlike analizi sonuçlarına etkisi üzerine birçok yaklaşım geliştirilmiştir. Kappa’nın zemin koşullarına bağlı olarak, yüksek frekans aralığındaki yer hareketinde deprem tehlike değerlerinde 3 hatta zemine bağlı olarak 6 kat artış gözlemlenmiştir. Bu parametrenin önemi sebebiyle Van Bölgesi için κ tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, κ tahminleri için Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı Kuvvetli Yer Hareketi gözlem ağına ait (AFAD) Van bölgesindeki istasyonlarından alınan ivme-ölçer deprem kayıtları kullanılmıştır.


  • Abrahamson N., Silva W., 2008. Summary of the Abrahamson and Silva NGA Ground-Motion Relations. Earthquake Spectra (24), 67-97.
  • AFAD, 2018. Türkiye Ulusal Kuvvetli Yer Hareketi Veri Tabanı (TR-KYH), Ankara. Erişim adresi:
  • Askan A., Sisman F.N., Pekcan O., 2014. A regional near-surface high frequency spectral attenuation (kappa) model for northwestern Turkey. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (65), 113–125.
  • Anderson J., Hough S., 1984. A model for the shape of the Fourier amplitude spectrum of acceleration at high frequencies. Bulletin of Seismological Society of America (74), 1969-1993.
  • Andrews D.J., 1986. Objective determination of source parameters and similarity of earthquakes of different size. Earthquake source mechanics, American Geophysical Monograph (37), 259-267.
  • Biro Y., Renault P., 2012. Importance and impact of host-to-target conversions for ground motion equations in PSHA, Proceedings 15th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering (15WCEE), 24-28 September 2012, Lisbon-Portugal, 1855.
  • EPRI, 1993. Method and guidelines for estimating earthquake ground motion in eastern North America. Guidelines for Determining Design Basis Ground Motions, EPRI TR-102293, (Vol 1), Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA.
  • Kotha S.R., Bindi D., Cotton F., 2017. From ergodic to region-and site-specific probabilistic seismic hazard assessment: Method development and application at European and Middle Eastern sites. Earthquake Spectra, 33(4), 1433–1453.
  • Kurtulmus O., Akyol N., 2015. Separation of source, site and near-surface attenuation effects in western Turkey. Natural Hazards (77), 1515-1532.
  • Ktenidou O.J., Abrahamson N.A., Darragh R.B., Silva W.A., 2016. A methodology for the estimation of kappa (κ) from large datasets: Example application to rock sites in NGA-East database and implications on design motions. Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER), Report No: 2016/01, April 2016, CA, USA.
  • Ktenidou O.J., Silva W.A., Darragh R.B., Abrahamson N.A., Kishida T., 2017. Squeezing Kappa (κ) Out of the Transportable Array: A Strategy for Using Bandlimited Data in Regions of Sparse Seismicity. Bulletin of Seismological Society of America 107(1), 256-275.
  • Laurendeau A., Cotton F., Ktenidou O.J., Bonilla L.F., Hollender F., 2013. Rock and stiff-soil site amplification: Dependency on Vs30 and kappa (κ0). Bulletin of Seismological Society of America 103(6), 3131-3148.
  • Renault P., Abrahamson N.A., Coppersmith K.J., Koller M., Roth P., Hölker A., 2013. PEGASOS refinement project probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for Swiss Nuclear Power Plant Sites, Summary Report, Volumes 1-5, Swissnuclear, Switzerland.
  • SIGMA-2 Kappa Project, France. Erişim adresi:
  • Tanircan G. and Dikmen S.U., 2018. Variation of high frequency spectral attenuation (Kappa) in vertical arrays. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (113): 406-414.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Civil Engineering, Geology (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Yesim Biro 0000-0002-4165-9085

Bilge Siyahi This is me 0000-0002-6947-4146

Bülent Akbaş 0000-0003-4846-750X

Publication Date June 29, 2020
Submission Date April 27, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Biro, Y., Siyahi, B., & Akbaş, B. (2020). Van Bölgesinde Yakın Saha Deprem Hareketlerinde Spektral Sönüm Parametresi, κ (kappa). Türk Deprem Araştırma Dergisi, 2(1), 1-13.
AMA Biro Y, Siyahi B, Akbaş B. Van Bölgesinde Yakın Saha Deprem Hareketlerinde Spektral Sönüm Parametresi, κ (kappa). TDAD. June 2020;2(1):1-13. doi:10.46464/tdad.727847
Chicago Biro, Yesim, Bilge Siyahi, and Bülent Akbaş. “Van Bölgesinde Yakın Saha Deprem Hareketlerinde Spektral Sönüm Parametresi, κ (kappa)”. Türk Deprem Araştırma Dergisi 2, no. 1 (June 2020): 1-13.
EndNote Biro Y, Siyahi B, Akbaş B (June 1, 2020) Van Bölgesinde Yakın Saha Deprem Hareketlerinde Spektral Sönüm Parametresi, κ (kappa). Türk Deprem Araştırma Dergisi 2 1 1–13.
IEEE Y. Biro, B. Siyahi, and B. Akbaş, “Van Bölgesinde Yakın Saha Deprem Hareketlerinde Spektral Sönüm Parametresi, κ (kappa)”, TDAD, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1–13, 2020, doi: 10.46464/tdad.727847.
ISNAD Biro, Yesim et al. “Van Bölgesinde Yakın Saha Deprem Hareketlerinde Spektral Sönüm Parametresi, κ (kappa)”. Türk Deprem Araştırma Dergisi 2/1 (June 2020), 1-13.
JAMA Biro Y, Siyahi B, Akbaş B. Van Bölgesinde Yakın Saha Deprem Hareketlerinde Spektral Sönüm Parametresi, κ (kappa). TDAD. 2020;2:1–13.
MLA Biro, Yesim et al. “Van Bölgesinde Yakın Saha Deprem Hareketlerinde Spektral Sönüm Parametresi, κ (kappa)”. Türk Deprem Araştırma Dergisi, vol. 2, no. 1, 2020, pp. 1-13, doi:10.46464/tdad.727847.
Vancouver Biro Y, Siyahi B, Akbaş B. Van Bölgesinde Yakın Saha Deprem Hareketlerinde Spektral Sönüm Parametresi, κ (kappa). TDAD. 2020;2(1):1-13.


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