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Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 37 - 42, 30.06.2019




  • [1]Aly,M.F.K.,Kraus,D.A.,Burrack,H.J.2017.Effects of postharvest cold storage on the development and survival of ımmature Drosophila suzuki (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in artificial diet and fruit. J.of Eco. Ento.,10(1),87–93.
  • [2]Amor,R.B.,Dhouibi,M.H.,Aguayo,E.,2016.Hot water treatments combined with cold storage as a tool for Ectomyelois ceratoniae mortality and maintenance of Deglet Noor palm date quality. J.of Posthar. Bio. and Techno. 112, 247–255.
  • [3]Anonymus.2018.WebSitesi: fundamentals /cooling-and storage /cooling- methods / ErişimTarihi:15.04.2018.
  • [4]Arthur,Frank,H.,Johnson,Judy,A.,Neven,Lisa,G.,Hallman,Guy,J.,Follett, Peter,A.,2009. Insect Pest Management in Postharvest Ecosystems in the United States of America.In:Outlooks on pest managements.Research information. Ltd.20(6), pp. 279-284.[
  • 5]Boardman,L.,Grout,T.G. ve Terblanche, J.S.,2012.False codling moth Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Lepidoptera,Tortricidae larvae are chill-susceptible.J. of Insect Science. 19, 315–328.
  • [6]Castro,R., Fallik, E., Lavy, N.E., Tuvia,S.A.,Rempoulakis,P.,Nestel,D.,2016. Effects of cold post-harvest treatments of sweet bell peppers on the development of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata).120,16–22.
  • [7]Cheng,J.,Su,Q,Jiao,X.,Shi,C.,Yang,Y.,H an,H.,Xie,W.,Guo,Z.,Wu,Q, Xu, B.,Wang, S., Zhang,Y. 2017. Effects of heat shock on the Bradysia odoriphaga (Diptera:Sciaridae).
  • [8]Fallik,E.,Perzelan,Y.,Tuvia,S.A.,Lavy, E.N., Nestel, D., 2012.Development of cold quarantine protocols to arrest the development of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) fruit after harvest. J. of Postharvest Bio. and Techn.70 ,7–12.
  • [9] Fields PG. 1992. The control of stored product insects and mites with extreme temperatures.J.Stored Prod. Res. 28:89–118.
  • [10] Gamage,T.V.,Sanguansri,P.,Swiergon,P., Eelkema, M., Wyatt, P., Leach, P.,Alexander,D.L.J.,Knoerzer, K., 2015. Continuous combined microwave and hot air treatment of apples for fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni and B. jarvisi) disinfestation. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 29 (2015) 261–270.
  • [11]Gazit,Y.,Rossler,Y.,Wang,S.,Tang, J.V E Lurie, S., 2004. Thermal death kinetics of egg and third ınstar Mediterranean fruit fly ( Diptera:Tephritidae). J.Econ.Entomol. 97(5):1540-1546.
  • [12]Gazit,Y., Kaspi,R.,2017. An additional phyto-sanitary cold treatment against Ceratitis capitata (Diptera:Tephritidae) in‘ Oroblanco’citrusfruit. J. of Eco. Ento., 110(2),790–792.
  • [13]Hansen,J.D.,2002. Effect of cold treatment on survival and development of codling moth (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae) in cherry. J. Econ. Entomol.95(1): 208-213.
  • [14]Hansen, J.D., Johnson, J.A. 2007. In:Heat treatements for postharvest pest control: theory and practice. Tang, J.,Mitcham,E., Wang,S. ve Lurie,S.(eds) Cromwell Press, 1-26,UK.
  • [15]Heather N. W. & Hallman G.J.2008.Pest management and phytosanitary trade barriers. CABI, Wallingford,UK.
  • [16]Hernandez,E.,Medina,M.A., Toledo,J.,Bravo,B.,Corrales, J.C., Montoya, P.,Mangan, R.,2017.The effects of a modified hot water treatment on Anastrepha ludens(Diptera:Tephritidae)-ınfested mango. J. of Eco. Ento.,110(2), 407–415.
  • [17] Hou, L., Du,Y., Johnson, J. A., Wang,S.,2015.Thermal death kinetics of Conogethes punctiferalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) as influenced by heating rate and life stage. J. Econ.Entomol.108(5):2192–2199.
  • [18]Kader, A.A. (ed). 2002. Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops (3rd Edition). UC Publication 3311.University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Oakland, California 94608.p.535.
  • [19] Khani, A., Moharramıpour, S. and Bargezar, M.,2007. Cold tolerance and trehalose accumulation in over – wintering larvae of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Eur. J.Entomol. 104: 385–392.
  • [20] McGregor,B.M.1989.Tropical Products Transport Handbook. Washington,D.C.: U.S.Dept. of Agriculture, Office of Transportation.)
  • [21] Mıtchell, f.g. the need for cooling. In:Kader, A.A.(Ed.) Postharvest technology of horticultural crops. 2ed. Berkley: Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California,1992.p.53-56.(Publication,3311).
  • [22] Moore, S.D., Kirkman, W., Albertyn,S., Love, C. N., Coetzee, J. A. and Hattingh,V. 2016. Partial cold treatment of citrus fruit for export risk mitigation for Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) as part of a systems approach. J.of Eco. Ento., 109(4), 1578–1585.
  • [23] Moore,S.D., Kirkman,W., Stephen, P.R.,Albertyn,S.,Love,C.N., Grout,T.G., Hattingh,V. 2017.Development of an improved postharvest cold treatment for Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae). J. of Postharvest Biology and Technology.125,188– 195.
  • [24] Nandi, P.S., Chakraborty, K., 2015.Effect of temperature ramping on the mortality of mango mealy bug,Droschia mangiferae under laboratory conditions. J.of Ento. and Zoo. Stud.3(3): 469-474.
  • [25]Neven,L.G.,2004. Effects of low temperature on egg and larval stages of the lesser apple worm(Lepidoptera:Tortricidae). J. Econ. Entomol.97(3): 820-823.
  • [26]Rodrı´guez,J.F.C.,Velazquez,G., Montoya, P.,Va´zquez, M., Ramı´rez,J.A., 2014. Precoolig treatments ınduce resistance of Anastrepha ludens eggs to quarantine treatments of high-pressure processing combined with cold. J.Econ.Entomol. 107(2): 606-613.
  • [27] Seyahooei, M.A., Rad, A.M., Hesami, S., Bagheri,A.,2018.Temperature and exposure time in cold storage reshape parasitic performance of Habrobracon hebetor (Hymenoptera:Braconidae). J. of Eco. Ento.,111(2),564–569.
  • [28] Saour,G., Al-Daoude, A., Ismail, H.,2012.Evaluation of potato tuber moth mortality following postharvest cold storage of potatoes. J.of Crop Protection 38 :44-48.
  • [29]Thompson, J. F. 2002. Cooling horticultural commodities. p.97-112. In: Kader, A.A.(ed.).Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops.Univ. of California, Div. of Agricultureand Natural Resources,Publication 3311.
  • [30]Türk, R., Karaca, H., 2015.Ülkemizde taze ürün depolayan soğuk muhafaza tesislerinde teknik ve ekonomik nitelikler. 12. ulusal tesisat mühendisliği kongresi –8-11 nisan 2015/İzmir.
  • [31]Vincent,C.,Lemoyne,P., Gaul,S., Mackenzie, K.2014.Extreme cold temperature to kill blueberry maggot (Diptera:Tephritidae) in reusable containers. J.Econ. Entomol. 107(3):906-909.
  • [32]Vincent,C., Lemoyne,P., Lafond ,J.2018.Management of blueberry maggot with high temperatures. J. of Eco. Ento.,XX(X), 1–5.

Yaş Meyve ve Sebze Zararlıları ile Mücadelede Hasat Sonrası Sıcaklık Uygulamaları

Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 37 - 42, 30.06.2019


sonrası zararlılarla mücadele, ürün kalitesinin korunması ve depolama süresinin
maksimum sürede tutulması için çok önemlidir. Bu nedenle son zamanlarda çeşitli
alternatif mücadele yöntemleri yaş meyve ve sebzelerde de denenmektedir.

kaliteyi sürdürmek, kalıntı problemlerini, çevreye zararı ve böceklerde zamanla
gelişen direnç problemlerini hatta mücadele yöntemlerinde maliyeti azaltmak için,
fiziksel yöntemler iyi bir alternatif olmuştur.

ya da düşük sıcaklık uygulamaları olarak kullanılan bazı fiziksel metotlar kuru
ısıtma, buhar ısıtma, sıcak su ve basınçlı sıcak hava veya oda soğutma,
basınçlı hava ya da vakumlu soğutma, hidro soğutma, buz kullanmadır. Bu
uygulama seçenekleri bazen tek ya da birkaçının kombinasyonu ile denenmiştir.

zamanlardaki çalışmalar ve yayınlar da bu yönelimi doğrulamaktadır. Bu
nedenlerle bu derleme makale yüksek ve düşük sıcaklık uygulamalarındaki en son
çalışmaları içermektedir.


  • [1]Aly,M.F.K.,Kraus,D.A.,Burrack,H.J.2017.Effects of postharvest cold storage on the development and survival of ımmature Drosophila suzuki (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in artificial diet and fruit. J.of Eco. Ento.,10(1),87–93.
  • [2]Amor,R.B.,Dhouibi,M.H.,Aguayo,E.,2016.Hot water treatments combined with cold storage as a tool for Ectomyelois ceratoniae mortality and maintenance of Deglet Noor palm date quality. J.of Posthar. Bio. and Techno. 112, 247–255.
  • [3]Anonymus.2018.WebSitesi: fundamentals /cooling-and storage /cooling- methods / ErişimTarihi:15.04.2018.
  • [4]Arthur,Frank,H.,Johnson,Judy,A.,Neven,Lisa,G.,Hallman,Guy,J.,Follett, Peter,A.,2009. Insect Pest Management in Postharvest Ecosystems in the United States of America.In:Outlooks on pest managements.Research information. Ltd.20(6), pp. 279-284.[
  • 5]Boardman,L.,Grout,T.G. ve Terblanche, J.S.,2012.False codling moth Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Lepidoptera,Tortricidae larvae are chill-susceptible.J. of Insect Science. 19, 315–328.
  • [6]Castro,R., Fallik, E., Lavy, N.E., Tuvia,S.A.,Rempoulakis,P.,Nestel,D.,2016. Effects of cold post-harvest treatments of sweet bell peppers on the development of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata).120,16–22.
  • [7]Cheng,J.,Su,Q,Jiao,X.,Shi,C.,Yang,Y.,H an,H.,Xie,W.,Guo,Z.,Wu,Q, Xu, B.,Wang, S., Zhang,Y. 2017. Effects of heat shock on the Bradysia odoriphaga (Diptera:Sciaridae).
  • [8]Fallik,E.,Perzelan,Y.,Tuvia,S.A.,Lavy, E.N., Nestel, D., 2012.Development of cold quarantine protocols to arrest the development of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) fruit after harvest. J. of Postharvest Bio. and Techn.70 ,7–12.
  • [9] Fields PG. 1992. The control of stored product insects and mites with extreme temperatures.J.Stored Prod. Res. 28:89–118.
  • [10] Gamage,T.V.,Sanguansri,P.,Swiergon,P., Eelkema, M., Wyatt, P., Leach, P.,Alexander,D.L.J.,Knoerzer, K., 2015. Continuous combined microwave and hot air treatment of apples for fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni and B. jarvisi) disinfestation. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 29 (2015) 261–270.
  • [11]Gazit,Y.,Rossler,Y.,Wang,S.,Tang, J.V E Lurie, S., 2004. Thermal death kinetics of egg and third ınstar Mediterranean fruit fly ( Diptera:Tephritidae). J.Econ.Entomol. 97(5):1540-1546.
  • [12]Gazit,Y., Kaspi,R.,2017. An additional phyto-sanitary cold treatment against Ceratitis capitata (Diptera:Tephritidae) in‘ Oroblanco’citrusfruit. J. of Eco. Ento., 110(2),790–792.
  • [13]Hansen,J.D.,2002. Effect of cold treatment on survival and development of codling moth (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae) in cherry. J. Econ. Entomol.95(1): 208-213.
  • [14]Hansen, J.D., Johnson, J.A. 2007. In:Heat treatements for postharvest pest control: theory and practice. Tang, J.,Mitcham,E., Wang,S. ve Lurie,S.(eds) Cromwell Press, 1-26,UK.
  • [15]Heather N. W. & Hallman G.J.2008.Pest management and phytosanitary trade barriers. CABI, Wallingford,UK.
  • [16]Hernandez,E.,Medina,M.A., Toledo,J.,Bravo,B.,Corrales, J.C., Montoya, P.,Mangan, R.,2017.The effects of a modified hot water treatment on Anastrepha ludens(Diptera:Tephritidae)-ınfested mango. J. of Eco. Ento.,110(2), 407–415.
  • [17] Hou, L., Du,Y., Johnson, J. A., Wang,S.,2015.Thermal death kinetics of Conogethes punctiferalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) as influenced by heating rate and life stage. J. Econ.Entomol.108(5):2192–2199.
  • [18]Kader, A.A. (ed). 2002. Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops (3rd Edition). UC Publication 3311.University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Oakland, California 94608.p.535.
  • [19] Khani, A., Moharramıpour, S. and Bargezar, M.,2007. Cold tolerance and trehalose accumulation in over – wintering larvae of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Eur. J.Entomol. 104: 385–392.
  • [20] McGregor,B.M.1989.Tropical Products Transport Handbook. Washington,D.C.: U.S.Dept. of Agriculture, Office of Transportation.)
  • [21] Mıtchell, f.g. the need for cooling. In:Kader, A.A.(Ed.) Postharvest technology of horticultural crops. 2ed. Berkley: Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California,1992.p.53-56.(Publication,3311).
  • [22] Moore, S.D., Kirkman, W., Albertyn,S., Love, C. N., Coetzee, J. A. and Hattingh,V. 2016. Partial cold treatment of citrus fruit for export risk mitigation for Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) as part of a systems approach. J.of Eco. Ento., 109(4), 1578–1585.
  • [23] Moore,S.D., Kirkman,W., Stephen, P.R.,Albertyn,S.,Love,C.N., Grout,T.G., Hattingh,V. 2017.Development of an improved postharvest cold treatment for Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae). J. of Postharvest Biology and Technology.125,188– 195.
  • [24] Nandi, P.S., Chakraborty, K., 2015.Effect of temperature ramping on the mortality of mango mealy bug,Droschia mangiferae under laboratory conditions. J.of Ento. and Zoo. Stud.3(3): 469-474.
  • [25]Neven,L.G.,2004. Effects of low temperature on egg and larval stages of the lesser apple worm(Lepidoptera:Tortricidae). J. Econ. Entomol.97(3): 820-823.
  • [26]Rodrı´guez,J.F.C.,Velazquez,G., Montoya, P.,Va´zquez, M., Ramı´rez,J.A., 2014. Precoolig treatments ınduce resistance of Anastrepha ludens eggs to quarantine treatments of high-pressure processing combined with cold. J.Econ.Entomol. 107(2): 606-613.
  • [27] Seyahooei, M.A., Rad, A.M., Hesami, S., Bagheri,A.,2018.Temperature and exposure time in cold storage reshape parasitic performance of Habrobracon hebetor (Hymenoptera:Braconidae). J. of Eco. Ento.,111(2),564–569.
  • [28] Saour,G., Al-Daoude, A., Ismail, H.,2012.Evaluation of potato tuber moth mortality following postharvest cold storage of potatoes. J.of Crop Protection 38 :44-48.
  • [29]Thompson, J. F. 2002. Cooling horticultural commodities. p.97-112. In: Kader, A.A.(ed.).Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops.Univ. of California, Div. of Agricultureand Natural Resources,Publication 3311.
  • [30]Türk, R., Karaca, H., 2015.Ülkemizde taze ürün depolayan soğuk muhafaza tesislerinde teknik ve ekonomik nitelikler. 12. ulusal tesisat mühendisliği kongresi –8-11 nisan 2015/İzmir.
  • [31]Vincent,C.,Lemoyne,P., Gaul,S., Mackenzie, K.2014.Extreme cold temperature to kill blueberry maggot (Diptera:Tephritidae) in reusable containers. J.Econ. Entomol. 107(3):906-909.
  • [32]Vincent,C., Lemoyne,P., Lafond ,J.2018.Management of blueberry maggot with high temperatures. J. of Eco. Ento.,XX(X), 1–5.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Şule İstek 0000-0002-5194-7259

Ahmet Güray Ferizli

Publication Date June 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA İstek, Ş., & Ferizli, A. G. (2019). Yaş Meyve ve Sebze Zararlıları ile Mücadelede Hasat Sonrası Sıcaklık Uygulamaları. Türk Doğa Ve Fen Dergisi, 8(1), 37-42.
AMA İstek Ş, Ferizli AG. Yaş Meyve ve Sebze Zararlıları ile Mücadelede Hasat Sonrası Sıcaklık Uygulamaları. TJNS. June 2019;8(1):37-42.
Chicago İstek, Şule, and Ahmet Güray Ferizli. “Yaş Meyve Ve Sebze Zararlıları Ile Mücadelede Hasat Sonrası Sıcaklık Uygulamaları”. Türk Doğa Ve Fen Dergisi 8, no. 1 (June 2019): 37-42.
EndNote İstek Ş, Ferizli AG (June 1, 2019) Yaş Meyve ve Sebze Zararlıları ile Mücadelede Hasat Sonrası Sıcaklık Uygulamaları. Türk Doğa ve Fen Dergisi 8 1 37–42.
IEEE Ş. İstek and A. G. Ferizli, “Yaş Meyve ve Sebze Zararlıları ile Mücadelede Hasat Sonrası Sıcaklık Uygulamaları”, TJNS, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 37–42, 2019.
ISNAD İstek, Şule - Ferizli, Ahmet Güray. “Yaş Meyve Ve Sebze Zararlıları Ile Mücadelede Hasat Sonrası Sıcaklık Uygulamaları”. Türk Doğa ve Fen Dergisi 8/1 (June 2019), 37-42.
JAMA İstek Ş, Ferizli AG. Yaş Meyve ve Sebze Zararlıları ile Mücadelede Hasat Sonrası Sıcaklık Uygulamaları. TJNS. 2019;8:37–42.
MLA İstek, Şule and Ahmet Güray Ferizli. “Yaş Meyve Ve Sebze Zararlıları Ile Mücadelede Hasat Sonrası Sıcaklık Uygulamaları”. Türk Doğa Ve Fen Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 1, 2019, pp. 37-42.
Vancouver İstek Ş, Ferizli AG. Yaş Meyve ve Sebze Zararlıları ile Mücadelede Hasat Sonrası Sıcaklık Uygulamaları. TJNS. 2019;8(1):37-42.

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