Writing Rules

Writing Rules
Studies to be sent to the Journal of Basic Education Research should be prepared on the "Article Template".

Page Layout
A4 Vertical, Margins (Normal) (2.5 cm on 4 sides)

There is no limitation on the number of pages or word count in the Journal of Basic Education Research. However, the editorial board may express an opinion that the work can be shortened without losing its quality.

Font Family
Times New Roman, Main headings 12, Subheadings and text 11 point size, 1.5 line spacing, justified. The first line of the paragraphs should start 0.5 cm indented. Each work should consist of the following main headings in order;


The title of the study should clearly reflect its content and be comprehensive. The first letter of each word except for conjunctions should be written in capital letters. The font to be used in the title should be Times New Roman, the point size should be 14, and the title should be written in bold. The English title should be written in bold below the Turkish title, again in capital letters, using the same font and point size, with the first letter of each word except for conjunctions.

It should clearly and concisely reflect the purpose, scope, method, results, prominent aspects, and original value of the study. The abstract should be between 180-300 words.
Times New Roman and point size 9 should be used in the abstract title, and the title should be written in bold. Times News Roman should be used as the font in the subheadings and the text of the abstract, and only the subheadings should be written in bold, with a point size of 9. The same font and point size should be used when writing the English abstract.

Turkish and English keywords should reflect the essence of the study and should be independent of the title (minimum 4-8 words).

The theoretical framework of the research topic and its equivalent in the scientific literature, the problem of the research, its importance and its aims/hypotheses should be included in the introduction.

The research model, limitations, sample/study groups, data collection tools (validity and reliability), data collection/application/experiment process, data analysis, and explanations about the ethical process of the research should be included in the method section.

The findings obtained in the research should be explained with tables, figures, graphics/pictures that are related to the problem, purpose/hypothesis of the study and that maintain integrity.

Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations
The findings obtained should be discussed in the context of the research problem, purpose/hypothesis, with the literature and author comments. The results should be explained as the basic ideas that emerged in the focus of the discussions. Recommendations should be appropriate to the discussion and conclusion of the study, contribute to the literature, and be aimed at future studies and applications in the field.

References should be prepared in accordance with APA 7 referencing principles. In-text references and citations should be given in accordance with the language of the full text. For a Turkish full text, Turkish referencing procedures and principles should be taken into account, and for an English full text, English referencing procedures and principles should be taken into account. In addition, in articles where footnotes are used, the references related to the footnote should be given separately at the end of the article.

The font family should be Times New Roman, point size 11, and single line spacing. Indentation should be given under the 4th letter.

Extended Abstract
The extended English abstract should be at least 750 and at most 1000 words. It should be written in Times New Roman font, 11 point size and one line spacing.
Subheadings in the extended English abstract should be in the same font and point size as the text and should be written in bold.

Tables and Figures
Table and figure title and text properties should be given considering the structure in the examples in the template. 12 pt space is given before and after tables and figures. Table titles and content are written using Times New Roman font and 11 point size. Table number is written in bold.
E.g. Table 1. Table Title
If the figure is in a graphic and editable format, the title and insets are created using Times New Roman font and 11 point size. Figure number is written in bold.
E.g. Figure 1. Figure Title

References Writing Examples
İnan, M. (2004). Children and sports: How should my child do sports? (2nd edition). Morpa Culture Publications.
In-text representation: (İnan, 2004)

In-book Section
İnan, M. (2004). Children's movement limitations. Children and sports: How should my child do sports? (2nd Edition, 47-72) in. Morpa Culture Publications.

In-text representation: (İnan, 2004)

Chapter in an Edited Book
İnan, M. (2003). Movement development in early childhood. M. Sevinç (Ed.). New approaches in development and education (pp. 85-98). Morpa Culture Publications.
In-text citation: (İnan, 2003)

Translation Book
Yin, RK (2017). Applications of case study research (İ. Günbayı, Trans.). Nobel Academic Publishing. (Original work published in 2011, 3rd edition)
In-text citation: (Yin, 2017)

Single Author Article
Akay, Y. (2019). The effects of emotional awareness activities developed for primary school students in preventing peer bullying. Education and Science , 44(200), 205-227.doi:10.15390/EB.2019.8093

In-text citation: (Akay, 2019)

Article by Two Authors
İnan, M. and Dervent, F. (2016). Making a digital game active: Examining the responses of students to the adapted active version. Pegem Education and Teaching Journal, 6, 113-132. http://doi.org:/ 10.14527/pegegog.2016.007
In-text citation: (İnan and Dervent, 2016)

Article with Three -Twenty Authors
Esmer, E., Güven, G., & Aydın, O. (2016). Perceptions of education faculty students on teaching methods and materials. Educational Research and Reviews, 11, 1093-1109.
In-text citation: (Esmer et al., 2016)

Electronic Article
Akay, Y. (2019). The effects of emotional awareness activities developed for primary school students in preventing peer bullying. Education and Science, 44(200), 205-227.
Retrieved from http://egitimvebilim.ted.org.tr/index.php/EB/article/view/8093/2967.
In-text citation: (Akay, 2019)

Töman, U. (2015). Investigation of the development of reflective thinking skills of prospective teachers throughout the teaching period [Unpublished doctoral thesis] Karadeniz Technical
In-text citation: (Töman, 2015)

Sakız G., Özden B. and Aksu D. (2014). The effect of using smart boards in science classes on student success [Oral presentation]. XIII. National Classroom Teaching Symposium, Kütahya,
In-text citation: (Sakız et al., 2014)

Web Page
UNESCO. (2013). World Heritage list. Retrieved from http://whc.unesco.org/en/list on 12 April 2021.
In-text display: (UNESCO, 2013)

Ethics Committee Approval
In social sciences, ethics committees ensure that the rights of human participants are protected before, during and after research and evaluate research proposals. If the committee finds it appropriate, an ethics committee approval document is issued and a related document is prepared. For candidate articles to be sent to our journal;
* For research articles requiring ethics committee approval, the ethics committee approval document must be uploaded to the journal system.
* For articles generated from theses, it is sufficient to submit the ethics committee approval received for the thesis.
* Individual research and application permits cannot be used for ethics committee approval.

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Last Update Time: 12/29/24, 9:02:25 PM

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