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Year 2006, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 107 - 128, 01.06.2006


Bu çalışmanın genel amacı, Çukurova Üniversitesi Balcalı Kampusündeki yaşamın, öğrenci algılarına dayalı olarak demokratik yaşam kültürü çerçevesinde değerlendirilmesidir. Araştırmanın örneklemini Ç.Ü. Balcalı Kampusünde bulunan tüm fakültelerin öğrencilerinden oranlı küme örnekleme yoluyla seçilen 454 öğrenci oluşturmuştur. Veri toplama aracı olarak Doğanay ve Sarı tarafından geliştirilen Üniversite Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği (ÜYKÖ) kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca örneklem içinden gönüllülük ilkesine göre seçilen 15 öğrenciyle, üniversitedeki demokratik yaşam kültürü hakkındaki algılarına yönelik görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, öğrencilerin algılarına ilişkin en düşük ortalamaların sınıf ortamı ve kararlara katılım, en yüksek ortalamaların ise kimlik ve sosyal olanaklar boyutlarına ait olduğu görülmüştür. Üniversiteler, sınıf içinde ve dışında, öğrencilere ve tüm çalışanlara sundukları demokratik bir yaşam kültürü aracılığı ile, toplumda demokratik bir politik kültürün gelişimine katkı sunabilirler. Bu nedenle üniversitelerde, demokrasinin temel ilkeleri ve değerlerinin bilinçli bir şekilde dikkate alındığı ortamların oluşturulmasına ve üniversite ortamında bulunan tüm bireylerin tam katılımına yönelik önlemlerin alınmasına gereksinim vardır.


  • Aydo"an, :. ve Kukul, F. (2003). Ö"retmenler :le Ö"retim Üyelerinin Demokratik Davran lar n n Analizi. E itim Ara t rmalar , 3 (11), 23-32
  • Bolmeier, E. C. (1995). 6 Steps To Pupil Participation In Democratic School Control. Clearing House, 69 (2), 106 - 110
  • Colin III, S. A. J. ve Heaney, T. W. (2001). Negotiating The Democratic Classroom, New Directions For Adult And Conitinuing Education, Fall 2001; No: 91, 29 – 37.
  • Cookson, P. W. (2002). Fostering Moral Democracy. Educational Leadership, 59 (2), 42 – 45.
  • Blumberg, A. ve Blumberg, P. (1994). The Unwritten Curriculum: Things Learned But Not Taught In Schools. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press, Inc.
  • Burniske, R. W. (2000). Civil Literacy And The Cyber – Pilot’s License. Forum NTLF, 9 (5)
  • Daly, P. ve Defty, N. (2001). A Longitudinal Study Of Secondary School Students’ Attitudes To School Life: Gender And School Gender Influences. Third International, Inter-Disciplinary Evidence-Based Policies And Indicator Systems Conference, July 2001, CEM Centre, University Of Durham.
  • Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy And Education. New York: Macmillan Inc.
  • E"itim-Sen (1998). E"itimde Yeniden Yap lanma Komisyonu Raporu. Demokratik E itim Kurultay . 2 – 6 Nubat 1998, Ankara: E"itim-Sen Yay nlar
  • Effrat, A. ve Schimmel, D. (2003). Walking The Democratic Talk: Introduction To A Special Issue On Collaborative Rule Making As Preparation For Democratic Citizenship, American Secondary Education, 31 (3), 3 – 15.
  • Farrel, J. P. (1998). Democracy And Education: Who Gets To Speak And Who Is Listened To? Curriculum Inquiry, 28 (1), 1 – 7.
  • Ginsburg, M. B. ve Clift, R. T. (1990). Hidden Curriculum of Preservice Teacher Education. W. R. Houston (Ed.) Handbook Of Research On Teacher Education. S.450-465. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co.
  • Giroux, H. ve Giroux, S. S. (2003). Take Back Higher Education.Tikkun, 18 (6), 28 – 32.
  • Goodman, S.; Baron, D. ve Myers, C. (2001). Bringing Democracy To The Occupational Life Of Educators In The United States: Constructing A Foundation For School Based Reform. International Journal Of Leadership In Education, 4(1), 57-86
  • Gürkaynak, M. (1989), “Demokrasi E"itiminde Boyutlar Ve Sorunlar”. Demokrasi :çin E"itim, Türk E itim Derne i XIII. E itim Toplant s , 30 Kas m – 1 Aral k 1989 Ankara.
  • Halstead, J. M. ve Taylor, M. J. (2000). Learning And Teaching About Values: A Reviev Of Recent Research . Cambridge Journal Of Education 30 (2), 169 – 203.
  • Hepburn, M. A. ve Radz, M. A. (1983). Why We Should Be Concerned? (M. A. Hepburn Edt.) Democratic Education In Schools And Classrooms. S. 1 – 4. National Council For The Social Studies Bulletin No: 70
  • Karaman Kepenekçi, Y. (2003). Demokratik Okul. E itim Ara t rmalar 3 (11), 44-53
  • Karatzias, A.; Power, K.G.; Swanson, V. (2001). Quality Of School Life. Development And Preliminary Standardisation Of An Instrument Based On Performance Indicators In Scottish Secondary Schools. School Effectiveness And School Improvement. Vol. 12, No. 3, Pp. 265-284
  • Karlsson, J. (2002). The Role Of Democratic Governing Bodies In South African Schools. Comparative Education, 38 (3), 327 – 336.
  • Levin, B. (1998). The Educational Requirement For Democracy. Curriculum Inquiry, 28 (1), 57 - 59
  • Linnakylä, P. ve Brunell, V. (1996). Quality Of School Life In The Finnish And Swedish Speaking Schools In Finland. M. Binkley, K. Rust, T. Williams (Ed.) Reading Literacy In An International Perspective. S. 203 – 217. U.S. Department Of Education Office Of Educational Research And Improvement NCES 97-875.
  • Mariani, L. (1999). Probing The Hidden Curriculum: Teachers’ Students’ Beliefs And Attitudes. Paper Given At The British Council 18th National Conference For Teachers Of English. Palermo, 18-20 March 1999
  • Marks, G. N. (1998). Attitudes To School Life: Their Influences And Their Effects On Achievement And Leaving School. Australia: Australian Council For Educational Research Ltd.
  • Mok, M. M. C. ve Flynn, M. (2002). Determinants Of Students’ Quality Of School Life: A Path Model. Learning Environments Research. 5. 275-300
  • O"uzkan, F. A. (1981). E itim Terimleri Sözlü ü (2. Bask ). Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yay nlar .
  • Paykoç, F. (1995). Sosyal Bilgiler E"itiminde Ça"da E"ilimler. TED. Elkö retim Okullar nda Sosyal Bilgiler Ö retimi Ve Sorunlar . S.46 – 68. Ankara: TED Yay nlar
  • Perez Gomez, A. I. (1997). The School: A Crossroad Of Cultures. Curriculum Studies, 5 (3), 281 – 299.
  • Print, M.; Arnsram, S. ve Nielsen, H. S. (2002). Education For Democratic Processes In Schools And Classrooms. European Journal Of Education, 37 (2), 193 – 210.
  • Ravitch, D. (1991). Democracy: What It Is And How To Teach It. Social Studies, 82 (2), 50 – 55.
  • Rowland, S. (2003). Teaching For Democracy In Higher Education. Teaching In Higher Education, 8 (1), 89 – 101.
  • Smith, D. G. ve Schonfeld, N. B. (2000). The Benefits Of Diversity, What The Research Tells Us. About Campus, November-December 2000, 16 – 23.
  • Thomas, N. (2001). Democratic Education, A Matter Of Institutional Conscience And Skills. About Campus, July – August 2001, 19 – 24.
  • Vallance, E. (1983). Hiding The Hidden Curriculum: An Interpretation Of Language Of Justification In Nineteenth Century Educational Reform. Curriculum Theory Network, 1, 5 – 21.


Year 2006, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 107 - 128, 01.06.2006


The main purpose of this study is to evaluate students’ perceptions about the quality of life in Balcalı Campus of Cukurova University in terms of democratic life culture. This study was carried out in all the faculties of Cukurova University and the sample consisted of total 454 students who were selected by using proportional stratified sampling method. Quality of Life in University Scale which was developed by the researchers, Doğanay and Sarı, was used to assess students’ perceptions. In addition, interviews about democratic life culture at the campus were done with 15 students, who were willing to participate from the sample. At the end of the research, it is found that the students’ perception scores about participatory decision making and classroom environment subscales were lower than average mean score. Meanwhile, perception scores about identity and social adequacy subscales were found higher than other dimensions. Universities, both in class and outside, can help improvement of a democratic politic culture by means of providing to students and all personnel a democratic life culture. For this reason, there is a need of environments which basic principles and values of democracy are taken into consideration consciously and a need of taking some precautions to make all people who have been in the environment of the university completely participant.


  • Aydo"an, :. ve Kukul, F. (2003). Ö"retmenler :le Ö"retim Üyelerinin Demokratik Davran lar n n Analizi. E itim Ara t rmalar , 3 (11), 23-32
  • Bolmeier, E. C. (1995). 6 Steps To Pupil Participation In Democratic School Control. Clearing House, 69 (2), 106 - 110
  • Colin III, S. A. J. ve Heaney, T. W. (2001). Negotiating The Democratic Classroom, New Directions For Adult And Conitinuing Education, Fall 2001; No: 91, 29 – 37.
  • Cookson, P. W. (2002). Fostering Moral Democracy. Educational Leadership, 59 (2), 42 – 45.
  • Blumberg, A. ve Blumberg, P. (1994). The Unwritten Curriculum: Things Learned But Not Taught In Schools. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press, Inc.
  • Burniske, R. W. (2000). Civil Literacy And The Cyber – Pilot’s License. Forum NTLF, 9 (5)
  • Daly, P. ve Defty, N. (2001). A Longitudinal Study Of Secondary School Students’ Attitudes To School Life: Gender And School Gender Influences. Third International, Inter-Disciplinary Evidence-Based Policies And Indicator Systems Conference, July 2001, CEM Centre, University Of Durham.
  • Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy And Education. New York: Macmillan Inc.
  • E"itim-Sen (1998). E"itimde Yeniden Yap lanma Komisyonu Raporu. Demokratik E itim Kurultay . 2 – 6 Nubat 1998, Ankara: E"itim-Sen Yay nlar
  • Effrat, A. ve Schimmel, D. (2003). Walking The Democratic Talk: Introduction To A Special Issue On Collaborative Rule Making As Preparation For Democratic Citizenship, American Secondary Education, 31 (3), 3 – 15.
  • Farrel, J. P. (1998). Democracy And Education: Who Gets To Speak And Who Is Listened To? Curriculum Inquiry, 28 (1), 1 – 7.
  • Ginsburg, M. B. ve Clift, R. T. (1990). Hidden Curriculum of Preservice Teacher Education. W. R. Houston (Ed.) Handbook Of Research On Teacher Education. S.450-465. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co.
  • Giroux, H. ve Giroux, S. S. (2003). Take Back Higher Education.Tikkun, 18 (6), 28 – 32.
  • Goodman, S.; Baron, D. ve Myers, C. (2001). Bringing Democracy To The Occupational Life Of Educators In The United States: Constructing A Foundation For School Based Reform. International Journal Of Leadership In Education, 4(1), 57-86
  • Gürkaynak, M. (1989), “Demokrasi E"itiminde Boyutlar Ve Sorunlar”. Demokrasi :çin E"itim, Türk E itim Derne i XIII. E itim Toplant s , 30 Kas m – 1 Aral k 1989 Ankara.
  • Halstead, J. M. ve Taylor, M. J. (2000). Learning And Teaching About Values: A Reviev Of Recent Research . Cambridge Journal Of Education 30 (2), 169 – 203.
  • Hepburn, M. A. ve Radz, M. A. (1983). Why We Should Be Concerned? (M. A. Hepburn Edt.) Democratic Education In Schools And Classrooms. S. 1 – 4. National Council For The Social Studies Bulletin No: 70
  • Karaman Kepenekçi, Y. (2003). Demokratik Okul. E itim Ara t rmalar 3 (11), 44-53
  • Karatzias, A.; Power, K.G.; Swanson, V. (2001). Quality Of School Life. Development And Preliminary Standardisation Of An Instrument Based On Performance Indicators In Scottish Secondary Schools. School Effectiveness And School Improvement. Vol. 12, No. 3, Pp. 265-284
  • Karlsson, J. (2002). The Role Of Democratic Governing Bodies In South African Schools. Comparative Education, 38 (3), 327 – 336.
  • Levin, B. (1998). The Educational Requirement For Democracy. Curriculum Inquiry, 28 (1), 57 - 59
  • Linnakylä, P. ve Brunell, V. (1996). Quality Of School Life In The Finnish And Swedish Speaking Schools In Finland. M. Binkley, K. Rust, T. Williams (Ed.) Reading Literacy In An International Perspective. S. 203 – 217. U.S. Department Of Education Office Of Educational Research And Improvement NCES 97-875.
  • Mariani, L. (1999). Probing The Hidden Curriculum: Teachers’ Students’ Beliefs And Attitudes. Paper Given At The British Council 18th National Conference For Teachers Of English. Palermo, 18-20 March 1999
  • Marks, G. N. (1998). Attitudes To School Life: Their Influences And Their Effects On Achievement And Leaving School. Australia: Australian Council For Educational Research Ltd.
  • Mok, M. M. C. ve Flynn, M. (2002). Determinants Of Students’ Quality Of School Life: A Path Model. Learning Environments Research. 5. 275-300
  • O"uzkan, F. A. (1981). E itim Terimleri Sözlü ü (2. Bask ). Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yay nlar .
  • Paykoç, F. (1995). Sosyal Bilgiler E"itiminde Ça"da E"ilimler. TED. Elkö retim Okullar nda Sosyal Bilgiler Ö retimi Ve Sorunlar . S.46 – 68. Ankara: TED Yay nlar
  • Perez Gomez, A. I. (1997). The School: A Crossroad Of Cultures. Curriculum Studies, 5 (3), 281 – 299.
  • Print, M.; Arnsram, S. ve Nielsen, H. S. (2002). Education For Democratic Processes In Schools And Classrooms. European Journal Of Education, 37 (2), 193 – 210.
  • Ravitch, D. (1991). Democracy: What It Is And How To Teach It. Social Studies, 82 (2), 50 – 55.
  • Rowland, S. (2003). Teaching For Democracy In Higher Education. Teaching In Higher Education, 8 (1), 89 – 101.
  • Smith, D. G. ve Schonfeld, N. B. (2000). The Benefits Of Diversity, What The Research Tells Us. About Campus, November-December 2000, 16 – 23.
  • Thomas, N. (2001). Democratic Education, A Matter Of Institutional Conscience And Skills. About Campus, July – August 2001, 19 – 24.
  • Vallance, E. (1983). Hiding The Hidden Curriculum: An Interpretation Of Language Of Justification In Nineteenth Century Educational Reform. Curriculum Theory Network, 1, 5 – 21.
There are 34 citations in total.


Other ID JA98DG58HK
Journal Section Articles

Ahmet Doğanay This is me

Mediha Sarı This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2006
Submission Date June 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 4 Issue: 2



The Journal of Turkish Educational Sciences is published by Gazi University.