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Year 2005, Volume: 3 Issue: 4, 395 - 417, 01.12.2005


Bu araştırmanın konusunu eğitimde yabancılaşmanın önemli bir formu olan öğretmen yabancılaşması oluşturur. Lise öğretmenleri üzerine gerçekleştirilen araştırmanın temel amacı, öğretmenlerin eğitimde yabancılaşma olgusunu yaşayıp-yaşamadıklarını tespit etmek ve çeşitli boyutlarını ortaya koymaktır. Araştırmanın örneklemi, Mersin’deki klâsik iki devlet lisesinde görev yapan öğretmenler arasından seçilen, çeşitli branşlardaki 20 öğretmenden oluşmaktadır. Nitel araştırma yöntem ve ilkelerine göre yapılan araştırmanın verileri “yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniği” ile elde edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda,öğretmenlerin bazı yabancılaştırıcı koşullar (kalabalık sınıflar, ağır ders yükü, materyal eksikliği, yönetsel sorunlar, ekonomik sorunlar.) altında bulunmalarına rağmen, “yabancılaşmayı bütün boyutlarıyla ve yaygın olarak değil,bazı boyutlarıyla ve kısmî olarak yaşadıkları” bulunmuştur. Öğretmenlerin en yoğun yaşadıkları yabancılaşma “ güçsüzlük” kategorisindedir. .Bu konuda özellikle yönetsel süreçler önemli faktörler olarak görülmektedir. Okul yönetimlerinin merkezi ve demokratik olmadığı fikri öğretmenler arasında yaygındır. Öğretmenler yönetsel yapının bu niteliğinin katılımı azalttığını söylemektedirler. Yönetsel süreçlerin dışında kalmak öğretmenler arasında “geri çekilmeye” yol açmaktadır.


  • Bayhan, V. (1996), Üniversite Gençli inde Anomi ve Yabanc la ma, Kültür Bakanl
  • Brown, M R. ve Di erleri. (1996) Modern Ça da Ki ilik Sorunu, Çev. M. Sar , Meya
  • Brown, M.; Higg ns, K ve Paulsen, K. (2003). Adolescent Alienation:What is it and When can educators do about it?, Intervention in School and Clinic, 39 (1) 1-9, Austin.
  • Celkan, H.Y. (1989), E itim Sosyolojisi, MEB.
  • Clifton, R. ve Manzduk, D. (1994). The Alienation of Undergraduate Education Students: A Case Study of A Canadaian University, Journal of Education for Teaching, 20 (2), 9nternetten 5 ocak 2004’de EBSCO veri taban ndan (academic search premier) al nm t r.,
  • Edwards, D. (1995). The School Counselor’s Role in Helping Teachers and Students Belong, Elementary School Guidane and Counseling, 29 (3)
  • Gerson, MW. (1971). Alienation in Mass Society: Some Causes and Responses, Social Problems Today. Ed: Clifton, D. Bryant, JB. Lippincut Company, New York. 1971
  • Geyer, F. ve Schweitzer, D. (1981). Alienation: Problems of Meaning,Theory and Method, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul
  • Illich, I. ( 1985). Okulsuz Toplum, Çev. Bedirhan Üstün, Birey ve Toplum
  • Johnson, BL ve Ellett, CD. (1992). Analyses of School Level Learning Environments: Centralized Decision – Making:Teacher Work Alienation and Organizational Effectievenes, Educational Monagements, 20 (4).
  • Knoop, R. (1982). Alienated Teacher: A. Profile, Teaching and Teacher Education, 4 (3),PP.1-28,9nternetten 12 Ocak 2004’te EBSCO veri taban ndan al nm t r.,
  • Knoop, R. (1987). Causes of Job Dissatisfaction Among Teachers, Educational Management, PP.1-24,9nternetten 12 Ocak 2004’te EBSCO veri taban ndan al nm t r.,
  • Küçükahmet, L. (1996). Ö retmen Yeti tiren Kurum Ö retmenlerinin Tutumlar , AÜ. SBF. Yay n , No: 55
  • Le Compte, MD. ve Dworkin, AG. (1991). Giving up on School: Student Drapouts and Teacher Burnouts, Carwin Press Inc.
  • Lindley, DA.(1990). For Teachers of the Alienated: Three Defenses Againist Despair, English Journal,79 (6), 26- 31
  • Marshal,G.(1999), Sosyoloji Sözlü ü, Çev : Osman Ak nhay,Derya Kömürcü,Bilim Sanat,Ankara.
  • Mayring, P. (2000). Nitel Sosyal Ara t rmaya Giri , Çev. A. Gümü ve M.S., Durgun, Baki Yay nevi
  • Mc Coy, LP. (2003). It’s a Hard Job: A study of Novice Teacher’s Perspectives on Why Teachers Leave the Profession, Current Issues in Education, (online), 6(7),
  • Oerlemans, K. ve Jenkins, H. (1998). There are Aliens in Our School, Issues in Educational Research, 8 (2), 117- 129
  • Pallas, AM. (1988). School Climate in American High School, Teacher College Record, 89,541-553
  • Pappenheim, F.C (2000). Alienation in American Society, Montly Review, 52(2),1-8,http:/7 www.Findarticles. Com, 12.02.2004
  • Pough, K.J. ve Zhao, Y. (2003). Stories of Teacher Alienation: A look at the Unintented Consequences of Efforts to Empower Teachers, Teaching and Teacher Education, 19, 187-201
  • Rodney,CA ve Manzduk,D.(1994). The Alienation of Undergraduate Education Students: A Case Study of A Canadian Universsity, Journal of Education for Teaching,20(2)
  • Rosentholtz, SJ. (1985). Effective Schools: Interpreting the Evidence, American Journal of Education, 94, 352-387
  • Rutter, M.; Maughan, B.; Mort more, P. ve Ouston, J. (1979). Fifteen Thousand Hours , Somerset: Open Books
  • Seman, M.(1983).Alienation Motifs in Contemporary Theorizing:The Hidden Continuty of The Classic Themes, Social Psychology Quarterly,46,pp.171-184
  • Sidorkin, AM. (2004). In the Event of Learning: Alienation and Participative Thinking in Education, Educational Theory, 54(3), 251-262.
  • Tezcan, M. (1983). E itimde Yabanc la ma, AÜ. E itim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(1), Ankara
  • Tezcan, M. (1991). Gençlik Sosyoloji Yaz lar . Gündo an
  • Thomson, V. ve Janice, C. (1995). Contribution of Hardiness and School Climate to Alienation Experienced by student Teacher, Journal of Educational Research, 88(5)
  • Tolan, B. (1981). Ça da Toplumun Bunal m – Anomi ve Yabanc la ma, Ankara 9T9A. Yay n , No:166


Year 2005, Volume: 3 Issue: 4, 395 - 417, 01.12.2005


The subject of this research is the teacher alienation which is a special form of alienation in education. Main aim of this research conducted on high school teachers is to investigate whether teachers experience the concept of alienation in education and find out various dimensions of it. The sample of the research is 20 high school teachers chosen among teachers working in two high schools in Mersin in Turkey. The method of the research is qualitative research technique and data are collected by using “semi-structured interview technique”. In this study, it is found that teachers experience alienation partly and only in some dimensions instead of in all even though they are under alienating conditions such as heavy course load, crowded classrooms, incomplete course materials, management problems and economical problems. The most common alienation among teachers is in the category of “ powerlessness”. Administrative processes are regarded as important factors on the subject of teacher alienation. The idea that the school administration is centralized and undemocratic is a common view among the teachers. They state that this characteristic of the administrative structure affects participation negatively. Being out of administrative processes leads to “teachers’ withdrawal”. Key words:


  • Bayhan, V. (1996), Üniversite Gençli inde Anomi ve Yabanc la ma, Kültür Bakanl
  • Brown, M R. ve Di erleri. (1996) Modern Ça da Ki ilik Sorunu, Çev. M. Sar , Meya
  • Brown, M.; Higg ns, K ve Paulsen, K. (2003). Adolescent Alienation:What is it and When can educators do about it?, Intervention in School and Clinic, 39 (1) 1-9, Austin.
  • Celkan, H.Y. (1989), E itim Sosyolojisi, MEB.
  • Clifton, R. ve Manzduk, D. (1994). The Alienation of Undergraduate Education Students: A Case Study of A Canadaian University, Journal of Education for Teaching, 20 (2), 9nternetten 5 ocak 2004’de EBSCO veri taban ndan (academic search premier) al nm t r.,
  • Edwards, D. (1995). The School Counselor’s Role in Helping Teachers and Students Belong, Elementary School Guidane and Counseling, 29 (3)
  • Gerson, MW. (1971). Alienation in Mass Society: Some Causes and Responses, Social Problems Today. Ed: Clifton, D. Bryant, JB. Lippincut Company, New York. 1971
  • Geyer, F. ve Schweitzer, D. (1981). Alienation: Problems of Meaning,Theory and Method, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul
  • Illich, I. ( 1985). Okulsuz Toplum, Çev. Bedirhan Üstün, Birey ve Toplum
  • Johnson, BL ve Ellett, CD. (1992). Analyses of School Level Learning Environments: Centralized Decision – Making:Teacher Work Alienation and Organizational Effectievenes, Educational Monagements, 20 (4).
  • Knoop, R. (1982). Alienated Teacher: A. Profile, Teaching and Teacher Education, 4 (3),PP.1-28,9nternetten 12 Ocak 2004’te EBSCO veri taban ndan al nm t r.,
  • Knoop, R. (1987). Causes of Job Dissatisfaction Among Teachers, Educational Management, PP.1-24,9nternetten 12 Ocak 2004’te EBSCO veri taban ndan al nm t r.,
  • Küçükahmet, L. (1996). Ö retmen Yeti tiren Kurum Ö retmenlerinin Tutumlar , AÜ. SBF. Yay n , No: 55
  • Le Compte, MD. ve Dworkin, AG. (1991). Giving up on School: Student Drapouts and Teacher Burnouts, Carwin Press Inc.
  • Lindley, DA.(1990). For Teachers of the Alienated: Three Defenses Againist Despair, English Journal,79 (6), 26- 31
  • Marshal,G.(1999), Sosyoloji Sözlü ü, Çev : Osman Ak nhay,Derya Kömürcü,Bilim Sanat,Ankara.
  • Mayring, P. (2000). Nitel Sosyal Ara t rmaya Giri , Çev. A. Gümü ve M.S., Durgun, Baki Yay nevi
  • Mc Coy, LP. (2003). It’s a Hard Job: A study of Novice Teacher’s Perspectives on Why Teachers Leave the Profession, Current Issues in Education, (online), 6(7),
  • Oerlemans, K. ve Jenkins, H. (1998). There are Aliens in Our School, Issues in Educational Research, 8 (2), 117- 129
  • Pallas, AM. (1988). School Climate in American High School, Teacher College Record, 89,541-553
  • Pappenheim, F.C (2000). Alienation in American Society, Montly Review, 52(2),1-8,http:/7 www.Findarticles. Com, 12.02.2004
  • Pough, K.J. ve Zhao, Y. (2003). Stories of Teacher Alienation: A look at the Unintented Consequences of Efforts to Empower Teachers, Teaching and Teacher Education, 19, 187-201
  • Rodney,CA ve Manzduk,D.(1994). The Alienation of Undergraduate Education Students: A Case Study of A Canadian Universsity, Journal of Education for Teaching,20(2)
  • Rosentholtz, SJ. (1985). Effective Schools: Interpreting the Evidence, American Journal of Education, 94, 352-387
  • Rutter, M.; Maughan, B.; Mort more, P. ve Ouston, J. (1979). Fifteen Thousand Hours , Somerset: Open Books
  • Seman, M.(1983).Alienation Motifs in Contemporary Theorizing:The Hidden Continuty of The Classic Themes, Social Psychology Quarterly,46,pp.171-184
  • Sidorkin, AM. (2004). In the Event of Learning: Alienation and Participative Thinking in Education, Educational Theory, 54(3), 251-262.
  • Tezcan, M. (1983). E itimde Yabanc la ma, AÜ. E itim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(1), Ankara
  • Tezcan, M. (1991). Gençlik Sosyoloji Yaz lar . Gündo an
  • Thomson, V. ve Janice, C. (1995). Contribution of Hardiness and School Climate to Alienation Experienced by student Teacher, Journal of Educational Research, 88(5)
  • Tolan, B. (1981). Ça da Toplumun Bunal m – Anomi ve Yabanc la ma, Ankara 9T9A. Yay n , No:166
There are 31 citations in total.


Other ID JA27DH43AF
Journal Section Articles

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Publication Date December 1, 2005
Submission Date December 1, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 3 Issue: 4



The Journal of Turkish Educational Sciences is published by Gazi University.