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Tıp Fakültesi̇ Öğrenci̇leri̇nde İnternet Bağımlılık Düzeyi̇ ve Etki̇leyen Faktörleri̇n Değerlendi̇rilmesi

Year 2019, , 5 - 17, 31.08.2019


Amaç: İnternet bağımlılığı, son yıllarda
tanımlanan, giderek artan bir hastalıktır.
İnternet bağımlılığı, özellikle ergenlik
çağındaki çocuklar ve genç yetişkinler arasında
artmıştır. Bu çalışmada Tıp Fakültesi dönem
I-III öğrencilerinde internet bağımlılık düzeyi
ve internet bağımlılığı ile ilişkili faktörleri
araştırmak amaçlanmıştır.

Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışma, kesitsel
bir çalışma olup Tıp Fakültesi dönem I-III
öğrencileri araştırma kapsamına alınmıştır.
Çalışmaya 407 öğrenci (%80.1) katılmıştır.
Sosyo-demografik bilgiler, internet kullanım
durumlarına yönelik 42 soru ve Young’ın
“İnternet Bağımlılığı Ölçeğinin” Türkçe
çevirisi sorularını içeren anket kullanılmıştır.
Öğrencilerin internet bağımlılık durumları
Likert Ölçeği ile saptanmıştır. Etik izin
alındıktan sonra 1Nisan- 31 Mayıs 2018
tarihleri arasında gönüllü öğrencilere sınıf
ortamında anket uygulanmıştır.

Bulgular: Çalışmaya katılanların %99,5’i
internet kullanmaktaydı. Young İnternet
Bağımlılık Testi puan ortalaması 29,92 ±16,33
olarak bulundu. Öğrencilerin %19,4 ü (79
kişi) muhtemel internet bağımlısı, %3’ü (12
kişi) ise internet bağımlısı olarak bulundu.
İnternet bağımlısı olarak saptanan öğrencilerle,
diğer öğrenciler arasında; internette günde
iki saatten fazla zaman geçirilmesi, bilgi
aranması, ders-eğitim-araştırma yapılması,
haber okunması, görüntülü konuşma yapılması
ve internet kullanımına bağlı uykusuzluk
şikâyetlerinin olması açısından anlamlı fark
bulundu (p<0,05). İnternete bağlanma yeri
olarak, evde wireless veya cep telefonundan
internete bağlanma açısından anlamlı fark
bulunmamışken (p>0.05); kütüphane, üniversite
ağı, kahve-restoran gibi yerlerden internete
bağlanma, bağımlı ve muhtemel bağımlı
öğrencilerde diğer öğrencilere göre anlamlı
olarak daha yüksek bulunmuştur (p<0,05).

Sonuç: Tıp Fakültesi öğrencileri arasında
internet bağımlılığı düşük bulundu. Öğrenciler
arasında internet bağımlılığının engellenmesi
için risk faktörleri ve tedbirler konusunda yeni
çalışmaların yapılmasına ihtiyaç vardır


  • Weinstein, A., Feder, LC., Rosenberg, KP., Dannon, P. (2014). Internet addiction disorder: Overview and controversies. Behavioral Addictions: Criteria, Evidence, and Treatment, 99-117.
  • Young, KS. (1998). Internet addiction: The emergence of a new clinical disorder. Cyberpsychology and Behavior, 1, 237-244.
  • Chang, JPC., Hung, CC. (2012). Problematic internet use. Rey, JM.(Ed.). Textbook of Child and Adolescent Mental Health (Chapter H.6),1-12. Geneva: IACAPAP.
  • Fernandez, OL., Blanxart,MF., Serrano, MLH. (2013). The problematic internet entertainment use scale for adolescents: Prevalence of problem internet use in spanish high school students. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 16, 108-118.
  • Wallace, BE., Masiak, JA. (2011). review of internet addiction with regards to assessment method design and the limited parameters examine. Current Problems of Psychiatry, 12, 558-561.
  • Ko, CH.,Yen, JY., Yen, CF., Chen, CS., Chen, CC,. (2012). The association between internet addiction and psychiatric disorder: a review of the literature. European Psychiatry , 27: 1-8
  • Carli, V., Durkee, T., Wasserman, D., Hadlaczky, G., Despalins, R., Kramarz, E.,et all. (2013). M. The association between pathological internet use and comorbid psychopathology: A systematic review. Psychopathology, 46, 1-13.
  • Kuss, DJ., Griffiths, MD., Karila, L., Billieux, J.(2014). Internet addiction: A systematic review of epidemiological research for the last decade. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 20, 4026-4052.
  • American Psychiatric Association.( 2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5), (5th ed.) Arlington: American Psychiatric Publishing.
  • Petry, NM., Rehbein, F., Gentile, DA., Lemmens, JS., Rumpf, HJ., Mossle, T., et al.( 2014). An international consensus for assessing internet gaming disorder using the new DSM-5 approach. addiction (abingdon, england), 109, 1399-1406.
  • Christakis, DA. (2010).Internet addiction: a 21st century epidemic? BMC Med ,8,1-3.
  • access time 23.01.2017
  • Moreno, MA., Jelenchick, L., Cox, E., Young, H., Christakis, DA. (2011) Problematic internet use among us youth: a systematic review. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 165, 797-805.
  • Weinstein, A., Lejoyeux, M. (2010). Internet addiction or excessive internet use. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse, 36, 277-283.
  • Haque, M., ARahman, NA., Majumder, MAA., Haque, SZ., Kamal, ZM., et all. (2016)Internet use and addiction among medica lstudents of Sultan Zainal Abidin University, Malaysia. Psychol Res Behav Manag, 9, 297-307.
  • Fatehi, F., Monajemi,A.,Sadeghi,A., Mojtahedzadeh,R.,Mirzazadeh,A. (2016).Quality of life in medical students with internet addiction. Act a MedicaI ranica, 54, 662-666.
  • Malviya, A., Dixit, S., Shukla, H., Mishra, A., Jain, A., Tripathi, A. (2014) A study to evaluate internet addiction disorder among students of a medical college and associated hospital of central India. Natl J Community Med, 5, 93-95.
  • Chathoth, V., Kodavanji, B., Arunkumar, N., Ramesh, S. (2013). Internet behaviour pattern in undergraduate medical students in mangalore. IJIRSET, 2, 2133-2136. Balta, ÖÇ., Horzum, MB. (2008) Internet Addiction Test. Educational Sciences and Practices,7,87-102.
  • Likert, R.(1974). A method of constructing an attitude scale. Scaling: A source book for behavioral scientists,
  • Young, KS. (1998). Caught in the net.248. New York, ny: John Wiley&Sons.
  • Ergin, A., Uzun, US., Bozkurt, AI. (2013). The frequency of internet addiction in medical students and affecting factors. Pamukkale Medical Journal, 6, 134-142.
  • Arıkan, İ., Tekin, ÖF. (2017).Evaluation of risky internet users and healthy lifestyle behaviors in medical students. Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine Journal, 19, 173-180.
  • Chaudhari, B., Menon, P., Saldanha, D., Tewari, A., Bhattacharya, L.(2015). internet addiction and its determinants among medical students. Ind Psychiatry J, 24, 158–162.
  • Ghamari, F., Mohammadbeigi, A., Mohammadsalehi, N., Hashiani, AA.(2011) Internet addiction and modeling its risk factors in medical students, Iran. Indian J Psychol Med, 33, 158-62.
  • Tsimtsiou, Z., Haidich, AB., Spachos, D., Kokkali, S.(2015). Internet addiction in greek medical students: An online survey. Acad Psychiatry ,39,300–304.
  • King, DL., Haagsma, MC., Delfabbro, PH., Gradisar, M., Griffiths, MD. (2013).Toward a consensus definition of pathological video-gaming: A systematic review of psychometric assessment tools. Clin Psychol Rev, 33, 331-342.
  • Mohammadbeigi, A., Valizadeh,F., Mirshojaee, SR., Ahmadli, R., Mokhtari, M., Ghaderi,E. Et all. (2016). Self-rated health and internet addiction in iranian medical sciences students; prevalence, risk factors and complications. Int J Biomed Sci,12, 65-70.
  • Ching, SM., Awang, H., Ramachandran, V., Lim, SMS., Sulaiman, WAW., Foo, YL. (2017).Prevalence and factors associated with internet addiction among medical students - a cross-sectional study in malaysia. Med J Malaysia, 72,7-11.
  • Khan, MA., Shabbir, F., Rajput, TA. (2017). Effect of gender and physical activity on internet addiction in medical students. Pak J Med Sci, 33, 191-194.
  • Salehi, M., Khalili, MN., Hojjat, SK., Salehi, M., Danesh, A.(2014) Prevalence of internet addiction and associated factors among medical students from mashhad, Iran in 2013. Iran Red Crescent Med J, 16, e17256
  • Chathoth, V., Kodavanji, B., Kumar, NA., Pai, SR. (2014). Correlation between affect and internet addiction in undergraduate medical students in mangalore. J Addict Res Ther, 5,175-178.
  • Andreassen, CS., Pallesen, S.(2014). Social network site addiction - An overview. Curr Pharm Des, 20, 4053-4061.
  • Alabi, OF.(2012).A survey of facebook addiction level among selected nigerian university undergraduates. New Media and Mass Communications, 10,70-80.
  • Wolniczak, I., DelAguila, JAC., Ardiles, AP., Arroyo, KJ., Visscher, RS, Yauri, SP. Et all. (2013) Association between facebook dependence and poor sleep quality: A study in a sample of undergraduate students in Peru.
  • Masters, K. (2015). Social networking addiction among health sciences students in oman. Sultan Qaboos University Med J, 15, 357–363.
  • Balcı, Ş., Gülnar, B. (2009). Profile of internet addicts and internet addiction among university students. Selcuk University Faculty of Communication Academic Journal,6, 5-22.
  • Lam, LT. (2014). Internet gaming addiction, problematic use of the internet, and sleep problems: a systematic review. Curr Psychiatry Rep,16, 444
  • Koc, M., Gulyagci, S.(2013). Facebook addiction among Turkish college students: the role of psychological health, demographic, and usage characteristics. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw, 16, 279-284.
  • Mohammadbeigi, A., Absari, R., Valizadeh, F., Saadati, M., Sharifimoghadam, S., Ahmadi, A.,et all.( 2016). Sleepquality in medical students; the impact of over-use of mobile cell-phone and social networks. J Res Health Sci,16, 46-50.
  • Alaçam, H., Ateşci, FÇ., Şengül, AC., Tümkaya, S. (2015). The relationship between internet addiction and smoking and alcohol use in university students. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry,16, 383-388. https: //

Evaluation of Internet Addiction Level of Medical Faculty Students And Affecting Factors

Year 2019, , 5 - 17, 31.08.2019


Aim: Internet addiction is a growing disease and has increased especially among adolescents and young adults. In this study, it was aimed to investigate internet addiction of 1.-3. grade Medical Faculty students and related factors.

Materials and Methods: 1.-3. grade Medical Faculty students were included in this cross-sectional study, 407 students (80.1%) participated. A questionnaire including 42 questions about internet usage and Young’s Internet Addiction Scale was used to collect socio-demographic data. The internet addiction of the students was determined by the Likert Scale. After obtaining the ethics permission, the questionnaire was applied between April 1 - May 31, 2018.

Results: 99.5% of the participants were using internet. Young Internet Addiction Test mean score was found to be 29.92±16.33. 19.4% of the students (79 people) were possible addicts and 3%(12 people) were addicts. Between addicted students and others there was a significant difference according to use of internet for; more than two hours a day, searching information, lesson-training-research, news reading, video conversation and having complaints of sleeplessness because of internet usage. In terms of ways which students use to connect to the internet, there was no significant difference between wireless and mobile phone at home however, connections from library, university, cafe-restaurant networks were found to be significantly higher in addicted and probable addicted students than others.

Conclusion: The internet addiction among the Medical Faculty students was found to be low. New studies on risk factors and measures are needed to prevent internet addiction among students.


  • Weinstein, A., Feder, LC., Rosenberg, KP., Dannon, P. (2014). Internet addiction disorder: Overview and controversies. Behavioral Addictions: Criteria, Evidence, and Treatment, 99-117.
  • Young, KS. (1998). Internet addiction: The emergence of a new clinical disorder. Cyberpsychology and Behavior, 1, 237-244.
  • Chang, JPC., Hung, CC. (2012). Problematic internet use. Rey, JM.(Ed.). Textbook of Child and Adolescent Mental Health (Chapter H.6),1-12. Geneva: IACAPAP.
  • Fernandez, OL., Blanxart,MF., Serrano, MLH. (2013). The problematic internet entertainment use scale for adolescents: Prevalence of problem internet use in spanish high school students. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 16, 108-118.
  • Wallace, BE., Masiak, JA. (2011). review of internet addiction with regards to assessment method design and the limited parameters examine. Current Problems of Psychiatry, 12, 558-561.
  • Ko, CH.,Yen, JY., Yen, CF., Chen, CS., Chen, CC,. (2012). The association between internet addiction and psychiatric disorder: a review of the literature. European Psychiatry , 27: 1-8
  • Carli, V., Durkee, T., Wasserman, D., Hadlaczky, G., Despalins, R., Kramarz, E.,et all. (2013). M. The association between pathological internet use and comorbid psychopathology: A systematic review. Psychopathology, 46, 1-13.
  • Kuss, DJ., Griffiths, MD., Karila, L., Billieux, J.(2014). Internet addiction: A systematic review of epidemiological research for the last decade. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 20, 4026-4052.
  • American Psychiatric Association.( 2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5), (5th ed.) Arlington: American Psychiatric Publishing.
  • Petry, NM., Rehbein, F., Gentile, DA., Lemmens, JS., Rumpf, HJ., Mossle, T., et al.( 2014). An international consensus for assessing internet gaming disorder using the new DSM-5 approach. addiction (abingdon, england), 109, 1399-1406.
  • Christakis, DA. (2010).Internet addiction: a 21st century epidemic? BMC Med ,8,1-3.
  • access time 23.01.2017
  • Moreno, MA., Jelenchick, L., Cox, E., Young, H., Christakis, DA. (2011) Problematic internet use among us youth: a systematic review. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 165, 797-805.
  • Weinstein, A., Lejoyeux, M. (2010). Internet addiction or excessive internet use. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse, 36, 277-283.
  • Haque, M., ARahman, NA., Majumder, MAA., Haque, SZ., Kamal, ZM., et all. (2016)Internet use and addiction among medica lstudents of Sultan Zainal Abidin University, Malaysia. Psychol Res Behav Manag, 9, 297-307.
  • Fatehi, F., Monajemi,A.,Sadeghi,A., Mojtahedzadeh,R.,Mirzazadeh,A. (2016).Quality of life in medical students with internet addiction. Act a MedicaI ranica, 54, 662-666.
  • Malviya, A., Dixit, S., Shukla, H., Mishra, A., Jain, A., Tripathi, A. (2014) A study to evaluate internet addiction disorder among students of a medical college and associated hospital of central India. Natl J Community Med, 5, 93-95.
  • Chathoth, V., Kodavanji, B., Arunkumar, N., Ramesh, S. (2013). Internet behaviour pattern in undergraduate medical students in mangalore. IJIRSET, 2, 2133-2136. Balta, ÖÇ., Horzum, MB. (2008) Internet Addiction Test. Educational Sciences and Practices,7,87-102.
  • Likert, R.(1974). A method of constructing an attitude scale. Scaling: A source book for behavioral scientists,
  • Young, KS. (1998). Caught in the net.248. New York, ny: John Wiley&Sons.
  • Ergin, A., Uzun, US., Bozkurt, AI. (2013). The frequency of internet addiction in medical students and affecting factors. Pamukkale Medical Journal, 6, 134-142.
  • Arıkan, İ., Tekin, ÖF. (2017).Evaluation of risky internet users and healthy lifestyle behaviors in medical students. Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine Journal, 19, 173-180.
  • Chaudhari, B., Menon, P., Saldanha, D., Tewari, A., Bhattacharya, L.(2015). internet addiction and its determinants among medical students. Ind Psychiatry J, 24, 158–162.
  • Ghamari, F., Mohammadbeigi, A., Mohammadsalehi, N., Hashiani, AA.(2011) Internet addiction and modeling its risk factors in medical students, Iran. Indian J Psychol Med, 33, 158-62.
  • Tsimtsiou, Z., Haidich, AB., Spachos, D., Kokkali, S.(2015). Internet addiction in greek medical students: An online survey. Acad Psychiatry ,39,300–304.
  • King, DL., Haagsma, MC., Delfabbro, PH., Gradisar, M., Griffiths, MD. (2013).Toward a consensus definition of pathological video-gaming: A systematic review of psychometric assessment tools. Clin Psychol Rev, 33, 331-342.
  • Mohammadbeigi, A., Valizadeh,F., Mirshojaee, SR., Ahmadli, R., Mokhtari, M., Ghaderi,E. Et all. (2016). Self-rated health and internet addiction in iranian medical sciences students; prevalence, risk factors and complications. Int J Biomed Sci,12, 65-70.
  • Ching, SM., Awang, H., Ramachandran, V., Lim, SMS., Sulaiman, WAW., Foo, YL. (2017).Prevalence and factors associated with internet addiction among medical students - a cross-sectional study in malaysia. Med J Malaysia, 72,7-11.
  • Khan, MA., Shabbir, F., Rajput, TA. (2017). Effect of gender and physical activity on internet addiction in medical students. Pak J Med Sci, 33, 191-194.
  • Salehi, M., Khalili, MN., Hojjat, SK., Salehi, M., Danesh, A.(2014) Prevalence of internet addiction and associated factors among medical students from mashhad, Iran in 2013. Iran Red Crescent Med J, 16, e17256
  • Chathoth, V., Kodavanji, B., Kumar, NA., Pai, SR. (2014). Correlation between affect and internet addiction in undergraduate medical students in mangalore. J Addict Res Ther, 5,175-178.
  • Andreassen, CS., Pallesen, S.(2014). Social network site addiction - An overview. Curr Pharm Des, 20, 4053-4061.
  • Alabi, OF.(2012).A survey of facebook addiction level among selected nigerian university undergraduates. New Media and Mass Communications, 10,70-80.
  • Wolniczak, I., DelAguila, JAC., Ardiles, AP., Arroyo, KJ., Visscher, RS, Yauri, SP. Et all. (2013) Association between facebook dependence and poor sleep quality: A study in a sample of undergraduate students in Peru.
  • Masters, K. (2015). Social networking addiction among health sciences students in oman. Sultan Qaboos University Med J, 15, 357–363.
  • Balcı, Ş., Gülnar, B. (2009). Profile of internet addicts and internet addiction among university students. Selcuk University Faculty of Communication Academic Journal,6, 5-22.
  • Lam, LT. (2014). Internet gaming addiction, problematic use of the internet, and sleep problems: a systematic review. Curr Psychiatry Rep,16, 444
  • Koc, M., Gulyagci, S.(2013). Facebook addiction among Turkish college students: the role of psychological health, demographic, and usage characteristics. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw, 16, 279-284.
  • Mohammadbeigi, A., Absari, R., Valizadeh, F., Saadati, M., Sharifimoghadam, S., Ahmadi, A.,et all.( 2016). Sleepquality in medical students; the impact of over-use of mobile cell-phone and social networks. J Res Health Sci,16, 46-50.
  • Alaçam, H., Ateşci, FÇ., Şengül, AC., Tümkaya, S. (2015). The relationship between internet addiction and smoking and alcohol use in university students. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry,16, 383-388. https: //
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Article

Türkkan Öztürk Kaygusuz 0000-0002-4151-5903

Ayşe Ferdane Oğuzöncül 0000-0002-9820-9720

Ahmet Erensoy This is me 0000-0001-6300-1105

Publication Date August 31, 2019
Submission Date January 8, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


Vancouver Öztürk Kaygusuz T, Oğuzöncül AF, Erensoy A. Evaluation of Internet Addiction Level of Medical Faculty Students And Affecting Factors. TED. 2019;18(55):5-17.