Research Article
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Medical Students Views’ on Scenario Paintings Used in Problem Based Learning Sessions: A Qualitative Study

Year 2021, , 74 - 81, 30.04.2021


Visual arts are suggested in medical education to promote clinical excellence. Case scenarios include some visual arts (pictures, photographs, paintings) on the demo page where problem-based learning is used. This study aims to explore the thoughts of medical students about visual arts on the demo pages of case scenarios and their contribution to clinical excellent physicians.
This study conducted a qualitative data collecting method using a focus group. Purposive sampling was used to include third term students and their views were assessed. Data analysis was conducted by descriptive and content analysis.
Focus group was conducted with ten students and the views of the medical students on case scenario visual arts were grouped in four main themes: reflection, empathy, awareness, creativity.
Analysis revealed that students remembered their own experiences with diseases. They found similarities between their own health-illness feelings and with the patients on the paintings. Students recognized that patients may have feelings, aims, and expectations and that they experience similar emotions and that they are not ready to deal with them. Students to realize that it is possible to read something on the faces of patients and that paintings may be useful for learning this. Reading patients like the visual paintings may help them to recognize warnings. Paintings helped them to clarify their minds and this could help with managing patients was discussed.
This study supports the use of visual arts in teaching clinical excellence. Using arts in case scenarios appropriately and actively may help medical students to improve reflection, empathy, awareness, and creativity and facilitate clinical excellence.  


  • Bramstedt KA. The use of visual arts as a window to diagnosing medical pathologies. AMA Journal of Ethics. 2016;18(8):843-54.
  • Association of American Medical Colleges. The Role of Arts and Humanities in Physician Development: From Fun to Fundamental. AAMC. 2019. /meded/494588/roleofartsandhumanitiesinphysiciandevelopment.html. Erişim tarihi 02.12.2020.
  • Bardes CL, Gillers D, Herman AE. Learning to look: developing clinical observational skills at an art museum. Medical Education. 2001;35(12):1157-1161. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2001.01088.x.
  • Shankar PR, Piryani RM, Upadhyay-Dhungel K. Student feedback on the use of paintings in Sparshanam, the Medical Humanities module at KIST Medical College, Nepal. BMC Medical Education. 2011;11(9):1-7.
  • Mandin H, Jones A, Woloschuk W, Harasym P. Helping students learn to think like experts when solving clinical problems. Acad Med. 1997;72:173–9.
  • Chang RW, Bordage G, Connell KJ. The importance of early problem representation during case presentations. Acad Med. 1998;73 (10): 109–11.
  • Elkins J. The Object Stares Back: On the Nature of Seeing. New York: Harcourt Inc. 1996.
  • Boisaubin EV, Winkler MG. Seeing patients and life contexts: the visual arts in medical education. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 2000;319(5):292-296. /S0002-9629(15)40755-4.
  • Kumagai AK. Perspective: acts of interpretation: a philosophical approach to using creative arts in medical education. Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2012;87(8):1138-44. 0b013e31825d0fd7.
  • Arnold BL, Lloyd LS, von Gunten CF. Physicians' reflections on death and dying on completion of a palliative medicine fellowship. Journal of pain and symptom management. 2016;51(3):633-9. /j.jpainsymman.2015.09.006.
  • Dolev J, Friedlaender L, Braverman I. Use of fine art to enhance visual diagnostic skills. JAMA. 2001;286:1020–1.
  • Visual art instruction in medical education: a narrative review. Mukunda N, Moghbeli N, Rizzo A, Niepold S, Bassett B, DeLisser HM. Med Educ Online. 2019;24:1–7.
  • Wright SM, Kravet S, Christmas C, Burkhart K, et al. Creating an academy of clinical excellence at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center: a 3-year experience. Academic Medicine. 2010;85(12):1833-9. 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181fa416c .
  • Cracolici V, Judd R, Golden D, Cipriani NA. Art as a Learning Tool: Medical Student Perspectives on Implementing Visual Art into Histology Education. Cureus. 2019;11(7):e5207. https://doi:10.7759/cureus.5207.
  • Gelgoot E, Caufield-Noll C, Chisolm M. Using the visual arts to teach clinical excellence. MedEdPublish. 2018. 10.15694/mep.2018.0000143.1.
  • Karkabi K, Cohen Castel O. Teaching reflective competence in medical education using paintings. Medical Humanities. 2011;37(1):58-9. jmh.2010.006924.
  • Karkabi K, Wald HS, Cohen Castel O. The use of abstract paintings and narratives to foster reflective capacity in medical educators: a multinational faculty development workshop. Medical Humanities. 2014;40(1),12.
  • Reid S, Shapiro L, Louw G. How haptics and drawing enhance the learning of anatomy. Anat Sci Educ. 2018;12:164–172.
  • Sampson S, Shapiro J, Boker J, Shallit J, Youm J. Medical Student Interpretation of Visual Art: Who's Got Empathy? MedEdPublish
  • Milota MM, van Thiel G, van Delden JJM. Narrative medicine as a medical education tool: A systematic review. Med Teach. 2019;41:802–810.
  • Karkabi K, Cohen Castel O. Deepening compassion through the mirror of painting. Medical Education. 2006;40(5):462. 02439.x.
  • Yang KT Yang JH. A study of the effect of a visual arts-based program on the scores of Jefferson Scale for Physician Empathy. BMC Medical Education. 2013;3(142):1-5.
  • Paulus PB, Nijstad BA, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Group Creativity and Innovation. Oxford, UK: Oxford Library of Psychology, 2019.
  • Khan S, Vandermorris A, Shepherd J, Begun JW, Lanham HJ, Uhl-Bien M, Berta W. Embracing uncertainty, managing complexity: applying complexity thinking principles to transformation efforts in healthcare systems. BMC Health Serv Res. 2018;18(1):192.
  • Doukas DJ, McCullough LB, Wear S. Project to Rebalance and Integrate Medical Education (PRIME) Investigators. Perspective: Medical education in medical ethics and humanities as the foundation for developing medical professionalism. Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2012;87(3):334-41.
  • Mullangi S. The synergy of medicine and art in the curriculum. Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2013;88(7):921-923. 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3182956017.
  • Kumagai AK. Beyond "Dr. Feel-Good": A Role for the Humanities in Medical Education. Academic Medicine. 2017;92(12):1659-60.

Tıp Öğrencilerinin Probleme Dayalı Öğrenim Oturumlarında Kullanılan Senaryo Tanıtım Resimleri Hakkındaki Görüşleri: Niteleyici bir Çalışma

Year 2021, , 74 - 81, 30.04.2021


Tıp eğitiminde iyi hekimler yetiştirmede görsel sanatların katkısı olduğu iddia edilmektedir. Probleme dayalı öğrenim yapan tıp fakültelerinde oturumlarda kullanılan yazılı senaryoların ilk sayfalarında genellikle konu ile ilgili görsel eserler (resim, fotoğraf, çizim) bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, senaryolarının ilk sayfasında yer alan görsel sanat eserleri hakkında tıp öğrencilerinin düşüncelerini araştırmak ve iyi hekimlik ilkeleri ile karşılaştırmaktır.
Gereç ve yöntem
Bu çalışmada veriler nitel veri toplama tekniği kullanıldı ve veriler odak grup görüşmesi ile elde edildi. Amaçlı örneklem yöntemine uygun olarak seçilen dönem üç öğrencilerine senaryo tanıtım resimleri hakkındaki düşünceleri soruldu. Verilerin analizi aşamasında betimsel analiz ve içerik analizi yöntemlerinden yararlanıldı.
Toplam 10 öğrenci ile tamamlanan çalışmada katılımcıların senaryo kapak sayfasındaki görsel ürünler hakkındaki görüşleri dört ana başlık altında toparlandı: yansıtma, empati, farkındalık ve yaratıcılık.
Yapılan analizlerde öğrencilerin resimlerde yer alan hastaların kendi hastalık deneyimlerini hatırlattığını ve kendi sağlık-hastalık tecrübeleri ile benzerlik kurduklarını saptadık. Öğrencilerin resimlerdeki hastalara bakarak hastaların duyguları, amaçları, beklentileri olan insanlar olduklarını anladıklarını belirledik. Bu konuda kendilerini eksik hissettiklerini ve buna hazırlıklı olmadıklarını anladıklarını ortaya koyduk. Öğrenciler hastaların yüzlerinden bir şeyler okumanın mümkün olduğunu ve bu resimlerin buna yardımcı olduğunu fark ettiler. Hastaları bir resim gibi okuyup, uyarıları fark etmek için resimlerin faydalı olabileceğini bildirdiler. Öğrenciler resimlerin yorumlanması ile aydınlandıklarını ve bu farklı bakış açısının hastalarda da işe yarayabileceğini anladılar.
Bu çalışma tıp eğitiminde görsel sanatların iyi hekimlik ilkeleri ile uyumlu olduğunu desteklemektedir. Senaryo kapak resimlerinin uygun şekilde ele alınması ve aktif olarak kullanılması öğrencilerin yansıtma, empati, farkındalık ve yaratıcılık konularında gelişmelerine katkı sağlayabilir ve iyi hekimlik konusunda yardımcı olabilir.


  • Bramstedt KA. The use of visual arts as a window to diagnosing medical pathologies. AMA Journal of Ethics. 2016;18(8):843-54.
  • Association of American Medical Colleges. The Role of Arts and Humanities in Physician Development: From Fun to Fundamental. AAMC. 2019. /meded/494588/roleofartsandhumanitiesinphysiciandevelopment.html. Erişim tarihi 02.12.2020.
  • Bardes CL, Gillers D, Herman AE. Learning to look: developing clinical observational skills at an art museum. Medical Education. 2001;35(12):1157-1161. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2001.01088.x.
  • Shankar PR, Piryani RM, Upadhyay-Dhungel K. Student feedback on the use of paintings in Sparshanam, the Medical Humanities module at KIST Medical College, Nepal. BMC Medical Education. 2011;11(9):1-7.
  • Mandin H, Jones A, Woloschuk W, Harasym P. Helping students learn to think like experts when solving clinical problems. Acad Med. 1997;72:173–9.
  • Chang RW, Bordage G, Connell KJ. The importance of early problem representation during case presentations. Acad Med. 1998;73 (10): 109–11.
  • Elkins J. The Object Stares Back: On the Nature of Seeing. New York: Harcourt Inc. 1996.
  • Boisaubin EV, Winkler MG. Seeing patients and life contexts: the visual arts in medical education. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 2000;319(5):292-296. /S0002-9629(15)40755-4.
  • Kumagai AK. Perspective: acts of interpretation: a philosophical approach to using creative arts in medical education. Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2012;87(8):1138-44. 0b013e31825d0fd7.
  • Arnold BL, Lloyd LS, von Gunten CF. Physicians' reflections on death and dying on completion of a palliative medicine fellowship. Journal of pain and symptom management. 2016;51(3):633-9. /j.jpainsymman.2015.09.006.
  • Dolev J, Friedlaender L, Braverman I. Use of fine art to enhance visual diagnostic skills. JAMA. 2001;286:1020–1.
  • Visual art instruction in medical education: a narrative review. Mukunda N, Moghbeli N, Rizzo A, Niepold S, Bassett B, DeLisser HM. Med Educ Online. 2019;24:1–7.
  • Wright SM, Kravet S, Christmas C, Burkhart K, et al. Creating an academy of clinical excellence at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center: a 3-year experience. Academic Medicine. 2010;85(12):1833-9. 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181fa416c .
  • Cracolici V, Judd R, Golden D, Cipriani NA. Art as a Learning Tool: Medical Student Perspectives on Implementing Visual Art into Histology Education. Cureus. 2019;11(7):e5207. https://doi:10.7759/cureus.5207.
  • Gelgoot E, Caufield-Noll C, Chisolm M. Using the visual arts to teach clinical excellence. MedEdPublish. 2018. 10.15694/mep.2018.0000143.1.
  • Karkabi K, Cohen Castel O. Teaching reflective competence in medical education using paintings. Medical Humanities. 2011;37(1):58-9. jmh.2010.006924.
  • Karkabi K, Wald HS, Cohen Castel O. The use of abstract paintings and narratives to foster reflective capacity in medical educators: a multinational faculty development workshop. Medical Humanities. 2014;40(1),12.
  • Reid S, Shapiro L, Louw G. How haptics and drawing enhance the learning of anatomy. Anat Sci Educ. 2018;12:164–172.
  • Sampson S, Shapiro J, Boker J, Shallit J, Youm J. Medical Student Interpretation of Visual Art: Who's Got Empathy? MedEdPublish
  • Milota MM, van Thiel G, van Delden JJM. Narrative medicine as a medical education tool: A systematic review. Med Teach. 2019;41:802–810.
  • Karkabi K, Cohen Castel O. Deepening compassion through the mirror of painting. Medical Education. 2006;40(5):462. 02439.x.
  • Yang KT Yang JH. A study of the effect of a visual arts-based program on the scores of Jefferson Scale for Physician Empathy. BMC Medical Education. 2013;3(142):1-5.
  • Paulus PB, Nijstad BA, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Group Creativity and Innovation. Oxford, UK: Oxford Library of Psychology, 2019.
  • Khan S, Vandermorris A, Shepherd J, Begun JW, Lanham HJ, Uhl-Bien M, Berta W. Embracing uncertainty, managing complexity: applying complexity thinking principles to transformation efforts in healthcare systems. BMC Health Serv Res. 2018;18(1):192.
  • Doukas DJ, McCullough LB, Wear S. Project to Rebalance and Integrate Medical Education (PRIME) Investigators. Perspective: Medical education in medical ethics and humanities as the foundation for developing medical professionalism. Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2012;87(3):334-41.
  • Mullangi S. The synergy of medicine and art in the curriculum. Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2013;88(7):921-923. 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3182956017.
  • Kumagai AK. Beyond "Dr. Feel-Good": A Role for the Humanities in Medical Education. Academic Medicine. 2017;92(12):1659-60.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Article

Tamer Edirne 0000-0001-9683-5624

Serdar Özdemir 0000-0001-6611-8472

Publication Date April 30, 2021
Submission Date April 14, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


Vancouver Edirne T, Özdemir S. Tıp Öğrencilerinin Probleme Dayalı Öğrenim Oturumlarında Kullanılan Senaryo Tanıtım Resimleri Hakkındaki Görüşleri: Niteleyici bir Çalışma. TED. 2021;20(60):74-81.