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Learning Style Scales and Studies used with Students of Health Departments of Universities between 1998 – 2008

Year 2011, Volume: 30 Issue: 30, 17 - 28, 01.04.2011


Aim: The topics learning environment and how learning has been formed are as important as education process. Differences between students’ features affect their learning process. The needs of taking into consideration of learning styles of students while planning educational and instructional activities have been discussing last 30-40 years. The number of studies related with learning styles of healthcare students is increasing. In this study it is aimed to determine the studies and used scales with students of health departments of universities in 1998–2008. Methods: PUBMED, Cochrane, EBSCO and Clinical Evidence data basis were searched between the dates 25 April – 15 June 2009. “Learning style” was used as key world for all data basis. The inclusion criteria were the date (1998-2008) and population (health department of universities) of study. Results: We reached 25 full text articles. These studies were done in different departments’ student groups with different scales. The study populations were comprising mostly medical and nursery students. Kolb Learning Style Inventory was used 9 of them, while Felder and Solomon’s Learning Style Inventory and VARK were used, 3 of them. Although numbers of subscales were different in each inventory or scale, the constructions of them were similar. The most preferred inventory / scale Kolb has four subscales. Conclusion: There are many studies that have been used different scales/ inventory in health area. The investigator should select any of them according to their subscales which are needed.


  • Çağlayan HS, Taşğın Ö, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu Sınavına Başvuran Aday Öğrencilerin Öğrenme Biçemlerinin İncelenmesi, Http://www.Sosyalbil.Selcuk.Edu.Tr/Sos_Mak/Articles/2008/20/Hcaglayan-Otasgın.Pdf , adresinden 20.06.2009 tarihinde ulaşılmıştır.
  • Yazıcılar Ö, Güven B, Öğrenme Stili Özelliklerinin Dikkate Alındığı Öğretim Etkinliklerini Uygulamanın Akademik Başarı, Tutumlar ve Hatırda Tutma Düzeyi Üzerindeki Etkisi, İlköğretim Online, 8(1), 9-23, 2009.
  • Online]: Http://İlkogretim-Online.Org.Tr. Özer B, Öğrenmeyi Öğretme, Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları, , adresinden 20.06.2009 tarihinde ulaşılmıştır.
  • Riding R, Rayner S, Cognitive Styles and Learning Strategies, David Fulton Publishers, London, 1998, p49
  • Gencel IE. Kolb’un Deneyimsel Öğrenme Kuramına Dayalı Öğrenme Stilleri Envanteri-III’ü Türkçeye Uyarlama Çalışması. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2007; 9(2): 120-39.
  • Güven M. Öğrenme Stilleri ve Eleştirel Düşünme Arasındaki İlişkiye Genel Bir Bakış. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 2006; 1: 75-89.
  • Türkiye İş Kurumu Genel Müdürlüğü, Sağlık Mesleklerini Tanıyalım Gözden Geçirilmiş 3. Baskı, Yayın No: , Ankara-2002.
  • Lynch TG, Woelfl NN, Steele DJ, Hanssen CS. Learning style ınfluences student examination performance. American Journal of Surgery. 1998; 176: 62–66.
  • Engleberg NC, Schwenk T, Gruppen L D. Learning styles and perceptions of the value of various learning modalities before and after a 2nd-year course in microbiology and ınfectious diseases. Teaching And Learning in Medicine 2001; 4: 253 — 57.
  • Contessa J, Ciardiello KA, Perlman S. Surgery resident learning styles and academic achievement. Current Surgery 2005; 62(3): 344-47.
  • Mıtchell AW, Nyland NK. Learning styles differ between senior dietetics students and dietetics faculty members. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 2005; 105: 1605-08.
  • Mammen JMV, Fischer DR, Anderson A, James LE, Nussbaum MS, Bower RH, Pritts TA. Learning styles vary among general surgery residents: analysis of 12 years of data. Journal Of Surgical Education 2007; 64(6): 89.
  • Kostovich CT, Poradzisz M, Wood K, O’Brien KL. Learning style preference and student aptitude for concept maps. Journal Of Nursing Education 2007; 46(5): 225-31.14. Baker CM, Pesut DJ, Mcdanıel AM,
  • Fısher ML. Evaluatıng the ımpact of problem-based learnıng on learnıng styles of master’s students ın nursıng admınıstratıon. Journal of Professional Nursing 2007; 23: 214–19.
  • Ravert P. Patient Simulator sessions and critical thinking. Journal of Nursing Education. 2008; 47(12): 557
  • Chapman DM, Calhoun JG. Validation of learning style measures: implications for medical education practice. Medical Education 2006; 40: 576–83.
  • Slater JA, Lujan HL, Dicarlo SE. Does gender influence learning style preferences of first-year medical students? Advances in Physiology Education 2007; 31: 336-42.
  • Baykan Z, Nacar M. Learning styles of first-year medical students attending Erciyes University in Kayseri, Turkey. Advances in Physiology Education2007; 31: 158-60.
  • Wehrwein EA, Lujan HL, Dicarlo SE. Gender differences in learning style preferences among undergraduate. Physiology Students. Advances in Physiology Education 2007; 31: 153-57.
  • Cook DA, Gelula MH, Dupras DM, Schwartz A. Instructional methods and cognitive and learning styles in web-based learning: report of two randomised trials. Medical Education 2007; 41: 897–905.
  • Cook DA, Thompson WG, Thomas KG, Thomas MR, Pankratz S. Impact of self-assessment questions and learning styles in web-based learning: a randomized, controlled, Crossover Trial. Academic Medicine 2006; 81: –38.
  • Zhang H, Lambert V. Critical thinking dispositions and learning styles of baccalaureate nursing students from china. Nursing And Health Sciences 2008; 10: 175–81.
  • Novak S, Shah S, Wilson JP, Lawson KA, Salzman RD. Pharmacy students’ learning styles before and after a problem-based learning experience. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2006; 70 (4): Article 74.
  • Vaughn LM, Baker RC. Do different pairings of teaching styles and learning styles make a difference? preceptor and resident perceptions. Teaching and learning in medicine, 2008; 20(3): 239–47.
  • Rassool GH, Rawaf S. The ınfluence of learning styles preference of undergraduate nursing students on educational outcomes in substance use education. Nurse Education in Practice, 2008; 8: 306–14.
  • Rassool GH, Rawaf S, Learning style preferences of undergraduate nursing students. Nursing Standard 2007; (32): 35-41.
  • Windsor JA, Diener S, Zoha F, Learning style and laparoscopic experience in psychomotor skill performance using a virtual reality surgical Simulator. The American Journal Of Surgery 2008; 195: 837–42.
  • Martin IG, Stark P, Jolly B. Benefiting from clinical experience: the influence of learning style and clinical experience on performance in an undergraduate objective structured clinical examination. Medical Education ; 34: 530-34. Linares AZ. Learning styles of students and faculty in selected health care professions. Journal of Nursing Education. 1999; 38(9): 407-14.
  • Lıma AAD, Bettatı MAI, Barata S, Falconı M, Sokn F, Gallı A, Barrero C, Cagıde A, Iglesıas R. Learning strategies used by cardiology residents: assessment of learning styles and their correlations. Education For Health 2006; 19(3): 289-97.
  • Stratman EJ, Vogel CA, Reck SJ, Mukesh BN. Analysis of dermatology resident self-reported successful learning styles and implications for core competency curriculum development. Medical Teacher 2008; 30(4): 25.
  • Andrusyszyn MA, Cragg B, Humbert J. Nurse practitioner preferences for distance education methods related to learning style, course content, and achievement. Journal of Nursing Education 2001; 40(4): 163-70.


Year 2011, Volume: 30 Issue: 30, 17 - 28, 01.04.2011


Amaç: Eğitim sürecinde öğrenme kadar, bu öğrenmenin hangi koşullar altında ve nasıl oluştuğu da önem taşımaktadır. Öğrencilerin özellikleri arasındaki farklılıklar, onların öğrenme süreçlerini de etkilemektedir. Eğitimöğretim faaliyetlerini planlarken öğrenme stillerinin dikkate alınması gerekliliği son 30- 40 yıldır tartışılmaktadır. Tüm bilim dallarında olduğu gibi sağlık alanında da öğrenme stillerini belirlemeye yönelik çalışmaların sayısı artmaktadır. Bu çalışmada amaç, 1998–2008 yılları arasında sağlık alanında yapılan öğrenme stilleri araştırmalarında kullanılan ölçeklerin saptanmasıdır. Gereç ve Yöntem: PUBMED, Cochrane, EBSCO ve Clinical Evidence veri tabanlarında, 25 Nisan – 15 Haziran 2009 tarihleri arasında tarama yapılmıştır. Anahtar kelime olarak “learning style” girilmiştir. Araştırmanın 1998–2008 yıllarında yapılmış olması ve evrenini sağlık alanında eğitim gören öğrencilerin oluşturması araştırmaların seçim kriterleri olarak kabul edilmiştir. Bulgular: Tam metnine ulaşılabilen 25 makalede sağlık alanında öğrenim gören farklı öğrenci gruplarında ve farklı ölçekler/envanterler kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Ağırlıklı olarak tıp ve hemşirelik öğrencilerinde çalışılmıştır. Araştırmaların 9’unda Kolb Öğrenme Stil Envanteri, 3’ünde Felder ve Solomon’un Öğrenme Stilleri İndeksi ve 3’ünde de VARK kullanılmıştır. Ölçeklerin / envanterlerin alt boyut sayıları farklılaşsa da genelde birbirine benzemektedir. En çok tercih edilen Kolb ise dört alt boyuta sahiptir. Sonuç: Sağlık alanında son yıllarda sayısı artan birçok ögrenme stili ölçegi kullanılarak yapılmıs çalısmalar bulunmaktadır. Arastırmacıların dikkat etmesi gereken nokta, ihtiyacı olan alt boyutlara uygun ölçek seçimidir.


  • Çağlayan HS, Taşğın Ö, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu Sınavına Başvuran Aday Öğrencilerin Öğrenme Biçemlerinin İncelenmesi, Http://www.Sosyalbil.Selcuk.Edu.Tr/Sos_Mak/Articles/2008/20/Hcaglayan-Otasgın.Pdf , adresinden 20.06.2009 tarihinde ulaşılmıştır.
  • Yazıcılar Ö, Güven B, Öğrenme Stili Özelliklerinin Dikkate Alındığı Öğretim Etkinliklerini Uygulamanın Akademik Başarı, Tutumlar ve Hatırda Tutma Düzeyi Üzerindeki Etkisi, İlköğretim Online, 8(1), 9-23, 2009.
  • Online]: Http://İlkogretim-Online.Org.Tr. Özer B, Öğrenmeyi Öğretme, Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları, , adresinden 20.06.2009 tarihinde ulaşılmıştır.
  • Riding R, Rayner S, Cognitive Styles and Learning Strategies, David Fulton Publishers, London, 1998, p49
  • Gencel IE. Kolb’un Deneyimsel Öğrenme Kuramına Dayalı Öğrenme Stilleri Envanteri-III’ü Türkçeye Uyarlama Çalışması. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2007; 9(2): 120-39.
  • Güven M. Öğrenme Stilleri ve Eleştirel Düşünme Arasındaki İlişkiye Genel Bir Bakış. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 2006; 1: 75-89.
  • Türkiye İş Kurumu Genel Müdürlüğü, Sağlık Mesleklerini Tanıyalım Gözden Geçirilmiş 3. Baskı, Yayın No: , Ankara-2002.
  • Lynch TG, Woelfl NN, Steele DJ, Hanssen CS. Learning style ınfluences student examination performance. American Journal of Surgery. 1998; 176: 62–66.
  • Engleberg NC, Schwenk T, Gruppen L D. Learning styles and perceptions of the value of various learning modalities before and after a 2nd-year course in microbiology and ınfectious diseases. Teaching And Learning in Medicine 2001; 4: 253 — 57.
  • Contessa J, Ciardiello KA, Perlman S. Surgery resident learning styles and academic achievement. Current Surgery 2005; 62(3): 344-47.
  • Mıtchell AW, Nyland NK. Learning styles differ between senior dietetics students and dietetics faculty members. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 2005; 105: 1605-08.
  • Mammen JMV, Fischer DR, Anderson A, James LE, Nussbaum MS, Bower RH, Pritts TA. Learning styles vary among general surgery residents: analysis of 12 years of data. Journal Of Surgical Education 2007; 64(6): 89.
  • Kostovich CT, Poradzisz M, Wood K, O’Brien KL. Learning style preference and student aptitude for concept maps. Journal Of Nursing Education 2007; 46(5): 225-31.14. Baker CM, Pesut DJ, Mcdanıel AM,
  • Fısher ML. Evaluatıng the ımpact of problem-based learnıng on learnıng styles of master’s students ın nursıng admınıstratıon. Journal of Professional Nursing 2007; 23: 214–19.
  • Ravert P. Patient Simulator sessions and critical thinking. Journal of Nursing Education. 2008; 47(12): 557
  • Chapman DM, Calhoun JG. Validation of learning style measures: implications for medical education practice. Medical Education 2006; 40: 576–83.
  • Slater JA, Lujan HL, Dicarlo SE. Does gender influence learning style preferences of first-year medical students? Advances in Physiology Education 2007; 31: 336-42.
  • Baykan Z, Nacar M. Learning styles of first-year medical students attending Erciyes University in Kayseri, Turkey. Advances in Physiology Education2007; 31: 158-60.
  • Wehrwein EA, Lujan HL, Dicarlo SE. Gender differences in learning style preferences among undergraduate. Physiology Students. Advances in Physiology Education 2007; 31: 153-57.
  • Cook DA, Gelula MH, Dupras DM, Schwartz A. Instructional methods and cognitive and learning styles in web-based learning: report of two randomised trials. Medical Education 2007; 41: 897–905.
  • Cook DA, Thompson WG, Thomas KG, Thomas MR, Pankratz S. Impact of self-assessment questions and learning styles in web-based learning: a randomized, controlled, Crossover Trial. Academic Medicine 2006; 81: –38.
  • Zhang H, Lambert V. Critical thinking dispositions and learning styles of baccalaureate nursing students from china. Nursing And Health Sciences 2008; 10: 175–81.
  • Novak S, Shah S, Wilson JP, Lawson KA, Salzman RD. Pharmacy students’ learning styles before and after a problem-based learning experience. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2006; 70 (4): Article 74.
  • Vaughn LM, Baker RC. Do different pairings of teaching styles and learning styles make a difference? preceptor and resident perceptions. Teaching and learning in medicine, 2008; 20(3): 239–47.
  • Rassool GH, Rawaf S. The ınfluence of learning styles preference of undergraduate nursing students on educational outcomes in substance use education. Nurse Education in Practice, 2008; 8: 306–14.
  • Rassool GH, Rawaf S, Learning style preferences of undergraduate nursing students. Nursing Standard 2007; (32): 35-41.
  • Windsor JA, Diener S, Zoha F, Learning style and laparoscopic experience in psychomotor skill performance using a virtual reality surgical Simulator. The American Journal Of Surgery 2008; 195: 837–42.
  • Martin IG, Stark P, Jolly B. Benefiting from clinical experience: the influence of learning style and clinical experience on performance in an undergraduate objective structured clinical examination. Medical Education ; 34: 530-34. Linares AZ. Learning styles of students and faculty in selected health care professions. Journal of Nursing Education. 1999; 38(9): 407-14.
  • Lıma AAD, Bettatı MAI, Barata S, Falconı M, Sokn F, Gallı A, Barrero C, Cagıde A, Iglesıas R. Learning strategies used by cardiology residents: assessment of learning styles and their correlations. Education For Health 2006; 19(3): 289-97.
  • Stratman EJ, Vogel CA, Reck SJ, Mukesh BN. Analysis of dermatology resident self-reported successful learning styles and implications for core competency curriculum development. Medical Teacher 2008; 30(4): 25.
  • Andrusyszyn MA, Cragg B, Humbert J. Nurse practitioner preferences for distance education methods related to learning style, course content, and achievement. Journal of Nursing Education 2001; 40(4): 163-70.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Original Article

İ.irem Budakoğlu This is me

Cem Babadoğan This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2011
Submission Date September 5, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 30 Issue: 30
