Our journal is a scientific and peer-reviewed publication that aims to contribute to the field of education in Türkiye and worldwide by publishing original research in the field of education.
In line with its publication policy, our journal includes quantitative and qualitative research and review articles related to all areas of education.
Writing Guidelines and Article Preparation Instructions
Articles submitted for evaluation must be formatted in accordance with APA 7 style and prepared using the article preparation guide. You can also have access to the template in the website of the journal.
Writing Guidelines
Please organize your article according to the following points after downloading the template:
1. Include the contact and other relevant information of the authors involved in the study, and format the headers and footers as specified in the template.
2. The Turkish and English abstracts should appear on the first page and must not exceed 200 words each. You need to include five keywords beneath each abstract.
3. Ensure all formatting elements such as page layout, tables, font type and size, and references comply with the journal's template. Please pay close attention to aligning text styles with the template.
4. Check your manuscript for any missing or extra spaces between words, within tables, and between words and parentheses.
5. Format your references in accordance with APA 7 guidelines (e.g., indentation, italics). Examples are provided in the template.
6. If your article is written in Turkish, include an extended English abstract; if it is in English, you need to provide an extended Turkish abstract. The extended abstract should be between 1,000 and 1,250 words.
The journal is a peer-reviewed journal launched by Istanbul Medipol University's School of Education. It is published twice a year, in June and December, featuring articles in both English and Turkish.
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