Research Article
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Year 2022, Issue: 35, 101 - 120, 30.12.2022



  • Aneziri, Sophia. “The Organisation of Music Contests in the Hellenistic Period and Artists’ Participation: An Attempt at Classification”, The Greek Theatre and Festivals. Editör Peter Wilson, 67-84. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. google scholar
  • Aneziri, Sophia. “World Travellers: The Associations of Artists of Dionysos”, Wandering Poets in the Ancient Greek Culture, Travel, Locality and Pan-Hellenism. Editörler Richard Hunter ve Ian Rutherford, 217-236. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. google scholar
  • Aneziri, Sophia. Die Vereine der dionysischen Techniten im Kontext der hellenistischen Gesselschaft: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte, Organisation und Wirkung der hellenistischen Technitenvereine. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2003. google scholar
  • Aristoteles, Peri Poietikes. Kassel, R. (Ed.). Aristotle’s Ars Poetica. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1966. google scholar
  • Aristoteles, Problemata. Ross, W. D. (Ed.). Aristotelis politica. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957. google scholar
  • Aristoteles, Rhetorike. Ross, W. D. (Ed.). Ars Rhetorica. Aristotle. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1959. google scholar
  • Arrianos, Anabasis. Roos, A. G. (Ed.). Flavii Arriani Anabasis Alexandri. Arrian. Leipzig: Teubner, 1907. google scholar
  • Athenaios, Deipnosophistai. Kaibel (Ed.) Athenaeus. Deipnosophistae. Leipzig: Teubner, 1887. google scholar
  • Chaniotis, Angelos. “Zur Frage der Spezialisierung im griechischen Theater des Hellenismus und der Kaiserzeit auf der Grundlage der neuen Prosopographie der dionysischen Techniten”, Ktema 15 (1990), 89-108. google scholar
  • Çelgin, Güler. Eski Yunan Edebiyatı. İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi, 1990. google scholar
  • CID IV. Corpus des inscriptions de Delphes. Paris 1977-. 4 vols. Vol. 4, IV, Documents Amphictioniques, Ed. François Lefévre, with contributions by Didier Laroche and Olivier Masson. Paris 2002. google scholar
  • Della Bona, Maria Elena. Agoni Poetico-musicali nella Grecia antica. Vol. 2: I Pythia di Delfi. Testi e commenti 30. Pisa/Roma: Fabrizio Serra, 2017. google scholar
  • Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca Historica. Bekker, I., Dindorf, L. ve Vogel, F. (Ed.). Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca Historica. 2 Vols. Leipzig: Teubner, 1888-1890. google scholar
  • FD III/3. Fouilles de Delphes, III. Épigraphie. Paris 1929-. Fasc. 3, Inscriptions depuis le trésor des Athéniens jusqu’aux bases de Gélon. 2 vols. Paris 1932-1943. (Vol. 1, ed. Georges Daux and Antoine Salać, 1932; vol. 2, Georges Daux, 1943). google scholar
  • Graf, Fritz, Roman Festivals in the Greek East, From the Early Empire to the Middle Byzantine Era. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. google scholar
  • Harmon, Roger. “Technitai”, Brill’s New Pauly: Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World, vol. 14, Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2006. google scholar
  • Herodotos, Historiai. Godley, A. D. (Ed.). Herodotus. The Persian Wars. 4 vols. Loeb Classical Library nos. 117-120. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1920-1925. google scholar
  • Homeros, Ilias. Murray, A. T. (Ed.). Homer. Iliad. 2 vols. Loeb Classical Library nos. 170-171. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1924-1925. google scholar
  • Homeros, Odysseia. Murray, A. T. (Ed.). Homer. Odyssey. 2 vols. Loeb Classical Library nos. 104-105. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1919. google scholar
  • IG II/2. Inscriptiones Graecae II et III: Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores, 2nd edition, Parts I-III, ed. Johannes Kirchner, (Berlin 1913-1940), Part II/2 (1927-1931) = Records of Magistrates and Catalogues (Nos. 1370-2788). google scholar
  • Jacoby, Felix. (Ed.) FGrH. Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, 14 vols. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1923-1958. google scholar
  • Jones, Cristopher P. “Three New Letters of the Emperor Hadrian”, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik161 (1997) 145-156. google scholar
  • Kyle, Donald G. Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World. West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell, 2015 (second edition). google scholar
  • Lawler, Lillian Brady. “‘There Young Men Were Dancing’ The Dance in the Iliad”, The Classical Outlook25/2 (November 1947), 18-21 google scholar
  • Le Guen, Brigitte. “Associations of Artists and Hellenistic Rulers. The Case of the Guild Established in Ptolemaic Egypt and its Cypriot Subsidiary”, Frühmittelalterliche Studien 50/1 (2016), 231-254. google scholar
  • Le Guen, Brigitte. “Theatre, Religion, and Politics at Alexander’s Travelling Royal Court”, Greek Theatre in the Fourth Century B.C.. Editörler Eric Csapo, Hans R. Goette, J. Richard Green ve Peter Wilson, 249-274. Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2014. google scholar
  • Leschhorn, Wolfgang. “Die Verbreitung von Agonen in den östlichen Provinzen des Römischen Reiches”, Colloquium Agonistik in der römischen Kaiserzeit, Landhaus Rothenberge (Münster), 25-27 Oktober 1995,Stadion 24/1 (1998), 31-57. google scholar
  • Liddell, Henry G., Scott, Robert, Jones, Henry S. ve McKenzie Roderick, (ed.) A Greek-English Lexicon, 19409; Suppl.: 1968, repr. 1992. google scholar
  • Lukianos, Pros ton apaideuton kai polla biblia onumenon. Harmon, A. M. (Ed.). Lucian. Works. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1921 google scholar
  • Mari, Manuela ve Stirpe, Paola. “The Greek Crown Games”, The Oxford Handbook of Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World. Editörler Alison Futrell ve Thomas F. Scanlon, 87-97. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. google scholar
  • Miller, Stephen G. “The Organization and Functioning of the Olympic Games”, Sport and Festival in the Ancient Greek World. Editörler David J. Philips ve David Pritchard, 1-40. Wales: The Classical Press of Wales, 2003. google scholar
  • Miller, Stephen G. Ancient Greek Athletics. New Haven-London: Yale University Press, 2004. google scholar
  • Mitchell, Stephen. “Review: Festivals, Games, and Civic Life in Roman Asia Minor”, TheJournal of Roman Studies 80 (1990) 183-193. google scholar
  • Moloney, Eoghan. “Philippus in acie tutior quam in theatro fuit... (Curtius 9,6,25): The Macedonian Kings and Greek Theatre”, Greek Theatre in the Fourth Century B.C.. Editörler Eric Csapo, Hans R. Goette, J. Richard Green ve Peter Wilson, 231-248. Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2014. google scholar
  • Murray, Penelope ve Wilson, Peter. “Introduction: Mousike, not Music”, Music and the Muses: The Culture of Mousike in the Classical Athenian City. Editörler Penelope Murray ve Peter Wilson, 1-8. New York: Oxford, 2004. google scholar
  • Pausanias, Periegesis tes Hellados. Spiro, F. (Ed.). Pausaniae Graeciae descriptio. 3 vols. Leipzig: Teubner, 1903. google scholar
  • Petzl, Georg ve Schwertheim Elmar. Hadrian und die dionysischen Künstler. Drei in Alexandria Troas neugefundene Briefe des Kaisers an die Künstler. Bonn: Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, 2006. google scholar Philostratos, Bios Apolloniou Tyaneos. Kayser, C. L. (Ed.). Flavii Philostrati Opera, Vol 1. Philostratus the Athenian. Leipzig: Teubner, 1970. google scholar
  • Plutarkhos, Bioi Paralleloi (Perikles) Perrin, B. (Ed.). Plutarch. Plutarch’s Lives. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1916. google scholar
  • Power, Timothy. “Musical Competitors and Competitions in Greece and Rome”, A Companion to Ancient Greek and Roman Music. Editörler Tosca. A. C. Lynch ve Eleonora Rocconi, 187-199. Hoboken: Wiley Blackwell, 2020. google scholar
  • Price, Simon R. F. Ritüel ve İktidar:Küçük Asya’da Roma İmparatorluk Kültü, çev. Taylan Esin. İstanbul: İmge Kitabevi Yayınları, 2004. google scholar
  • Revermann, Martin. “Euripides, Tragedy and Macedon: Some Conditions of Reception”, Euripides and Tragic Theater in the Late Fifth Century. Editörler Martin Cropp, Kevin Lee ve David Sansone, 451-467. Champaign/Illinois: Stipes Publishing, 1999. google scholar
  • Robert, Louis. “Discours D’ouverture”, actes du VIIIe congrès international d’épigraphie grecque et latine à athènes. Athens, 3-9 October 1982 (1984), 35-45 (= Opera Minora Selecta (OMS) VI: 709-719) google scholar
  • Rogers, Guy M. “Demosthenes of Oenoanda and Models of Euergetism”, TheJournal of Roman Studies 81 (1991) 91-100. google scholar
  • Romano, David G. “Athletic Festivals in the Northern Peloponnese and Central Greece”, A Companion to Sport and Spectacle in Greek and Roman Antiquity. Editörler Paul Christesen ve Donald G. Kyle, 176-191. West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell, 2014. google scholar
  • Rotstein, Andrea. “Aristotle, ‘Poetics’ 1447a13-16 and Musical Contests”, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 149 (2004), 39-42. google scholar
  • Rotstein, Andrea. “Mousikoi Agones and the Conceptualization of Genre in Ancient Greece”, Classical Antiquity 31/1 (2012), 92-127. google scholar
  • Roueché, Charlotte. Performers and Partisans at Aphrodisias in the Roman and Late Roman Periods. London: Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 1993. google scholar
  • Scholia in Nemeonicarum. Drachmann, A. B. (Ed.). Scholia in Pindarum Nemean Odes. Leipzig: Teubner, 1927. google scholar
  • Sinn, Ulrich. “Origins of the Olympics to the Sixth Century BCE”, The Oxford Handbook of Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World. Editörler Alison Futrell ve Thomas F. Scanlon, 65-73. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. google scholar
  • Slater, William. “Deconstructing Festivals”, The Greek Theatre and Festivals. Editör Peter Wilson, 21-47. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. google scholar
  • Stephanis, I. E. Διονυσιακοί Τεχνίται Συμβολές στην προσωπογραφία του θεάτρου και της μουσικής των αρχαίων Ελλήνω. Heraklion: Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης, 1988. google scholar
  • Strabon, Geographika. Meineke, A. (Ed.). Strabo. Geographica. Leipzig: Teubner, 1977. google scholar
  • Tacitus, Annales. Fisher, C. D. (Ed.). Annales ab excessu divi Augusti. Cornelius Tacitus. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1906. google scholar
  • van Nijf, Onno. “Local Festivals”, The Oxford Handbook of Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World. Editörler Alison Futrell ve Thomas F. Scanlon, 475-487. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021 google scholar
  • Weir, Robert. Roman Delphi and its Pythian Games. Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2004. google scholar
  • Wilson, Peter. “Thamyris the Thracian: The Archetypal Wandering Poet”, Wandering Poets in Ancient Greek Culture: Travel, Locality and Pan‐Hellenism. Editörler Ian Rutherford & Richard L. Hunter, 46-79. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. google scholar
  • Wilson, Peter. The Athenian Institution of the Khoregia. The Chorus, the City and the Stage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. google scholar
  • Wörrle, Michael. Stadt und Fest in kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasien: Studien zu einer agonistischen Stiftung aus Oenoanda. Munich: Beck, 1988. google scholar
  • Zuiderhoek, Arjan. The Politics of Munificence in the Roman Empire: Citizens, Elites and Benefactors in Asia Minor. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. google scholar

Ancient Greek Theatre and Agonistic Culture

Year 2022, Issue: 35, 101 - 120, 30.12.2022


This article explores Ancient Greek theatre through the agons, which played an essential role in the culture of Greek society. The history of Greek theatrical performances goes back much further than the emergence of tragedy and comedy as a genre. Therefore, the term Greek theatre in this study refers not only to Classical Greek drama, but also to the whole artistic activity that takes place in the theatre as a venue; in other words, to the Greek mousike. The Greek musical agons were the most crucial element that conveyed this cultural accumulation up to the Roman Imperial Period. This study introduces an overview of the musical agons from the Archaic Period to the Roman Empire. Analyzing the accounts of ancient authors and epigraphic documents together, it is observed that these musical agons were characterized by the ever-changing sociopolitical conditions of each period. 


  • Aneziri, Sophia. “The Organisation of Music Contests in the Hellenistic Period and Artists’ Participation: An Attempt at Classification”, The Greek Theatre and Festivals. Editör Peter Wilson, 67-84. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. google scholar
  • Aneziri, Sophia. “World Travellers: The Associations of Artists of Dionysos”, Wandering Poets in the Ancient Greek Culture, Travel, Locality and Pan-Hellenism. Editörler Richard Hunter ve Ian Rutherford, 217-236. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. google scholar
  • Aneziri, Sophia. Die Vereine der dionysischen Techniten im Kontext der hellenistischen Gesselschaft: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte, Organisation und Wirkung der hellenistischen Technitenvereine. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2003. google scholar
  • Aristoteles, Peri Poietikes. Kassel, R. (Ed.). Aristotle’s Ars Poetica. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1966. google scholar
  • Aristoteles, Problemata. Ross, W. D. (Ed.). Aristotelis politica. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957. google scholar
  • Aristoteles, Rhetorike. Ross, W. D. (Ed.). Ars Rhetorica. Aristotle. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1959. google scholar
  • Arrianos, Anabasis. Roos, A. G. (Ed.). Flavii Arriani Anabasis Alexandri. Arrian. Leipzig: Teubner, 1907. google scholar
  • Athenaios, Deipnosophistai. Kaibel (Ed.) Athenaeus. Deipnosophistae. Leipzig: Teubner, 1887. google scholar
  • Chaniotis, Angelos. “Zur Frage der Spezialisierung im griechischen Theater des Hellenismus und der Kaiserzeit auf der Grundlage der neuen Prosopographie der dionysischen Techniten”, Ktema 15 (1990), 89-108. google scholar
  • Çelgin, Güler. Eski Yunan Edebiyatı. İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi, 1990. google scholar
  • CID IV. Corpus des inscriptions de Delphes. Paris 1977-. 4 vols. Vol. 4, IV, Documents Amphictioniques, Ed. François Lefévre, with contributions by Didier Laroche and Olivier Masson. Paris 2002. google scholar
  • Della Bona, Maria Elena. Agoni Poetico-musicali nella Grecia antica. Vol. 2: I Pythia di Delfi. Testi e commenti 30. Pisa/Roma: Fabrizio Serra, 2017. google scholar
  • Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca Historica. Bekker, I., Dindorf, L. ve Vogel, F. (Ed.). Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca Historica. 2 Vols. Leipzig: Teubner, 1888-1890. google scholar
  • FD III/3. Fouilles de Delphes, III. Épigraphie. Paris 1929-. Fasc. 3, Inscriptions depuis le trésor des Athéniens jusqu’aux bases de Gélon. 2 vols. Paris 1932-1943. (Vol. 1, ed. Georges Daux and Antoine Salać, 1932; vol. 2, Georges Daux, 1943). google scholar
  • Graf, Fritz, Roman Festivals in the Greek East, From the Early Empire to the Middle Byzantine Era. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. google scholar
  • Harmon, Roger. “Technitai”, Brill’s New Pauly: Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World, vol. 14, Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2006. google scholar
  • Herodotos, Historiai. Godley, A. D. (Ed.). Herodotus. The Persian Wars. 4 vols. Loeb Classical Library nos. 117-120. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1920-1925. google scholar
  • Homeros, Ilias. Murray, A. T. (Ed.). Homer. Iliad. 2 vols. Loeb Classical Library nos. 170-171. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1924-1925. google scholar
  • Homeros, Odysseia. Murray, A. T. (Ed.). Homer. Odyssey. 2 vols. Loeb Classical Library nos. 104-105. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1919. google scholar
  • IG II/2. Inscriptiones Graecae II et III: Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores, 2nd edition, Parts I-III, ed. Johannes Kirchner, (Berlin 1913-1940), Part II/2 (1927-1931) = Records of Magistrates and Catalogues (Nos. 1370-2788). google scholar
  • Jacoby, Felix. (Ed.) FGrH. Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, 14 vols. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1923-1958. google scholar
  • Jones, Cristopher P. “Three New Letters of the Emperor Hadrian”, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik161 (1997) 145-156. google scholar
  • Kyle, Donald G. Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World. West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell, 2015 (second edition). google scholar
  • Lawler, Lillian Brady. “‘There Young Men Were Dancing’ The Dance in the Iliad”, The Classical Outlook25/2 (November 1947), 18-21 google scholar
  • Le Guen, Brigitte. “Associations of Artists and Hellenistic Rulers. The Case of the Guild Established in Ptolemaic Egypt and its Cypriot Subsidiary”, Frühmittelalterliche Studien 50/1 (2016), 231-254. google scholar
  • Le Guen, Brigitte. “Theatre, Religion, and Politics at Alexander’s Travelling Royal Court”, Greek Theatre in the Fourth Century B.C.. Editörler Eric Csapo, Hans R. Goette, J. Richard Green ve Peter Wilson, 249-274. Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2014. google scholar
  • Leschhorn, Wolfgang. “Die Verbreitung von Agonen in den östlichen Provinzen des Römischen Reiches”, Colloquium Agonistik in der römischen Kaiserzeit, Landhaus Rothenberge (Münster), 25-27 Oktober 1995,Stadion 24/1 (1998), 31-57. google scholar
  • Liddell, Henry G., Scott, Robert, Jones, Henry S. ve McKenzie Roderick, (ed.) A Greek-English Lexicon, 19409; Suppl.: 1968, repr. 1992. google scholar
  • Lukianos, Pros ton apaideuton kai polla biblia onumenon. Harmon, A. M. (Ed.). Lucian. Works. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1921 google scholar
  • Mari, Manuela ve Stirpe, Paola. “The Greek Crown Games”, The Oxford Handbook of Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World. Editörler Alison Futrell ve Thomas F. Scanlon, 87-97. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. google scholar
  • Miller, Stephen G. “The Organization and Functioning of the Olympic Games”, Sport and Festival in the Ancient Greek World. Editörler David J. Philips ve David Pritchard, 1-40. Wales: The Classical Press of Wales, 2003. google scholar
  • Miller, Stephen G. Ancient Greek Athletics. New Haven-London: Yale University Press, 2004. google scholar
  • Mitchell, Stephen. “Review: Festivals, Games, and Civic Life in Roman Asia Minor”, TheJournal of Roman Studies 80 (1990) 183-193. google scholar
  • Moloney, Eoghan. “Philippus in acie tutior quam in theatro fuit... (Curtius 9,6,25): The Macedonian Kings and Greek Theatre”, Greek Theatre in the Fourth Century B.C.. Editörler Eric Csapo, Hans R. Goette, J. Richard Green ve Peter Wilson, 231-248. Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2014. google scholar
  • Murray, Penelope ve Wilson, Peter. “Introduction: Mousike, not Music”, Music and the Muses: The Culture of Mousike in the Classical Athenian City. Editörler Penelope Murray ve Peter Wilson, 1-8. New York: Oxford, 2004. google scholar
  • Pausanias, Periegesis tes Hellados. Spiro, F. (Ed.). Pausaniae Graeciae descriptio. 3 vols. Leipzig: Teubner, 1903. google scholar
  • Petzl, Georg ve Schwertheim Elmar. Hadrian und die dionysischen Künstler. Drei in Alexandria Troas neugefundene Briefe des Kaisers an die Künstler. Bonn: Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, 2006. google scholar Philostratos, Bios Apolloniou Tyaneos. Kayser, C. L. (Ed.). Flavii Philostrati Opera, Vol 1. Philostratus the Athenian. Leipzig: Teubner, 1970. google scholar
  • Plutarkhos, Bioi Paralleloi (Perikles) Perrin, B. (Ed.). Plutarch. Plutarch’s Lives. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1916. google scholar
  • Power, Timothy. “Musical Competitors and Competitions in Greece and Rome”, A Companion to Ancient Greek and Roman Music. Editörler Tosca. A. C. Lynch ve Eleonora Rocconi, 187-199. Hoboken: Wiley Blackwell, 2020. google scholar
  • Price, Simon R. F. Ritüel ve İktidar:Küçük Asya’da Roma İmparatorluk Kültü, çev. Taylan Esin. İstanbul: İmge Kitabevi Yayınları, 2004. google scholar
  • Revermann, Martin. “Euripides, Tragedy and Macedon: Some Conditions of Reception”, Euripides and Tragic Theater in the Late Fifth Century. Editörler Martin Cropp, Kevin Lee ve David Sansone, 451-467. Champaign/Illinois: Stipes Publishing, 1999. google scholar
  • Robert, Louis. “Discours D’ouverture”, actes du VIIIe congrès international d’épigraphie grecque et latine à athènes. Athens, 3-9 October 1982 (1984), 35-45 (= Opera Minora Selecta (OMS) VI: 709-719) google scholar
  • Rogers, Guy M. “Demosthenes of Oenoanda and Models of Euergetism”, TheJournal of Roman Studies 81 (1991) 91-100. google scholar
  • Romano, David G. “Athletic Festivals in the Northern Peloponnese and Central Greece”, A Companion to Sport and Spectacle in Greek and Roman Antiquity. Editörler Paul Christesen ve Donald G. Kyle, 176-191. West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell, 2014. google scholar
  • Rotstein, Andrea. “Aristotle, ‘Poetics’ 1447a13-16 and Musical Contests”, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 149 (2004), 39-42. google scholar
  • Rotstein, Andrea. “Mousikoi Agones and the Conceptualization of Genre in Ancient Greece”, Classical Antiquity 31/1 (2012), 92-127. google scholar
  • Roueché, Charlotte. Performers and Partisans at Aphrodisias in the Roman and Late Roman Periods. London: Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 1993. google scholar
  • Scholia in Nemeonicarum. Drachmann, A. B. (Ed.). Scholia in Pindarum Nemean Odes. Leipzig: Teubner, 1927. google scholar
  • Sinn, Ulrich. “Origins of the Olympics to the Sixth Century BCE”, The Oxford Handbook of Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World. Editörler Alison Futrell ve Thomas F. Scanlon, 65-73. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. google scholar
  • Slater, William. “Deconstructing Festivals”, The Greek Theatre and Festivals. Editör Peter Wilson, 21-47. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. google scholar
  • Stephanis, I. E. Διονυσιακοί Τεχνίται Συμβολές στην προσωπογραφία του θεάτρου και της μουσικής των αρχαίων Ελλήνω. Heraklion: Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης, 1988. google scholar
  • Strabon, Geographika. Meineke, A. (Ed.). Strabo. Geographica. Leipzig: Teubner, 1977. google scholar
  • Tacitus, Annales. Fisher, C. D. (Ed.). Annales ab excessu divi Augusti. Cornelius Tacitus. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1906. google scholar
  • van Nijf, Onno. “Local Festivals”, The Oxford Handbook of Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World. Editörler Alison Futrell ve Thomas F. Scanlon, 475-487. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021 google scholar
  • Weir, Robert. Roman Delphi and its Pythian Games. Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2004. google scholar
  • Wilson, Peter. “Thamyris the Thracian: The Archetypal Wandering Poet”, Wandering Poets in Ancient Greek Culture: Travel, Locality and Pan‐Hellenism. Editörler Ian Rutherford & Richard L. Hunter, 46-79. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. google scholar
  • Wilson, Peter. The Athenian Institution of the Khoregia. The Chorus, the City and the Stage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. google scholar
  • Wörrle, Michael. Stadt und Fest in kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasien: Studien zu einer agonistischen Stiftung aus Oenoanda. Munich: Beck, 1988. google scholar
  • Zuiderhoek, Arjan. The Politics of Munificence in the Roman Empire: Citizens, Elites and Benefactors in Asia Minor. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. google scholar

Eski Yunan Tiyatrosu ve Agon Kültürü

Year 2022, Issue: 35, 101 - 120, 30.12.2022


Bu çalışma Eski Yunan tiyatrosunu, bu toplumun kültüründe önemli bir yer edinmiş olan agonlar aracılığıyla ele almaktadır. Yunan teatral performanslarının tarihi tragedya ve komedyanın ortaya çıkışından çok daha eskiye dayanır. Bu bakımdan çalışmada Yunan tiyatrosu ifadesiyle, yalnızca Klasik Yunan dramasına değil, bir mekan olarak tiyatroda gerçekleşen tüm sanatsal aktiviteye, başka bir deyişle Yunan mousike’sine işaret edilmektedir. Bu kültürel birikimi Roma İmparatorluğu Dönemi’ne taşıyan en önemli unsur Yunan müzik agonlarıdır. Çalışmada Arkaik Dönem’den Roma İmparatorluğu Dönemi’ne uzanan süreçte müzik agonlarının panoramik bir görünümü sunulmaktadır. Konuyla ilgili Antik Çağ yazarlarının aktarımları ve epigrafik belgeler birlikte incelendiğinde söz konusu agonların her dönemin değişen sosyo-politik koşullarıyla şekil aldığı anlaşılmaktadır. 


  • Aneziri, Sophia. “The Organisation of Music Contests in the Hellenistic Period and Artists’ Participation: An Attempt at Classification”, The Greek Theatre and Festivals. Editör Peter Wilson, 67-84. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. google scholar
  • Aneziri, Sophia. “World Travellers: The Associations of Artists of Dionysos”, Wandering Poets in the Ancient Greek Culture, Travel, Locality and Pan-Hellenism. Editörler Richard Hunter ve Ian Rutherford, 217-236. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. google scholar
  • Aneziri, Sophia. Die Vereine der dionysischen Techniten im Kontext der hellenistischen Gesselschaft: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte, Organisation und Wirkung der hellenistischen Technitenvereine. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2003. google scholar
  • Aristoteles, Peri Poietikes. Kassel, R. (Ed.). Aristotle’s Ars Poetica. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1966. google scholar
  • Aristoteles, Problemata. Ross, W. D. (Ed.). Aristotelis politica. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957. google scholar
  • Aristoteles, Rhetorike. Ross, W. D. (Ed.). Ars Rhetorica. Aristotle. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1959. google scholar
  • Arrianos, Anabasis. Roos, A. G. (Ed.). Flavii Arriani Anabasis Alexandri. Arrian. Leipzig: Teubner, 1907. google scholar
  • Athenaios, Deipnosophistai. Kaibel (Ed.) Athenaeus. Deipnosophistae. Leipzig: Teubner, 1887. google scholar
  • Chaniotis, Angelos. “Zur Frage der Spezialisierung im griechischen Theater des Hellenismus und der Kaiserzeit auf der Grundlage der neuen Prosopographie der dionysischen Techniten”, Ktema 15 (1990), 89-108. google scholar
  • Çelgin, Güler. Eski Yunan Edebiyatı. İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi, 1990. google scholar
  • CID IV. Corpus des inscriptions de Delphes. Paris 1977-. 4 vols. Vol. 4, IV, Documents Amphictioniques, Ed. François Lefévre, with contributions by Didier Laroche and Olivier Masson. Paris 2002. google scholar
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There are 59 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Applied Theatre
Journal Section Research Article

Özge Acar 0000-0001-8978-9252

Publication Date December 30, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Issue: 35


APA Acar, Ö. (2022). Eski Yunan Tiyatrosu ve Agon Kültürü. Tiyatro Eleştirmenliği Ve Dramaturji Bölümü Dergisi(35), 101-120.
AMA Acar Ö. Eski Yunan Tiyatrosu ve Agon Kültürü. JTCD. December 2022;(35):101-120. doi:10.26650/jtcd.1195423
Chicago Acar, Özge. “Eski Yunan Tiyatrosu Ve Agon Kültürü”. Tiyatro Eleştirmenliği Ve Dramaturji Bölümü Dergisi, no. 35 (December 2022): 101-20.
EndNote Acar Ö (December 1, 2022) Eski Yunan Tiyatrosu ve Agon Kültürü. Tiyatro Eleştirmenliği ve Dramaturji Bölümü Dergisi 35 101–120.
IEEE Ö. Acar, “Eski Yunan Tiyatrosu ve Agon Kültürü”, JTCD, no. 35, pp. 101–120, December 2022, doi: 10.26650/jtcd.1195423.
ISNAD Acar, Özge. “Eski Yunan Tiyatrosu Ve Agon Kültürü”. Tiyatro Eleştirmenliği ve Dramaturji Bölümü Dergisi 35 (December 2022), 101-120.
JAMA Acar Ö. Eski Yunan Tiyatrosu ve Agon Kültürü. JTCD. 2022;:101–120.
MLA Acar, Özge. “Eski Yunan Tiyatrosu Ve Agon Kültürü”. Tiyatro Eleştirmenliği Ve Dramaturji Bölümü Dergisi, no. 35, 2022, pp. 101-20, doi:10.26650/jtcd.1195423.
Vancouver Acar Ö. Eski Yunan Tiyatrosu ve Agon Kültürü. JTCD. 2022(35):101-20.