
Teknik Dergi, an open access scientific and technical periodical of UCTEA Chamber of Civil Engineers, publishes papers reporting original research work and major projects of interest in the area of civil engineering. Teknik Dergi annually publishes six issues, three in Turkish and three in English. Both printed and electronic versions of the journal are presented to the service of the civil engineering community.

The main objective of Teknik Dergi is to inform the Turkish and international civil engineering communities, primarily the members of the Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers about the recent scientific and technical developments, thus to contribute to the betterment of the civil engineering practice and to the improvement of the profession. In other words, to establish a bridge between the world of research and the world of practice.

Its bi-lingual character enables an easy access to those Turkish civil engineers who prefer to read in Turkish and at the same time to make itself heard internationally and thus to reach the civil engineering community globally.