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The Iranian Branch of the Silkroad and the Prevention of the Sılk Trade by Iran

Year 2014, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 96 - 123, 13.04.2014


History of studies on the Silkroad begins with Zhang Qian, a famous Chinese ambassador in the East, in the second half of the 2nd century BC in the East, and with Maes Titianus, a Greek trader in the West in the early years of the 1st century AD. In the Antiquity and Early Middle Ages, the Silkroad began to its journey from Antiochia in the West through the territories of Northern Mesopotamia and Iran and then the Western and Eastern Turkestan in Central Asia and finished in Chang’an and Loyang, the two capitals of China in the East. The course of this route through Iranian territory generally stayed closed during the times of the states founded in Iran, such as Parthians and Sasanians because they liked to getting more profits from the silk trade and other products. At the end, the Roman trade with the East through the Red Sea was prevented by the Sasanians towards 570s, and Justinus II, the Byzantine Emperor had to pass the route through the northern regions of the Aral Lake and the Black Sea, negotiating with the rulers of the 1st Turkic Kaganate.


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  • BOZKURT, N. (2000). İpek Yolu. DİA, 22, 369-373.
  • CHEGINI, N. N. (1996). Sasanian Iran – Economy, Society, Arts and Crafts. Part One. Political History, Economy and Society. HCCA, II, 35-53.
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  • DE LA VAISSIÊRE, E. (2002). Histoire de Marchands Sogdiens. Bibliotheque de l’Institut des Hautes Etudes Chinoises, Collêge de France: Paris.
  • DODGEON, M. H., S. N. C. Lieu (1991) (Compiled and edited), The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars (AD 226-363), Routledge: London and New York.
  • EILERS, W. (1983). Iran and Mesopotamia. CHI, 481-504.
  • FERGUSON, J. (1978). China and Rome. ANRW, 581-603.
  • FRANCK, I. M. and BROWNSTONE, D. M. (1984). To the Ends of the Earth. The Great Travel and Trade Routes of Human History. A Hudson Group Book, Facts On File Publications: New York.
  • FRANCK, I. M. and BROWNSTONE, D. M. (1986). The Silk Road: A History. Facts On File Publications: New York.
  • FRYE, R. N. (1983). The Political History of Iran under the Sasanians. CHI, 116-180.
  • FRYE, R. N. (1984). The History of Ancient Iran. C. H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung: München.
  • FRYE, R. N. (1996). The rise of the Kushan Empire. HH, 456-460.
  • FRYE, R. N. (2002). The Merchand World of the Sogdians. Nomads, Traders and Holy Men along China’s Silk Road. Papers presented at a symposium held at The Asia Society in New York, November 9-10, 2001. Edited by A. L. Juliano and J. A. Lerner, Silk Road Studies VII, Brepols, 71-74.
  • FRYE, R. N. (2009). Antik Çağlardan Türklerin Yayılmasına Orta Asya Mirası. Çeviri: F. Tayanç – T. Tayanç, arkadaş Yayınevi: Ankara.
  • GARSOIAN, N. (1983). Byzantium and Sasanians. CHI, 568-592.
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  • GIGNOUX, Ph. (1996). The Sasanian Empire. HH, 132-136.
  • GOUBERT, P. (1951). Byzance avant l’Islam. Tome Premiere. Byzance et L’Orient sous les successeurs de Justinien. L’Empereur Maurice. Editions A. et J. Picard: Paris.
  • GREATREX, G. – LIEU, S. N. C. (2002). (Edited and compiled). The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars. Part II. AD 363-630, A narrative sourcebook. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group: London and New York.
  • HARMATTA, J. (1994a). Introduction. HCCA, II, 19-21.
  • HARMATTA, J. (1994b). Conclusion. HCCA, II, 485-492.
  • HAUSSIG, H. W. (2001). İpek Yolu ve Orta Asya Kültür Tarihi. çev. M. Kayayerli, Ötüken: İstanbul.
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  • HEYD, W. (2000). Yakın-Doğu Ticaret Tarihi. Türkçeye çeviren: E. Z. Karal, 2. Baskı, AKDTYK, TTK Yayınları: Ankara.
  • HIRTH, F. (1975). China and the Roman Orient. Researches into their Ancient and Medieval Relations as represented in Old Chinese Records. Ares Publishers Inc.: Chicago.
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  • KOSHELENKO, G. A. ve PILIPKO, V. N. (1994). Parthia. HCCA, II, 131-150.
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  • LIEU, S. (2000). Byzantium, Persia and China: Interstate Relations on the Eve of the Islamic Conquest. Silk Road Studies IV, 47-65.
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İpek Yolu’nun İran Güzergâhı ve İpek Yolu Ticaretine İran Engellemesi

Year 2014, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 96 - 123, 13.04.2014


İpek Yolu’nun araştırılma tarihi, Doğuda M.Ö. II. yy.ın ikinci yarısında Çin elçisi Zhang Qian ile, Batıda ise M.S. I. yy. başlarında Grek tüccarı Maes Titianus ile başlatılmaktadır. Antik dönemde ve Ortaçağ başlarında, Batıdan Doğuya karayoluyla Antakya bölgesinden başlayarak Kuzey Mezopotamya ve İran içerisinden geçmek zorunda olan İpek Yolu güzergâhı, daha sonra Batı ve Doğu Türkistan bölgelerinden geçmek suretiyle Çin başkentleri Chang’an ve Loyang’a kadar uzanmaktaydı. Fakat İran’da kurulan devletlerin, ipekten ve bu yoldan geçen ticaretten daha fazla kâr etme arzuları sebebiyle İran güzergâhı Parthlar ve Sasaniler döneminde genellikle kapalı kalmıştır. Roma döneminden beri Kızıl Deniz aracılığıyla Doğu ile yapılan deniz ticareti de 570 tarihlerinde Sasaniler tarafından engellenince, Bizans Devleti, Orta Asya’da yeni kurulan Türk Kağanlığı ile anlaşma yaparak bu güzergâhı Karadeniz üzerinden geçirmek zorunda kalmıştır.


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There are 77 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Mehmet Tezcan This is me

Publication Date April 13, 2014
Submission Date April 13, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Tezcan, M. (2014). İpek Yolu’nun İran Güzergâhı ve İpek Yolu Ticaretine İran Engellemesi. Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim (TEKE) Dergisi, 3(1), 96-123.

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