Ambient scent is very important for work environment. Scent is so important is due to the vital function of our breathing. People working in a fragrant environment can work much more efficiently. In odor pollution environments, the work desire of employees leads to decrease markedly. Many companies do have a scent apparatus. However, due to the high tempo of intense working conditions and work, companies are not paying attention to this issue. Therefore, 30% of the apparatus are not being used effectively. Odor pollution masks have become preferably those working in such areas. In this study, we determine the discomfort due to bad smell and we have designed a mask in order to reduce inefficiencies. For this purpose liposome microcapsules encapsulating agents have been produced and limonene material was capsulated. These capsules were transferred to nonwoven masks with the polyurethane binder and impregnation process. The performance qualifications such as encapsulation success, presence of core substance and existence of the capsules on the textile surface are determined by SEM, TGA, FT-IR, DSC, GC analyses and particle size measurement. Results show that, limonene encapsulated liposome microcapsules are bounded by chemical bonds to the disposable nonwoven masks.
Barani, H., Montazer, M. (2008). A Review on Applications of Liposomes in Textile Processing, Journal of Liposome Research, 18:249.
Yurdakul, A., Atav, R., (2007). Lipozomların Yapısı ve
Sınıflandırılması, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 4243, 247.
El-Zawahry, M.M., El Shami, S., El Mallah, M.H., (2007). Optimizing a Wool Dyeing Process with Reactive Dye by Liposome Microencapsulation, Dyes Pigm., 74, 684.
De La Maza, A.,Coderch, L., Serra, S., Parra, J.L., (1997). Phosphatidylcholine Unilamellar Liposomes as Vehicles for a 1:2 Metal Complex Dye in Wool Dyeing, Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists, 165:169, 113.
Marti, M. L.,Coderch, A., De la Maza, A., Manich, A., Para, J.L., (1998). Phosphatidylcholine Liposomes as Vehicles for Disperse Dyes for Dyeing Polyester/Wool blends, Textile Research J., 68: 3, 209.
Marti, M., De La Maza, A., Parra, J.L., Coderch, L., (2001). Dyeing Wool at LowTemperatures: New Method Using Liposomes, Textile Res. J., 71: 8, 678.
Montazer, M.,Validi, M., Toliyat, T., (2006). Influence of Temperature on Stability of Multilamellar Liposomes in Wool Dyeing, Journal of Liposome Research, 16: 81.
Nelson, G. (2002). Application of Microencapsulation in Textiles, Int. J. Pharm., 242: 55.
Baptista, A.L.F., Coutinho, P.J.G., Real Oliveira, M.E.C.D., RochaGomes, J.I.N. (2003). Effect of Temperature and Surfactant on the Control Release of Microencapsulated Dye in Lecithin Liposomes. I, Journal of Liposome Research, 111: 121, 13.
Maia, M. F. ve Moore, S. J. (2011). Plant-based insect repellents: A review of the irefficacy, development and testing, 4 Eylül 2012, /content /10/S1/S11.
Aydin, Y. M., Yaman, B., Koca, H., Dasdemir, O., Kara, M., Altiok, H., Dumanoglu, Y., Bayram, A., Tolunay, D., Odabasi, M., Elbir, T. (2014). Biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions from forested areas in Turkey: Determination of specific emission rates for thirty-one tree species, Science of the Total Environment, 490, 239–253.
Ortam kokusu çalışma alanı ve hayati fonksiyonların en önemlisi olan nefes alma açısından oldukça önemlidir. Güzel kokulu bir ortamda çalışan insanların çok daha verimli çalıştıkları ortadadır. Koku kirliliği bulunan ortamlar, çalışanların iş arzusunun belirgin olarak azalmasına neden olur. Birçok şirket bu amaçla ortam kokusunu düzelten koku aparatlarına sahiptir. Ancak yoğun çalışma koşulları ve çalışma temposunun yüksekliği nedeniyle, şirketler bu konuya dikkat etmemektedir. Bu nedenle, aparatların %30’u etkili kullanılmamaktadır. Koku kirliliği maskeleri bu tür ortamlarda çalışanlar için tercih edilir bir hale gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada, kötü koku nedeniyle oluşan rahatsızlığı ve verimsizliği azaltmak amacıyla bir maske tasarlanmıştır. Bu amaçla kapsüle edici ajan olarak lipozom kapsülleri üretilmiş ve güzel koku veren limon yağı lipozomlar içerisine kapsüllenmiştir. Bu kapsüller, poliüretan bağlayıcılar yardımıyla emdirme yöntemi ile dokusuz yüzey maskelere aktarılmıştır. Kapsülasyonun gerçekleşme durumu ve tekstil yüzeyi üzerinde kapsüllerin varlığının incelenebilmesi amacıyla SEM, TGA, FT-IR, DSC, GC analizleri ve partikül boyut ölçümü yapılmıştır. Sonuçlar, limon yağı içeren lipozomların maskeler üzerine kimyasal bağlar ile bağlandığını ortaya çıkarmıştır
Barani, H., Montazer, M. (2008). A Review on Applications of Liposomes in Textile Processing, Journal of Liposome Research, 18:249.
Yurdakul, A., Atav, R., (2007). Lipozomların Yapısı ve
Sınıflandırılması, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 4243, 247.
El-Zawahry, M.M., El Shami, S., El Mallah, M.H., (2007). Optimizing a Wool Dyeing Process with Reactive Dye by Liposome Microencapsulation, Dyes Pigm., 74, 684.
De La Maza, A.,Coderch, L., Serra, S., Parra, J.L., (1997). Phosphatidylcholine Unilamellar Liposomes as Vehicles for a 1:2 Metal Complex Dye in Wool Dyeing, Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists, 165:169, 113.
Marti, M. L.,Coderch, A., De la Maza, A., Manich, A., Para, J.L., (1998). Phosphatidylcholine Liposomes as Vehicles for Disperse Dyes for Dyeing Polyester/Wool blends, Textile Research J., 68: 3, 209.
Marti, M., De La Maza, A., Parra, J.L., Coderch, L., (2001). Dyeing Wool at LowTemperatures: New Method Using Liposomes, Textile Res. J., 71: 8, 678.
Montazer, M.,Validi, M., Toliyat, T., (2006). Influence of Temperature on Stability of Multilamellar Liposomes in Wool Dyeing, Journal of Liposome Research, 16: 81.
Nelson, G. (2002). Application of Microencapsulation in Textiles, Int. J. Pharm., 242: 55.
Baptista, A.L.F., Coutinho, P.J.G., Real Oliveira, M.E.C.D., RochaGomes, J.I.N. (2003). Effect of Temperature and Surfactant on the Control Release of Microencapsulated Dye in Lecithin Liposomes. I, Journal of Liposome Research, 111: 121, 13.
Maia, M. F. ve Moore, S. J. (2011). Plant-based insect repellents: A review of the irefficacy, development and testing, 4 Eylül 2012, /content /10/S1/S11.
Aydin, Y. M., Yaman, B., Koca, H., Dasdemir, O., Kara, M., Altiok, H., Dumanoglu, Y., Bayram, A., Tolunay, D., Odabasi, M., Elbir, T. (2014). Biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions from forested areas in Turkey: Determination of specific emission rates for thirty-one tree species, Science of the Total Environment, 490, 239–253.
Sarıışık, A., & Kartal, G. (2015). DISPOSABLE MASK DESIGN FOR ODOR POLLUTION IN THE WORK ENVIRONMENT. Tekstil Ve Mühendis, 22(97), 30-36.
Sarıışık A, Kartal G. DISPOSABLE MASK DESIGN FOR ODOR POLLUTION IN THE WORK ENVIRONMENT. Tekstil ve Mühendis. March 2015;22(97):30-36. doi:10.7216/130075992015229705
Sarıışık, Ayşe, and Gülşah Kartal. “DISPOSABLE MASK DESIGN FOR ODOR POLLUTION IN THE WORK ENVIRONMENT”. Tekstil Ve Mühendis 22, no. 97 (March 2015): 30-36.
Sarıışık A, Kartal G (March 1, 2015) DISPOSABLE MASK DESIGN FOR ODOR POLLUTION IN THE WORK ENVIRONMENT. Tekstil ve Mühendis 22 97 30–36.
A. Sarıışık and G. Kartal, “DISPOSABLE MASK DESIGN FOR ODOR POLLUTION IN THE WORK ENVIRONMENT”, Tekstil ve Mühendis, vol. 22, no. 97, pp. 30–36, 2015, doi: 10.7216/130075992015229705.
Sarıışık, Ayşe - Kartal, Gülşah. “DISPOSABLE MASK DESIGN FOR ODOR POLLUTION IN THE WORK ENVIRONMENT”. Tekstil ve Mühendis 22/97 (March 2015), 30-36.
Sarıışık A, Kartal G. DISPOSABLE MASK DESIGN FOR ODOR POLLUTION IN THE WORK ENVIRONMENT. Tekstil ve Mühendis. 2015;22:30–36.
Sarıışık, Ayşe and Gülşah Kartal. “DISPOSABLE MASK DESIGN FOR ODOR POLLUTION IN THE WORK ENVIRONMENT”. Tekstil Ve Mühendis, vol. 22, no. 97, 2015, pp. 30-36, doi:10.7216/130075992015229705.
Sarıışık A, Kartal G. DISPOSABLE MASK DESIGN FOR ODOR POLLUTION IN THE WORK ENVIRONMENT. Tekstil ve Mühendis. 2015;22(97):30-6.