Turkiye'de kadznlarzn aktif olarak yogun bir §ekilde i§ hayatzna atllmalarz, endustrile§me sonraSI gundeme gelmi§tir. Bilhassa ekonomik yetersizlik nedeniyle i§ hayatzna atllan kadznlarzmlzzn, hem ev kadlnz, hem anne olarak kar§lla§tlgl sorunlarl beraberinde, olumsuz i§ ko§ullarlnzn ve toplumsal baskllarzn uzerlerinde blraktlgz olumsuz etkiler, gelenekseltoplumyaplmlz i~inde ~all§an kadlnzn ~ok yonla sorumluluklar ve sorunlar altznda kalmasznayol a~maktadlr. Yasal duzenlemelerle ~all§an kadznzn korunmasl ve sorunlarznzn ~ozamlenmesi i~ingereken kolaylzklartemin edilmesine kar§lilk, yine de ~all§ma hayatznda erkeklerle e§it haklardan yararlanmamalarz, kadznzn Turk toplumunda hak ettikleri yeri almaml§ oldugunu gostermektedir
In this article, we have reviewed the problems of the women who work out and the suggestions to solve the problems by investigating the womans' social status in Turkey. The participation of women in working life has given rise to some difficulties in Turkey. In our study, we were led to the conclusion that the problems of the women in working life such as inequality and unfair working conditions as well as thier functions and tasks in the family and in community result from economic and social reasons rather than being legislative.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Engineering |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | May 1, 1991 |
Published in Issue | Year 1991 Volume: 5 Issue: 27 |