In the immediate wake of the Great Exhibition of 1851, a small number of notable studies concerned withpattern werepublished hobably the most significant contribution amongst these was OwenJones' "The Gmmmar of Ornament", published in 1856. An important step towards the further classification of pattern was made in 1910 with the publication of Christie's "Pattern Design" (then "Traditional Methods of Pattern Designing'?. From the viewpoint ofpattern in textiles, the most significant early attempt to classify repeatingpattern types according to geometrical principles was made by Woods in 1935and 1936 when hepresented a system ofpattern classification borrowed from the discipline of crystallography. Since the publication of Woods' study, a number of useful works, which have focused on the geometrical classification ofpattern, have appeared. The objectives of this paper are firstly to review the relevant litemture and secondly to present a system for analysing and classifiying textile patterns according to their symmetry characteristics
185l'deki Biiyiik Sergi'nin hemen sonmsznda desenle ilgili birkac dik. kate deger inceleme yayznlanmz$tz. Bunlar arasznda belki de en onemh katkr 1856'dayaymlanan Owen Jones'~ "Siislemenin Grameri" olmugtur. Desenlerin dahaileri diizeyde sznrflandznlmasz yoniinde onemli biradzm 1910'da Christie'nin "Desen Tasanmf'nzn lo zaman "Desen Tasanmwzn Geleneksel Yontemleri" baglz&nr tagzyan) yqyrmr ile atzlmzgtw. Tekstil iiriinleri bakzg apzdm, tekrarlayan desenleri geometrik ilkelere gore sinzflandzrmada en dikkate deger ilk girigim 1935 ve 1939'da kristalogmfi disiplininden odiing alznan bir smzflandzrma sistemi ortaya koyan Woods tamfindan yapzlmz$zr. Woods'un incelemesi doneminden bu yana desenlerin geometrik sznzflandzrmasz tizerinde yo&mlagan bir dizi yamrlz calzgma yayzmlanmz§tzr. Bu makalenin amqlarz dnce ilgili litemtilrtl gdzden gecirmek ve ikinci olamk simetri ozelliklerine gore tekstil desenlerini analiz etmek ve smzflandirmak icin bir sistem sunmaktzr
Primary Language | English |
Subjects | Engineering |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | August 1, 1990 |
Published in Issue | Year 1990 Volume: 4 Issue: 23 |