All spun yarns show three types of faults. namely yarn irregularity, frequently occuring yarn faults and seldom occuring yarn faults whatever their raw material and production techniques may be. It is not possible to separate the frequently occuring faults from the yarn by a clearing process such as that for the seldom occuring faults, because of a rather high number of them. That is to say, having once produced the yarn there is nothing to be done about these types of faults. Studies of the literature and experimental work show that there are increases in the number of thick and thin places precautions to reduce the yarn irregularity can also be effective on the yarn faults. Some of the nep faults are due to raw material but, a greater number of them occur during yarn manufacturing processes. Thus, the number of neps ca~be reduced by a proper choice of raw material and by carrying out yarn manufacturing processes under optimum conditions.
Hammaddesi ve Uretim ytintemi ne olursa olsun tom kesikli lit iplikleri dffzgffnsffzlak, srk rastlanan hatalar ve seyrek rastlanan hatalar olmak Uzere, UG tip hata i~erirler. Srk rastlanan hatalarrn saylsr olduk~a yUksek oldugundan seyrek rastlanan hatalar gibi bobinleme iglemi srrasrnda iplikten ayrrlmalarr olasr degildir. iplik Uretildikten sonra bu tip hatalar i~in yaprlabilecek hiqbir gey yoktur. Yaprlan literatar taramalarr ve deneysel ~alrgmalar, iplik dOzgUnsUzlUgU arttrk~a ince yer ve kalan yer sayrlarrnda da artrglar oldugunu gBstermektedir. Dolayrs~yla iplik dUzgUnsUzl~gUnU azaltacak tinlemlerin iplik hatalarr Ozerinde de etkili olabileceQi sonucuna vanlabillr. Nope hatalarrnrn bir krsmr hammaddeden kaynaklanmakta, fakat olduk~a bUyUk bir krsmr da iplik Uretim iglemlerl srrasrnda olugmaktadrr. 0 halde hammadde se~imi ve iplik Uretim iglemlerinin uygun kogullarda yap~lmasma dikkat edilerek iplikteki nope sayrsr azalt~labilir
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Engineering |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | April 1, 1987 |
Published in Issue | Year 1987 Volume: 1 Issue: 3 |