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Tekstil Malzemeleri ile Kapalı Alan Hava Kalitesinin İyileştirilmesi

Year 2016, Volume: 23 Issue: 104, 288 - 296, 29.12.2016


Modern insan yaşamının yaklaşık % 90’ını kapalı ortamlarda geçirmektedir, bu nedenle iç hava kalitesi günümüzde insan sağlığı ve konforunu etkileyen önemli parametrelerden biri haline gelmiştir. Kapalı ortam havasında, NOx, SOx, COx ve uçucu organik bileşikler başta olmak üzere pek çok kirletici gaz bulunmaktadır. Kirletici gazların yol açtığı baş ağrısı, göz, burun ve boğaz rahatsızlıkları, yorgunluk, cilt problemleri, öksürük ve bulantı gibi etkiler, yaşam kalitesini düşürdüğü gibi, çalışan verimini de olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmada, iç hava kirleticileri, iç hava kalitesini etkileyen faktörler ve tekstil malzemelerinin iç hava kalitesine olan etkileri incelenmiştir.  


  • Brown, S.K., Sim, M.R., Abramson, M.J., Gray, C.N., (1994), Concentrations of Volatile Organic Compounds in Indoor Air-A Review, International Journal of Indoor Environment and Health, 4, 2, 123-134.
  • Yoo, J.Y., Park, C.J., Kim, K.Y., Son, Y.S., Kang, C.M., Wolfson, J.M., Jung, I.H., Lee, S.J., Koutrakis, P., (2015), Development of an Activated Carbon Filter to Remove NO2 and HONO in Indoor Air, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 289, 184–189.
  • Ohura, T., Amagai, T., Shen, X., Li, S., Zhang, P., Zhu, L., (2009), Comparative Study on Indoor Air Quality in Japan and China: Characteristic of Residential Indoor and Outdoor UOBs, Atmospheric Environment, 43, 40, 6352-6359.
  • Shaw, C.Y., Won, D., Reardon, J., (2005), Managing Volatile Organic Compounds and Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings-An Engineering Approach, National Research Council Canada.
  • Uhde, E., Salthammer, T., (2007), Impact of Reaction Products from Building Materials and Furnishings on Indoor Air Quality-A Review of Recent Advances In Indoor Chemistry, Atmospheric Environment, 41, 15, 3111–3128.
  • Smith, K.R., Mehta, S., Feuz, M.M., (2004), Indoor Air Pollution from Household Use of Solid Fuels-Chapter 18, Comparative Quantification of Health Risks, World Health Organization, Switzerland.
  • Höppe, P., Martinac, I., (1998), Indoor Climate and Air Quality- Review of Current and Future Topics in the Field of ISB Study Group 10, Int J Biometeorol, 42, 1, 1–7.
  • WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Bonn Office, WHO Regional Office for Europe, (2010), WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality: Selected Pollutants, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Denmark.
  • Ni, J.Q., Robarge, W.P., Xiao, C., Heber, A., (2012), Volatile Organic Compounds at Swine Facilities: A Critical Review, Chemosphere, 89, 7, 769-788.
  • Zhang, Y., Moa, J., Li, Y., Sundell, J., Wargocki, P., Zhang, J., Little, J., Corsi, R., Deng, Q., Leung, M., Fang, L., Chen, W., Li, J., Sun, Y., (2011), Can Commonly-Used Fan-Driven Air Cleaning Technologies Improve Indoor Air Quality? A Literature Review, Atmospheric Environment, 45, 26, 4329-4343.
  • Darçın, P., (2008), Yapı İçi Hava Kirliliğinin Giderilmesinde Doğal Havalandırma İlkeleri, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Weschler C.J., (2001), Reactions Among Indoor Pollutants, The Scientific World Journal, 1, 443–457.
  • Weschler, C.J., 2009, Changes in Indoor Pollutants Since the 1950s, Atmospheric Environment, 43, 1, 153–169.
  • 26ED36C06B51/0/TakeaBreath.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 10 Ekim 2013.
  • Ni, J.-Q., Robarge, W.P., Xiao, C., Heber, A.J., (2012), Volatile Organic Compounds at Swine Facilities: A Critical Review, Chemosphere, 89, 7, 769-788.
  • Birgül, A., Cindoruk, S.S., Esen, F., Taşdemir,Y., (2013), Bursa Atmosferi’ndeki Yarı Uçucu Organik Bileşiklerin Konsantrasyon Seviyelerinin Zamansal ve Bölgesel Değişimi, Hava Kirliliği Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2, 4, 123–132.
  • Alyüz, B., Veli, S., (2006), İç Ortam Havasında Bulunan Uçucu Organik Bileşikler ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri, Trakya Univ J Sci, 7, 2, 109-116.
  • Ohura, T., Amagai, T., XueYou, S., Shuang, L., Ping, Z., Lizhong, Z., (2009), Comparative Study on Indoor Air Quality In Japan and China: Characteristic of Residential Indoor and Outdoor VOCs, Atmospheric Environment 43, 40, 6352-6359.
  • Çobanoğlu, N., Kiper N., (2006), Bina İçi Solunan Havada Tehlikeler, Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi, 49, 71-75.
  • Jones A.P., 1999, Indoor Air Quality and Health, Atmospheric Environment, 33, 28, 4535-4564.
  • Smith, B., Bristow, V., 1994, Indoor Air Quality And Textiles:An Emerging Issue, American Dyestuff Reporter, 83, 37-46.
  • Elkilani, A., Bouhamra, W., Crittenden, B.D., (2001), An Indoor Air Quality Model That Includes The Sorption of VOCs on Fabrics, Instituon of Chemical Engineers Trans IChemE, 79, 233-243.
  • EPA, An Introduction to Indoor Air Quality,, Erişim Tarihi: 9 Mart 2016.
  • Joshi, S.M., 2008, The Sick Building Syndrome, Indian J Occup Environ Med., 12, 2, 61-64.
  • Obee, T.N., Brown, R.T., (1995), TiO2 Photocatalysis for Indoor AirApplications Effects of Humidity and Trace Contaminant Levels on the Oxidation Rates of Formaldehyde, Toluene, and 1,3-Butadiene, Environmental Science & Technology, 29, 5, 1223-1231.Applications Effects of Humidity and Trace Contaminant Levels on the Oxidation Rates of Formaldehyde, Toluene, and 1,3-Butadiene, Environmental Science & Technology, 29, 5, 1223-1231.
  • Mo J., Zhang, Y., Xu, Q., Lamson, J.J., Zhao, R., (2009), Photocatalytic Purification of Volatile Organic Compounds in Indoor Air: A Literature Review, Atmospheric Environment, 43, 14, 2229–2246.
  • Kwong, C., Chao, C.Y.H., Hui, K.S., Wan, M.P., (2008), Removal of VOCs from Indoor Environment by Ozonation Over Different Porous Materials, Atmospheric Environment, 42, 2300-2311.
  • Durme, V.J., Dewulf, J., Sysmans, W., Leys, C., Langenhove, V.H., (2007), Efficient Toluene Abatement in Indoor Air by a Plasma Catalytic Hybrid System, Applied Catalysis B : Environmental, 74, 1-2, 161-169.
  • Parmar, S.S., Grosjean, D., (1991), Sorbent Removal of Air Pollutants from Museum Display Cases, Environment International, 17, 39-50.
  • Adamson, A.W., Gast, A.P., (1997), Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, John Wiley&Sons, Canada.
  • EPA, (1999), Catc Technical Bulletin-Choosing An Adsorption System for VOC: Carbon, Zeolite, or Polymers, https:// www3., Erişim Tarihi: 20 Temmuz 2016.
  • Marć, M., Zabiegała, B., Namieśnik, J., (2012), Testing and Sampling Devices for Monitoring Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds in Indoor Air, Trends In Analytical Chemistry, 32, 76-86.
  • ASTM D5116-10, (2010), Standard Guide for Small-Scale Environmental Chamber Determinations of Organic Emissions from Indoor Materials/Products.
  • Uhde, E., Salthammer, T., (2007), Impact of Reaction Products from Building Materials and Furnishings on Indoor Air Quality—A Review of Recent Advances in Indoor Chemistry, Atmospheric Environment, 41, 15, 3111–3128.
  • ASTM D6670-13, (2013), Standard Practice for Full-Scale Chamber Determination of Volatile Organic Emissions from Indoor Materials/Products.
  • New Zealand Merino Company Limited, Control of Indoor Air Pollution,, Erişim Tarihi: 9 Mart 2016.
  • Carpet Institute of Australia Limited, Consumer Health Information ndoor Air Quality, ExEx 14098, (, Erişim Tarihi: 10 Aralık 2013
  • Wool Carpet and Indoor Air Quality, http://www.kashoucarpets. com/IAQ.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 9 Mart 2016.
  • Triped J., Sanongraj W., Oonkhanond B., Sanongraj S., (2009), Synthesis of Silk Fibroin Fiber for Indoor Air Particulate Removal, International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 3, 3, 122-127.
  • Gregory, C. J., (1968), Adsorption of Atmospheric Sulfur Dioxide by Natural and Synthetic Textile Fibers, Rutgers University, New Brunswick.
  • Walters, B., Goswami, B., Vigo, T.L., (1983), Sorption of Air Pollutants onto Textiles, Textile Research Journal, 53, 354.
  • Plens, A.C.O., Monaro, D.L.G., Coutinho, A.R., (2015), Adsorption of SOX and NOX in Activated Viscose Fibers, An Acad Bras Cienc, 87, 2, 1149-1160.
  • Rong, H., Ryu, Z., Zheng, J., Zhang, Y., (2003), Influence of Heat Treatment of Rayon-Based Activated Carbon Fibers on The Adsorption of Formaldehyde, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 261, 2, 207–212.
  • Miyawaki, J., Lee, G.H., Yeh, J., Shiratory, N., Shimohara, T., Mochida, S.H., (2012), Development of Carbon-supported Hybrid Catalyst for Clean Removal of Formaldehyde Indoors, 185, 278-283
  • Johnson, N.A.G., Wood, E.J., Ingham, P.E., McNeil, S.J., McFarlane, I.D., (2003), Wool as a Technical Fibre, Journal of The Textile Institute, 94, 3-4, 26-41.
  • Causer S.M., Mcmillan R.C., Bryson W.G., (1995), The Role of Wool Carpets in Controlling Indoor Air Pollutions, The 9th International Wool Textile Research Conference.Walsh, M., Black, A., Morgan, A., (1977), Sorption of SO2 by Typical Indoor Surfaces Including Wool Carpets, Wallpaper and Paint, Atmospheric Enviroment, 2, 11.
  • Wilson, M.J.G., (1968), Indoor Air Pollution, Proc. Roy Soc., 300, 215-221.
  • Spicer, C.W., Coutant, R.W., Ward, G.F., Joseph, D.W., (1989), Rates and Mechanisms of NO2 Removal from Indoor Air by Residential Materials, Environment International, 15, 643-654.
  • Tanada, S., Kawasaki, N., Nakamura, T., Araki, M., Isomura, M.,(1999), Removal of Formaldehyde by Activated Carbons Containing Amino Groups, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 214, 1, 106–108.
  • Agarwal, M., Dave, M., Upadhayaya, S., (2011), Adsorption of Formaldehyde on Treated Activated Carbon and Activated Alumina, Current World Environment, 6, 1, 53-59.
  • Huang X., Wang Y.J., Di Y.H., (2007), Experimental Study of Wool Fiber on Purification of Indoor Air, Textile Research Journal, 77, 12, 946-950.
  • Walsh, M., Black, A., Morgan, A., (1977), Sorption of SO2 by Typical Indoor Surfaces Including Wool Carpets, Wallpaper and Paint, Atmospheric Enviroment, 2, 11.

Improving Indoor Air Quality with Textile Materials

Year 2016, Volume: 23 Issue: 104, 288 - 296, 29.12.2016


People spend nearly 90% of their time in closed spaces therefore indoor air quality is an important factor that affects human health and comfort. Indoor air contains a variety of pollutant gases such as NOx, SOx, COx and volatile organic compounds. Pollutants can lead to a number of complaints on people’s health and work efficiency. The most common complaints are headache, eye, nose, and throat irritation, fatigue, skin irritation, coughs and nausea. In this study, indoor air pollutants, the factors that affect the indoor air quality and the effect of textile materials on indoor air quality are examined. 


  • Brown, S.K., Sim, M.R., Abramson, M.J., Gray, C.N., (1994), Concentrations of Volatile Organic Compounds in Indoor Air-A Review, International Journal of Indoor Environment and Health, 4, 2, 123-134.
  • Yoo, J.Y., Park, C.J., Kim, K.Y., Son, Y.S., Kang, C.M., Wolfson, J.M., Jung, I.H., Lee, S.J., Koutrakis, P., (2015), Development of an Activated Carbon Filter to Remove NO2 and HONO in Indoor Air, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 289, 184–189.
  • Ohura, T., Amagai, T., Shen, X., Li, S., Zhang, P., Zhu, L., (2009), Comparative Study on Indoor Air Quality in Japan and China: Characteristic of Residential Indoor and Outdoor UOBs, Atmospheric Environment, 43, 40, 6352-6359.
  • Shaw, C.Y., Won, D., Reardon, J., (2005), Managing Volatile Organic Compounds and Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings-An Engineering Approach, National Research Council Canada.
  • Uhde, E., Salthammer, T., (2007), Impact of Reaction Products from Building Materials and Furnishings on Indoor Air Quality-A Review of Recent Advances In Indoor Chemistry, Atmospheric Environment, 41, 15, 3111–3128.
  • Smith, K.R., Mehta, S., Feuz, M.M., (2004), Indoor Air Pollution from Household Use of Solid Fuels-Chapter 18, Comparative Quantification of Health Risks, World Health Organization, Switzerland.
  • Höppe, P., Martinac, I., (1998), Indoor Climate and Air Quality- Review of Current and Future Topics in the Field of ISB Study Group 10, Int J Biometeorol, 42, 1, 1–7.
  • WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Bonn Office, WHO Regional Office for Europe, (2010), WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality: Selected Pollutants, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Denmark.
  • Ni, J.Q., Robarge, W.P., Xiao, C., Heber, A., (2012), Volatile Organic Compounds at Swine Facilities: A Critical Review, Chemosphere, 89, 7, 769-788.
  • Zhang, Y., Moa, J., Li, Y., Sundell, J., Wargocki, P., Zhang, J., Little, J., Corsi, R., Deng, Q., Leung, M., Fang, L., Chen, W., Li, J., Sun, Y., (2011), Can Commonly-Used Fan-Driven Air Cleaning Technologies Improve Indoor Air Quality? A Literature Review, Atmospheric Environment, 45, 26, 4329-4343.
  • Darçın, P., (2008), Yapı İçi Hava Kirliliğinin Giderilmesinde Doğal Havalandırma İlkeleri, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Weschler C.J., (2001), Reactions Among Indoor Pollutants, The Scientific World Journal, 1, 443–457.
  • Weschler, C.J., 2009, Changes in Indoor Pollutants Since the 1950s, Atmospheric Environment, 43, 1, 153–169.
  • 26ED36C06B51/0/TakeaBreath.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 10 Ekim 2013.
  • Ni, J.-Q., Robarge, W.P., Xiao, C., Heber, A.J., (2012), Volatile Organic Compounds at Swine Facilities: A Critical Review, Chemosphere, 89, 7, 769-788.
  • Birgül, A., Cindoruk, S.S., Esen, F., Taşdemir,Y., (2013), Bursa Atmosferi’ndeki Yarı Uçucu Organik Bileşiklerin Konsantrasyon Seviyelerinin Zamansal ve Bölgesel Değişimi, Hava Kirliliği Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2, 4, 123–132.
  • Alyüz, B., Veli, S., (2006), İç Ortam Havasında Bulunan Uçucu Organik Bileşikler ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri, Trakya Univ J Sci, 7, 2, 109-116.
  • Ohura, T., Amagai, T., XueYou, S., Shuang, L., Ping, Z., Lizhong, Z., (2009), Comparative Study on Indoor Air Quality In Japan and China: Characteristic of Residential Indoor and Outdoor VOCs, Atmospheric Environment 43, 40, 6352-6359.
  • Çobanoğlu, N., Kiper N., (2006), Bina İçi Solunan Havada Tehlikeler, Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi, 49, 71-75.
  • Jones A.P., 1999, Indoor Air Quality and Health, Atmospheric Environment, 33, 28, 4535-4564.
  • Smith, B., Bristow, V., 1994, Indoor Air Quality And Textiles:An Emerging Issue, American Dyestuff Reporter, 83, 37-46.
  • Elkilani, A., Bouhamra, W., Crittenden, B.D., (2001), An Indoor Air Quality Model That Includes The Sorption of VOCs on Fabrics, Instituon of Chemical Engineers Trans IChemE, 79, 233-243.
  • EPA, An Introduction to Indoor Air Quality,, Erişim Tarihi: 9 Mart 2016.
  • Joshi, S.M., 2008, The Sick Building Syndrome, Indian J Occup Environ Med., 12, 2, 61-64.
  • Obee, T.N., Brown, R.T., (1995), TiO2 Photocatalysis for Indoor AirApplications Effects of Humidity and Trace Contaminant Levels on the Oxidation Rates of Formaldehyde, Toluene, and 1,3-Butadiene, Environmental Science & Technology, 29, 5, 1223-1231.Applications Effects of Humidity and Trace Contaminant Levels on the Oxidation Rates of Formaldehyde, Toluene, and 1,3-Butadiene, Environmental Science & Technology, 29, 5, 1223-1231.
  • Mo J., Zhang, Y., Xu, Q., Lamson, J.J., Zhao, R., (2009), Photocatalytic Purification of Volatile Organic Compounds in Indoor Air: A Literature Review, Atmospheric Environment, 43, 14, 2229–2246.
  • Kwong, C., Chao, C.Y.H., Hui, K.S., Wan, M.P., (2008), Removal of VOCs from Indoor Environment by Ozonation Over Different Porous Materials, Atmospheric Environment, 42, 2300-2311.
  • Durme, V.J., Dewulf, J., Sysmans, W., Leys, C., Langenhove, V.H., (2007), Efficient Toluene Abatement in Indoor Air by a Plasma Catalytic Hybrid System, Applied Catalysis B : Environmental, 74, 1-2, 161-169.
  • Parmar, S.S., Grosjean, D., (1991), Sorbent Removal of Air Pollutants from Museum Display Cases, Environment International, 17, 39-50.
  • Adamson, A.W., Gast, A.P., (1997), Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, John Wiley&Sons, Canada.
  • EPA, (1999), Catc Technical Bulletin-Choosing An Adsorption System for VOC: Carbon, Zeolite, or Polymers, https:// www3., Erişim Tarihi: 20 Temmuz 2016.
  • Marć, M., Zabiegała, B., Namieśnik, J., (2012), Testing and Sampling Devices for Monitoring Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds in Indoor Air, Trends In Analytical Chemistry, 32, 76-86.
  • ASTM D5116-10, (2010), Standard Guide for Small-Scale Environmental Chamber Determinations of Organic Emissions from Indoor Materials/Products.
  • Uhde, E., Salthammer, T., (2007), Impact of Reaction Products from Building Materials and Furnishings on Indoor Air Quality—A Review of Recent Advances in Indoor Chemistry, Atmospheric Environment, 41, 15, 3111–3128.
  • ASTM D6670-13, (2013), Standard Practice for Full-Scale Chamber Determination of Volatile Organic Emissions from Indoor Materials/Products.
  • New Zealand Merino Company Limited, Control of Indoor Air Pollution,, Erişim Tarihi: 9 Mart 2016.
  • Carpet Institute of Australia Limited, Consumer Health Information ndoor Air Quality, ExEx 14098, (, Erişim Tarihi: 10 Aralık 2013
  • Wool Carpet and Indoor Air Quality, http://www.kashoucarpets. com/IAQ.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 9 Mart 2016.
  • Triped J., Sanongraj W., Oonkhanond B., Sanongraj S., (2009), Synthesis of Silk Fibroin Fiber for Indoor Air Particulate Removal, International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 3, 3, 122-127.
  • Gregory, C. J., (1968), Adsorption of Atmospheric Sulfur Dioxide by Natural and Synthetic Textile Fibers, Rutgers University, New Brunswick.
  • Walters, B., Goswami, B., Vigo, T.L., (1983), Sorption of Air Pollutants onto Textiles, Textile Research Journal, 53, 354.
  • Plens, A.C.O., Monaro, D.L.G., Coutinho, A.R., (2015), Adsorption of SOX and NOX in Activated Viscose Fibers, An Acad Bras Cienc, 87, 2, 1149-1160.
  • Rong, H., Ryu, Z., Zheng, J., Zhang, Y., (2003), Influence of Heat Treatment of Rayon-Based Activated Carbon Fibers on The Adsorption of Formaldehyde, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 261, 2, 207–212.
  • Miyawaki, J., Lee, G.H., Yeh, J., Shiratory, N., Shimohara, T., Mochida, S.H., (2012), Development of Carbon-supported Hybrid Catalyst for Clean Removal of Formaldehyde Indoors, 185, 278-283
  • Johnson, N.A.G., Wood, E.J., Ingham, P.E., McNeil, S.J., McFarlane, I.D., (2003), Wool as a Technical Fibre, Journal of The Textile Institute, 94, 3-4, 26-41.
  • Causer S.M., Mcmillan R.C., Bryson W.G., (1995), The Role of Wool Carpets in Controlling Indoor Air Pollutions, The 9th International Wool Textile Research Conference.Walsh, M., Black, A., Morgan, A., (1977), Sorption of SO2 by Typical Indoor Surfaces Including Wool Carpets, Wallpaper and Paint, Atmospheric Enviroment, 2, 11.
  • Wilson, M.J.G., (1968), Indoor Air Pollution, Proc. Roy Soc., 300, 215-221.
  • Spicer, C.W., Coutant, R.W., Ward, G.F., Joseph, D.W., (1989), Rates and Mechanisms of NO2 Removal from Indoor Air by Residential Materials, Environment International, 15, 643-654.
  • Tanada, S., Kawasaki, N., Nakamura, T., Araki, M., Isomura, M.,(1999), Removal of Formaldehyde by Activated Carbons Containing Amino Groups, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 214, 1, 106–108.
  • Agarwal, M., Dave, M., Upadhayaya, S., (2011), Adsorption of Formaldehyde on Treated Activated Carbon and Activated Alumina, Current World Environment, 6, 1, 53-59.
  • Huang X., Wang Y.J., Di Y.H., (2007), Experimental Study of Wool Fiber on Purification of Indoor Air, Textile Research Journal, 77, 12, 946-950.
  • Walsh, M., Black, A., Morgan, A., (1977), Sorption of SO2 by Typical Indoor Surfaces Including Wool Carpets, Wallpaper and Paint, Atmospheric Enviroment, 2, 11.
There are 52 citations in total.


Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Duygu Gazioğlu Rüzgar This is me

Şule Altun This is me

Publication Date December 29, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 23 Issue: 104


APA Gazioğlu Rüzgar, D., & Altun, Ş. (2016). Tekstil Malzemeleri ile Kapalı Alan Hava Kalitesinin İyileştirilmesi. Tekstil Ve Mühendis, 23(104), 288-296.
AMA Gazioğlu Rüzgar D, Altun Ş. Tekstil Malzemeleri ile Kapalı Alan Hava Kalitesinin İyileştirilmesi. Tekstil ve Mühendis. December 2016;23(104):288-296. doi:10.7216/1300759920162310406
Chicago Gazioğlu Rüzgar, Duygu, and Şule Altun. “Tekstil Malzemeleri Ile Kapalı Alan Hava Kalitesinin İyileştirilmesi”. Tekstil Ve Mühendis 23, no. 104 (December 2016): 288-96.
EndNote Gazioğlu Rüzgar D, Altun Ş (December 1, 2016) Tekstil Malzemeleri ile Kapalı Alan Hava Kalitesinin İyileştirilmesi. Tekstil ve Mühendis 23 104 288–296.
IEEE D. Gazioğlu Rüzgar and Ş. Altun, “Tekstil Malzemeleri ile Kapalı Alan Hava Kalitesinin İyileştirilmesi”, Tekstil ve Mühendis, vol. 23, no. 104, pp. 288–296, 2016, doi: 10.7216/1300759920162310406.
ISNAD Gazioğlu Rüzgar, Duygu - Altun, Şule. “Tekstil Malzemeleri Ile Kapalı Alan Hava Kalitesinin İyileştirilmesi”. Tekstil ve Mühendis 23/104 (December 2016), 288-296.
JAMA Gazioğlu Rüzgar D, Altun Ş. Tekstil Malzemeleri ile Kapalı Alan Hava Kalitesinin İyileştirilmesi. Tekstil ve Mühendis. 2016;23:288–296.
MLA Gazioğlu Rüzgar, Duygu and Şule Altun. “Tekstil Malzemeleri Ile Kapalı Alan Hava Kalitesinin İyileştirilmesi”. Tekstil Ve Mühendis, vol. 23, no. 104, 2016, pp. 288-96, doi:10.7216/1300759920162310406.
Vancouver Gazioğlu Rüzgar D, Altun Ş. Tekstil Malzemeleri ile Kapalı Alan Hava Kalitesinin İyileştirilmesi. Tekstil ve Mühendis. 2016;23(104):288-96.