İtfaiyeci Kıyafeti İçerisindeki Isıl Düzenlemenin Sayısal İncelenmesi
Year 2017,
Volume: 24 Issue: 106, 94 - 100, 30.06.2017
Ersin Alptekın
Mehmet Akif Ezan
Berkant Murat Gül
Hüseyin Kurt
Atıf Canbek Ezan
Faz değişim malzemeleri (FDM) enerji üretimi ve talebi arasındaki uyumsuzluğu azaltmak amacıyla ısıtma ve soğutma uygulamalarında yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. FDM’ler ayrıca ısıl sistemler içerisine uygulanarak sabit sıcaklık sağlar ve ısıl konforun artmasına vesile olurlar. İnsanoğlu tarafından üretilen tüm sistemlerden farklı olarak olası bir hasarın geri dönüşünün mümkün olmaması nedeniyle, insan vücudunun ısıl konfor koşulları çok daha önemlidir. Bu çalışmada itfaiyecinin ısıl konfor koşullarının arttırılması ve aşırı ısınma kaynaklı deri hasarlarının engellenmesi amacıyla tekstil kumaşı tabakaları içerisine faz değişim malzemesi yerleştirilmiştir. ANSYS-FLUENT paket programında zamana bağlı 1-boyutlu bir sayısal model geliştirilmiştir. Deri katmanları içerisindeki kan dolaşımından kaynaklı ısı transferi etkisini programda tanımlamak için kullanıcı-tanımlı-fonksiyon (UDF) oluşturulmuş ve programa aktarılmıştır. ANSYS-FLUENT paket programı içerisine tanımlanan kaynak terimlerinin uygunluğunu test etmek için öncelikle literatürden alınan basitleştirilmiş bir problem tekrarlanmıştır. Deri katmanları içerisindeki zamana bağlı sıcaklık değişimleri literatürden alınan sonuçlarla karşılaştırılmıştır. Modelin doğrulanmasından sonra ise itfaiyeci kıyafeti içerisinde FDM kullanımı farklı ısıl sınır koşulları için sayısal olarak incelenmiştir. En uzun süreli yangın etki durumunda 1. Derece ve 3. Derece yanık derinlikleri sırasıyla 5,29 mm ve 2,57 mm olarak belirlenmiştir. FDM’nin kumaş içerisine yerleştirilmesi malzemenin ısı depolama kapasitesini arttırmakta ve deri katmanlarının sıcaklık artışını engellemektedir. Mevcut tasarım ve çalışma koşullarında, 1 mm kalınlığında FDM içeren itfaiyeci kıyafetinin en uzun yangın etki senaryosunda dahi deri hasarını engellediği saptanmıştır.
- ASHRAE, F., (2013), Fundamentals Handbook, IP Edition.
- Hu, Y., Huang, D., Qi, Z., He, S., Yang, H., & Zhang, H., (2013), Modeling thermal insulation of firefighting protective clothing embedded with phase change material, Heat and Mass Transfer, 49(4), 567-573.
- NFPA, (2008), Thermal Capacity of Fire Fighter Protective Clothing, Fire Protection Research Foundation.
- Kenisarin, M., & Mahkamov, K., (2007), Solar energy storage using phase change materials, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 11(9), 1913-1965.
- Ezan, M.A., & Erek, A., (2012), Solidification and Melting Periods of an Ice-on-Coil Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage System, Journal of Heat Transfer, 134 (6), 062301.
- Tyagi, V.V., Pandey, A.K., Buddhi, D., & Kothari, R., (2016), Thermal performance assessment of encapsulated PCM based thermal management system to reduce peak energy demand in buildings, Energy and Buildings, 117, 44-52.
- Alshaer, W. G., Nada, S. A., Rady, M. A., Le Bot, C., & Del Barrio, E.P., (2015), Numerical investigations of using carbon foam/PCM/Nano carbon tubes composites in thermal management of electronic equipment, Energy Conversion and Management, 89, 873-884.
- Sarier N., & Onder E., (2012), Organic phase change materials and their textile applications: an overview, Thermochimica Acta, 540, 7-60.
- Mondal, S., (2008), Phase change materials for smart textiles – An overview, Applied Thermal Engineering, 28, 1536-1550.
- Shin, Y., Yoo, D. I., & Son, K., (2005), Development of thermoregulating textile materials with microencapsulated phase change materials (PCM). II. Preparation and application of PCM microcapsules, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 96(6), 2005-2010.
- Tong, W., Tong, A., (2015), Thermal Modelling on Solar-Absorbing Metamaterial Microencapsulation of Phase Change Materials for Smart Textiles, Journal of Textile Science & Engineering, 5:190.
- Li, Y., & Zhu, Q., (2004), A model of heat and moisture transfer in porous textiles with phase change materials, Textile Research Journal, 74(5), 447-457.
- Shaid, A., Wang, L., & Padhye, R., (2015), The thermal protection and comfort properties of aerogel and PCM-coated fabric for firefighter garment, Journal of Industrial Textiles, 1528083715610296.
- Back, G., Beyler, C. L., DiNenno, P., & Tatem, P., (1994), Wall incident heat flux distributions resulting from an adjacent fire, Fire Safety Science, 4, 241-252.
- Pennes, H., (1948), Analysis of tissue and arterial blood temperatures in the resting human forearm, Journal of Applied Physiology, 1(2), 93-122.
- Bergman, T.L., Incropera, F.P., & Lavine, A.S., (2011), Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer, John Wiley & Sons.
- Morgan, K., Lewis, R.W., & Zienkiewicz, O.C, (1978), An improved algorithm for heat conduction problems with phase change, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 12(7), 1191-1195.
- Voller, V.R., & Swaminathan, C.R., (1991), ERAL Source-based method for solidification phase change, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B Fundamentals, 19(2), 175-189.
- Jiang, S.C., Ma, N., Li, H.J., & Zhang, X.X., (2002), Effects of thermal properties and geometrical dimensions on skin burn injuries. Burns, 28(8), 713-717.
- Takata, A.N., (1974), Development of criterion for skin burns, Aerospace Medicine, 45, 634–637.
- Henriques Jr, F. C., & Moritz, A. R, (1947), Studies of thermal injury: I. The conduction of heat to and through skin and the temperatures attained therein. A theoretical and an experimental investigation, The American Journal of Pathology, 23(4), 530.
- Henriques, F.C., (1947), Studies of thermal injury. V. The predictability and the significance of thermally induced rate processes leading to irreversible epidermal injury, Archives of Pathology, 43, 489–502.
- Fugitt, C.E., (1955), A rate process of thermal injury, Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, AFSWP-606.
- Stoll, A.M., & Greene, L.C., Relationship between pain and tissue damage due to thermal radiation. Journal of Applied Physiology, 1959, 14(3), 373–382.
Numerical Investigation of Thermal Regulation Inside Firefighter Protective Clothing
Year 2017,
Volume: 24 Issue: 106, 94 - 100, 30.06.2017
Ersin Alptekın
Mehmet Akif Ezan
Berkant Murat Gül
Hüseyin Kurt
Atıf Canbek Ezan
Phase change materials (PCMs) are widely used in heating and cooling applications to reduce the mismatch between the energy production and the demand. PCMs can also be incorporated into the thermal systems to maintain a constant temperature and conduce to increase the thermal comfort. Unlike any human-made thermal system, the thermal comfort of the human body is more crucial since a possible damage may not be recovered. In this study, PCM layers are incorporated into the textile fabric to increase the thermal comfort of a firefighter and protect the skin layers from the thermal burn due to overheating. A transient one-dimensional numerical model is developed in the ANSYS-FLUENT software. The effect of blood perfusion inside skin layers is simulated as an energy source term and defined into the software using user-defined-function (UDF). The validatity of the source term implentation into ANSYS-FLUENT is proven by repoducing a reduced model fom the literature. The predicted time-wise variations of the temperature of the body layers are compared with the ones which are taken from the literature. After the validation procedure, the usage of PCM inside a firefighter protective clothing is numerically investigated by varying the thermal boundary conditions acting on the coating. Results depict that, for the longest fire exposure duration the 1st-degree burn is effective for a depth of 5.29 mm and the 3rd-degree burn is observed for a depth of 2.57 mm. Implementing the PCM inside the clothing inhibits the temperature rise in skin layers and improves the heat storage capacity of the fabric. In the current design and working conditions, firefighter protective clothing with 1 mm of PCM layer prevents the skin burn, even for the longest fire exposure scenario.
- ASHRAE, F., (2013), Fundamentals Handbook, IP Edition.
- Hu, Y., Huang, D., Qi, Z., He, S., Yang, H., & Zhang, H., (2013), Modeling thermal insulation of firefighting protective clothing embedded with phase change material, Heat and Mass Transfer, 49(4), 567-573.
- NFPA, (2008), Thermal Capacity of Fire Fighter Protective Clothing, Fire Protection Research Foundation.
- Kenisarin, M., & Mahkamov, K., (2007), Solar energy storage using phase change materials, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 11(9), 1913-1965.
- Ezan, M.A., & Erek, A., (2012), Solidification and Melting Periods of an Ice-on-Coil Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage System, Journal of Heat Transfer, 134 (6), 062301.
- Tyagi, V.V., Pandey, A.K., Buddhi, D., & Kothari, R., (2016), Thermal performance assessment of encapsulated PCM based thermal management system to reduce peak energy demand in buildings, Energy and Buildings, 117, 44-52.
- Alshaer, W. G., Nada, S. A., Rady, M. A., Le Bot, C., & Del Barrio, E.P., (2015), Numerical investigations of using carbon foam/PCM/Nano carbon tubes composites in thermal management of electronic equipment, Energy Conversion and Management, 89, 873-884.
- Sarier N., & Onder E., (2012), Organic phase change materials and their textile applications: an overview, Thermochimica Acta, 540, 7-60.
- Mondal, S., (2008), Phase change materials for smart textiles – An overview, Applied Thermal Engineering, 28, 1536-1550.
- Shin, Y., Yoo, D. I., & Son, K., (2005), Development of thermoregulating textile materials with microencapsulated phase change materials (PCM). II. Preparation and application of PCM microcapsules, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 96(6), 2005-2010.
- Tong, W., Tong, A., (2015), Thermal Modelling on Solar-Absorbing Metamaterial Microencapsulation of Phase Change Materials for Smart Textiles, Journal of Textile Science & Engineering, 5:190.
- Li, Y., & Zhu, Q., (2004), A model of heat and moisture transfer in porous textiles with phase change materials, Textile Research Journal, 74(5), 447-457.
- Shaid, A., Wang, L., & Padhye, R., (2015), The thermal protection and comfort properties of aerogel and PCM-coated fabric for firefighter garment, Journal of Industrial Textiles, 1528083715610296.
- Back, G., Beyler, C. L., DiNenno, P., & Tatem, P., (1994), Wall incident heat flux distributions resulting from an adjacent fire, Fire Safety Science, 4, 241-252.
- Pennes, H., (1948), Analysis of tissue and arterial blood temperatures in the resting human forearm, Journal of Applied Physiology, 1(2), 93-122.
- Bergman, T.L., Incropera, F.P., & Lavine, A.S., (2011), Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer, John Wiley & Sons.
- Morgan, K., Lewis, R.W., & Zienkiewicz, O.C, (1978), An improved algorithm for heat conduction problems with phase change, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 12(7), 1191-1195.
- Voller, V.R., & Swaminathan, C.R., (1991), ERAL Source-based method for solidification phase change, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B Fundamentals, 19(2), 175-189.
- Jiang, S.C., Ma, N., Li, H.J., & Zhang, X.X., (2002), Effects of thermal properties and geometrical dimensions on skin burn injuries. Burns, 28(8), 713-717.
- Takata, A.N., (1974), Development of criterion for skin burns, Aerospace Medicine, 45, 634–637.
- Henriques Jr, F. C., & Moritz, A. R, (1947), Studies of thermal injury: I. The conduction of heat to and through skin and the temperatures attained therein. A theoretical and an experimental investigation, The American Journal of Pathology, 23(4), 530.
- Henriques, F.C., (1947), Studies of thermal injury. V. The predictability and the significance of thermally induced rate processes leading to irreversible epidermal injury, Archives of Pathology, 43, 489–502.
- Fugitt, C.E., (1955), A rate process of thermal injury, Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, AFSWP-606.
- Stoll, A.M., & Greene, L.C., Relationship between pain and tissue damage due to thermal radiation. Journal of Applied Physiology, 1959, 14(3), 373–382.