Research Article
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Yıkama İşleminin ve Yıkama Sıcaklığının Pamuklu Örme Kumaşların Baskı Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2018, Volume: 25 Issue: 112, 303 - 312, 31.12.2018


Kullanım sırasında farklı işlemler baskılı tekstil
ürünlerini etkiler ve bu işlemlerden en yaygın olanlarından biri yıkama
işlemidir. Yıkama işlemi tekstil yapısının ve tekstil liflerinin
modifikasyonuna neden olur. Bu araştırmanın amacı, elyaf baskılı pamuklu örme
tekstil malzemelerinin baskı kalitesi parametrelerine yıkama işleminin, yıkama
işlem sıcaklığının ve baskılı malzemenin özelliklerinin etkilerini
belirlemektir. Renk indeksi üzerinden spektrofotometrik analiz ve makro
dağınıklık analizi kullanılarak etkiler belirlenecektir. Araştırma sonuçları,
yıkama işlemlerinin sayısının arttırılmasının ve aynı zamanda yıkama
sıcaklığının arttırılmasının, yıkanmış ve yıkanmamış numuneler arasındaki renk
farkının artmasına neden olduğunu göstermektedir. Aynı zamanda, substrat
özelliklerin renk farklılıkları üzerinde büyük etkisi olduğunu da gösterir.
Bunun yanında, yıkama işlemi aynı zamanda baskı kalitesinde gözle görülür
değişikliklere neden olur ki bu yine substrat özelliklerine bağlıdır.


  • Mecheels, J., (1992), Anforderungsprofile für Funktionsgerechte Bekleidung, DWI – Schriftenreihe des Deutschen Wollforschungsinstitutes an der TH Aachen, 109, 263–268.
  • Stančić, M., Grujić, D., Kašiković, N., Novaković, D., Ružičić, B., Milošević, R., (2015), Influence of the Washing Process and the Perspiration Effects on the Qualities of Printed Textile Substrates, Tekstilec, 58 (2), 135−142.
  • Vladić, G., Sadžakov, M., Kašiković, N., Milić, N., Stančić, M., (2014), Influence of Colour on the Perceived Price of Textile Products, Proceedings of Tendencije razvoja i inovativni pristup u tekstilnoj industriji Dizajn, Tehnologija, Menadžment 2014, 107-112, Belgrade
  • John, M. and Anandjiwala, R. D., (2009), Surface modification and preparation techniques for textile materials, Surface modification of textiles, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, 1-25.
  • Dawson, T., Hawkyard, C. J., (2000) A new millennium of textile printing, Review of Progress in Coloration and Related Topics, 30, 7–20.
  • Kašiković, N., Novaković, D., Milić, N., Vladić, G., Zeljković, Ž., Stančić, M., (2015), Thermovision and Spectrophotometric Analysis of Ink Volume and Material Characteristics Influence on Colour Changes of Heat Treated Printed Substrates. Tehnički vijesnik, 22, 33-41.
  • Stančić, M., Kašiković, N., Novaković, D., Dojčinović, I., Vladić, G., Dragić, M., (2014), The Influence of Washing Treatment on Screen Printed Textile Substrates, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 24, 96-104.
  • Jurič, I., Kašiković, N., Stančić, M., Novaković, D., Vladić, G., Majnarić, I., (2015), The influence of heat treatment on print mottle of screen printed textile knitted fabrics, Applied Thermal Engineering, 90, 215-220.
  • Kašiković, N., Novaković, D., Karlović, I., Vladić, G., (2012), Influence of ink layers on the quality of ink-jet printed textile materials, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 2012, 22 (2), 115-124.
  • Kašiković, N., (2012), Razvoj modela praćenja procesnih parametara štampe tekstilnih materijala, PhD Thesis, Faculty of technical sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Kiatkamjornwong, S., Putthimai, P., Noguchi, H., (2005), Comparison of textile print quality between inkjet and screen printings, Surface Coatings International Part B: Coatings Transactions, 88 (1), 25-34.
  • Onar Çatal, D., Özgüney, A. T., Akçakoca Kumbasar, E. P., (2012), The influence of rheological properties of the pretreatment thickeners on ink-jet printing quality, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 22 (4), 309–316.
  • Lee, T.-M., Choi, Y.-J., Nam, S.Y., You, C.-W., Na, D.-Y., Choi, H.-C., Shin, D.-Y., Kim, K.-Y., Jung, K.-I. (2008), Color filter patterned by screen printing, Thin Solid Films, 21(5), 516, 7875–7880
  • Krebs, F. C., Jørgensen, M., Norrman, K., Hagemann, O., Alstrup, J., Nielsen, T., Fyenbo, J., Larsen, K., Kristensen, J., (2009), A complete process for production of flexible large area polymer solar cells entirely using screen printing - first public demonstration, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 93 (4), 422–441
  • Novaković, D., Pavlović, Ž., Kašiković, N., (2015), Tehnike štampe - praktikum za vežbe. Faculty of technical sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia, 178-181.
  • Stančić, M., Novaković, D., Tomić, I., Karlović, I. (2012), Influence of substrate and screen thread count on reproduction of figure elements in screen printing, Acta Graphica, 23 (1), 1–12.
  • Pan, J., Tonkay, G. L., Quintero, A., (1998), Screen printing process design of experiments for fine line printing of thick film ceramic substrates, Proceedings of International Symposium on Microelectronics. 264–269, SanDiego, California, USA: 1998
  • Ingram, S., (1999), Screen printing primer. Sewickley: GATF Press, Pittsburgh, 99-110.
  • Lam, Y. L., Kan, C. W., Yuen, C. W. M., (2011), Physical and chemical analysis of plasmatreated cotton fabric subjected to wrinkle-resistant finishing, Cellulose, 18 (2), 493-503
  • Kašiković, N., Novaković, D., Vladić, G., Klančnik, M., (2011), Influence of heat treatment on characteristics of Inkjet print on textile material, Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design, 2 (1), 24-30
  • Kalantzi, S., Mamma, D., Kalogeris, E., Kekos, D., (2010), Improved properties of cotton fabrics treated with lipase and its combination with pectinase, Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe, 18 (5), 86–92
  • Tomšič, B., Simončič, B., Orel, B., Černe, L., Forte Tavčer, P., Zorko, M., Jerman, I., Vilčnik, A., Kovač, J., (2008), Sol–gel coating of cellulose fibres with antimicrobial and repellent properties, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 47 (1)
  • Xiang, W., Cai, Z.-S., (2008), Dye Behaviour of cationically treated silk, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 108 (2), 1005–1012
  • Was-Gubala, J., (2009), The kinetics of colour change in textiles and fibres treated with detergent solutions: Part I–Colour perception and fluorescence microscopy analysis, Science and Justice, 49(3), 165–169
  • Stančić, M., Ružičić, B., Kašiković, N., Grujić, D., Novaković, D., Milošević, R., (2016), Washing treatment impact on print quality of screen printed knitted fabrics, Revista Materia, 21 (3), 817-826
  • Clarke, F. J. J., McDonald, R. and Rigg, B., (1984), Modification to the JPC79 Colour–difference Formula, Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists, 100 (4)
  • Luo, M. R. and Rigg, B., (1987), BFD(l:c) colour-difference formula. Part 1 - Development of the formula. Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists, 103 (2), 86–94.
  • CIEPubl. 116., (1995), Industrial Colour-Difference Evaluation. Vienna: CIE Central Bureau, Austria
  • Luo, M. R., Cui, G. and Rigg, B., (2001), The development of the CIE 2000 colour-difference formula: CIEDE2000, Colour Research & Application, 26 (5), 340-350
  • Schläpfer, K., (2002), Farbmetrik in der grafischen Industrie. UGRA, St. Gallen
  • Kiurski, J. and Oros, I., (2012), The influence of pH/conductivity of fountain solution on dot circularity, line and text raggedness, Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design, 3 (2), 1-7.
  • Dhopade, A., (2009), Image Quality Assessment according to ISO 13660 and ISO 19751, School of Print Media, Rochester Institute of Technology, 43-50.
  • Fedorovskaya, E. A., Blommaert, F. J. J., Ridder, H. de., (1993), Perceptual quality of colour images of natural scenes transformed into CIELUV colour space, Color and Imaging Conference, 1st Color and Imaging Conference Final Program and Proceedings. 37-40, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
  • Fedorovskaya, E. A., Ridder, H. de., Blommaert, F. J. J., (1997), Chroma variations and perceived quality of color images of natural scenes, Colour research and application, 22 (2), 96-110
  • Pedersen, M., Bonnier, N., Hardeberg, J. Y., Albregtsen, F., (2009), Attributes of a new image quality model for colour prints, Color and Imaging Conference, 17th Color and Imaging Conference Final Program and Proceedings. 204-209, November, 2009, Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Ridder, H. de., (1996), Naturalness and Image Quality: Saturation and lightness variation in colour images, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 40 (6), 487-493
  • Rilovski, I., Karlović, I., Novaković, D., Tomić, I., (2012), Influence of Paper Surface Properties and Toner Type on Digital Print Mottle, Celuloză şi Hârtie, 61 (2), 4-9
  • Pedersen, M., Bonnier, N., Hardeberg, J. Y. & Albregtsen, F., (2011), Image quality metrics for the evaluation of print quality. I: Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, Image quality and system performance VIII : 24-26 January 2011, San Francisco, California, United States, SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering
  • Lindberg, S., (2004), Perceptual determinants of print quality, Doctoral Dissertation. Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, Sweden. 11-21
  • Engeldrum, P. G, (2004), A Theory of Image Quality: The Image Quality Circle, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 48 (5), 446-456
  • Petersson, J., (2005), A Review of Perceptual Image Quality - a tool to predict perceived quality of a digital printed image. Department of Science and Technology. Linköpings Universitet, Sweden
  • Kawasaki, M. and Ishisaki, M., Investigation into the Cause of Print Mottle in Halftone Dots of Coated Paper: Effect of Optical Dot Gain Non-uniformity, [online] Available from: < Ishisaki.pdf> [accessed July 3rd 2017].
  • Fahlcrantz, C.-M., (2005), On the Evaluation of Print Mottle, Doctoral Thesis in Computer Science. Stockholm, Sweden
  • Muck, T., Hladnik, A., Stanić, M. (2009) Analiza tiskovne kakovosti Z orodjem ImageJ (Analysis of print quality with ImageJ, in Slovenian), 45-49, In: Hladnik, A. and Debeljak, M. (eds.), Zbomie Prispevkov, Ljubljana: Naravoslovnotehniska fakulteta, Oddelek za tekstilstvo
  • Novaković, D., Stančić, M., Karlović, I., Kašiković, N., Vukmirović, V., Milošević, R. (2013), Influence of surface roughness on print quality on digitally printed self adhesive foils, Journal of Print and Media Technology Research, 2 (2), 67-76
  • Milošević, R., Kašiković, N., Novaković, D., Stančić, M., (2014), Influence of different printing pressure levels on sheet-fed offset print quality, J. Chem. Technol. Metall., 49 (4), 375-382
  • ISO105-C10:2006, (2006), Textiles- Tests for colour fastness Part C10 Colour fastness to washing with soap or soda and soda, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva

The Effect of Washing Treatment and Washing Temperature on Print Quality of Screen Printed Cotton Knitted Fabrics

Year 2018, Volume: 25 Issue: 112, 303 - 312, 31.12.2018


exploitation different effects influence printed textile products and one of
the most common is washing treatment. It causes modification of textile
structure and textile fibres. The aim of this research is to determine the
influence of the washing treatment, the washing treatment temperature and
characteristics of printed material on print quality parameters of screen
printed cotton knitted textile materials. It will be obtained using
spectrophotometric analysis and macro non-uniformity analysis via the mottling
index. The research results show that increasing the number of washing
treatments, and also increasing of washing temperature, causes an increase of
colour difference between washed and unwashed samples. It also shows that
substrate characteristics have great influence on colour differences. Besides
that, washing treatment also causes noticeable changes of print mottle, which
are, again, also dependent on substrate characteristics.


  • Mecheels, J., (1992), Anforderungsprofile für Funktionsgerechte Bekleidung, DWI – Schriftenreihe des Deutschen Wollforschungsinstitutes an der TH Aachen, 109, 263–268.
  • Stančić, M., Grujić, D., Kašiković, N., Novaković, D., Ružičić, B., Milošević, R., (2015), Influence of the Washing Process and the Perspiration Effects on the Qualities of Printed Textile Substrates, Tekstilec, 58 (2), 135−142.
  • Vladić, G., Sadžakov, M., Kašiković, N., Milić, N., Stančić, M., (2014), Influence of Colour on the Perceived Price of Textile Products, Proceedings of Tendencije razvoja i inovativni pristup u tekstilnoj industriji Dizajn, Tehnologija, Menadžment 2014, 107-112, Belgrade
  • John, M. and Anandjiwala, R. D., (2009), Surface modification and preparation techniques for textile materials, Surface modification of textiles, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, 1-25.
  • Dawson, T., Hawkyard, C. J., (2000) A new millennium of textile printing, Review of Progress in Coloration and Related Topics, 30, 7–20.
  • Kašiković, N., Novaković, D., Milić, N., Vladić, G., Zeljković, Ž., Stančić, M., (2015), Thermovision and Spectrophotometric Analysis of Ink Volume and Material Characteristics Influence on Colour Changes of Heat Treated Printed Substrates. Tehnički vijesnik, 22, 33-41.
  • Stančić, M., Kašiković, N., Novaković, D., Dojčinović, I., Vladić, G., Dragić, M., (2014), The Influence of Washing Treatment on Screen Printed Textile Substrates, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 24, 96-104.
  • Jurič, I., Kašiković, N., Stančić, M., Novaković, D., Vladić, G., Majnarić, I., (2015), The influence of heat treatment on print mottle of screen printed textile knitted fabrics, Applied Thermal Engineering, 90, 215-220.
  • Kašiković, N., Novaković, D., Karlović, I., Vladić, G., (2012), Influence of ink layers on the quality of ink-jet printed textile materials, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 2012, 22 (2), 115-124.
  • Kašiković, N., (2012), Razvoj modela praćenja procesnih parametara štampe tekstilnih materijala, PhD Thesis, Faculty of technical sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Kiatkamjornwong, S., Putthimai, P., Noguchi, H., (2005), Comparison of textile print quality between inkjet and screen printings, Surface Coatings International Part B: Coatings Transactions, 88 (1), 25-34.
  • Onar Çatal, D., Özgüney, A. T., Akçakoca Kumbasar, E. P., (2012), The influence of rheological properties of the pretreatment thickeners on ink-jet printing quality, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 22 (4), 309–316.
  • Lee, T.-M., Choi, Y.-J., Nam, S.Y., You, C.-W., Na, D.-Y., Choi, H.-C., Shin, D.-Y., Kim, K.-Y., Jung, K.-I. (2008), Color filter patterned by screen printing, Thin Solid Films, 21(5), 516, 7875–7880
  • Krebs, F. C., Jørgensen, M., Norrman, K., Hagemann, O., Alstrup, J., Nielsen, T., Fyenbo, J., Larsen, K., Kristensen, J., (2009), A complete process for production of flexible large area polymer solar cells entirely using screen printing - first public demonstration, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 93 (4), 422–441
  • Novaković, D., Pavlović, Ž., Kašiković, N., (2015), Tehnike štampe - praktikum za vežbe. Faculty of technical sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia, 178-181.
  • Stančić, M., Novaković, D., Tomić, I., Karlović, I. (2012), Influence of substrate and screen thread count on reproduction of figure elements in screen printing, Acta Graphica, 23 (1), 1–12.
  • Pan, J., Tonkay, G. L., Quintero, A., (1998), Screen printing process design of experiments for fine line printing of thick film ceramic substrates, Proceedings of International Symposium on Microelectronics. 264–269, SanDiego, California, USA: 1998
  • Ingram, S., (1999), Screen printing primer. Sewickley: GATF Press, Pittsburgh, 99-110.
  • Lam, Y. L., Kan, C. W., Yuen, C. W. M., (2011), Physical and chemical analysis of plasmatreated cotton fabric subjected to wrinkle-resistant finishing, Cellulose, 18 (2), 493-503
  • Kašiković, N., Novaković, D., Vladić, G., Klančnik, M., (2011), Influence of heat treatment on characteristics of Inkjet print on textile material, Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design, 2 (1), 24-30
  • Kalantzi, S., Mamma, D., Kalogeris, E., Kekos, D., (2010), Improved properties of cotton fabrics treated with lipase and its combination with pectinase, Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe, 18 (5), 86–92
  • Tomšič, B., Simončič, B., Orel, B., Černe, L., Forte Tavčer, P., Zorko, M., Jerman, I., Vilčnik, A., Kovač, J., (2008), Sol–gel coating of cellulose fibres with antimicrobial and repellent properties, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 47 (1)
  • Xiang, W., Cai, Z.-S., (2008), Dye Behaviour of cationically treated silk, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 108 (2), 1005–1012
  • Was-Gubala, J., (2009), The kinetics of colour change in textiles and fibres treated with detergent solutions: Part I–Colour perception and fluorescence microscopy analysis, Science and Justice, 49(3), 165–169
  • Stančić, M., Ružičić, B., Kašiković, N., Grujić, D., Novaković, D., Milošević, R., (2016), Washing treatment impact on print quality of screen printed knitted fabrics, Revista Materia, 21 (3), 817-826
  • Clarke, F. J. J., McDonald, R. and Rigg, B., (1984), Modification to the JPC79 Colour–difference Formula, Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists, 100 (4)
  • Luo, M. R. and Rigg, B., (1987), BFD(l:c) colour-difference formula. Part 1 - Development of the formula. Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists, 103 (2), 86–94.
  • CIEPubl. 116., (1995), Industrial Colour-Difference Evaluation. Vienna: CIE Central Bureau, Austria
  • Luo, M. R., Cui, G. and Rigg, B., (2001), The development of the CIE 2000 colour-difference formula: CIEDE2000, Colour Research & Application, 26 (5), 340-350
  • Schläpfer, K., (2002), Farbmetrik in der grafischen Industrie. UGRA, St. Gallen
  • Kiurski, J. and Oros, I., (2012), The influence of pH/conductivity of fountain solution on dot circularity, line and text raggedness, Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design, 3 (2), 1-7.
  • Dhopade, A., (2009), Image Quality Assessment according to ISO 13660 and ISO 19751, School of Print Media, Rochester Institute of Technology, 43-50.
  • Fedorovskaya, E. A., Blommaert, F. J. J., Ridder, H. de., (1993), Perceptual quality of colour images of natural scenes transformed into CIELUV colour space, Color and Imaging Conference, 1st Color and Imaging Conference Final Program and Proceedings. 37-40, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
  • Fedorovskaya, E. A., Ridder, H. de., Blommaert, F. J. J., (1997), Chroma variations and perceived quality of color images of natural scenes, Colour research and application, 22 (2), 96-110
  • Pedersen, M., Bonnier, N., Hardeberg, J. Y., Albregtsen, F., (2009), Attributes of a new image quality model for colour prints, Color and Imaging Conference, 17th Color and Imaging Conference Final Program and Proceedings. 204-209, November, 2009, Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Ridder, H. de., (1996), Naturalness and Image Quality: Saturation and lightness variation in colour images, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 40 (6), 487-493
  • Rilovski, I., Karlović, I., Novaković, D., Tomić, I., (2012), Influence of Paper Surface Properties and Toner Type on Digital Print Mottle, Celuloză şi Hârtie, 61 (2), 4-9
  • Pedersen, M., Bonnier, N., Hardeberg, J. Y. & Albregtsen, F., (2011), Image quality metrics for the evaluation of print quality. I: Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, Image quality and system performance VIII : 24-26 January 2011, San Francisco, California, United States, SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering
  • Lindberg, S., (2004), Perceptual determinants of print quality, Doctoral Dissertation. Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, Sweden. 11-21
  • Engeldrum, P. G, (2004), A Theory of Image Quality: The Image Quality Circle, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 48 (5), 446-456
  • Petersson, J., (2005), A Review of Perceptual Image Quality - a tool to predict perceived quality of a digital printed image. Department of Science and Technology. Linköpings Universitet, Sweden
  • Kawasaki, M. and Ishisaki, M., Investigation into the Cause of Print Mottle in Halftone Dots of Coated Paper: Effect of Optical Dot Gain Non-uniformity, [online] Available from: < Ishisaki.pdf> [accessed July 3rd 2017].
  • Fahlcrantz, C.-M., (2005), On the Evaluation of Print Mottle, Doctoral Thesis in Computer Science. Stockholm, Sweden
  • Muck, T., Hladnik, A., Stanić, M. (2009) Analiza tiskovne kakovosti Z orodjem ImageJ (Analysis of print quality with ImageJ, in Slovenian), 45-49, In: Hladnik, A. and Debeljak, M. (eds.), Zbomie Prispevkov, Ljubljana: Naravoslovnotehniska fakulteta, Oddelek za tekstilstvo
  • Novaković, D., Stančić, M., Karlović, I., Kašiković, N., Vukmirović, V., Milošević, R. (2013), Influence of surface roughness on print quality on digitally printed self adhesive foils, Journal of Print and Media Technology Research, 2 (2), 67-76
  • Milošević, R., Kašiković, N., Novaković, D., Stančić, M., (2014), Influence of different printing pressure levels on sheet-fed offset print quality, J. Chem. Technol. Metall., 49 (4), 375-382
  • ISO105-C10:2006, (2006), Textiles- Tests for colour fastness Part C10 Colour fastness to washing with soap or soda and soda, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

đorđe Vujčıć This is me 0000-0003-2699-793X

Branka Ružıčıć This is me

Dragana Grujıć This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 25 Issue: 112


APA Vujčıć, đ., Ružıčıć, B., & Grujıć, D. (2018). The Effect of Washing Treatment and Washing Temperature on Print Quality of Screen Printed Cotton Knitted Fabrics. Tekstil Ve Mühendis, 25(112), 303-312.
AMA Vujčıć đ, Ružıčıć B, Grujıć D. The Effect of Washing Treatment and Washing Temperature on Print Quality of Screen Printed Cotton Knitted Fabrics. Tekstil ve Mühendis. December 2018;25(112):303-312.
Chicago Vujčıć, đorđe, Branka Ružıčıć, and Dragana Grujıć. “The Effect of Washing Treatment and Washing Temperature on Print Quality of Screen Printed Cotton Knitted Fabrics”. Tekstil Ve Mühendis 25, no. 112 (December 2018): 303-12.
EndNote Vujčıć đ, Ružıčıć B, Grujıć D (December 1, 2018) The Effect of Washing Treatment and Washing Temperature on Print Quality of Screen Printed Cotton Knitted Fabrics. Tekstil ve Mühendis 25 112 303–312.
IEEE đ. Vujčıć, B. Ružıčıć, and D. Grujıć, “The Effect of Washing Treatment and Washing Temperature on Print Quality of Screen Printed Cotton Knitted Fabrics”, Tekstil ve Mühendis, vol. 25, no. 112, pp. 303–312, 2018.
ISNAD Vujčıć, đorđe et al. “The Effect of Washing Treatment and Washing Temperature on Print Quality of Screen Printed Cotton Knitted Fabrics”. Tekstil ve Mühendis 25/112 (December 2018), 303-312.
JAMA Vujčıć đ, Ružıčıć B, Grujıć D. The Effect of Washing Treatment and Washing Temperature on Print Quality of Screen Printed Cotton Knitted Fabrics. Tekstil ve Mühendis. 2018;25:303–312.
MLA Vujčıć, đorđe et al. “The Effect of Washing Treatment and Washing Temperature on Print Quality of Screen Printed Cotton Knitted Fabrics”. Tekstil Ve Mühendis, vol. 25, no. 112, 2018, pp. 303-12.
Vancouver Vujčıć đ, Ružıčıć B, Grujıć D. The Effect of Washing Treatment and Washing Temperature on Print Quality of Screen Printed Cotton Knitted Fabrics. Tekstil ve Mühendis. 2018;25(112):303-12.