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Year 2015, Issue: 3, 106 - 137, 01.07.2015


Felsefi anlamda fark ve çokluğun söylemi olan postmodernite, yirminci yüzyılın ikinci yarısında özellikle Fransız felsefe geleneğinde etkili olan felsefi bir kavramdır. Postmodernite sözlük anlamıyla modernite sonrasını tanımlamada kullanılsa da felsefi anlamda modernite sonrasından daha çok, modernitenin yeniden yazılması veya sorgulanması anlamında ona karşıt olan bir süreci değil onun içinde gerçekleşen bir dönüşümü tanımlamada kullanılır. Bu anlamda postmodernite modernite karşıtı olmayıp, modernitenin totaliter tezlerine, bilimle temellenen üstanlatılarına yönelik bir kuşku ve sorgulamadır. Lyotard’a göre postmodernite modernitenin bilgi ve bilim alanında kurduğu tümel ve dışlayıcı üstanlatılarını sorgulayarak, totaliter dil oyunlarında değişim ve dönüşümü ifade eder. Filozofa göre postmodernite modernitenin totaliter üstanlatılarına bağlı söylemlerinden, dil oyunlarının veya söylem türlerinin çokluğuna geçiştir. Postmodernite söylem türleri arasında özellikle bilimsel bilginin üstünlüğüne dayalı hiyerarşik, otoriter dil yapılarını bozarak; onun yerine fark ve çokluğun anlatısına dayalı söylem türlerini oluşturur. Bu çalışmada modernitenin bilgi ve bilim alanındaki üstanlatılarını neden ve nasıl yitirdiği; buna bağlı olarak da postmodernitede fark ve çokluğun söyleminin neden ve nasıl olanaklı olduğu Lyotard felsefesi bağlamında değerlendirilecektir.


  • Lyotard Jean-François, The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, translation from French by Geoff Bennington and Brian Massumi, published by Manchester University Press, Manchester: 1984.
  • Lyotard Jean-François, Postmodern Durum, çev. İsmet Birkan, Bilgesu Yayıncılık, Ankara: 2013.
  • Lyotard Jean-François, Libidinal Ekonomi, çev. Emre Sünter, Birinci Baskı, Hil Yayın, İstanbul: 2011.
  • Lyotard Jean-François, Postmodern Fables, translated by Georges Van Den Abbeele, University of Minnesota Press, third printing, London: 2003.
  • Lyotard Jean-François, Toward The Postmodern, edited by Robert Harvey and Mark S. Roberts, Humanity Books, New York: 1993.
  • Lyotard Jean-François, “On a Figure of Discourse”, Toward The Postmodern, translated by Mark S. Roberts, edited by Robert Harvey and Mark S. Roberts, Humanity Books, New York: 1996.
  • Lyotard Jean-François, The Differend-Phrases in Dispute, translation by Georges Van Den Abbeele, Manchester University Press, Manchester: 1988.
  • Lyotard Jean-François, The Inhuman: Reflections on Time, translated by Geoffrey Bennington and Rachel Bowlby, Polity Press, Cambridge: 1991. Malpas Simon, Jean-François Lyotard, Routledge, London and New York: 2005.
  • Platon, Sofist, çev. Furkan Akderin, Say, İstanbul: 2012.
  • Ramazanoğlu Caroline, “Saying Goodbye to Emancipation” where Lyotard leaves feminism, and where feminist leave Lyotard, The Politics of F. Lyotard, edited by
  • Chris Rojek and Bryan S. Turner, London: Routledge, 1988, pp. 63-83, Readings Bill, Introducing Lyotard Art and Politics, Routledge, London: 1991.
  • Rojeck Chris, “Lyotard and Decline of Society”, The Politics of Lyotard, edited by Chris Rojek and Bryan S. Turner, Routledge, London and New York: 1998, pp. 10-24.
  • Smart Barry, “The Politics of Difference and The Problem of Justice”, The Politics of Lyotard, edited by Chris Rojek and Bryan S. Turner, Routledge, London and New York: 1998, pp. 43-62


Year 2015, Issue: 3, 106 - 137, 01.07.2015


Postmodernity, which is the discourse of difference and multitude in the philosophical sense, is a philosophical concept that has been particularly effective on the French philosophical tradition during the second half of the twentieth century. Although postmodernity is used to define after modernity in the dictionary form, in the philosophical sense, more than after modernity, it is used to describe a transformation taking place in it, not a process against modernity in the sense of rewriting and questioning modernity. In this sense, postmodernity is not the opposite of modernity; it is a suspicion and inquiry for the totalitarian thesis and grand narratives of modernity based on science. According to Lyotard, postmodernity expresses the change and transformation in the totalitarian language games by questioning the universal and exclusionist grand narratives that modernity has established in the fields of knowledge and science. According to the philosopher, postmodernity is transition of modernity from discourses depending on the totalitarian grand narratives to multiplicity of the language games or discourse types. Among discourse types of postmodernity, especially by breaking the hierarchical, authoritarian language structures based on superiority of the scientific knowledge, it creates discourse types based on narrative of difference and multitude instead of it. In this study, it will be evaluated, in the context of Lyotard’s philosophy, why and how modernity lost its grand narratives in the fields of knowledge and science, and accordingly, why and how the discourse of difference and multitude is possible in postmodernity.


  • Lyotard Jean-François, The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, translation from French by Geoff Bennington and Brian Massumi, published by Manchester University Press, Manchester: 1984.
  • Lyotard Jean-François, Postmodern Durum, çev. İsmet Birkan, Bilgesu Yayıncılık, Ankara: 2013.
  • Lyotard Jean-François, Libidinal Ekonomi, çev. Emre Sünter, Birinci Baskı, Hil Yayın, İstanbul: 2011.
  • Lyotard Jean-François, Postmodern Fables, translated by Georges Van Den Abbeele, University of Minnesota Press, third printing, London: 2003.
  • Lyotard Jean-François, Toward The Postmodern, edited by Robert Harvey and Mark S. Roberts, Humanity Books, New York: 1993.
  • Lyotard Jean-François, “On a Figure of Discourse”, Toward The Postmodern, translated by Mark S. Roberts, edited by Robert Harvey and Mark S. Roberts, Humanity Books, New York: 1996.
  • Lyotard Jean-François, The Differend-Phrases in Dispute, translation by Georges Van Den Abbeele, Manchester University Press, Manchester: 1988.
  • Lyotard Jean-François, The Inhuman: Reflections on Time, translated by Geoffrey Bennington and Rachel Bowlby, Polity Press, Cambridge: 1991. Malpas Simon, Jean-François Lyotard, Routledge, London and New York: 2005.
  • Platon, Sofist, çev. Furkan Akderin, Say, İstanbul: 2012.
  • Ramazanoğlu Caroline, “Saying Goodbye to Emancipation” where Lyotard leaves feminism, and where feminist leave Lyotard, The Politics of F. Lyotard, edited by
  • Chris Rojek and Bryan S. Turner, London: Routledge, 1988, pp. 63-83, Readings Bill, Introducing Lyotard Art and Politics, Routledge, London: 1991.
  • Rojeck Chris, “Lyotard and Decline of Society”, The Politics of Lyotard, edited by Chris Rojek and Bryan S. Turner, Routledge, London and New York: 1998, pp. 10-24.
  • Smart Barry, “The Politics of Difference and The Problem of Justice”, The Politics of Lyotard, edited by Chris Rojek and Bryan S. Turner, Routledge, London and New York: 1998, pp. 43-62
There are 13 citations in total.


Other ID JA22AC76HC
Journal Section Articles

Sinan Kılıç This is me

Publication Date July 1, 2015
Submission Date July 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Issue: 3


Chicago Kılıç, Sinan. “LYOTARD: FARK VE ÇOKLUĞUN ANLATISI POSTMODERNITE”. Temaşa Erciyes Üniversitesi Felsefe Bölümü Dergisi, no. 3 (July 2015): 106-37.