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Çoklu İlaç Dirençli Salmonella Suşlarının Tanısı

Year 2012, Volume: 69 Issue: 4, 201 - 212, 01.12.2012


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, Ankara başta olmak üzere, Türkiye’nin değişik bölgelerindeki çeşitli market ve üreticilerinden alınan toplam 217 gıda örneğinde Salmonella sp. varlığı araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada kullanılan Salmonella suşları, farklı bölgelerde bulunan kasap ve marketlerde satışa sunulan gıda örneklerinden izole edilmiştir. Kullanılan bu hayvansal kaynaklı gıda örnekleri dana eti 99 örnek , koyun eti 13 örnek , tavuk eti 104 örnek ve süttür. İzole edilen suşlar biyokimyasal testlerle doğrulanmıştır. Salmonella tanısı konulan ve kültür koleksiyonuna alınan örneklerde antimikrobiyel ajanlara karşı duyarlılık düzeylerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Salmonella sp. varlığı, Uluslararası Standartlar Ofisi’nin önerdiği yöntem ISO6972: 2002 kullanılarak araştırılmıştır. API 20E testleri sonucunda toplam 41 izolat Salmonella sp. olarak tanımlanmıştır. Salmonella suşlarının antibiyotik dirençlilik profilleri disk difüzyon ve kritik dilüsyon testleri kullanılarak belirlenmiştir.Bulgular: Çalışmalar sonucunda 41 farklı örnekte Salmonella izolasyonu gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu 41 izolatın %25’ inin kaynağı dana eti, %75’ inin kaynağı ise tavuk eti örnekleridir. Aynı zamanda bu 41 izolatın tamamı çoklu ilaç dirençlilik profili sergilemiştir. Tüm suşlarda en yüksek dirençlilik düzeyleri kanamisin R>512 μg/mL ve nalidiksik asit R>512 μg/mL ’e karşı tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç: Piyasada açıkta satışa sunulan et örneklerinde Salmonella bulunma sıklığı, tavuk etlerinde diğer örneklere oranla çok yüksek bulunmuştur. Bu bulgular, açıkta satılan özellikle tavuk etlerinin sınırlandırılması ve ayrıca hijyen kontrollerinin daha sık yapılması zorunluluğuna işaret etmektedir. Türkiye’de piyasaya sunulan et örneklerinden izole edilen 41 Salmonella suşunun tamamının çoklu ilaç dirençlilik özelliği göstermesi, bu sorunun ülkemiz için ne derece önemli olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Özellikle hayvan beslemede antibiyotik kullanımının kontrolsüz oluşu, bu sorunun ana kaynağını teşkil etmektedir. Bu sonuçlar; gıda üretiminde antibiyotiklerin kullanımının kontrolünde yeni stratejilerin gerekliliğini ön plana çıkarmaktadır


  • 1. White DG, Zhao S, Sudler R, Ayers S, Friedman S, Chen S, et al. The isolation of antibiotic resistant Salmonella from retail ground meat. N Engl J Med, 2001; 345: 1147-54.
  • 2. Carattoli A, Tosini F, Giles WP, Rupp ME, Hinrichs SH, Angulo FJ, et al. Characterization of plasmids carrying CMY-2 from expanded-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant Salmonella strains isolated in the United States between 1996 and 1998. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2002; 46: 1269–72.
  • 3. Erol İ. Hayvansal gıdalardan kaynaklanan Salmonella infeksiyonları. İnfeks. Derg, 1999; 13: 123-127.
  • 4. Erdem B, Ercis S, Hascelik G, Gur D, Gedikoglu S, Aysev AD, ve ark. Antimicrobial resistance patterns and serotype distribution among Salmonella enterica strains in Turkey, 2000-2002. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis, 2005; 24: 220-5.
  • 5. Yazıcıoğlu N, Kaya K, Ayaz K, Şen S, Özkök S, Aksoy M, et al. Kanatlı kesimhanelerinin parçalama ünitelerinden alınan boyun ve kanat örneklerinden Salmonella izolasyonu, serotiplermesi ve antibiyotik dirençliliğinin araştırılması. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 2005; 16: 23-36.
  • 6. Avşaroğlu MD, Helmuth R, Junker E, Hertwig S, Schroeter A, Akçelik M, et al. Plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance conferred by qnrS1 in Salmonella enterica serovar Virchow isolated from Turkish food of avian origin. J Antimicrob Chemother, 2007; 60: 1146-50.
  • 7. Anonymous. Performance standards for antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), PA, USA. 18th informational suplement, 2008; M100-S18 940.
  • 8. Schwarz S, Chaslus-Dancla E. Use of antimicrobials in veterinary medicine and mechanisms of resistance. Vet Res, 2001; 32 (3-4): 201-25.
  • 9. Stürenburg E, Mack D. Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases: implications for the clinical microbiology laboratory, therapy, and infection control. J Infect, 2003; 47(4) :273-95.
  • 10. Batchelor M, Clifton-Hadley FA, Stallwood AD, Paiba GA, Davies RH, Liebana E. Detection of multiple cephalosporin-resistant Escherichia coli from a cattle fecal sample in Great Britain. Microb Drug Resist, 2005; 11 (1) :58-61.
  • 11. Randall LP, Cooles SW, Osborn MK, Piddock LJV and Woodward MJ. Antibiotic resistance genes, integrons and multiple antibiotic resistance in thirty-five serotypes of Salmonella enterica isolated from humans and animals in the UK. J Antimicrob Chemother, 2004; 53: 208-16.
  • 12. Poirel L, Leviandier C and Nordmann P. Prevalence and genetic analysis of plasmid mediated quinolone resistance determinants qnrA and qnrS in Enterobacteriaceae in a French University Hospital. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2006; 50: 3992-7.
  • 13. Chen YT, Shu HY, Li LH, Liao TL, Wu KM, Shiau YR, et al. Complete nucleotide sequence of pK245, a 98-kilobase plasmid conferring quinolone resistance and extended-spectrum-beta-lactamase activity in a clinical Klebsiella pneumoniae isolate. Antimicrob Agents Chemother , 2006; 50: 3861-6.
  • 14. Kehrenberg C, Friederichs S, de Jong A, Michael GB and Schwarz S. Identification of the plasmid-borne quinolone resistance gene qnrS in Salmonella enterica serovar Infantis. J Antimicrob Chemother, 2006; 58: 18-22.
  • 15. Chessa D, Winter MG, Nuccio S, Tükel Ç and Bäumler AJ.. RosE represses Std fimbrial expression in Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium. Mol Microbiol, 2008; 68 (3): 573-87.
  • 16. Chessa D, Dorsey CW, Winter M and Bäumler AJ. Binding Specificity of Salmonella Plasmid-encoded Fimbriae Assessed by Glycomics. J Biol Chem, 2008; 283 (13): 8118–24.
  • 17. Ngwai YB, Adachi Y, Ogawa Y and Hara H. Characterization of biofilm-forming abilities of antibiotic-resistant Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 on hydrophobic abiotic surfaces. J Microbiol Immunol Infect, 2006; 39 (4): 278-291.
  • 18. Lapierre L, Cornejo J, Borie C, Toro C and San Martin B. Genetic Characterisation of Antibiotic Resistance Genes Linked to Class 1 and Class 2 Integrons in Commensal Strains of Escherichia coli isolated from Poultry ans Swine. Microb Drug Resist, 2008; 14: 265-72.
  • 19. Liebana E, Clouting C, Cassar CA, Randall LP, Walker RA, Threlfall EJ, et al. Comparison of gyrA mutations, cyclohexane resistance, and the presence of class I integrons in Salmonella enterica from farm animals in England and Wales. J Clin Microbiol, 2002; 40 (4): 1481–6.
  • 20. Malorny B, Schroeter A, Guerra B and Helmuth R. Incidence of quinolone resistance in strains of Salmonella isolated from poultry, cattle and pigs in Germany between 1998 and 2001. Veterinary Record, 2003; 22: 643-8.
  • 21. Marimón JM, Gomáriz M, Zigorraga C, Cila G and Perez-Trallero E. Increasing Prevalance of Quinolone Resistance in Human Nontyphoid Salmonella enterica Isolates Obtained in Spain from 1983 to 2003. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2004; 48: 3789-93.
  • 22. Şenses Z, Baysallar M, Aydoğan H, Güçlü AU ve Doğancı L. Kan ve dışkı örneklerinden izole edilen Salmonella izolatlarının antibiyotik dirençlilikleri. Gülhane Tıp Derg, 2007; 49: 141-6.
  • 23. Nógrády N, Tóth A, Kostyák A, Pászti J and Nagy B. Emergence of multidrug-resistant clones of Salmonella Infantis in broiler chickens and humans in Hungary. J Antimicrob Chemother, 2007; 60: 645-8.
  • 24. Nógrády N, Kardos G, Bistyák A, Turcsányi I, Mészáros J, Galántai Z, et al. Prevalence and characterization of Salmonella Infantis isolates originating from different points of the broiler chicken-human food chain in Hungary. Int J Food Microbiol, 2008; 127: 162-7.
  • 25. Shahada F, Sugiyama H, Chuma T, Sueyoshi M and Okamoto K. Genetic analysis of multidrug resistance and the clonal dissemination of β-lactam resistance in Salmonella Infantis isolated from broilers. Vet Microbiol, 2009; in Press.
  • 26. Schroeter A, Hoog B and Helmuth R. Resistance of Salmonella isolates in Germany. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series B, 2004; 51: 389-92.
  • 27. Helms M, Ethelberg S, Molbak K and the DT104 Study Group. International Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 Infections, 1992-2001. Emerg Infect Dis, 2005; 11 (6): 859-67.
  • 28. Serdaroğlu E, Ersoy B, Atlıhan F, Aydoğan A ve Serçin B. Salmonella infeksiyonlu 127 olgunun değerlendirilmesi. İnfeks. Derg, 1996; 10: 333-6.
  • 29. Küplülü Ö. Sığır karkaslarında Salmonella kontaminasyonu ve serotip dağılımı. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 1999; 46: 25-34.
  • 30. Anğ-Küçüker M, Tolun V, Helmuth R, Rabsch W, Boral Ö, Akbulut D, et al. Phage types, antibiotic susceptibilities and plasmid profiles of Salmonella typhimurium and Salmonella enteritidis strains isolated in İstanbul, Turkey. Clin Microbiol Infect, 2000; 6: 593-9.

Identification of Multi Drug Resistant Salmonella Strains

Year 2012, Volume: 69 Issue: 4, 201 - 212, 01.12.2012


Objective: In this study, a total of 217 food samples obtained from various grocery stores and manufacturers found in different regions in Turkey, especially in Ankara, were analysed for presence of Salmonella sp. Salmonella strains used in this study were isolated from the food samples sold in butchers and supermarkets located at different regions. Food samples which are of animal origin are veal 99 samples , mutton 13 samples , chicken 104 samples and milk samples. Isolated strains were confirmed by biochemical tests. We aimed to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility levels of samples against antimicrobial agents, identified as Salmonella and placed into the culture collection. Method: Presence of Salmonella sp. was analysed according to the method determined by International Standarts Office ISO6972: 2002 . As a result of API 20E tests, totally 41 isolates were identified as Salmonella sp. Antibiotic resistance pattern of the Salmonella strains were revealed by using disc diffusion and critical dilution tests. Results: As a result of study Salmonella isolation was performed with 41 different samples. While the 25% of these 41 isolates were source of veal, the other 75% were source of chicken samples. At the same time all of these tested 41 strains exhibited a multi-drug resistance profile. The highest resistance levels at all tested strains were determined against kanamycin R>512 μg/mL and nalidixic acid R>512 μg/mL for all strains. Conclusion: The frequency of Salmonella in the chicken meat was found higher compared to the other meat samples offered for sale in the market. These findings suggest the limitate open meat sold, especially the chicken meat, and also points obligation of frequent hygiene controls. Showing the feature of multiple drug resistance of all 41 Salmonella strains isolated from the meat samples offered to the market in Turkey, indicates that how important is this problem for our country. Especially, the uncontrolled use of antibiotics in animal nutrition constitutes the main source of this problem. These results show the need for new strategies for controlling the use of antibiotics in food production.


  • 1. White DG, Zhao S, Sudler R, Ayers S, Friedman S, Chen S, et al. The isolation of antibiotic resistant Salmonella from retail ground meat. N Engl J Med, 2001; 345: 1147-54.
  • 2. Carattoli A, Tosini F, Giles WP, Rupp ME, Hinrichs SH, Angulo FJ, et al. Characterization of plasmids carrying CMY-2 from expanded-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant Salmonella strains isolated in the United States between 1996 and 1998. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2002; 46: 1269–72.
  • 3. Erol İ. Hayvansal gıdalardan kaynaklanan Salmonella infeksiyonları. İnfeks. Derg, 1999; 13: 123-127.
  • 4. Erdem B, Ercis S, Hascelik G, Gur D, Gedikoglu S, Aysev AD, ve ark. Antimicrobial resistance patterns and serotype distribution among Salmonella enterica strains in Turkey, 2000-2002. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis, 2005; 24: 220-5.
  • 5. Yazıcıoğlu N, Kaya K, Ayaz K, Şen S, Özkök S, Aksoy M, et al. Kanatlı kesimhanelerinin parçalama ünitelerinden alınan boyun ve kanat örneklerinden Salmonella izolasyonu, serotiplermesi ve antibiyotik dirençliliğinin araştırılması. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 2005; 16: 23-36.
  • 6. Avşaroğlu MD, Helmuth R, Junker E, Hertwig S, Schroeter A, Akçelik M, et al. Plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance conferred by qnrS1 in Salmonella enterica serovar Virchow isolated from Turkish food of avian origin. J Antimicrob Chemother, 2007; 60: 1146-50.
  • 7. Anonymous. Performance standards for antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), PA, USA. 18th informational suplement, 2008; M100-S18 940.
  • 8. Schwarz S, Chaslus-Dancla E. Use of antimicrobials in veterinary medicine and mechanisms of resistance. Vet Res, 2001; 32 (3-4): 201-25.
  • 9. Stürenburg E, Mack D. Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases: implications for the clinical microbiology laboratory, therapy, and infection control. J Infect, 2003; 47(4) :273-95.
  • 10. Batchelor M, Clifton-Hadley FA, Stallwood AD, Paiba GA, Davies RH, Liebana E. Detection of multiple cephalosporin-resistant Escherichia coli from a cattle fecal sample in Great Britain. Microb Drug Resist, 2005; 11 (1) :58-61.
  • 11. Randall LP, Cooles SW, Osborn MK, Piddock LJV and Woodward MJ. Antibiotic resistance genes, integrons and multiple antibiotic resistance in thirty-five serotypes of Salmonella enterica isolated from humans and animals in the UK. J Antimicrob Chemother, 2004; 53: 208-16.
  • 12. Poirel L, Leviandier C and Nordmann P. Prevalence and genetic analysis of plasmid mediated quinolone resistance determinants qnrA and qnrS in Enterobacteriaceae in a French University Hospital. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2006; 50: 3992-7.
  • 13. Chen YT, Shu HY, Li LH, Liao TL, Wu KM, Shiau YR, et al. Complete nucleotide sequence of pK245, a 98-kilobase plasmid conferring quinolone resistance and extended-spectrum-beta-lactamase activity in a clinical Klebsiella pneumoniae isolate. Antimicrob Agents Chemother , 2006; 50: 3861-6.
  • 14. Kehrenberg C, Friederichs S, de Jong A, Michael GB and Schwarz S. Identification of the plasmid-borne quinolone resistance gene qnrS in Salmonella enterica serovar Infantis. J Antimicrob Chemother, 2006; 58: 18-22.
  • 15. Chessa D, Winter MG, Nuccio S, Tükel Ç and Bäumler AJ.. RosE represses Std fimbrial expression in Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium. Mol Microbiol, 2008; 68 (3): 573-87.
  • 16. Chessa D, Dorsey CW, Winter M and Bäumler AJ. Binding Specificity of Salmonella Plasmid-encoded Fimbriae Assessed by Glycomics. J Biol Chem, 2008; 283 (13): 8118–24.
  • 17. Ngwai YB, Adachi Y, Ogawa Y and Hara H. Characterization of biofilm-forming abilities of antibiotic-resistant Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 on hydrophobic abiotic surfaces. J Microbiol Immunol Infect, 2006; 39 (4): 278-291.
  • 18. Lapierre L, Cornejo J, Borie C, Toro C and San Martin B. Genetic Characterisation of Antibiotic Resistance Genes Linked to Class 1 and Class 2 Integrons in Commensal Strains of Escherichia coli isolated from Poultry ans Swine. Microb Drug Resist, 2008; 14: 265-72.
  • 19. Liebana E, Clouting C, Cassar CA, Randall LP, Walker RA, Threlfall EJ, et al. Comparison of gyrA mutations, cyclohexane resistance, and the presence of class I integrons in Salmonella enterica from farm animals in England and Wales. J Clin Microbiol, 2002; 40 (4): 1481–6.
  • 20. Malorny B, Schroeter A, Guerra B and Helmuth R. Incidence of quinolone resistance in strains of Salmonella isolated from poultry, cattle and pigs in Germany between 1998 and 2001. Veterinary Record, 2003; 22: 643-8.
  • 21. Marimón JM, Gomáriz M, Zigorraga C, Cila G and Perez-Trallero E. Increasing Prevalance of Quinolone Resistance in Human Nontyphoid Salmonella enterica Isolates Obtained in Spain from 1983 to 2003. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2004; 48: 3789-93.
  • 22. Şenses Z, Baysallar M, Aydoğan H, Güçlü AU ve Doğancı L. Kan ve dışkı örneklerinden izole edilen Salmonella izolatlarının antibiyotik dirençlilikleri. Gülhane Tıp Derg, 2007; 49: 141-6.
  • 23. Nógrády N, Tóth A, Kostyák A, Pászti J and Nagy B. Emergence of multidrug-resistant clones of Salmonella Infantis in broiler chickens and humans in Hungary. J Antimicrob Chemother, 2007; 60: 645-8.
  • 24. Nógrády N, Kardos G, Bistyák A, Turcsányi I, Mészáros J, Galántai Z, et al. Prevalence and characterization of Salmonella Infantis isolates originating from different points of the broiler chicken-human food chain in Hungary. Int J Food Microbiol, 2008; 127: 162-7.
  • 25. Shahada F, Sugiyama H, Chuma T, Sueyoshi M and Okamoto K. Genetic analysis of multidrug resistance and the clonal dissemination of β-lactam resistance in Salmonella Infantis isolated from broilers. Vet Microbiol, 2009; in Press.
  • 26. Schroeter A, Hoog B and Helmuth R. Resistance of Salmonella isolates in Germany. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series B, 2004; 51: 389-92.
  • 27. Helms M, Ethelberg S, Molbak K and the DT104 Study Group. International Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 Infections, 1992-2001. Emerg Infect Dis, 2005; 11 (6): 859-67.
  • 28. Serdaroğlu E, Ersoy B, Atlıhan F, Aydoğan A ve Serçin B. Salmonella infeksiyonlu 127 olgunun değerlendirilmesi. İnfeks. Derg, 1996; 10: 333-6.
  • 29. Küplülü Ö. Sığır karkaslarında Salmonella kontaminasyonu ve serotip dağılımı. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 1999; 46: 25-34.
  • 30. Anğ-Küçüker M, Tolun V, Helmuth R, Rabsch W, Boral Ö, Akbulut D, et al. Phage types, antibiotic susceptibilities and plasmid profiles of Salmonella typhimurium and Salmonella enteritidis strains isolated in İstanbul, Turkey. Clin Microbiol Infect, 2000; 6: 593-9.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Burcu Yener This is me

Nefise Akçelik This is me

Pınar Şanlıbaba This is me

Mustafa Akçelik This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 69 Issue: 4


APA Yener, B., Akçelik, N., Şanlıbaba, P., Akçelik, M. (2012). Çoklu İlaç Dirençli Salmonella Suşlarının Tanısı. Türk Hijyen Ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi, 69(4), 201-212.
AMA Yener B, Akçelik N, Şanlıbaba P, Akçelik M. Çoklu İlaç Dirençli Salmonella Suşlarının Tanısı. Turk Hij Den Biyol Derg. December 2012;69(4):201-212.
Chicago Yener, Burcu, Nefise Akçelik, Pınar Şanlıbaba, and Mustafa Akçelik. “Çoklu İlaç Dirençli Salmonella Suşlarının Tanısı”. Türk Hijyen Ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi 69, no. 4 (December 2012): 201-12.
EndNote Yener B, Akçelik N, Şanlıbaba P, Akçelik M (December 1, 2012) Çoklu İlaç Dirençli Salmonella Suşlarının Tanısı. Türk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi 69 4 201–212.
IEEE B. Yener, N. Akçelik, P. Şanlıbaba, and M. Akçelik, “Çoklu İlaç Dirençli Salmonella Suşlarının Tanısı”, Turk Hij Den Biyol Derg, vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 201–212, 2012.
ISNAD Yener, Burcu et al. “Çoklu İlaç Dirençli Salmonella Suşlarının Tanısı”. Türk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi 69/4 (December 2012), 201-212.
JAMA Yener B, Akçelik N, Şanlıbaba P, Akçelik M. Çoklu İlaç Dirençli Salmonella Suşlarının Tanısı. Turk Hij Den Biyol Derg. 2012;69:201–212.
MLA Yener, Burcu et al. “Çoklu İlaç Dirençli Salmonella Suşlarının Tanısı”. Türk Hijyen Ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi, vol. 69, no. 4, 2012, pp. 201-12.
Vancouver Yener B, Akçelik N, Şanlıbaba P, Akçelik M. Çoklu İlaç Dirençli Salmonella Suşlarının Tanısı. Turk Hij Den Biyol Derg. 2012;69(4):201-12.