Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 3/16/24

Year: 2024

Theatre Academy aims to stimulate research on theory and practice with contributions in the fields of dramatic literature and performance. The journal seeks to publish academic research which is invigorating and cutting-edge in its arguments and sheds a new light on discussions of theatre and drama.

Theatre Academy welcomes research papers, book and performance reviews, and interviews besides conference and symposium reports. It encourages innovative and critical works and discussion of emerging tendencies on world stages. Authors should note that if the manuscripts are not of utmost originality or formerly published, they will not be considered for peer review.

Theatre Academy is a double-anonymous, peer-reviewed electronic journal published twice per year in March and September by Atatürk University’s Department of English Language and Literature. Founded in 2023, Theatre Academy covers all aspects of theatre and performance across the world and publishes research articles, book and performance reviews, interviews as well as symposium and conference reports. Translations may also be accepted for publication if the editor(s) rule that they contribute largely to the field of theatre. The journal accepts manuscripts both in Turkish and English.

All manuscripts are submitted via the Dergipark system and are subject to initial appraisal by the team of editors. If found suitable for further consideration, submissions are sent for double-blind peer review by at least two expert referees.

1. The manuscript must be original and should neither have been published before nor be under consideration for publication in another journal even in another language.
2. Authors must follow APA 6 for notes, citations, and works cited (notes must be used sparingly and appear as footnotes).
3. a. For research articles, manuscripts should be no less than 4000 and no more than 8000 words in length including the abstract, footnotes and works cited.

Copyright form can be found here in English and here in Turkish.
    b. For all other types of publication, manuscripts should be no less than 1000 and no more than 3000 words in length including the abstract, footnotes and works cited (if necessary).
4. Authors must use the Microsoft Word template provided here (Turkish manuscripts) and here (English manuscripts) to prepare their manuscript for research articles. For all other types of publication use Microsoft Word in your computer.

Manuscripts submitted to the journal are bound by national and international publication ethics. The responsibility of the articles sent to the journal in terms of publication ethics rests with the author. In articles with two or more authors, the responsibility is on all authors. The views and opinions expressed in the manuscripts belong to the author/authors and do not reflect the views of the journal and the institution.

Author(s) must ensure the accuracy and truthfulness of the data used in their manuscript.

Authors must ensure that their manuscript has not been published elsewhere or has not been accepted for publication in any other journal.

Authors have to follow the related national and international rules and regulations, if their studies include animal and/or human subjects (for example, WMA Helsinki Declaration, PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, The EU Directive on the Use of Animals); to prove that the necessary permissions and approvals are provided; to respect the privacy of subjects/participants.

If the manuscripts submitted to be published are subject to conflicting interests or relations, these must be shared with the editor. If it is seen necessary, provide an annex or error proclaim or withdraw the manuscript.

During the peer-reviewing process, authors might be required to provide the raw data they used in their studies to the Editorial Board. They are expected to share the relevant data with the Editorial Board and to keep safe all relevant data at least for five years.

Author(s) must inform the editor of the journal if they notice a mistake in their manuscript which is in the early release or publication process and to cooperate with the editors during the correction or withdrawal process.

In order to determine scientific originality, quality and whether there is any plagiarism, articles are subject to plagiarism review through Turnitin or iThenticate programs.

The use of intellectual and artistic works of others in the manuscripts must be in compliance with the copyright regulations.

Copyright form can be found  here in English

Here in Turkish

No fee required.

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