Year 2024,
Volume: 10 Issue: 5, 1149 - 1163, 10.09.2024
Rida Y. Nuwayhid
Mohamad S. Rahal
Yamen Z. Makarem
Roger R. Achkar
- [1] International Energy Agency (IEA). TCP PVPS Snapshot of Global PV Markets 2022. Report IEA-PVPS T1-42: 2022. Available at: Accessed Aug 14, 2024.
- [2] Chavez-Erbiola EA, Vorobiev YuV, Bulat LP. Solar hybrid systems with thermoelectric generators. Sol Energy 2012;86:369–378. [CrossRef]
- [3] Najafi H, Woodbury KA. Modeling and analysis of a combined photovoltaic-thermoelectric power generation system. J Sol Energy 2013;135:031013. [CrossRef]
- [4] Kane A, Verma V. Performance enhancement of building integrated photovoltaic module using thermoelectric cooling. Int J Renew Energy Res 2013;3:320–324.
- [5] Benghanem M, Al-Mashraqi AA, Daffallah KO. Performance of solar cells using thermoelectric modules in hot sites. Renew Energy 2016;89:51–59. [CrossRef]
- [6] Hadi MA, Yeo KS, Rafideh P. Thermoelectric cooling for solar PV. AIP Conf Proc 2023;2643:040005. [CrossRef]
- [7] Kayabasi R, Kaya M. Effect of module temperature on module efficiency in photovoltaic modules and recovery of photovoltaic module heat by thermoelectric effect. J Therm Engineer 2023;9:191–204. [CrossRef]
- [8] Sahin AZ, Ismaila KG, Yilbas BS, Al-Sharafi A. A review on the performance of photovoltaic/thermoelectric hybrid generators. Intl J Energy Res 2020;44:3365–3394. [CrossRef]
- [9] Tyagi K, Gahtori B, Kumar S, Dhakate SR. Advances in solar thermoelectric and photovoltaic-thermoelectric systems for power generation. Sol Energy 2023;254:195–212. [CrossRef]
- [10] Chandel R, Chandel SS, Prasad D, Dwivedi RP. Review on thermoelectric systems for enhancing photovoltaic power generation. Sustain Energy Technol Assess 2022;53:102585. [CrossRef]
- [11] Kraemer D, Hu L, Muto A, Chen X, Chen G, Chiesa M. Photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybrid systems: A general optimization methodology. Appl Phys Lett 2008;92:243503. [CrossRef]
- [12] Yonglian L, Witharana S, Cao H, Lasfargues M, Huang Y, Ding Y. Wide spectrum energy harvesting through an integrated photovoltaic and thermoelectric system. Particuol 2014;15:39–44. [CrossRef]
- [13] Kandil AA, Awad MA, Sultan GI, Salem M. Performance of a PV/TE general hybrid system with a beam splitter under maximum operating conditions. Energ Conver Manage 2023;280:116795. [CrossRef]
- [14] Von Sark WGJHM. Feasibility of photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybrid modules. Appl Energy 2011;88:2785–2790. [CrossRef]
- [15] Park KT, Shin SM, Tazebay AS, Um HD, Jung JY, Jee SW, et al. Lossless hybridization between photovoltaic and thermoelectric devices. Sci Rep 2013;3:2123. [CrossRef]
- [16] Lorenzi B, Mariani P, Reale A, Di Carlo A, Chen G, Narducci D. Practical development of efficient thermoelectric – Photovoltaic hybrid systems based on wide-gap solar cells. Appl Energy 2021;300:117343. [CrossRef]
- [17] Bjork R, Nielsen KK. The performance of a combined solar photovoltaic (PV) and thermoelectric generator (TEG). Sol Energy 2015;120:187–194. [CrossRef]
- [18] Bjork R, Nielsen KK. The maximum theoretical performance of unconcentrated solar photovoltaic and thermoelectric generator systems. Energ Conver Manage 2018;93:151–159. [CrossRef]
- [19] Wang N, Han L, He H, Park NH, Koumoto K. A novel high-performance photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybrid device. Energ Environ Sci 2011;4:3676–3679.
- [20] Lamba R, Kaushik SC. Modelling and performance analysis of a concentrated photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybrid power generation system. Energ Conver Manage 2016;115:288–298. [CrossRef]
- [21] Chandan D, Arunachala, Varun K. Improved energy conversion of a photovoltaic module-thermoelectric generator hybrid system with different cooling techniques: Indoor and outdoor performance comparison. Int J Energy Res 2022;46:9498–520. [CrossRef]
- [22] Yin E, Li Q. High efficiency dynamic lossless coupling of a spectrum splitting photovoltaic-thermoelectric system. Energy 2023;282:128294. [CrossRef]
- [23] Shockley W, Queisser HJ. Detailed balance limit of efficiency of p-n junction solar cells. J Appl Phys 1961;32:510–519. [CrossRef]
- [24] Skoplaki E, Palyvos J. On the temperature dependence of photovoltaic module electrical performance, a review of efficiency/power correlations. Sol Energy 2009;83:614–624. [CrossRef]
- [25] Cengel Y, Boles M, Kanoglu M. Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach. 9th ed. New York: McGraw Hill Education; 2018.
- [26] Lee HS. Thermoelectrics: Design and Materials. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Ltd; 2017.
Thermal analysis of photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybrids
Year 2024,
Volume: 10 Issue: 5, 1149 - 1163, 10.09.2024
Rida Y. Nuwayhid
Mohamad S. Rahal
Yamen Z. Makarem
Roger R. Achkar
There continues to be considerable research on the adverse effect of photovoltaic (PV) panel temperature on its power production. Aside from attempting to minimize heating up of the panel by providing heat sinks and the like, several studies looked into using the unconverted heat as an input to a Thermoelectric generator residing below the PV panel and questionably generating additional power. Using simple steady energy balances, simplified steady thermal models of PV panels, individually or thermally-in-series coupled to heat engines are studied. The nodal energy equations are solved to ascertain resulting temperatures and efficiencies under different insolations. After establishing a simplified model for a lone PV panel, a PV panel with an added thermoelectric generator attached to its back side is studied. Solving the associated steady energy equations, the photovoltaic-thermoelectric system is found to have a smaller than expected advantage in net power, no more than 4.15 %, over the lone PV panel and then only at high insolation’s and concentrations. The implication of this work is that hybridizing a PV panel by bottoming it with a thermoelectric generator is not quite attractive except possibly at higher solar concentrations. The margin to Increase the overall efficiency of a photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybrid by improving the thermoelectric-figure-of-merit does not appear to be significant although further consideration of thermoelectric materials may be required.
- [1] International Energy Agency (IEA). TCP PVPS Snapshot of Global PV Markets 2022. Report IEA-PVPS T1-42: 2022. Available at: Accessed Aug 14, 2024.
- [2] Chavez-Erbiola EA, Vorobiev YuV, Bulat LP. Solar hybrid systems with thermoelectric generators. Sol Energy 2012;86:369–378. [CrossRef]
- [3] Najafi H, Woodbury KA. Modeling and analysis of a combined photovoltaic-thermoelectric power generation system. J Sol Energy 2013;135:031013. [CrossRef]
- [4] Kane A, Verma V. Performance enhancement of building integrated photovoltaic module using thermoelectric cooling. Int J Renew Energy Res 2013;3:320–324.
- [5] Benghanem M, Al-Mashraqi AA, Daffallah KO. Performance of solar cells using thermoelectric modules in hot sites. Renew Energy 2016;89:51–59. [CrossRef]
- [6] Hadi MA, Yeo KS, Rafideh P. Thermoelectric cooling for solar PV. AIP Conf Proc 2023;2643:040005. [CrossRef]
- [7] Kayabasi R, Kaya M. Effect of module temperature on module efficiency in photovoltaic modules and recovery of photovoltaic module heat by thermoelectric effect. J Therm Engineer 2023;9:191–204. [CrossRef]
- [8] Sahin AZ, Ismaila KG, Yilbas BS, Al-Sharafi A. A review on the performance of photovoltaic/thermoelectric hybrid generators. Intl J Energy Res 2020;44:3365–3394. [CrossRef]
- [9] Tyagi K, Gahtori B, Kumar S, Dhakate SR. Advances in solar thermoelectric and photovoltaic-thermoelectric systems for power generation. Sol Energy 2023;254:195–212. [CrossRef]
- [10] Chandel R, Chandel SS, Prasad D, Dwivedi RP. Review on thermoelectric systems for enhancing photovoltaic power generation. Sustain Energy Technol Assess 2022;53:102585. [CrossRef]
- [11] Kraemer D, Hu L, Muto A, Chen X, Chen G, Chiesa M. Photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybrid systems: A general optimization methodology. Appl Phys Lett 2008;92:243503. [CrossRef]
- [12] Yonglian L, Witharana S, Cao H, Lasfargues M, Huang Y, Ding Y. Wide spectrum energy harvesting through an integrated photovoltaic and thermoelectric system. Particuol 2014;15:39–44. [CrossRef]
- [13] Kandil AA, Awad MA, Sultan GI, Salem M. Performance of a PV/TE general hybrid system with a beam splitter under maximum operating conditions. Energ Conver Manage 2023;280:116795. [CrossRef]
- [14] Von Sark WGJHM. Feasibility of photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybrid modules. Appl Energy 2011;88:2785–2790. [CrossRef]
- [15] Park KT, Shin SM, Tazebay AS, Um HD, Jung JY, Jee SW, et al. Lossless hybridization between photovoltaic and thermoelectric devices. Sci Rep 2013;3:2123. [CrossRef]
- [16] Lorenzi B, Mariani P, Reale A, Di Carlo A, Chen G, Narducci D. Practical development of efficient thermoelectric – Photovoltaic hybrid systems based on wide-gap solar cells. Appl Energy 2021;300:117343. [CrossRef]
- [17] Bjork R, Nielsen KK. The performance of a combined solar photovoltaic (PV) and thermoelectric generator (TEG). Sol Energy 2015;120:187–194. [CrossRef]
- [18] Bjork R, Nielsen KK. The maximum theoretical performance of unconcentrated solar photovoltaic and thermoelectric generator systems. Energ Conver Manage 2018;93:151–159. [CrossRef]
- [19] Wang N, Han L, He H, Park NH, Koumoto K. A novel high-performance photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybrid device. Energ Environ Sci 2011;4:3676–3679.
- [20] Lamba R, Kaushik SC. Modelling and performance analysis of a concentrated photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybrid power generation system. Energ Conver Manage 2016;115:288–298. [CrossRef]
- [21] Chandan D, Arunachala, Varun K. Improved energy conversion of a photovoltaic module-thermoelectric generator hybrid system with different cooling techniques: Indoor and outdoor performance comparison. Int J Energy Res 2022;46:9498–520. [CrossRef]
- [22] Yin E, Li Q. High efficiency dynamic lossless coupling of a spectrum splitting photovoltaic-thermoelectric system. Energy 2023;282:128294. [CrossRef]
- [23] Shockley W, Queisser HJ. Detailed balance limit of efficiency of p-n junction solar cells. J Appl Phys 1961;32:510–519. [CrossRef]
- [24] Skoplaki E, Palyvos J. On the temperature dependence of photovoltaic module electrical performance, a review of efficiency/power correlations. Sol Energy 2009;83:614–624. [CrossRef]
- [25] Cengel Y, Boles M, Kanoglu M. Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach. 9th ed. New York: McGraw Hill Education; 2018.
- [26] Lee HS. Thermoelectrics: Design and Materials. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Ltd; 2017.