Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 10 Issue: 5, 1226 - 1240, 10.09.2024



  • [1] Narendran V, Sivamani S, Hariram V, Gnanaprakash M, Raffiq AM, Kumar DS. Theoretical and numerical analysis of convective recuperator for an oil fired water tube boiler to improve the boiler performance. Indian J Sci Technol 2016;9:9. [CrossRef]
  • [2] Mahood HB, Campbell AN, Thorpe RB, Sharif AO. Heat transfer efficiency and capital cost evaluation of a three-phase direct contact heat exchanger for the utilisation of low-grade energy sources. Energy Conver Manag 2015;106:101–109. [CrossRef]
  • [3] Hasan SS, Baqir AS, Mahood HB. The effect of injected air bubble size on the thermal performance of a vertical shell and helical coiled tube heat exchanger. Energy Engineer 2021;118:1595–1609. [CrossRef]
  • [4] Baqir AS, Mahood HB, Kareem AR. Optimisation and evaluation of NTU and effectiveness of a helical coil tube heat exchanger with air injection. Therm Sci Engineer Prog 2019;14:100420. [CrossRef]
  • [5] Kreem AR, Baqir A, Mahood HB. Temperature distribution measurements along helical coiled tube heat exchanger with effect of air injection. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Engineering Conference (IEC2019); 2019. pp. 85–89. [CrossRef]
  • [6] Hasan SS, Baqir AS, Mahood HB. Improvement of thermal performance of coiled tube heat exchanger utilizing air bubble injection technique. IOP Conf Ser Earth Environ Sci 2021;877:12040. [CrossRef]
  • [7] Ajel M, Hussien FM, Faraj JJ. Acidic pretreatment of cellulose for bio methane production. J Univ Shanghai Sci Technol 2021;23:153–158. [CrossRef]
  • [8] Ganapathy V. Industrial Boilers and Heat Recovery Steam Generators. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press; 2002. [CrossRef]
  • [9] Babatunde D, Anozie A, Omoleye J, Babatunde O. An air-fuel ratio parametric assessment on efficiency and cost of a power plant steam boiler. Process Integr Optim Sustain 2021;5:561575. [CrossRef]
  • [10] Aguilar Vizcarra D, Esenarro D, Rodriguez C. Three steps mixed (Fire tube–water tube) vertical boiler to optimize thermal performance. Fluids 2021;6:116557. [CrossRef]
  • [11] Kouprianov V, Chullabodhi C, Kaewboonsong W. Cost based optimization of excess air for fuel oil/gas-fired steam boilers. Int Energy J 1999;21:83–91.
  • [12] Ozdemir E. Energy conservation opportunities with a variable speed controller in a boiler house. Appl Therm Engineer 2004;24:981–993. [CrossRef]
  • [13] Tanetsakunvatana V, Kuprianov VI. Experimental study on effects of operating conditions and fuel quality on thermal efficiency and emission performance of a 300-MW boiler unit firing Thai lignite. Fuel Process Technol 2007;88:199–206. [CrossRef]
  • [14] Al-Omari SB. Used engine lubrication oil as a renewable supplementary fuel for furnaces. Energy Conver Manage 2008;49:3648–3653. [CrossRef]
  • [15] Al-Omari SAB, Shaheen A, Al Fakhr A, Al-Hosani A, Al Yahyai M. Co-firing used engine lubrication oil with LPG in furnaces. Energy Conver Manage 2010;51:1259–1263. [CrossRef]
  • [16] Ghorbani A, Bazooyar B, Shariati A, Jokar SM, Ajami H, Naderi A. A comparative study of combustion performance and emission of biodiesel blends and diesel in an experimental boiler. Appl Energy 2011;88:4725–4732. [CrossRef]
  • [17] Osvaldo VM, Nicholas S, Daniel DR. Flashback Avoidance in swirling flow burners. Ing Invest Tecnol 2014;4:603–614. [CrossRef]
  • [18] Hasan KS, Khwayyir HHS, Abd Al-Wahid WA. Experimental investigation of the flame stability map (operating window) by using a tangential swirl burner for the confinement and unconfinement space. IOP Conf Ser Mater Sci Engineer 2020;928:022016. [CrossRef]
  • [19] Jangala SSL, Kakumani VSP, Vunnam NS, Sreekanth PSR. A novel brass metal burner design for conventional LPG stove with convergent holes and swirl flow. Mater Today Proc 2022;56:1068–1074. [CrossRef]
  • [20] García-Contreras R, Martínez JD, Armas O, Murillo R, García T. Study of a residential boiler under start-transient conditions using a tire pyrolysis liquid (TPL)/diesel fuel blend. Fuel 2015;158:744–752. [CrossRef]
  • [21] Sungur B, Topaloglu B, Ozcan H. Effects of nanoparticle additives to diesel on the combustion performance and emissions of a flame tube boiler. Energy 2016;113:44–51. [CrossRef]
  • [22] Huang WC, Hou SS, Lin TH. Combustion characteristics of a 300 kWth oil-fired furnace using castor oil/diesel blended fuels. Fuel 2017;208:71–81. [CrossRef]
  • [23] Kotb A, Saad H. Case study for co and counter swirling domestic burners. Case Stud Therm Eng. 2018;11:98–104. [CrossRef]
  • [24] Mahfouz A, Emara A, Gad MS, El-fatih A, El-Sherif AF, Ayoub HS. Thermal flame spectroscopy of various diesel fuels and their blends with waste cooking oil through using coaxial burner. Egypt J Pet 2019;28:307–313. [CrossRef]
  • [25] Park HY, Han K, Kim HH, Park S, Jang J, Yu GS, et al. Comparisons of combustion characteristics between bioliquid and heavy fuel oil combustion in a 0.7 MWth pilot furnace and a 75 MWe utility boiler. Energy 2020;192:116557. [CrossRef]
  • [26] Bordbar MH, Hyppänen T. Modeling of radiation heat transfer in a boiler furnace. Adv Stud Theor Phys 2007;1:571–584.
  • [27] Pourramezan M, Kahrom M, Passandideh-Fard M. Numerical investigation on the lifetime decline of burners in a wall-fired dual-fuel utility boiler. Appl Therm Engineer 2015;82:141–151. [CrossRef]
  • [28] Liu Y, Fan W, Li Y. Numerical investigation of air-staged combustion emphasizing char gasification and gas temperature deviation in a large-scale, tangentially fired pulverized-coal boiler. Appl Energy 2016;177:323–334. [CrossRef]
  • [29] Adamczyk WP, Bialecki RA, Ditaranto M, Gladysz P, Haugen NEL, Katelbach-Wozniak A. CFD modeling and thermodynamic analysis of a concept of a MILD-OXY combustion large scale pulverized coal boiler. Energy 2017;140:1305–1315. [CrossRef]
  • [30] Maakala V, Järvinen M, Vuorinen V. Optimizing the heat transfer performance of the recovery boiler superheaters using simulated annealing, surrogate modeling, and computational fluid dynamics. Energy 2018;160:361–377. [CrossRef]
  • [31] Echi S, Bouabidi A, Driss Z, Abid MS. CFD simulation and optimization of industrial boiler. Energy 2019;169:105–114. [CrossRef]
  • [32] Hasan KS, Abd Al-Wahid WA, Khwayyir HHS. Flashback and combustion stability in swirl burners: Review paper. IOP Conf Ser Mater Sci Engineer 2020;928:022045. [CrossRef]
  • [33] Belošević S, Tomanović I, Crnomarković N, Milićević A. Full-scale CFD investigation of gas-particle flow, interactions and combustion in tangentially fired pulverized coal furnace. Energy 2019;179:1036–1053. [CrossRef]
  • [34] Fan JR, Liang XH, Chen LH, Cen KF. Modeling of NOx emissions from a W-shaped boiler furnace under different operating conditions. Energy 1998;23:1051–1055. [CrossRef]
  • [35] Xu M, Azevedo JLT, Carvalho MG. Modelling of the combustion process and NOx emission in a utility boiler. Fuel 2000;79:1611–1619. [CrossRef]
  • [36] Danon B, Swiderski A, De Jong W, Yang W, Roekaerts DJEM. Emission and efficiency comparison of different firing modes in a furnace with four HiTAC burners. Combust Sci Technol 2011;183:686–703. [CrossRef]
  • [37] Al-Naffakh J, Hasan KS, Al-Fahham M, Al-Qasab MR. Improve and reduce the economic cost and pollutants of a swirl burner. IOP Conf Ser Mater Sci Engineer 2020;928:022013. [CrossRef]
  • [38] Gu M, Wang M, Chen X, Wang J, Lin Y, Chu H. Numerical study on the effect of separated over-fire air ratio on combustion characteristics and NOx emission in a 1000 MW supercritical CO2 boiler. Energy 2019;175:593–603. [CrossRef]
  • [39] Zaveri L, Singh MP. Enhancing the performance of a burner by changing design: A review. In: Vashista M, Manik G, Verma P, Bhardwaj B, editors. Recent Innovations in Mechanical Engineering. Singapore: Springer; 2022. [CrossRef]
  • [40] Zhou H, Meng S. Numerical prediction of swirl burner geometry effects on NOx emission and combustion instability in heavy oil-fired boiler. Appl Therm Engineer 2019;159:113843. [CrossRef]
  • [41] Matthujak A, Wichangarm M, Sriveerakul T, Sucharitpwatskul S, Phongthanapanich S. Numerical investigation on the influences of swirling flow to thermal efficiency enhancement of an LPG-energy saving burner. Case Stud Therm Engineer 2021;28:101466. [CrossRef]
  • [42] Bordbar MH, Hyppänen T. Multiscale numerical simulation of radiation heat transfer in participating media. Heat Transf Engineer 2013;34:54–69. [CrossRef]
  • [43] Bordbar MH, Myöhänen K, Hyppänen T. Coupling of a radiative heat transfer model and a three-dimensional combustion model for a circulating fluidized bed furnace. Appl Therm Engineer 2015;76:344–356. [CrossRef]
  • [44] Zhang X, Zhou J, Sun S, Sun R, Qin M. Numerical investigation of low NOx combustion strategies in tangentially-fired coal boilers. Fuel 2015;142:215–221. [CrossRef]
  • [45] Zhang J, Ito T, Ito S, Riechelmann D, Fujimori T. Numerical investigation of oxy-coal combustion in a large-scale furnace: Non-gray effect of gas and role of particle radiation. Fuel 2015;139:87–93. [CrossRef]
  • [46] Kinigoma BS, Ani GO. Design of 22KW LPG burner for an oil refinery boiler. J Sci Res Rep 2020;70–79. [CrossRef]
  • [47] Darbandi M, Fatin A, Bordbar H. Numerical study on NOx reduction in a large-scale heavy fuel oil-fired boiler using suitable burner adjustments. Energy 2020;199:117371. [CrossRef]
  • [48] Hasan KS. Study operation of steam generation system using different fuels. Master’s Thesis. Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University; 2020.
  • [49] Shuib SS. Simulation study on combustion characteristics of water tube boiler with different type of fuel. Master’s Thesis. Universiti Teknologi Petronas; 2016.
  • [50] Habib MA, Ben-Mansour R, Badr HM, Ahmed SF, Ghoniem AF. Computational fluid dynamic simulation of oxyfuel combustion in gas-fired water tube boilers. Comput Fluids 2012;56:152–165. [CrossRef]
  • [51] Kristinsson H, Lang S. Boiler control improving efficiency of boiler systems. Available at: Accessed Aug 7, 2024.
  • [52] Hatem F. Flashback analysis and avoidance in swirl burners. Master’s Thesis. Cardiff University; 2017.
  • [53] Narendran V, Sivamani S, Hariram V, Gnanaprakash M, Raffiq AM, Kumar DS. Theoretical and numerical analysis of convective recuperator for an oil fired water tube boiler to improve the boiler performance. Indian J Sci Technol 2016;9:19. [CrossRef]
  • [54] Vujadinović R, Nikolić D, Dobovišek Ž. Alternative approach to the modelling of CO2 emission from passenger vehicles. Goriva I Maziva 2007;46:139–148.
  • [55] Milcarek RJ, Garrett MJ, Baskaran A, Ahn J. Combustion characterization and model fuel development for micro-tubular flame-assisted fuel cells. J Vis Exp 2016;54638. [CrossRef]

Experimental study on the combustion of gaseous based fuel (LPG) in a tangential swirl burner of a steam boiler

Year 2024, Volume: 10 Issue: 5, 1226 - 1240, 10.09.2024


In this study, pollutant gas emissions and combustion efficiency of LPG fuel burning in a steam boiler were investigated experimentally and compared with the diesel fuel-based results. Designed and manufactured of a new tangential swirl burner, and used for gaseous fuel combustion (LPG) in the boiler that was already designed to be operated with liquid fuel (diesel). The study involves conducting experiments using a broad range of equivalence ratios (Φ) and with three different diameter ratios (dr = 1/10, 1/15, and 1/20) (diameter ratios = The variable diameter of the burner is compared against the fixed diameter of the boiler). The volumetric ratios of CO2, CO as well as the HC content in the exhausted gases are measured and the boiler efficiency is predicted. The obtained results revealed that the replacement of the liquid fuel burner with the tangential swirl gas (LPG) burner is simple, inexpensive, and had no negative effect on the other parts of the boiler. In addition, the lowest pollutant gas concentrations detected in the exhausted gases and the highest boiler efficiency are obtained with a diameter ratio of 1/10. In comparison with diesel fuel combustion, the LPG fuel offered the cleanest combustion at Φ approaching 1 and above, required less O2 for complete combustion, and had the least HC content in the exhaust gases at the lean mixing area. Finally, the boiler efficiency operating with LPG fuel was higher than that obtained with diesel fuel for all equivalence ratios.


  • [1] Narendran V, Sivamani S, Hariram V, Gnanaprakash M, Raffiq AM, Kumar DS. Theoretical and numerical analysis of convective recuperator for an oil fired water tube boiler to improve the boiler performance. Indian J Sci Technol 2016;9:9. [CrossRef]
  • [2] Mahood HB, Campbell AN, Thorpe RB, Sharif AO. Heat transfer efficiency and capital cost evaluation of a three-phase direct contact heat exchanger for the utilisation of low-grade energy sources. Energy Conver Manag 2015;106:101–109. [CrossRef]
  • [3] Hasan SS, Baqir AS, Mahood HB. The effect of injected air bubble size on the thermal performance of a vertical shell and helical coiled tube heat exchanger. Energy Engineer 2021;118:1595–1609. [CrossRef]
  • [4] Baqir AS, Mahood HB, Kareem AR. Optimisation and evaluation of NTU and effectiveness of a helical coil tube heat exchanger with air injection. Therm Sci Engineer Prog 2019;14:100420. [CrossRef]
  • [5] Kreem AR, Baqir A, Mahood HB. Temperature distribution measurements along helical coiled tube heat exchanger with effect of air injection. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Engineering Conference (IEC2019); 2019. pp. 85–89. [CrossRef]
  • [6] Hasan SS, Baqir AS, Mahood HB. Improvement of thermal performance of coiled tube heat exchanger utilizing air bubble injection technique. IOP Conf Ser Earth Environ Sci 2021;877:12040. [CrossRef]
  • [7] Ajel M, Hussien FM, Faraj JJ. Acidic pretreatment of cellulose for bio methane production. J Univ Shanghai Sci Technol 2021;23:153–158. [CrossRef]
  • [8] Ganapathy V. Industrial Boilers and Heat Recovery Steam Generators. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press; 2002. [CrossRef]
  • [9] Babatunde D, Anozie A, Omoleye J, Babatunde O. An air-fuel ratio parametric assessment on efficiency and cost of a power plant steam boiler. Process Integr Optim Sustain 2021;5:561575. [CrossRef]
  • [10] Aguilar Vizcarra D, Esenarro D, Rodriguez C. Three steps mixed (Fire tube–water tube) vertical boiler to optimize thermal performance. Fluids 2021;6:116557. [CrossRef]
  • [11] Kouprianov V, Chullabodhi C, Kaewboonsong W. Cost based optimization of excess air for fuel oil/gas-fired steam boilers. Int Energy J 1999;21:83–91.
  • [12] Ozdemir E. Energy conservation opportunities with a variable speed controller in a boiler house. Appl Therm Engineer 2004;24:981–993. [CrossRef]
  • [13] Tanetsakunvatana V, Kuprianov VI. Experimental study on effects of operating conditions and fuel quality on thermal efficiency and emission performance of a 300-MW boiler unit firing Thai lignite. Fuel Process Technol 2007;88:199–206. [CrossRef]
  • [14] Al-Omari SB. Used engine lubrication oil as a renewable supplementary fuel for furnaces. Energy Conver Manage 2008;49:3648–3653. [CrossRef]
  • [15] Al-Omari SAB, Shaheen A, Al Fakhr A, Al-Hosani A, Al Yahyai M. Co-firing used engine lubrication oil with LPG in furnaces. Energy Conver Manage 2010;51:1259–1263. [CrossRef]
  • [16] Ghorbani A, Bazooyar B, Shariati A, Jokar SM, Ajami H, Naderi A. A comparative study of combustion performance and emission of biodiesel blends and diesel in an experimental boiler. Appl Energy 2011;88:4725–4732. [CrossRef]
  • [17] Osvaldo VM, Nicholas S, Daniel DR. Flashback Avoidance in swirling flow burners. Ing Invest Tecnol 2014;4:603–614. [CrossRef]
  • [18] Hasan KS, Khwayyir HHS, Abd Al-Wahid WA. Experimental investigation of the flame stability map (operating window) by using a tangential swirl burner for the confinement and unconfinement space. IOP Conf Ser Mater Sci Engineer 2020;928:022016. [CrossRef]
  • [19] Jangala SSL, Kakumani VSP, Vunnam NS, Sreekanth PSR. A novel brass metal burner design for conventional LPG stove with convergent holes and swirl flow. Mater Today Proc 2022;56:1068–1074. [CrossRef]
  • [20] García-Contreras R, Martínez JD, Armas O, Murillo R, García T. Study of a residential boiler under start-transient conditions using a tire pyrolysis liquid (TPL)/diesel fuel blend. Fuel 2015;158:744–752. [CrossRef]
  • [21] Sungur B, Topaloglu B, Ozcan H. Effects of nanoparticle additives to diesel on the combustion performance and emissions of a flame tube boiler. Energy 2016;113:44–51. [CrossRef]
  • [22] Huang WC, Hou SS, Lin TH. Combustion characteristics of a 300 kWth oil-fired furnace using castor oil/diesel blended fuels. Fuel 2017;208:71–81. [CrossRef]
  • [23] Kotb A, Saad H. Case study for co and counter swirling domestic burners. Case Stud Therm Eng. 2018;11:98–104. [CrossRef]
  • [24] Mahfouz A, Emara A, Gad MS, El-fatih A, El-Sherif AF, Ayoub HS. Thermal flame spectroscopy of various diesel fuels and their blends with waste cooking oil through using coaxial burner. Egypt J Pet 2019;28:307–313. [CrossRef]
  • [25] Park HY, Han K, Kim HH, Park S, Jang J, Yu GS, et al. Comparisons of combustion characteristics between bioliquid and heavy fuel oil combustion in a 0.7 MWth pilot furnace and a 75 MWe utility boiler. Energy 2020;192:116557. [CrossRef]
  • [26] Bordbar MH, Hyppänen T. Modeling of radiation heat transfer in a boiler furnace. Adv Stud Theor Phys 2007;1:571–584.
  • [27] Pourramezan M, Kahrom M, Passandideh-Fard M. Numerical investigation on the lifetime decline of burners in a wall-fired dual-fuel utility boiler. Appl Therm Engineer 2015;82:141–151. [CrossRef]
  • [28] Liu Y, Fan W, Li Y. Numerical investigation of air-staged combustion emphasizing char gasification and gas temperature deviation in a large-scale, tangentially fired pulverized-coal boiler. Appl Energy 2016;177:323–334. [CrossRef]
  • [29] Adamczyk WP, Bialecki RA, Ditaranto M, Gladysz P, Haugen NEL, Katelbach-Wozniak A. CFD modeling and thermodynamic analysis of a concept of a MILD-OXY combustion large scale pulverized coal boiler. Energy 2017;140:1305–1315. [CrossRef]
  • [30] Maakala V, Järvinen M, Vuorinen V. Optimizing the heat transfer performance of the recovery boiler superheaters using simulated annealing, surrogate modeling, and computational fluid dynamics. Energy 2018;160:361–377. [CrossRef]
  • [31] Echi S, Bouabidi A, Driss Z, Abid MS. CFD simulation and optimization of industrial boiler. Energy 2019;169:105–114. [CrossRef]
  • [32] Hasan KS, Abd Al-Wahid WA, Khwayyir HHS. Flashback and combustion stability in swirl burners: Review paper. IOP Conf Ser Mater Sci Engineer 2020;928:022045. [CrossRef]
  • [33] Belošević S, Tomanović I, Crnomarković N, Milićević A. Full-scale CFD investigation of gas-particle flow, interactions and combustion in tangentially fired pulverized coal furnace. Energy 2019;179:1036–1053. [CrossRef]
  • [34] Fan JR, Liang XH, Chen LH, Cen KF. Modeling of NOx emissions from a W-shaped boiler furnace under different operating conditions. Energy 1998;23:1051–1055. [CrossRef]
  • [35] Xu M, Azevedo JLT, Carvalho MG. Modelling of the combustion process and NOx emission in a utility boiler. Fuel 2000;79:1611–1619. [CrossRef]
  • [36] Danon B, Swiderski A, De Jong W, Yang W, Roekaerts DJEM. Emission and efficiency comparison of different firing modes in a furnace with four HiTAC burners. Combust Sci Technol 2011;183:686–703. [CrossRef]
  • [37] Al-Naffakh J, Hasan KS, Al-Fahham M, Al-Qasab MR. Improve and reduce the economic cost and pollutants of a swirl burner. IOP Conf Ser Mater Sci Engineer 2020;928:022013. [CrossRef]
  • [38] Gu M, Wang M, Chen X, Wang J, Lin Y, Chu H. Numerical study on the effect of separated over-fire air ratio on combustion characteristics and NOx emission in a 1000 MW supercritical CO2 boiler. Energy 2019;175:593–603. [CrossRef]
  • [39] Zaveri L, Singh MP. Enhancing the performance of a burner by changing design: A review. In: Vashista M, Manik G, Verma P, Bhardwaj B, editors. Recent Innovations in Mechanical Engineering. Singapore: Springer; 2022. [CrossRef]
  • [40] Zhou H, Meng S. Numerical prediction of swirl burner geometry effects on NOx emission and combustion instability in heavy oil-fired boiler. Appl Therm Engineer 2019;159:113843. [CrossRef]
  • [41] Matthujak A, Wichangarm M, Sriveerakul T, Sucharitpwatskul S, Phongthanapanich S. Numerical investigation on the influences of swirling flow to thermal efficiency enhancement of an LPG-energy saving burner. Case Stud Therm Engineer 2021;28:101466. [CrossRef]
  • [42] Bordbar MH, Hyppänen T. Multiscale numerical simulation of radiation heat transfer in participating media. Heat Transf Engineer 2013;34:54–69. [CrossRef]
  • [43] Bordbar MH, Myöhänen K, Hyppänen T. Coupling of a radiative heat transfer model and a three-dimensional combustion model for a circulating fluidized bed furnace. Appl Therm Engineer 2015;76:344–356. [CrossRef]
  • [44] Zhang X, Zhou J, Sun S, Sun R, Qin M. Numerical investigation of low NOx combustion strategies in tangentially-fired coal boilers. Fuel 2015;142:215–221. [CrossRef]
  • [45] Zhang J, Ito T, Ito S, Riechelmann D, Fujimori T. Numerical investigation of oxy-coal combustion in a large-scale furnace: Non-gray effect of gas and role of particle radiation. Fuel 2015;139:87–93. [CrossRef]
  • [46] Kinigoma BS, Ani GO. Design of 22KW LPG burner for an oil refinery boiler. J Sci Res Rep 2020;70–79. [CrossRef]
  • [47] Darbandi M, Fatin A, Bordbar H. Numerical study on NOx reduction in a large-scale heavy fuel oil-fired boiler using suitable burner adjustments. Energy 2020;199:117371. [CrossRef]
  • [48] Hasan KS. Study operation of steam generation system using different fuels. Master’s Thesis. Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University; 2020.
  • [49] Shuib SS. Simulation study on combustion characteristics of water tube boiler with different type of fuel. Master’s Thesis. Universiti Teknologi Petronas; 2016.
  • [50] Habib MA, Ben-Mansour R, Badr HM, Ahmed SF, Ghoniem AF. Computational fluid dynamic simulation of oxyfuel combustion in gas-fired water tube boilers. Comput Fluids 2012;56:152–165. [CrossRef]
  • [51] Kristinsson H, Lang S. Boiler control improving efficiency of boiler systems. Available at: Accessed Aug 7, 2024.
  • [52] Hatem F. Flashback analysis and avoidance in swirl burners. Master’s Thesis. Cardiff University; 2017.
  • [53] Narendran V, Sivamani S, Hariram V, Gnanaprakash M, Raffiq AM, Kumar DS. Theoretical and numerical analysis of convective recuperator for an oil fired water tube boiler to improve the boiler performance. Indian J Sci Technol 2016;9:19. [CrossRef]
  • [54] Vujadinović R, Nikolić D, Dobovišek Ž. Alternative approach to the modelling of CO2 emission from passenger vehicles. Goriva I Maziva 2007;46:139–148.
  • [55] Milcarek RJ, Garrett MJ, Baskaran A, Ahn J. Combustion characterization and model fuel development for micro-tubular flame-assisted fuel cells. J Vis Exp 2016;54638. [CrossRef]
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
Journal Section Articles

Karrar S. Hasan This is me 0000-0002-4773-1527

Mohammed Al-fahham 0000-0001-5937-1306

Wisam A. Abd Al-wahid This is me 0000-0002-9330-0162

Hasan Hadi Khwayyir This is me 0000-0003-1865-6190

Ahmed R. Kareem This is me 0000-0001-8849-7143

Saif S. Hasan This is me 0000-0002-1135-7270

Jameel Al-naffakh This is me 0000-0003-2946-4004

Publication Date September 10, 2024
Submission Date January 23, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 10 Issue: 5


APA Hasan, K. S., Al-fahham, M., Al-wahid, W. A. A., Khwayyir, H. H., et al. (2024). Experimental study on the combustion of gaseous based fuel (LPG) in a tangential swirl burner of a steam boiler. Journal of Thermal Engineering, 10(5), 1226-1240.
AMA Hasan KS, Al-fahham M, Al-wahid WAA, Khwayyir HH, Kareem AR, Hasan SS, Al-naffakh J. Experimental study on the combustion of gaseous based fuel (LPG) in a tangential swirl burner of a steam boiler. Journal of Thermal Engineering. September 2024;10(5):1226-1240.
Chicago Hasan, Karrar S., Mohammed Al-fahham, Wisam A. Abd Al-wahid, Hasan Hadi Khwayyir, Ahmed R. Kareem, Saif S. Hasan, and Jameel Al-naffakh. “Experimental Study on the Combustion of Gaseous Based Fuel (LPG) in a Tangential Swirl Burner of a Steam Boiler”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 10, no. 5 (September 2024): 1226-40.
EndNote Hasan KS, Al-fahham M, Al-wahid WAA, Khwayyir HH, Kareem AR, Hasan SS, Al-naffakh J (September 1, 2024) Experimental study on the combustion of gaseous based fuel (LPG) in a tangential swirl burner of a steam boiler. Journal of Thermal Engineering 10 5 1226–1240.
IEEE K. S. Hasan, “Experimental study on the combustion of gaseous based fuel (LPG) in a tangential swirl burner of a steam boiler”, Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 1226–1240, 2024.
ISNAD Hasan, Karrar S. et al. “Experimental Study on the Combustion of Gaseous Based Fuel (LPG) in a Tangential Swirl Burner of a Steam Boiler”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 10/5 (September 2024), 1226-1240.
JAMA Hasan KS, Al-fahham M, Al-wahid WAA, Khwayyir HH, Kareem AR, Hasan SS, Al-naffakh J. Experimental study on the combustion of gaseous based fuel (LPG) in a tangential swirl burner of a steam boiler. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2024;10:1226–1240.
MLA Hasan, Karrar S. et al. “Experimental Study on the Combustion of Gaseous Based Fuel (LPG) in a Tangential Swirl Burner of a Steam Boiler”. Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 10, no. 5, 2024, pp. 1226-40.
Vancouver Hasan KS, Al-fahham M, Al-wahid WAA, Khwayyir HH, Kareem AR, Hasan SS, Al-naffakh J. Experimental study on the combustion of gaseous based fuel (LPG) in a tangential swirl burner of a steam boiler. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2024;10(5):1226-40.