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Effect of lower rate of exhaust gas recirculation on CI engine characteristics fueled with Prosopis juliflora biodiesel: An experimental study

Year 2025, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 16 - 24, 31.01.2025


The enormous rise in energy demand with the strict emissions regulations has put together in search of the finest alternative fuel that meets the various emission norms of the vehicles made worldwide. Nowadays, researchers all around the globe aims to reduce the amounts of emissions from the compression ignition (CI) engine. Biofuel resembles the qualities of fossil diesel while it is also proven to be a greener fuel and viable alternative. However, the primary challenge of using biodiesel was higher emissions of Nitrogen oxides (NOx). Hence to minimize the NOx, an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system could be utilized which could resolve the challenges associated with this higher NOx emissions. In this study, juliflora biodiesel was selected and blended with diesel at 20% by volume (B20) and three different EGR percentages 5%, 10%, and 15%, were investigated on the characteristics of CI engine. Based on the test outcomes, a drop in NOx has been observed with a 15% rate of EGR which is 6.1% lower than conventional diesel. Moreover, brake thermal efficiency increased by 11% as compared to diesel. However, a slight increase in other exhaust emissions was noticed with EGR. The results conclude that, lower rate of EGR (15%) with B20 blend of juliflora biodiesel provides the optimum performance in the engine with least NOx emission.


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There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Articles

B. Musthafa 0000-0002-1834-1802

B. Saravanan This is me 0009-0001-0032-4377

S. Senthur Prabu This is me

Asokan M. A. This is me 0000-0002-4411-8188

S. Sujai This is me 0000-0003-0981-4273

Publication Date January 31, 2025
Submission Date November 21, 2023
Acceptance Date April 26, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


APA Musthafa, B., Saravanan, B., Prabu, S. S., M. A., A., et al. (2025). Effect of lower rate of exhaust gas recirculation on CI engine characteristics fueled with Prosopis juliflora biodiesel: An experimental study. Journal of Thermal Engineering, 11(1), 16-24.
AMA Musthafa B, Saravanan B, Prabu SS, M. A. A, Sujai S. Effect of lower rate of exhaust gas recirculation on CI engine characteristics fueled with Prosopis juliflora biodiesel: An experimental study. Journal of Thermal Engineering. January 2025;11(1):16-24. doi:10.14744/thermal.0000900
Chicago Musthafa, B., B. Saravanan, S. Senthur Prabu, Asokan M. A., and S. Sujai. “Effect of Lower Rate of Exhaust Gas Recirculation on CI Engine Characteristics Fueled With Prosopis Juliflora Biodiesel: An Experimental Study”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 11, no. 1 (January 2025): 16-24.
EndNote Musthafa B, Saravanan B, Prabu SS, M. A. A, Sujai S (January 1, 2025) Effect of lower rate of exhaust gas recirculation on CI engine characteristics fueled with Prosopis juliflora biodiesel: An experimental study. Journal of Thermal Engineering 11 1 16–24.
IEEE B. Musthafa, B. Saravanan, S. S. Prabu, A. M. A., and S. Sujai, “Effect of lower rate of exhaust gas recirculation on CI engine characteristics fueled with Prosopis juliflora biodiesel: An experimental study”, Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 16–24, 2025, doi: 10.14744/thermal.0000900.
ISNAD Musthafa, B. et al. “Effect of Lower Rate of Exhaust Gas Recirculation on CI Engine Characteristics Fueled With Prosopis Juliflora Biodiesel: An Experimental Study”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 11/1 (January 2025), 16-24.
JAMA Musthafa B, Saravanan B, Prabu SS, M. A. A, Sujai S. Effect of lower rate of exhaust gas recirculation on CI engine characteristics fueled with Prosopis juliflora biodiesel: An experimental study. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2025;11:16–24.
MLA Musthafa, B. et al. “Effect of Lower Rate of Exhaust Gas Recirculation on CI Engine Characteristics Fueled With Prosopis Juliflora Biodiesel: An Experimental Study”. Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 11, no. 1, 2025, pp. 16-24, doi:10.14744/thermal.0000900.
Vancouver Musthafa B, Saravanan B, Prabu SS, M. A. A, Sujai S. Effect of lower rate of exhaust gas recirculation on CI engine characteristics fueled with Prosopis juliflora biodiesel: An experimental study. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2025;11(1):16-24.