Research Article
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Numerical investigation to augmentation of heat transfer in solar air heater with arc shape ribs on absorber plate

Year 2025, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 25 - 39, 31.01.2025


Using numerical methods, this paper investigates the heat transmission and friction factor of a SAH duct that has been intentionally roughened. The absorber plate of the duct is equipped with an arc-shaped structure that has three distinct angles of attack. This structure is Installed on the peak walls from the tray. The roughness parameters of this structure include a respective roughness factor (p/H) beginning from from 1.667 to 6.667, a respective rough height (e/H) of 0.271, an arc angle (α) beginning from from 30° to 60°, and a Re beginning from from 3000 to 15000. It has been determined that the efficiency of roughened SAH ducts surpasses that of smooth ducts within the range of roughness values examined. The numerical analysis indicates that the highest increase in Nu and f occurred at specific values: a respective roughness factor (p/H) of 3.33, a respective roughness height (e/H) of 0.271, an arc angle (α) of 60°, and a Reynolds number of 15000. The test runs for the roughened duct involved collecting data on various combinations of roughness parameters. The highest values observed were Nu = 215 and Nu ratio = 7.21. When compared to the conduit that is smooth had most possible value of f = 2.5 and f/fs = 3.39. The thermal performance factor is 3.88.


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There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Gaith Monem Fadala This is me 0000-0001-6355-9790

Ahmed Hashem Yousef This is me 0000-0001-5106-6411

Karrar S. Hasan This is me

Publication Date January 31, 2025
Submission Date May 25, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


APA Fadala, G. M., Yousef, A. H., & Hasan, K. S. (2025). Numerical investigation to augmentation of heat transfer in solar air heater with arc shape ribs on absorber plate. Journal of Thermal Engineering, 11(1), 25-39.
AMA Fadala GM, Yousef AH, Hasan KS. Numerical investigation to augmentation of heat transfer in solar air heater with arc shape ribs on absorber plate. Journal of Thermal Engineering. January 2025;11(1):25-39. doi:10.14744/thermal.0000901
Chicago Fadala, Gaith Monem, Ahmed Hashem Yousef, and Karrar S. Hasan. “Numerical Investigation to Augmentation of Heat Transfer in Solar Air Heater With Arc Shape Ribs on Absorber Plate”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 11, no. 1 (January 2025): 25-39.
EndNote Fadala GM, Yousef AH, Hasan KS (January 1, 2025) Numerical investigation to augmentation of heat transfer in solar air heater with arc shape ribs on absorber plate. Journal of Thermal Engineering 11 1 25–39.
IEEE G. M. Fadala, A. H. Yousef, and K. S. Hasan, “Numerical investigation to augmentation of heat transfer in solar air heater with arc shape ribs on absorber plate”, Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 25–39, 2025, doi: 10.14744/thermal.0000901.
ISNAD Fadala, Gaith Monem et al. “Numerical Investigation to Augmentation of Heat Transfer in Solar Air Heater With Arc Shape Ribs on Absorber Plate”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 11/1 (January 2025), 25-39.
JAMA Fadala GM, Yousef AH, Hasan KS. Numerical investigation to augmentation of heat transfer in solar air heater with arc shape ribs on absorber plate. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2025;11:25–39.
MLA Fadala, Gaith Monem et al. “Numerical Investigation to Augmentation of Heat Transfer in Solar Air Heater With Arc Shape Ribs on Absorber Plate”. Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 11, no. 1, 2025, pp. 25-39, doi:10.14744/thermal.0000901.
Vancouver Fadala GM, Yousef AH, Hasan KS. Numerical investigation to augmentation of heat transfer in solar air heater with arc shape ribs on absorber plate. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2025;11(1):25-39.