Research Article
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Investigation on Delonix regina biodiesel blends on diesel engine with 1-butanol-diesel blends to test engine performance, combustion and emission characteristics

Year 2025, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 170 - 180, 31.01.2025


The need for automobiles is rapidly increasing all over the world. The biofuel requirement has also increased due to the need to avoid the nonpolluted atmosphere and improve performance. This work, with its innovative use of nonedible Delonox regina blends with limited proportions of butanol alcohols has practical implications for the automotive industry. The novelty of this research lies in the investigation of 1-butanol additives on Delox regina blends with the lowest proportions followed by 5%,12%, and 14% as a best-boosting ignitor. This limited butanol proportions proved that the engine’s thermodynamic performance was better when fuelled with Delonox regina blends and subjected to different loads. The results obtained from the Delonox regina blends and diesel in terms of performance, owing to combustion and owing to emissions for every stage, are compared with diesel. Higher thermal efficiency is obtained for the blend D90DR05B05, and the least BSFC is also attained for the blend D90DR05B05 than diesel, But the emissions are very low for the blend DR 100 followed by CO emissions, which is 34.5% superior to diesel. CO2 emissions are 14.5% decreased for the blend D70DR16B14 than diesel, HC emissions for blend DR100 are less than 42.5%, and NOx emissions for blend DR100 are less than 23.53% compared to diesel.


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There are 69 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Sumathy Muniamuthu This is me 0000-0002-3895-9386

K. Sunil Kumar 0000-0002-5093-7307

S. Deepa This is me 0009-0002-9821-1879

Muniyandi Elangovan This is me 0000-0003-2349-3701

Amit Verma 0000-0002-2835-2441

Mahesh M. Sonekar This is me 0000-0002-7673-193X

Publication Date January 31, 2025
Submission Date October 28, 2023
Acceptance Date April 26, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


APA Muniamuthu, S., Kumar, K. S., Deepa, S., Elangovan, M., et al. (2025). Investigation on Delonix regina biodiesel blends on diesel engine with 1-butanol-diesel blends to test engine performance, combustion and emission characteristics. Journal of Thermal Engineering, 11(1), 170-180.
AMA Muniamuthu S, Kumar KS, Deepa S, Elangovan M, Verma A, Sonekar MM. Investigation on Delonix regina biodiesel blends on diesel engine with 1-butanol-diesel blends to test engine performance, combustion and emission characteristics. Journal of Thermal Engineering. January 2025;11(1):170-180. doi:10.14744/thermal.0000911
Chicago Muniamuthu, Sumathy, K. Sunil Kumar, S. Deepa, Muniyandi Elangovan, Amit Verma, and Mahesh M. Sonekar. “Investigation on Delonix Regina Biodiesel Blends on Diesel Engine With 1-Butanol-Diesel Blends to Test Engine Performance, Combustion and Emission Characteristics”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 11, no. 1 (January 2025): 170-80.
EndNote Muniamuthu S, Kumar KS, Deepa S, Elangovan M, Verma A, Sonekar MM (January 1, 2025) Investigation on Delonix regina biodiesel blends on diesel engine with 1-butanol-diesel blends to test engine performance, combustion and emission characteristics. Journal of Thermal Engineering 11 1 170–180.
IEEE S. Muniamuthu, K. S. Kumar, S. Deepa, M. Elangovan, A. Verma, and M. M. Sonekar, “Investigation on Delonix regina biodiesel blends on diesel engine with 1-butanol-diesel blends to test engine performance, combustion and emission characteristics”, Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 170–180, 2025, doi: 10.14744/thermal.0000911.
ISNAD Muniamuthu, Sumathy et al. “Investigation on Delonix Regina Biodiesel Blends on Diesel Engine With 1-Butanol-Diesel Blends to Test Engine Performance, Combustion and Emission Characteristics”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 11/1 (January 2025), 170-180.
JAMA Muniamuthu S, Kumar KS, Deepa S, Elangovan M, Verma A, Sonekar MM. Investigation on Delonix regina biodiesel blends on diesel engine with 1-butanol-diesel blends to test engine performance, combustion and emission characteristics. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2025;11:170–180.
MLA Muniamuthu, Sumathy et al. “Investigation on Delonix Regina Biodiesel Blends on Diesel Engine With 1-Butanol-Diesel Blends to Test Engine Performance, Combustion and Emission Characteristics”. Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 11, no. 1, 2025, pp. 170-8, doi:10.14744/thermal.0000911.
Vancouver Muniamuthu S, Kumar KS, Deepa S, Elangovan M, Verma A, Sonekar MM. Investigation on Delonix regina biodiesel blends on diesel engine with 1-butanol-diesel blends to test engine performance, combustion and emission characteristics. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2025;11(1):170-8.