Research Article
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Studying the influence of using metal foam baffles on the performance of double-pipe heat exchanger

Year 2025, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 196 - 214, 31.01.2025


The enhancement of the thermal performance of heat exchangers has a great importance to the researchers. This is because improving the performance will lead to increasing the efficiency of the application where the heat exchangers are used. In this study, the thermal and hydraulic performance of a double heat exchanger with open-cell copper foam baffles inside was investigated numerically and experimentally with water as operating fluid. The numerical simulation was conducted using ANSYS FLUENT 2020 R2 to simulate the water flow and temperature distribution in the heat exchanger at different configurations. These configurations included the completely and partially filled with metal foam with different foam properties such as pore density, baffle angle, and baffle thickness. The experimental work included the designing and building of the test rig and obtaining the temperature recordings which were used for comparison purposes. Results were obtained for temperature contours, velocity streamlines, Nusselt numbers, effectiveness, pressure drops, and friction factors at variable baffles angles (β = 60°, 120°, 180°), variable baffles thickness (t =10, 20, 30mm), and variables pore density (PPI=10, 20, 30, 40, 50PPI). They showed that as the volume of metal foam increases, the heat transfer rate (Qave) and the pressure drop (∆p) increases. In addition, the performance of the heat exchanger with a partially filled core was better than that in the completely filled case. On the other hand, when the metal foam volume decreases, the pressure drop decreases. Furthermore, it was observed that the heat transfer rate increases with the increase in pore density. Experimental results showed an enhancement in heat transfer rate in a double-pipe heat exchanger by 32.4% at 40PPI and β=180°. There was also an enhancement in the Nusselt number value (Nuave) by 117% due to the use of copper foam baffles.


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There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Zuhair S. Rabeeah This is me 0009-0008-8569-6006

Abbas J. Jubear This is me 0000-0002-3787-5797

Hussain R. Al Bugharbee This is me 0000-0003-1746-0137

Publication Date January 31, 2025
Submission Date November 11, 2023
Acceptance Date March 30, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


APA Rabeeah, Z. S., Jubear, A. J., & Al Bugharbee, H. R. (2025). Studying the influence of using metal foam baffles on the performance of double-pipe heat exchanger. Journal of Thermal Engineering, 11(1), 196-214.
AMA Rabeeah ZS, Jubear AJ, Al Bugharbee HR. Studying the influence of using metal foam baffles on the performance of double-pipe heat exchanger. Journal of Thermal Engineering. January 2025;11(1):196-214. doi:10.14744/thermal.0000913
Chicago Rabeeah, Zuhair S., Abbas J. Jubear, and Hussain R. Al Bugharbee. “Studying the Influence of Using Metal Foam Baffles on the Performance of Double-Pipe Heat Exchanger”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 11, no. 1 (January 2025): 196-214.
EndNote Rabeeah ZS, Jubear AJ, Al Bugharbee HR (January 1, 2025) Studying the influence of using metal foam baffles on the performance of double-pipe heat exchanger. Journal of Thermal Engineering 11 1 196–214.
IEEE Z. S. Rabeeah, A. J. Jubear, and H. R. Al Bugharbee, “Studying the influence of using metal foam baffles on the performance of double-pipe heat exchanger”, Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 196–214, 2025, doi: 10.14744/thermal.0000913.
ISNAD Rabeeah, Zuhair S. et al. “Studying the Influence of Using Metal Foam Baffles on the Performance of Double-Pipe Heat Exchanger”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 11/1 (January 2025), 196-214.
JAMA Rabeeah ZS, Jubear AJ, Al Bugharbee HR. Studying the influence of using metal foam baffles on the performance of double-pipe heat exchanger. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2025;11:196–214.
MLA Rabeeah, Zuhair S. et al. “Studying the Influence of Using Metal Foam Baffles on the Performance of Double-Pipe Heat Exchanger”. Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 11, no. 1, 2025, pp. 196-14, doi:10.14744/thermal.0000913.
Vancouver Rabeeah ZS, Jubear AJ, Al Bugharbee HR. Studying the influence of using metal foam baffles on the performance of double-pipe heat exchanger. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2025;11(1):196-214.