Writing Rules

1. Manuscripts must be written in Microsoft Windows Word 6.0 or higher. Click here for the Article Template.
2. Manuscripts should be written in "Times New Roman", 10 pt and single-spaced.
3. 16x24 cm page size should be used for the page layout, top 2 cm, bottom 2 cm, and  right 1,8 cm and left 2 cm margins should be left on the edges and each page should be numbered.
4. On the first page of the article,

  •  The title of the article should be written in centered, 12 points, bold and capital letters. Below the title, the Turkish title of the article should be written in 10 points, centered.
  •  The name of the author should be written in 10 point bold under the headings.
  •  Author's or authors' institutions, contact information and the internationally valid “ORCID” information should be added to the bottom of the first page as footnotes for each author.
  •  Abstracts of 100-200 words written in Turkish and English should be given in 7 points. Abstracts should not overflow to the 2nd page.
  •  At the bottom of the abstracts, at least 3 and at most 5 keywords reflecting the whole study should be listed in alphabetical order and given in 7 points.

5. The text of the article should start from page 2.
6. All sections and headings of the manuscript, including the Introduction and Conclusion, should be numbered and written in 10 font size and bold. One line space should be left before and after the headings.
       First-degree chapter titles should be centered and capitalized.                
       Second-degree subheadings should be left-justified, and the first letter of each word should be capitalized.
       Third-degree subheadings should be left justified, only the first letter of the first word and proper nouns should be capitalized.

7. All images (photographs, drawings, diagrams, graphs, maps, etc.) that do not contain tables in the manuscripts should be called "figures". Tables and figures should be given a title (sequence number and name). Headings should be written at the top in tables, and the headings should be written below in figures. Table and figure captions should be centered. The initials of the words in the title should be capitalized. One line space should be left after the table title and before the figure title. Possible reference information for tables or figures should also be given after the title of the table or figure.
8. Sequence numbers to be given in the equations should be in parentheses and on the right.
9APA7 spelling rules should be used in references and citation. E.g;

• Single author; (Smith, 1989), (Yılmaz, 2018, p. 32)
• Two authors; (Coleman & Berrie, 1990)
• Multiple authors; (Smith et al., 1993)
• If more than one work by an author in the same year is used as a source; (Smith, 1992a), (Smith, 1992b)
• Same surname and different first names (R.D. Luce, 1959), (P.A. Luce, 1986)
• Alphabetically when the references are more than one (Dinçkol, 1986; Lalik et al., 1998; Oğuz, 1997)
• For a first-time reference to publications that are the work of an institution or group (Turkish Psychological Association [TPD], 1997); in later iterations of this source (TPD, 1997)
• “unknown date” as n.d. (Magenta, n.d.) in Undated Studies
• In anonymous articles (Anonymous, 1976)

10. In the references to be added at the end of the article, the authors should be listed alphabetically according to their surnames.
11. A source work that is not shown in the content of the study should not be included in the bibliography.
12. If more than one work of an author in the same year will be included in the references, phrases such as “a, b, c” should be placed after the publication date. (1992a) (1992b)
13. In the References

  • Books
    Author(s) Surname, Initials. (Year). Title of book, Publisher, Place of Publication.
    Sevilengul, O., (2004). General accounting, Gazi Publishing House, Ankara.

  • Editorial Book
    Editor(s) Surname and Initials. (edt.) (Year). Title of book, Publisher, Place of Publication.
    Şenyüz, K. (edt.) (2004). Jewelry design, Urart Publishing & Distribution, Istanbul.
  • Articles in Journals
    Author(s) Surname, Initials. (Year). Title of article. Name of Journal. Volume(Number), page range. Doi Number if available
    Ertuna, Ö. (2004). Debt crisis of Ottoman and Turkish economies. Journal of Accounting  & Finance, 24, 6-22.

            In articles with two or more authors,
            Jonck, F., Walt, F. &  Sobayeni, N. (2017). Investigating the relationship between work values and work ethics: A South African perspective. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 15. https://doi.org/10.4102/sajhrm.v15i0.780

  • Document from the Website
    Author(s) Surname, Initials. or website Name (Year). Content title. Retrieved ...... from ....
    İstanbul Commerce University (2020). İstanbul Commerce University news. Retrieved June 1, 2020 from https://www.ticaret.edu.tr/Haberler/Detay/id/1369

  • Theses
    Author's Surname, Initials. (Year). Title of Thesis [Masters/PhD Thesis ]. Name of University. Name of Institute. L ocation.
    Kontlar, F. (2013). Spectral behaviors of operators in some spaces [Master Thesis], Istanbul Commerce University Graduate School of Naturel and Applied Sciences, Istanbul.

  • Symposium and Congress Papers
    Author(s) Surname, Initials. (Year, mounth, day), Paper Name. Symposium Name. Symposium Place. Page Ranges.
    Yener, A. (2014, Aug, 25-28). Nonlinear degenerate parabolic partial differential equations on Heisenberg group. 3rd International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications. Vienna, 152-153.

    Second Line should be written with 0,5 cm space.

    NOTE: Dear authors who will send articles to our journal for publication, must comply with the spelling rules shown. However, authors who have to cite a source that is not included in these rules and show their quotation in a paragraph; You can find reference procedures on the following site or in the book.


    * American Psychological Associaton (2019). Publicaton manual of the American Psychological Associaton (7th edition). APA. Washington, DC. 

    Journal e-mail address: fendergi@ticaret.edu.tr

    Authors should inform the editorial board of their communication addresses or other contact information.

Last Update Time: 12/27/24, 2:54:55 PM