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Rousseau'nun Toplum Sözleşmesi ve Polonya Hükümeti Üzerine Düşünceleri'nde Yurttaşların Siyasal Katılımı, Yasama ve Hükümet Üzerine Bir Deneme

Year 2022, Volume: 5 Issue: 9, 157 - 172, 23.08.2022


Bu denemenin konusu, Rousseau’nun siyaset felsefesidir. Rousseau’nun yurttaş katılımı bağlamında yasama anlayışı, yasa koyucu ve genel irade ilişkisi ve nihayet, hükümetin yasamayla olan ilişkisi birbiriyle bağlantılı olarak incelenmektedir. Bu inceleme, Rousseau’nun Toplum Sözleşmesi ve Polonya Hükümeti Üzerine Düşünceler çalışmaları kapsamında yapılmaktadır. Böylece, Rousseau’nun siyaset felsefesinin en önemli eserlerinden biriyle, çağının güncel siyasal meseleleri hakkında yazdıklarının bir örneği ilişkilendirilmektedir. Çalışma, iki bölüme ayrılmıştır. Birinci bölümde Rousseau, cumhuriyetçi düşünce içine konumlandırılmaktadır. Bu konumlandırma, Rousseau’nun aynı bölümde tartışılan yurttaş katılımı anlayışından kaynaklanmaktadır. Rousseau’nun siyaset felsefesinde özellikle yasamanın rolü, yasa koyucunun ve genel iradenin gerekleriyle birlikte incelenmektedir. Ayrıca Rousseau’nun, bir doğrudan demokrasi teorisi yapmaktansa bakışını yurttaşların günlük siyasal aktivitelerine çevirdiğine işaret edilmektedir. Nitekim Rousseau, hükümetin yasama gücünü ele geçirmesini önlemek için yurttaşlardan hükümeti kontrol altında tutmasını beklemektedir. İkinci bölümde, çalışmanın bir önceki bölümünde ele alınan konular Rousseau’nun Polonya hakkındaki düşünceleriyle ilişkilendirilmektedir. Bu bağlamda Rousseau’nun Polonya yurttaşlarının siyasal açıdan olgunlaşmamış olduklarını ima ettiğine işaret edilmektedir. Zira kendisi, bir yasa koyucuyu muhatap almakta, eğitimin önemine dikkat çekmekte ve toplumsal meselelerde dahi ihtiyatlı olmayı tavsiye etmektedir. Öte yandan, yasamayı korumak adına hükümeti denetim altında tutmanın araçlarını da öngörmektedir.


  • Baczko, B. (1988). The Social Contract of the French: Sieyès and Rousseau, The Journal of Modern History, 60, S98–S125.
  • Bertram, C. (2020). Jean Jacques Rousseau. In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2020). Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University, online access in 15 October 2021.
  • Cohen, J. (1986). Review: Reflections on Rousseau: Autonomy and Democracy, Philosophy & Public Affairs, 15(3), 275–297.
  • Colón-Ríos, J. I. (2016). Rousseau, Theorist of Constituent Power, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 36(4), 885–908.
  • de Dijn, A. (2018). Rousseau and Republicanism, Political Theory, 46(1), 59–80.
  • Dicey, A. v., & Wade, E. C. S. (1979). Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, London / Basingstoke: Macmillan.
  • Favoreu, L., Gaia, P., Ghevontian, R., Mestre, J.-L., Pfersmann, O., Roux, A., & Scoffoni, G. (2019). Droit constitutionnel, Paris: Dalloz.
  • Lesnodorski, B. (1962). La pensée politique de Rousseau en Pologne. Annales Historiques de La Révolution Française, 170, 497–514.
  • Lukowski, J. (1994). Recasting Utopia: Montesquieu, Rousseau, and the Polish Constitution of 3 May 1791, The Historical Journal, 37(1), 65–87.
  • Melzer, A. M. (1996). The Origin of the Counter-Enlightenment: Rousseau and the New Religion of Sincerity, American Political Science Review, 90(2), 344–360.
  • Philips, A. (2015). Demokrasinin Cinsiyeti, (Translated by Alev Türker), İstanbul: Metis.
  • Putterman, E. (2001). Realism and Reform in Rousseau’s Constitutional Projects for Poland and Corsica, Political Studies, 49(3), 481–494.
  • Putterman, E. (2003). Rousseau on Agenda-Setting and Majority Rule, The American Political Science Review, 97(3), 459–469.
  • Putterman, E. (2005). Rousseau on the People as Legislative Gatekeepers, Not Framers, The American Political Science Review, 99(1), 145–151.
  • Rousseau, J. J. (1997a). Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality Among Men. In V. Gourevitch (Ed.), The Discourses and other early political writings (pp. 111–188), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Rousseau, J. J. (1997b). Of the Social Contract or Principles of Political Right. In V. Gourevitch (Ed.), The Social Contract and other later political writings (pp. 39–152), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Rousseau, J. J. (1997c). Considerations on the Government of Poland and on its Projected Reformation. In V. Gourevitch (Ed.), The Social Contract and other later political writings (First, pp. 177–260), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Schwartzberg, M. (2003). Rousseau on Fundamental Law, Political Studies, 51(2), 387–403.
  • Şirin, T. (2020). Türkiye’de Düşüncenin Tutsaklığı-1: İfade Özgürlüğünün Grisi, İstanbul: Tekin Yayınevi.

An Essay on Political Participation of Citizens, Legislation, and Government in Rousseau's the Social Contract and Considerations on the Government of Poland

Year 2022, Volume: 5 Issue: 9, 157 - 172, 23.08.2022


Rousseau’s political philosophy is the subject of this essay. Rousseau’s understanding of legislation within the context of citizen participation, the relationship between lawgiver and general will, and finally the position of government in its relationship with legislation are interconnectedly analyzed. This analysis is done within the scope of his The Social Contract and Considerations on the Government of Poland, thereby relating one of the cornerstones of Rousseau’s political philosophy with a sample of his writings in actual political matters of his age. The essay is divided into two parts. In the first section, Rousseau is positioned in republican thought. This positioning stems from Rousseau’s understanding of civic participation discussed in the same chapter. Especially the role of legislation in Rousseau’s political philosophy is examined and taken into consideration in combination with the lawgiver and exigences of general will. It is also pointed that his view was turned towards day-to-day political activities of citizens, rather than theorizing a direct democracy. As a matter of fact, Rousseau expects from citizens to keep their government in check in order to prevent the government from taking over the legislative power. In the second section, the issues discussed in the previous part of the study are associated with Rousseau’s thoughts on Poland. In this context, it is pointed that Rousseau implicates Polish citizens’ political immaturity. Since he deals with a lawgiver, draws attention to the importance of education and advises caution even in social issues. He, on the other hand, also envisages the means of keeping the government in check in order to protect the legislature.


  • Baczko, B. (1988). The Social Contract of the French: Sieyès and Rousseau, The Journal of Modern History, 60, S98–S125.
  • Bertram, C. (2020). Jean Jacques Rousseau. In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2020). Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University, online access in 15 October 2021.
  • Cohen, J. (1986). Review: Reflections on Rousseau: Autonomy and Democracy, Philosophy & Public Affairs, 15(3), 275–297.
  • Colón-Ríos, J. I. (2016). Rousseau, Theorist of Constituent Power, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 36(4), 885–908.
  • de Dijn, A. (2018). Rousseau and Republicanism, Political Theory, 46(1), 59–80.
  • Dicey, A. v., & Wade, E. C. S. (1979). Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, London / Basingstoke: Macmillan.
  • Favoreu, L., Gaia, P., Ghevontian, R., Mestre, J.-L., Pfersmann, O., Roux, A., & Scoffoni, G. (2019). Droit constitutionnel, Paris: Dalloz.
  • Lesnodorski, B. (1962). La pensée politique de Rousseau en Pologne. Annales Historiques de La Révolution Française, 170, 497–514.
  • Lukowski, J. (1994). Recasting Utopia: Montesquieu, Rousseau, and the Polish Constitution of 3 May 1791, The Historical Journal, 37(1), 65–87.
  • Melzer, A. M. (1996). The Origin of the Counter-Enlightenment: Rousseau and the New Religion of Sincerity, American Political Science Review, 90(2), 344–360.
  • Philips, A. (2015). Demokrasinin Cinsiyeti, (Translated by Alev Türker), İstanbul: Metis.
  • Putterman, E. (2001). Realism and Reform in Rousseau’s Constitutional Projects for Poland and Corsica, Political Studies, 49(3), 481–494.
  • Putterman, E. (2003). Rousseau on Agenda-Setting and Majority Rule, The American Political Science Review, 97(3), 459–469.
  • Putterman, E. (2005). Rousseau on the People as Legislative Gatekeepers, Not Framers, The American Political Science Review, 99(1), 145–151.
  • Rousseau, J. J. (1997a). Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality Among Men. In V. Gourevitch (Ed.), The Discourses and other early political writings (pp. 111–188), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Rousseau, J. J. (1997b). Of the Social Contract or Principles of Political Right. In V. Gourevitch (Ed.), The Social Contract and other later political writings (pp. 39–152), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Rousseau, J. J. (1997c). Considerations on the Government of Poland and on its Projected Reformation. In V. Gourevitch (Ed.), The Social Contract and other later political writings (First, pp. 177–260), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Schwartzberg, M. (2003). Rousseau on Fundamental Law, Political Studies, 51(2), 387–403.
  • Şirin, T. (2020). Türkiye’de Düşüncenin Tutsaklığı-1: İfade Özgürlüğünün Grisi, İstanbul: Tekin Yayınevi.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Law in Context
Journal Section Research Articles

Atıl Buğra Karadaş 0000-0002-3020-9222

Publication Date August 23, 2022
Submission Date October 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 5 Issue: 9


APA Karadaş, A. B. (2022). An Essay on Political Participation of Citizens, Legislation, and Government in Rousseau’s the Social Contract and Considerations on the Government of Poland. Türkiye İnsan Hakları Ve Eşitlik Kurumu Akademik Dergisi, 5(9), 157-172.