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Palu (Elazığ) Civarında Yüzeylenen Bitlis Masifi Üst Triyas Karbonatlarının Foraminifer Biyostratigrafisi, Mikrofasiyes Analizleri ve Çökelim Ortamları

Year 2019, , 1 - 16, 01.01.2019


Bu çalışmada, Elazığ il sınırları içinde Çakmakkaya köyü (Palu, Elazığ) civarında yüzeylenen Bitlis masifi örtü birimleri içerisinde yeralan Üst Triyas karbonatlı kayaçların mikrofasiyes özelliklerinin ve foraminifer içeriklerinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Ölçülen kesit boyunca kireçtaşlarından Triyas’ı karakterize eden stratigrafik dağılımları açısından büyük öneme sahip olan foraminifer türleri tayin edilmiştir. İstif içerisinde kaydedilen Triasina hantkeni Geç Triyas için kılavuz fosil olarak kabul edilmektedir. Klavuz fosile örneklerde, Aulotortus sinuosus, Aulotortus friedli, Involutina sp., Galeanella? sp., Duostomina sp., Glomospira sp., Glomospirella sp., Duotaxis birmanica, Siphovalvulina sp., ve Reophax sp. foraminifer topluluğu eşlik etmektedir. Bu türlere dayanılarak geç Noriyen-Resiyen yaşını veren Triasina hantkeni zonu tanımlanmıştır. Foraminifer türlerinin yanı sıra kesit içerisinde megalodontidler, algler, gastropod ve mercan fosilleri de bulunmaktadır. Bölgede yayılım gösteren bu karbonatların çökelim ortamlarını belirleyebilmek için gerçekleştirilen mikrofasiyes çalışmaları sonucunda; çamurtaşı, vaketaşı-istiftaşı ve pelletli biyoklastlı istiftaşı-tanetaşı olmak üzere 3 mikrofasiyes tipi belirlenmiştir. Mikrofasiyes tipleri, çökelimin lagün ve sığ denizel ortamda gerçekleştiğini işaret etmektedir. 


  • Aktaş, G., and Robertson, A.H.F., 1990. Tectonic evolution of the Tethys suture zone in SE Turkey: evidence from the petrology and geochemistry of Late Cretaceous and Middle Eocene extrusives. In: Malpas, J. et Al. (Eds) Ophiolites, Oceanic Crustal Analogues. Proceedings of Symposium, Troodos 1987 Geological Survey Department, Cyprus, 311–328.
  • Aktaş, G., and Robertson, A.H.F., 1984. The Maden Complex, SE Turkey: evolution of a Neotethyan active margin. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 17, 375–405. Al-Shaibani, S.K., Altıner, D., Brönnimann, P., Carter, D.J., et Zaninetti, L., 1982. Triasina hantkeni Majzon, 1954 (Foraminifère), dans le Trias supérieur de la Téthys (Europe et Asie). Archive Des Sciences de Genève, 35, 137–142.
  • Al-Shaibani, S.K., Carter, D.J., and Zaninetti, L., 1983. Geological and micropalaeontological investigations in the Upper Triassic (Asinepe Limestone) of Seram, Outer Banda Arc, Indonesia. Archive Des Sciences de Genève, 36, 297–313.
  • Altıner, D., et Zaninetti, L., 1980. Le Trias dans la region de Pinarbasi, Taurus oriental, Turquie: unites lithologiques, micropaleontologie, milieux de. Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 86, 705–760.
  • Beccaletto, L., Bartolini, A.-C., Martini, R., Hochuli, P.A., and Kozur, H., 2005. Biostratigraphic data from the Çetmi Melange, northwest Turkey: Palaeogeographic and tectonic implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 221, 215–244. Çağlayan, M.A., Önal, R.N., Şengün, M., and Yurtsever, A., 1984. Structural setting of the Bitlis Massif. Geology of the Taurus Belt. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Geology of the Taurus Belt, Ankara, 245–254.
  • Chablais, J., Martini, R., Kobayashi, F., Stampfli, G., and Onoue, T., 2011. Upper Triassic foraminifers from Panthalassan carbonate buildups of Southwestern Japan and their paleobiogeographic implications. Micropaleontology, 57, 93–124. Chablais, J., Onoue, T., and Martini, R., 2010. Upper Triassic reef-limestone blocks of southwestern Japan: New data from a Panthalassan seamount. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 293, 206–222. Ciarapica, G., et Zaninetti, L., 1984. Foraminifères et biostratigraphie dans le Trias supérieur de la série de la Spezia (Dolomies de Coregna et Formation de la Spezia, nouvelles forma- tions), Apennin septentrional. Revue de Paléobiologie, 117–134.
  • Dunham, R.J., 1962. Classification of Carbonate Rocks according to Depositional Texture. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1, 108–121.
  • Ekmekçi, E., Özkan-Altıner, S., Altıner, D., Yılmaz, Ö., Erdoğan, K., Şener, S., Coşkun, B., Şenel, ve M., İşintek, İ., 2006. Torosların Geç Triyas-Liyas yaşlı istiflerinin foraminifer Biyostratigrafisi ve Mikrofasiyes özellikleri. MTA Rapor No. 10889, 73 s. (yayınlanmamış)
  • Flügel, E., 2004. Microfacies of Carbonate Rocks: Analysis, Interpretation and Application. SpringerVerlag Berlin Heidelberg. 976 p.
  • Gale, L., Kolar-Jurkovšek, T., Šmuc, A., and Rožič, B., 2012. Integrated Rhaetian foraminiferal and conodont biostratigraphy from the Slovenian Basin, eastern Southern Alps. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 105, 435–462.
  • Gazdzicki, A., 1983. Foraminifers and biostratigraphy of Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic of the Slovakian and Polish Carpathians. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 44, 109–169.
  • Gazdzicki, A., 1974. Rhaetian microfacies, stratigraphy and facial development in the Tatra Mis. Acta Geologica Polonica, 25, 17–120.
  • Göncüoğlu, M.C., and Turhan, N., 1984. Geology of the Bitlis Metamorphic Belt., Geology of the Taurus Belt. International symposium, Ankara, 237-245.
  • Grgasović, T., 1997. Upper Triassic biostratigraphy and algae from Žumberak (Croatia). Geologica Croatica, 50, 201–214.
  • Hall, R., 1976. Ophiolite emplacement and the evolution of the Taurus suture zone, southeastern Turkey. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 87, 1078–1088. İşintek, İ., 2002. Foraminiferal and algal biostratigraphy and petrology of the Triassic to Early Cretaceous carbonate assemblages in the Karaburun Peninsula (Western Turkey). Tez, 263 s. (yayınlanmamış)
  • Kamoun, F., Martini, R., Peybernes, B., and Zaninetti, L., 1994. Micropalaeontological characterization of the “Rhaetian’’ along the North-South Axis (central Tunisia); comparison with the Rhaetian of the Dorsale and the Saharan Shelf | Caracterisation micropaleontologique du ‘Rhetien’’ dans l’axe Nord- Sud (Tunisie cent.’” Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 100, 365–382.
  • Kamoun, F., Peybernès, B., Martini, R., Zaninetti, L., Vila, J.-M., Trigui, A., et Rigane, A., 1998. Associations de foraminifères benthiques dans les séquences de dépôt du Trias moyen?-supérieur de l’Atlas Tunisien central et méridional. Geobios, 31, 703–714. Mackintosh, P.W., and Robertson, A.H.F., 2012. Late Devonian-Late Triassic sedimentary development of the central Taurides, S Turkey: Implications for the northern margin of Gondwana. Gondwana Research, 21, 1089–1114. Mancinelli, A., Chiocchini, M., Chiocchini, R.A., and Romano, A., 2005. Biostratigraphy of Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic carbonate platform sediments of the central-southern Apennines (Italy). Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 111, 271–283.
  • Márquez, L., Calvet, F., Arnal, I., and Trifonova, E., 1994. Foraminiferal assemblage in the Isabena Formation, southern Pyrenees, Upper Triassic, Spain. Boletín de La Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, Sección Geológica, 89, 189–197.
  • Martini, R., Vachard, D., Zaninetti, L., Cirilli, S., Cornée, J.-J., Lathuilière, B., and Villeneuve, M., 1997. Sedimentology, stratigraphy, and micropalaeontology of the upper triassic reefal series in Eastern Sulawesi (Indonesia). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 128, 157–174.
  • Martini, R., Zaninetti, L., Lathuillière, B., Cirilli, S., Cornée, J.J., and Villeneuve, M., 2004. Upper Triassic carbonate deposits of Seram (Indonesia): Palaeogeographic and geodynamic implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 206, 75–102. Maurer, F., Rettori, R., and Martini, R., 2007. Triassic stratigraphy, facies and evolution of the Arabian shelf in the northern United Arab Emirates. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 97, 765.
  • MTA. 2011. 1/100.000 ölçekli Elazığ K-43 paftası. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara. Okay, A.I., and Altıner, D., 2007. A condensed mesozoic succession North of İzmir: A fragment of the anatolide-tauride platform in the Bornova Flysch Zone. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 16, 257–279.
  • Okay, A.I., Arman, M.B., and Göncüoglu, M.C., 1985. Petrology and phase relations of the kyaniteeclogites from eastern Turkey. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 91, 196–204. Okay, A.I., Zattin, M., and Cavazza, W., 2010. Apatite fission-track data for the Miocene Arabia-Eurasia collision. Geology, 38, 35–38. Perinçek, D., 1990. Hakkari ili ve dolayının stratigrafisi, Güneydoğu Anadolu, Türkiye. Türkiye Petrol Jeologları Derneği Bülteni, 2, 21–68.
  • Perinçek, D., 1980. Bitlis metamorfitlerinde volkanitli Triyas. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 23, 201–211.
  • Robertson, A.H.F., 1998. Mesozoic-Tertiary tectonic evolution of the easternmost Mediterranean area: integration of marine and land evidence. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, 160 Scientific Results. 723–782.
  • Robertson, A.H.F., Parlak, O., Rızaoğlu, T., Ünlügenç, Ü., İnan, N., Tasli, K., and Ustaömer, T., 2007. Tectonic evolution of the South Tethyan ocean: evidence from the Eastern Taurus Mountains (Elaziğ region, SE Turkey). Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 272, 231–270.
  • Robertson, A.H.F., Parlak, O., Yıldırım, N., Dumitrica, P., and Taslı, K., 2016. Late Triassic rifting and Jurassic–Cretaceous passive margin development of the Southern Neotethys: evidence from the Adıyaman area, SE Turkey. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 105, 167–201.
  • Schäfer, P., and Senowbari-Daryan, B., 1981. Facies Development and Paleoecologic Zonation of Four Upper Triassic Patch-Reefs, Northern Calcareous Alps Near Salzburg, Austria. In: Toomey, D.F. (Ed.), European Fossil Reef Models. SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology, 241–259.
  • Şengün, M., 1993. Bitlis masifinin metamorfizması ve örtü çekirdek ilişkisi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi, 115, 1–13.
  • Tunaboylu, B., Altıner, D., İşintek, I., and Demirci, D., 2014. Foraminiferal biostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy of peritidal carbonates at the Triassic Jurassic boundary (Karaburun Peninsula, Western Turkey). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 90, 61–76. Varol, E., Tekin, U.K., and Temel, A., 2007. Age and geochemistry of middle to late carnian basalts from the alakirçay nappe (antalya nappes, sw turkey): Implications for the evolution of the southern branch of neotethys. Ofioliti, 32, 163–176.
  • Velić, I., 2007. Stratigraphy and Palaeobiogeography of Mesozoic Benthic Foraminifera of the Karst Dinarides (SE Europe). Geologia Croatica, 60, 1–86. Wilson, J.L., 1975. Carbonate Facies in Geologic History. Springer Verlag, New York.
  • Yılmaz, Y., Yiğitbaş, E., and Genç, C., 1993. Ophiolitic and metamorphic assemblages of southeast Anatolia and their significance in the geological evolution of the orogenic belt. Tectonics, 12, 1280–1297.
  • Yümün, Z.Ü., Kılıç, A.M., Martini, R., Metzger, J., and Tunç, M., 2013. Late Triassic and Lower Jurassic Foraminifera of the carbonate platform of the Beyaz Aladağ Group (Eastern Taurus, Turkey): New stratigraphic implications. Geobios, 46, 447–459.
  • Zaninetti, L., 1976. Les foraminiferes du Trias. Essai de synthese et correlation entre les domaines mesogeens europeen et asiatique. Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 82, 1–258.

Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy, Microfacies Analysis and Depositional Environments of Upper Triassic Carbonates of Bitlis Massif, Palu (Elazığ)

Year 2019, , 1 - 16, 01.01.2019


In this study, it is aimed to reveal the foraminiferal content and microfacies properties of the the Upper Triassic carbonates, cover units of the Bitlis massif exposed in the vicinity of the Çakmakkaya village (Palu, Elazığ). Stratigraphically significant foraminiferal species characterizing Triassic have been recorded throughout the measured section. Triasina hantkeni, the most common taxa documented in the studied sequence, is considered as a zonal marker for Late Triassic. Besides the zonal marker species, the section includes Aulotortus sinuosus, Aulotortus friedli, Involutina sp., Galeanella? sp., Duostomina sp., Glomospira sp., Glomospirella sp., Duotaxis birmanica, Siphovalvulina sp., and Reophax sp. foraminiferal assemblages. On the basis of the determined foraminiferal taxa, Triasina hantkeni zone is defined within the studied succession and a late Norian-Rhaetian age is attributed. In addition to foraminiferal assemblages, megalodontids, algae, gastrapods and corals are also present within the limestone units. Three facies types, mudstone, wackestone-packstone, pelloidal bioclastic packstone-grainstone, were described based on microfacies studies to determine the depositional environments of the Upper Triassic carbonates exposed in the region. The described microfacies types suggest that the depositional environment was a lagoon and shallow marine platform environments. 


  • Aktaş, G., and Robertson, A.H.F., 1990. Tectonic evolution of the Tethys suture zone in SE Turkey: evidence from the petrology and geochemistry of Late Cretaceous and Middle Eocene extrusives. In: Malpas, J. et Al. (Eds) Ophiolites, Oceanic Crustal Analogues. Proceedings of Symposium, Troodos 1987 Geological Survey Department, Cyprus, 311–328.
  • Aktaş, G., and Robertson, A.H.F., 1984. The Maden Complex, SE Turkey: evolution of a Neotethyan active margin. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 17, 375–405. Al-Shaibani, S.K., Altıner, D., Brönnimann, P., Carter, D.J., et Zaninetti, L., 1982. Triasina hantkeni Majzon, 1954 (Foraminifère), dans le Trias supérieur de la Téthys (Europe et Asie). Archive Des Sciences de Genève, 35, 137–142.
  • Al-Shaibani, S.K., Carter, D.J., and Zaninetti, L., 1983. Geological and micropalaeontological investigations in the Upper Triassic (Asinepe Limestone) of Seram, Outer Banda Arc, Indonesia. Archive Des Sciences de Genève, 36, 297–313.
  • Altıner, D., et Zaninetti, L., 1980. Le Trias dans la region de Pinarbasi, Taurus oriental, Turquie: unites lithologiques, micropaleontologie, milieux de. Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 86, 705–760.
  • Beccaletto, L., Bartolini, A.-C., Martini, R., Hochuli, P.A., and Kozur, H., 2005. Biostratigraphic data from the Çetmi Melange, northwest Turkey: Palaeogeographic and tectonic implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 221, 215–244. Çağlayan, M.A., Önal, R.N., Şengün, M., and Yurtsever, A., 1984. Structural setting of the Bitlis Massif. Geology of the Taurus Belt. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Geology of the Taurus Belt, Ankara, 245–254.
  • Chablais, J., Martini, R., Kobayashi, F., Stampfli, G., and Onoue, T., 2011. Upper Triassic foraminifers from Panthalassan carbonate buildups of Southwestern Japan and their paleobiogeographic implications. Micropaleontology, 57, 93–124. Chablais, J., Onoue, T., and Martini, R., 2010. Upper Triassic reef-limestone blocks of southwestern Japan: New data from a Panthalassan seamount. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 293, 206–222. Ciarapica, G., et Zaninetti, L., 1984. Foraminifères et biostratigraphie dans le Trias supérieur de la série de la Spezia (Dolomies de Coregna et Formation de la Spezia, nouvelles forma- tions), Apennin septentrional. Revue de Paléobiologie, 117–134.
  • Dunham, R.J., 1962. Classification of Carbonate Rocks according to Depositional Texture. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1, 108–121.
  • Ekmekçi, E., Özkan-Altıner, S., Altıner, D., Yılmaz, Ö., Erdoğan, K., Şener, S., Coşkun, B., Şenel, ve M., İşintek, İ., 2006. Torosların Geç Triyas-Liyas yaşlı istiflerinin foraminifer Biyostratigrafisi ve Mikrofasiyes özellikleri. MTA Rapor No. 10889, 73 s. (yayınlanmamış)
  • Flügel, E., 2004. Microfacies of Carbonate Rocks: Analysis, Interpretation and Application. SpringerVerlag Berlin Heidelberg. 976 p.
  • Gale, L., Kolar-Jurkovšek, T., Šmuc, A., and Rožič, B., 2012. Integrated Rhaetian foraminiferal and conodont biostratigraphy from the Slovenian Basin, eastern Southern Alps. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 105, 435–462.
  • Gazdzicki, A., 1983. Foraminifers and biostratigraphy of Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic of the Slovakian and Polish Carpathians. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 44, 109–169.
  • Gazdzicki, A., 1974. Rhaetian microfacies, stratigraphy and facial development in the Tatra Mis. Acta Geologica Polonica, 25, 17–120.
  • Göncüoğlu, M.C., and Turhan, N., 1984. Geology of the Bitlis Metamorphic Belt., Geology of the Taurus Belt. International symposium, Ankara, 237-245.
  • Grgasović, T., 1997. Upper Triassic biostratigraphy and algae from Žumberak (Croatia). Geologica Croatica, 50, 201–214.
  • Hall, R., 1976. Ophiolite emplacement and the evolution of the Taurus suture zone, southeastern Turkey. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 87, 1078–1088. İşintek, İ., 2002. Foraminiferal and algal biostratigraphy and petrology of the Triassic to Early Cretaceous carbonate assemblages in the Karaburun Peninsula (Western Turkey). Tez, 263 s. (yayınlanmamış)
  • Kamoun, F., Martini, R., Peybernes, B., and Zaninetti, L., 1994. Micropalaeontological characterization of the “Rhaetian’’ along the North-South Axis (central Tunisia); comparison with the Rhaetian of the Dorsale and the Saharan Shelf | Caracterisation micropaleontologique du ‘Rhetien’’ dans l’axe Nord- Sud (Tunisie cent.’” Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 100, 365–382.
  • Kamoun, F., Peybernès, B., Martini, R., Zaninetti, L., Vila, J.-M., Trigui, A., et Rigane, A., 1998. Associations de foraminifères benthiques dans les séquences de dépôt du Trias moyen?-supérieur de l’Atlas Tunisien central et méridional. Geobios, 31, 703–714. Mackintosh, P.W., and Robertson, A.H.F., 2012. Late Devonian-Late Triassic sedimentary development of the central Taurides, S Turkey: Implications for the northern margin of Gondwana. Gondwana Research, 21, 1089–1114. Mancinelli, A., Chiocchini, M., Chiocchini, R.A., and Romano, A., 2005. Biostratigraphy of Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic carbonate platform sediments of the central-southern Apennines (Italy). Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 111, 271–283.
  • Márquez, L., Calvet, F., Arnal, I., and Trifonova, E., 1994. Foraminiferal assemblage in the Isabena Formation, southern Pyrenees, Upper Triassic, Spain. Boletín de La Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, Sección Geológica, 89, 189–197.
  • Martini, R., Vachard, D., Zaninetti, L., Cirilli, S., Cornée, J.-J., Lathuilière, B., and Villeneuve, M., 1997. Sedimentology, stratigraphy, and micropalaeontology of the upper triassic reefal series in Eastern Sulawesi (Indonesia). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 128, 157–174.
  • Martini, R., Zaninetti, L., Lathuillière, B., Cirilli, S., Cornée, J.J., and Villeneuve, M., 2004. Upper Triassic carbonate deposits of Seram (Indonesia): Palaeogeographic and geodynamic implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 206, 75–102. Maurer, F., Rettori, R., and Martini, R., 2007. Triassic stratigraphy, facies and evolution of the Arabian shelf in the northern United Arab Emirates. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 97, 765.
  • MTA. 2011. 1/100.000 ölçekli Elazığ K-43 paftası. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara. Okay, A.I., and Altıner, D., 2007. A condensed mesozoic succession North of İzmir: A fragment of the anatolide-tauride platform in the Bornova Flysch Zone. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 16, 257–279.
  • Okay, A.I., Arman, M.B., and Göncüoglu, M.C., 1985. Petrology and phase relations of the kyaniteeclogites from eastern Turkey. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 91, 196–204. Okay, A.I., Zattin, M., and Cavazza, W., 2010. Apatite fission-track data for the Miocene Arabia-Eurasia collision. Geology, 38, 35–38. Perinçek, D., 1990. Hakkari ili ve dolayının stratigrafisi, Güneydoğu Anadolu, Türkiye. Türkiye Petrol Jeologları Derneği Bülteni, 2, 21–68.
  • Perinçek, D., 1980. Bitlis metamorfitlerinde volkanitli Triyas. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 23, 201–211.
  • Robertson, A.H.F., 1998. Mesozoic-Tertiary tectonic evolution of the easternmost Mediterranean area: integration of marine and land evidence. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, 160 Scientific Results. 723–782.
  • Robertson, A.H.F., Parlak, O., Rızaoğlu, T., Ünlügenç, Ü., İnan, N., Tasli, K., and Ustaömer, T., 2007. Tectonic evolution of the South Tethyan ocean: evidence from the Eastern Taurus Mountains (Elaziğ region, SE Turkey). Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 272, 231–270.
  • Robertson, A.H.F., Parlak, O., Yıldırım, N., Dumitrica, P., and Taslı, K., 2016. Late Triassic rifting and Jurassic–Cretaceous passive margin development of the Southern Neotethys: evidence from the Adıyaman area, SE Turkey. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 105, 167–201.
  • Schäfer, P., and Senowbari-Daryan, B., 1981. Facies Development and Paleoecologic Zonation of Four Upper Triassic Patch-Reefs, Northern Calcareous Alps Near Salzburg, Austria. In: Toomey, D.F. (Ed.), European Fossil Reef Models. SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology, 241–259.
  • Şengün, M., 1993. Bitlis masifinin metamorfizması ve örtü çekirdek ilişkisi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi, 115, 1–13.
  • Tunaboylu, B., Altıner, D., İşintek, I., and Demirci, D., 2014. Foraminiferal biostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy of peritidal carbonates at the Triassic Jurassic boundary (Karaburun Peninsula, Western Turkey). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 90, 61–76. Varol, E., Tekin, U.K., and Temel, A., 2007. Age and geochemistry of middle to late carnian basalts from the alakirçay nappe (antalya nappes, sw turkey): Implications for the evolution of the southern branch of neotethys. Ofioliti, 32, 163–176.
  • Velić, I., 2007. Stratigraphy and Palaeobiogeography of Mesozoic Benthic Foraminifera of the Karst Dinarides (SE Europe). Geologia Croatica, 60, 1–86. Wilson, J.L., 1975. Carbonate Facies in Geologic History. Springer Verlag, New York.
  • Yılmaz, Y., Yiğitbaş, E., and Genç, C., 1993. Ophiolitic and metamorphic assemblages of southeast Anatolia and their significance in the geological evolution of the orogenic belt. Tectonics, 12, 1280–1297.
  • Yümün, Z.Ü., Kılıç, A.M., Martini, R., Metzger, J., and Tunç, M., 2013. Late Triassic and Lower Jurassic Foraminifera of the carbonate platform of the Beyaz Aladağ Group (Eastern Taurus, Turkey): New stratigraphic implications. Geobios, 46, 447–459.
  • Zaninetti, L., 1976. Les foraminiferes du Trias. Essai de synthese et correlation entre les domaines mesogeens europeen et asiatique. Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 82, 1–258.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Makaleler - Articles

Ayşe Atakul Özdemir This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2019
Submission Date October 21, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Atakul Özdemir, A. (2019). Palu (Elazığ) Civarında Yüzeylenen Bitlis Masifi Üst Triyas Karbonatlarının Foraminifer Biyostratigrafisi, Mikrofasiyes Analizleri ve Çökelim Ortamları. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni, 62(1), 1-16.
AMA Atakul Özdemir A. Palu (Elazığ) Civarında Yüzeylenen Bitlis Masifi Üst Triyas Karbonatlarının Foraminifer Biyostratigrafisi, Mikrofasiyes Analizleri ve Çökelim Ortamları. Türkiye Jeol. Bült. January 2019;62(1):1-16. doi:10.25288/tjb.496325
Chicago Atakul Özdemir, Ayşe. “Palu (Elazığ) Civarında Yüzeylenen Bitlis Masifi Üst Triyas Karbonatlarının Foraminifer Biyostratigrafisi, Mikrofasiyes Analizleri Ve Çökelim Ortamları”. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 62, no. 1 (January 2019): 1-16.
EndNote Atakul Özdemir A (January 1, 2019) Palu (Elazığ) Civarında Yüzeylenen Bitlis Masifi Üst Triyas Karbonatlarının Foraminifer Biyostratigrafisi, Mikrofasiyes Analizleri ve Çökelim Ortamları. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 62 1 1–16.
IEEE A. Atakul Özdemir, “Palu (Elazığ) Civarında Yüzeylenen Bitlis Masifi Üst Triyas Karbonatlarının Foraminifer Biyostratigrafisi, Mikrofasiyes Analizleri ve Çökelim Ortamları”, Türkiye Jeol. Bült., vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 1–16, 2019, doi: 10.25288/tjb.496325.
ISNAD Atakul Özdemir, Ayşe. “Palu (Elazığ) Civarında Yüzeylenen Bitlis Masifi Üst Triyas Karbonatlarının Foraminifer Biyostratigrafisi, Mikrofasiyes Analizleri Ve Çökelim Ortamları”. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 62/1 (January 2019), 1-16.
JAMA Atakul Özdemir A. Palu (Elazığ) Civarında Yüzeylenen Bitlis Masifi Üst Triyas Karbonatlarının Foraminifer Biyostratigrafisi, Mikrofasiyes Analizleri ve Çökelim Ortamları. Türkiye Jeol. Bült. 2019;62:1–16.
MLA Atakul Özdemir, Ayşe. “Palu (Elazığ) Civarında Yüzeylenen Bitlis Masifi Üst Triyas Karbonatlarının Foraminifer Biyostratigrafisi, Mikrofasiyes Analizleri Ve Çökelim Ortamları”. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni, vol. 62, no. 1, 2019, pp. 1-16, doi:10.25288/tjb.496325.
Vancouver Atakul Özdemir A. Palu (Elazığ) Civarında Yüzeylenen Bitlis Masifi Üst Triyas Karbonatlarının Foraminifer Biyostratigrafisi, Mikrofasiyes Analizleri ve Çökelim Ortamları. Türkiye Jeol. Bült. 2019;62(1):1-16.

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