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Güney Anadolunun bazı Üst Devon Koray ve Stromatoporoidleri hakkında

Year 1951, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 131 - 146, 31.01.1951


1943 senesi yazında Adana bölgesinin Üst Devon tabakalarından topladığım Koray, Stromatoporoid ve Bryozoaları muhtevi fosillerle, Dr. Blumenthal΄in bu ve Torosların diğer bazı bölgelerinden getirdiği bazı Üst Devon fosilleri tarafımdan tetkik edilmiş ve ilerde neşredilecek olan bir katalog hazırlanmıştır. Değişik ve enteresan tipleri ihtiva eden Saimbeyli (Adana) faunası Krinoid, Trilobit ve pek çok Brachiopod fosillerini de ihtiva etmektedir. Bu yazıdan maksat, yeni bir cins ile bazı yeni nevileri tanıtmaya çalışmaktır.
Tetkik edilen Üst Devon faunası NE Fransanın Boulonnais, Hindistanın Chitral ve NW Kanadanın Mackenzie nehri bölgesinin Üst Devon faunası ile yakın bir benzerlik göstermektedir.
Bu yazıda tasvir edilen numuneler M.T.A. Enstitüsü müzesinde mahfuzdur.

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Maden Tetkik Arama Entitüsü


  • BILLINGS, E, 1865. «Notice of some New Genera and Species of Paleozoic fossils» Canada« Nat, Geoh, n.s. II, pp8 425-432.
  • COX. I. 1936. ^Revision of the genus Calapoeeia Billings», MatMus, Canada Bul!,, LXXX9 Geol. Ser., No, 53? pp. 1.4» pis 14 V.
  • DYBOWSKI, W. N. 1873.74, «Monographie der Zoantharia seleroder» mata rugosa «*us der Silurformation Estlands, Nord^Livlaads uod der Insel Gotland», pp« 257-532, pis. I-V, Dorpart.
  • EDWARDS, H. M. and HALME, J. 1850. «A Monograph of the British Fossil Corals, Part If Introduction, etc.,» pp. I-LXXXV,1-71, pis® I-XI« Monog> Palaeont. Soc, London»
  • EDWARDS, H. M. and HALME, J. 1851. *Monographie des Poloypiers fossiles des Terrains Paléozoiques* Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, V, pp. 1-502, pls. I-XX.
  • EDWARDS, H. M. and HALME, J. 1853, *A Monograph of the British Fossil Corals. Part IV, Corals from the Devonian Formation* pp. 211 - 244, pls. XLVII-LVI. Monog, Palaeont. Soc. London.
  • ETHERlDGE, R. 1920. <<Further additions to the Coral Fauna of the Devonian and Silurian of New South Wales", Rec. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, IX (2), pp. 55-63, pls, XIII-XV. 143.
  • GOLDFUSS,G.A. 1S26*33. *Petrefacta Germaniae* I.pp. l-76, pls. I-XXV, 1826; pp. 77-167, pls. XXVI-L, 1823; pp 165-240, pls. LI-LXX1, 1831; pp. 241-252, 1833. Dusseldorf.
  • HILL, D. 1942. *The Devonian Rugose Corals of the Tamworth District, New- South. Wales>>. Joum. Proc. Roy. Soc. New South Wales1 76, pp. 142-164, pis, II-IV.
  • LANG, W. D. and SMITH, S. 1935. *On the Genotype of Columnaria GoIdfuss* Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ( 10 ), XVI, pp. 426 433, pl.XII.
  • LANG, W. D. and SMITH, S. and THOMAS, H. D. 1940- *Index of Paleozoic Coral Genera>> p 1-231.
  • LECOMPl E; M. 1039. *Les Tabules du Devonien moyen et superieur du Bord Sud du Bassin de Dinant>> Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belge. Mém. 90, pp. 1-229, pls. I-XXIII.
  • LINDSl ROM, G. 1883. *Index to the generic names applied to the Corals of the Palaeozoic Formations*, Bihang Kong. Svensk. Vetensk, -Akad. Handl., VIII, (9), pp. 1-14.
  • LONSDALE, W. 1840. p. 607 in A. SEDGWICK and R. I. MUR-CHISON *Oa the physical Structure of Devonshire, and on the subdivisions and Geological re!ations of its older stratified deposits etc>. Transac. Geol. Soc. London, (2), V, pp. 633-703, pl. L-LVIII.
  • NICHOLSON, H.A. 1874. <Description of New Fossils from the Devonian Formation of Canada West> Geol. Mag. ( 2 ), I,pp. 54-60, pl. IV.
  • NICHOLSON, H.A. 1874. *On Columnopora, a New genus of Tabulate Corals* Geol. Mag. (2), I,pp. 25S-254.
  • NICHOLSON, H.A. 1886-1892.<A Monograph of the British Stromatoporoids, pp. iii + l-234, pls. I-XXIX. Monog, Palaeont. Soc. London.
  • ORBIGNY, A.d'. 1849. *Note sur Les Polypiers fossiles* pp. 1-12, Paris.
  • PHILLIPS, J. 1841. *Figures and Descriptions of the Palaeozoie Fossüs of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset*, Geol. Surv. Gr#at Britain and Ireland, pp.xü + l-231, pls. i-ix. London. 144.
  • SMITH, S. 1917. *Aulina retiformis, gen. et sp.Dov., Phillipsastraea hennahi (Lonsdale)f and Orionastraea, gen. nov.* Çuart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Londoay LXXÜ, pp* 280*307, pls. XXIl-XXIV.
  • SMITH, S. 1945. <<Upper Devonian Corals of the Mackenzie River Région Canada*. Geol. Soc. America. Special papers No. 59, ppi VÜI + 1-126, pls. 1-35.
  • WEDEKIND, R. 1923. <Die Gliederung des Mitteldevons auf Grund von Korallen* Sitz.-ber. Gesellsch. Beford. gesamten Na* turwiss., Marburg (1922), (1), pp, 24-35.
  • WEDEKIND, R. 1924. "Das Mitteldevon der Eifel. Eine biostratigraphische Studie I.Teil. Die Tetrakorallen des unteren Mitteldevon* Schrift. Geselsch. Beford. gesamten. Naturwiss. Marburg, XIV, (3). pp. VÜ + 1-91.

Some Upper Devonian Corals and Stromatoporoids from South Anatolia

Year 1951, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 131 - 146, 31.01.1951


The detailed results of my investigations on the Upper Devonian Corals, Stromatoporoids and Bryozoa from South Anatolia are to be published later. The object of the present paper is to deal with mainly new speeles to make them available. The specimens described and figured are preserved in the Museum of the M.T.A. Institute, Ankara.


  • BILLINGS, E, 1865. «Notice of some New Genera and Species of Paleozoic fossils» Canada« Nat, Geoh, n.s. II, pp8 425-432.
  • COX. I. 1936. ^Revision of the genus Calapoeeia Billings», MatMus, Canada Bul!,, LXXX9 Geol. Ser., No, 53? pp. 1.4» pis 14 V.
  • DYBOWSKI, W. N. 1873.74, «Monographie der Zoantharia seleroder» mata rugosa «*us der Silurformation Estlands, Nord^Livlaads uod der Insel Gotland», pp« 257-532, pis. I-V, Dorpart.
  • EDWARDS, H. M. and HALME, J. 1850. «A Monograph of the British Fossil Corals, Part If Introduction, etc.,» pp. I-LXXXV,1-71, pis® I-XI« Monog> Palaeont. Soc, London»
  • EDWARDS, H. M. and HALME, J. 1851. *Monographie des Poloypiers fossiles des Terrains Paléozoiques* Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, V, pp. 1-502, pls. I-XX.
  • EDWARDS, H. M. and HALME, J. 1853, *A Monograph of the British Fossil Corals. Part IV, Corals from the Devonian Formation* pp. 211 - 244, pls. XLVII-LVI. Monog, Palaeont. Soc. London.
  • ETHERlDGE, R. 1920. <<Further additions to the Coral Fauna of the Devonian and Silurian of New South Wales", Rec. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, IX (2), pp. 55-63, pls, XIII-XV. 143.
  • GOLDFUSS,G.A. 1S26*33. *Petrefacta Germaniae* I.pp. l-76, pls. I-XXV, 1826; pp. 77-167, pls. XXVI-L, 1823; pp 165-240, pls. LI-LXX1, 1831; pp. 241-252, 1833. Dusseldorf.
  • HILL, D. 1942. *The Devonian Rugose Corals of the Tamworth District, New- South. Wales>>. Joum. Proc. Roy. Soc. New South Wales1 76, pp. 142-164, pis, II-IV.
  • LANG, W. D. and SMITH, S. 1935. *On the Genotype of Columnaria GoIdfuss* Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ( 10 ), XVI, pp. 426 433, pl.XII.
  • LANG, W. D. and SMITH, S. and THOMAS, H. D. 1940- *Index of Paleozoic Coral Genera>> p 1-231.
  • LECOMPl E; M. 1039. *Les Tabules du Devonien moyen et superieur du Bord Sud du Bassin de Dinant>> Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belge. Mém. 90, pp. 1-229, pls. I-XXIII.
  • LINDSl ROM, G. 1883. *Index to the generic names applied to the Corals of the Palaeozoic Formations*, Bihang Kong. Svensk. Vetensk, -Akad. Handl., VIII, (9), pp. 1-14.
  • LONSDALE, W. 1840. p. 607 in A. SEDGWICK and R. I. MUR-CHISON *Oa the physical Structure of Devonshire, and on the subdivisions and Geological re!ations of its older stratified deposits etc>. Transac. Geol. Soc. London, (2), V, pp. 633-703, pl. L-LVIII.
  • NICHOLSON, H.A. 1874. <Description of New Fossils from the Devonian Formation of Canada West> Geol. Mag. ( 2 ), I,pp. 54-60, pl. IV.
  • NICHOLSON, H.A. 1874. *On Columnopora, a New genus of Tabulate Corals* Geol. Mag. (2), I,pp. 25S-254.
  • NICHOLSON, H.A. 1886-1892.<A Monograph of the British Stromatoporoids, pp. iii + l-234, pls. I-XXIX. Monog, Palaeont. Soc. London.
  • ORBIGNY, A.d'. 1849. *Note sur Les Polypiers fossiles* pp. 1-12, Paris.
  • PHILLIPS, J. 1841. *Figures and Descriptions of the Palaeozoie Fossüs of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset*, Geol. Surv. Gr#at Britain and Ireland, pp.xü + l-231, pls. i-ix. London. 144.
  • SMITH, S. 1917. *Aulina retiformis, gen. et sp.Dov., Phillipsastraea hennahi (Lonsdale)f and Orionastraea, gen. nov.* Çuart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Londoay LXXÜ, pp* 280*307, pls. XXIl-XXIV.
  • SMITH, S. 1945. <<Upper Devonian Corals of the Mackenzie River Région Canada*. Geol. Soc. America. Special papers No. 59, ppi VÜI + 1-126, pls. 1-35.
  • WEDEKIND, R. 1923. <Die Gliederung des Mitteldevons auf Grund von Korallen* Sitz.-ber. Gesellsch. Beford. gesamten Na* turwiss., Marburg (1922), (1), pp, 24-35.
  • WEDEKIND, R. 1924. "Das Mitteldevon der Eifel. Eine biostratigraphische Studie I.Teil. Die Tetrakorallen des unteren Mitteldevon* Schrift. Geselsch. Beford. gesamten. Naturwiss. Marburg, XIV, (3). pp. VÜ + 1-91.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Crystallography, Mineralogy- Petrography, Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other), Physical Geography and Environmental Geology, Limnology, Palaeontology, Geology (Other)
Journal Section Makaleler - Articles

Cahide Ünsaler This is me

Publication Date January 31, 1951
Submission Date December 15, 1950
Acceptance Date December 31, 1950
Published in Issue Year 1951 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Ünsaler, C. (1951). Some Upper Devonian Corals and Stromatoporoids from South Anatolia. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni, 3(1), 131-146.
AMA Ünsaler C. Some Upper Devonian Corals and Stromatoporoids from South Anatolia. Geol. Bull. Turkey. January 1951;3(1):131-146.
Chicago Ünsaler, Cahide. “Some Upper Devonian Corals and Stromatoporoids from South Anatolia”. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 3, no. 1 (January 1951): 131-46.
EndNote Ünsaler C (January 1, 1951) Some Upper Devonian Corals and Stromatoporoids from South Anatolia. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 3 1 131–146.
IEEE C. Ünsaler, “Some Upper Devonian Corals and Stromatoporoids from South Anatolia”, Geol. Bull. Turkey, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 131–146, 1951.
ISNAD Ünsaler, Cahide. “Some Upper Devonian Corals and Stromatoporoids from South Anatolia”. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 3/1 (January 1951), 131-146.
JAMA Ünsaler C. Some Upper Devonian Corals and Stromatoporoids from South Anatolia. Geol. Bull. Turkey. 1951;3:131–146.
MLA Ünsaler, Cahide. “Some Upper Devonian Corals and Stromatoporoids from South Anatolia”. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni, vol. 3, no. 1, 1951, pp. 131-46.
Vancouver Ünsaler C. Some Upper Devonian Corals and Stromatoporoids from South Anatolia. Geol. Bull. Turkey. 1951;3(1):131-46.

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