Research Article
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Preferences and determinants of procedural sequencing in bidirectional endoscopy among anesthesiologists

Year 2025, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 150 - 158, 25.03.2025


Aim: This study aims to evaluate anesthesiologists’ preferences regarding procedural sequencing in bidirectional endoscopy
(esophagogastroduodenoscopy [EGD] and colonoscopy) and to identify the factors influencing these preferences.
Material and Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional survey was conducted online between November and December 2024 among anesthesiologists experienced in non-operating room anesthesia practices across Turkey. A total of 204 anesthesiologists actively working in endoscopy units and experienced in bidirectional endoscopy participated in the study. The survey included questions on demographic information, clinical practices, procedural sequence preferences, and the reasons behind these preferences. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 22.0, with categorical variables analyzed using the Pearson Chi-Square test, and a p-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: Among the participants, 63.7% reported starting bidirectional endoscopies with EGD, 15.7% preferred beginning with colonoscopy, and 20.6% indicated no specific procedural order. The choice of procedural sequence was significantly associated with the anesthesiologist’s age (p=0.010), type of institution (p=0.002), and professional experience. The most commonly used intravenous sedatives were propofol (99.0%), midazolam (86.3%), and fentanyl (58.8%). Key factors influencing the choice of procedural order included the endoscopist’s preference (69.1%), equipment availability (56.4%), and considerations regarding airway management safety (30.9%). The most frequently reported complication was respiratory depression (51.5%), with no statistically significant difference in complication rates based on procedural sequence (p>0.05).
Conclusion: Various patient-related and environmental factors influence anesthesiologists’ preferences for procedural sequencing in bidirectional endoscopy. While starting with EGD is the most common approach, patient safety and team dynamics are critical determinants of procedural choices. These findings highlight the importance of multidisciplinary teamwork and the consideration of patient characteristics in optimizing procedural safety and success.


  • Urquhart J, Eisen G, Faigel DO, Mattek N, Holub J, Lieberman DA. A closer look at same-day bidirectional endoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc 2009;69:271–7.
  • Axon AT, Bell GD, Jones RH, Quine MA, McCloy RF. Guidelines on appropriate indications for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Working party of the joint committee of the royal college of physicians of London, royal college of surgeons of England, royal college of anaesthetists, association of surgeons, the British society of gastroenterology, and the Thoracic Society of Great Britain. BMJ 1995;310:853–6.
  • Adang RP, Vismans JF, Talmon JL, Hasman A, Ambergen AW, Stockbrügger RW. Appropriateness of indications for diagnostic upper gastrointestinal endoscopy: association with relevant endoscopic disease. Gastrointest Endosc 1995;42:390–7.
  • Laoveeravat P, Thavaraputta S, Suchartlikitwong S, Vutthikraivit W, Mingbunjerdsuk T, Motes A, et al. Optimal sequences of same-visit bidirectional endoscopy: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Dig Endosc 2020;32:706–14.
  • Choi GJ, Oh H-C, Seong H-K, Kim JW, Ko JS, Kang H. Comparison of procedural sequence in same-day bidirectional endoscopy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Korean J Intern Med 2020;35:331–41.
  • Goudra B, Saumoy M. Anesthesia for advanced endoscopic procedures. Clin Endosc 2022;55:1–7.
  • Carter D, Lahat A, Papageorgiou NP, Goldstein S, Eliakim R, Bardan E. Comparison of procedural sequence in same-day consecutive bidirectional endoscopy using moderate sedation: a prospective randomized study. J Clin Gastroenterol 2014;48:236–40.
  • Choi JS, Youn YH, Lee SK. Which should go first during same-day upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy?: a randomized prospective study focusing on colonoscopy performance. Surg Endosc 2013;27:2209–15.
  • Cao Y, Yang J, Li J, Ao X, Zhang K-Y, Shen X-C, et al. Comparison of procedural sequences in same-day painless bidirectional endoscopy: Single-center, prospective, randomized study. Dig Endosc 2017;29:330–7.
  • Chen S-W, Cheng C-L, Liu N-J, Tang J-H, Kuo Y-L, Lin C-H, et al. Optimal procedural sequence for same‐day bidirectional endoscopy with moderate sedation: A prospective randomized study. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018;33:689–95.
  • Hsieh Y-H, Lin H-J, Tseng K-C. Which should go first during same-day bidirectional endosocopy with propofol sedation? J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2011;26:1559–64.
  • El Mokahal A, Daher HB, Yamout R, Hoshaimi N, Ayoub C, Shaib Y, et al. Randomized controlled trial of procedural sequence for same-day bidirectional endoscopy under monitored anesthesia care (RECoVER Trial). iGIE 2023;2:282–91.
  • Sayın P, Bostancı Ö, Türk HŞ, Işıl CT, Oba S, Mihmanlı M. Esophagoduodenoscopy or colonoscopy: which should be done first? Turk J Surg 2020;36:172–9.
  • Carrick MA, Robson JM, Thomas C. Smoking and anaesthesia. BJA Educ 2019;19:1–6.
  • Öztürk E, Aydoğan MS, Karaaslan K, Doğan Z, Topuz U. Does smoking increase the anesthetic requirement? Turk J Med Sci 2019;49:1271–6.
  • Zaballos M, Canal MI, Martínez R, Membrillo MJ, Gonzalez FJ, Orozco HD, et al. Preoperative smoking cessation counseling activities of anesthesiologists: a cross-sectional study. BMC Anesthesiol 2015;15:60.
  • Thomson A, Andrew G, Jones DB. Optimal sedation for gastrointestinal endoscopy: review and recommendations. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2010;25:469–78.
  • Cohen LB. Patient monitoring during gastrointestinal endoscopy:why, when, and how? Gastrointest. Gastrointest Endosc Clin North Am 2008;18:651–63.
  • Rex DK, Deenadayalu VP, Eid E. Endoscopist-directedadministration of propofol: a worldwide safety experience. Gastroenterology 2009;137:1229–37.
  • Pier BJ, Said A, Moncher K, Pfau PR. Safety of endoscopy aftermyocardial infarction based on cardiovascular risk categories: aretrospective analysis of 135 patients at a tertiary referral medicalcenter. J Clin Gastroenterol 2007;41:462–7.
  • Appell MS, Iacovone FM. Safety and efficacy ofesophagogastroduodenoscopy after myocardial infarction. Am JMed 1999;106:29–35.
  • Cappell MS. Safety and efficacy of colonoscopy after myocardial infarction: an analysis of 100 study patients and 100 control patients at two tertiary cardiac referral hospitals. Gastrointest Endosc 2004;60:901–9.
  • Goudra BGB, Singh PM. Cardiac arrests during endoscopy with anesthesia assistance. JAMA Intern Med 2013;173:1659–60.
  • Korkmaz H. Endoskopi yapılan hastalarda eroziv reflü hastalığının sıklığı,endoskopik, klinik ve histopatolojik özellikleri ve Helicobacter pylori ile ilişkisi. Genel Tip Derg 2015;25:8–8.
  • Jowhari F, Hookey L. Gastroscopy should come before colonoscopy using CO2 insufflation in same day bidirectional endoscopies: A randomized controlled trial. J Can Assoc Gastroenterol 2020;3:120–6.

Anestezistlerin bidirectional endoskopi işlemlerinde prosedür sırası tercihleri ve belirleyici faktörler

Year 2025, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 150 - 158, 25.03.2025


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, bidirectional endoskopi işlemlerinde (özofagogastroduodenoskopi [ÖGD] ve kolonoskopi)
anestezistlerin prosedür sırası tercihlerini ve bu tercihlere etki eden faktörleri değerlendirmektir.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel tasarımda yürütülen bu anket çalışması, Kasım-Aralık 2024 tarihleri arasında Türkiye genelinde ameliyathane dışı anestezi uygulamalarında deneyimli anestezistlere çevrim içi platformlar aracılığıyla uygulanmıştır. Çalışmaya, endoskopi ünitelerinde aktif görev alan ve bidirectional endoskopi konusunda deneyimli 204 anestezist katılmıştır. Anket formu, katılımcıların demografik bilgileri, klinik pratikleri, prosedür sırası tercihleri ve tercih nedenlerini sorgulayan sorulardan oluşmuştur. Verilerin istatistiksel analizi SPSS 22.0 programı kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiş, kategorik değişkenler Pearson Ki-Kare testi ile değerlendirilmiş ve p<0,05 anlamlı kabul edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Katılımcıların %63,7’si bidirectional endoskopilere ÖGD ile başlandığını belirtirken, %15,7’si kolonoskopiyi tercih etmiş, %20,6’sı ise belirli bir işlem sırası olmadığını ifade etmiştir. İşlem sırası tercihi; anestezistin yaşı (p=0,010), çalıştığı kurum türü (p=0,002) ve mesleki deneyimi ile ilişkili bulunmuştur. En sık tercih edilen intravenöz sedatif ajanlar propofol (%99,0), midazolam (%86,3) ve fentanil (%58,8) olmuştur. İşlem sırası tercihini etkileyen başlıca faktörler arasında endoskopistin tercihi (%69,1), ekipman uygunluğu (%56,4) ve hava yolu yönetimi güvenliği (%30,9) yer almıştır. Komplikasyonlar arasında en sık solunum depresyonu (%51,5) gözlenmiş olup, işlem sırasına göre komplikasyon oranlarında anlamlı fark saptanmamıştır (p>0,05).
Sonuç: Anestezistlerin bidirectional endoskopide işlem sırası tercihleri çeşitli hasta ve çevresel faktörlerden etkilenmektedir. Çoğu anestezist, hasta güvenliği ve ekip dinamiklerini göz önünde bulundurarak işlem sırası olarak ÖGD ile başlamayı tercih etmektedir. Elde edilen bulgular, multidisipliner ekip çalışmasının ve hasta özelliklerinin dikkate alınmasının, hasta güvenliği ve prosedürel başarı açısından önemini vurgulamaktadır.

Ethical Statement

Samsun Üniversitesi Girişimsel Olmayan Klinik Araştırmalar Etik Kurulu’ndan GOKAEK 2024/19/3 sayı numarası ile etik kurul onayı alınmıştır.


Bu çalışmanın planlanması ve yürütülmesinde değerli katkılarından dolayı Doç. Dr. Özgür Kömürcü’ye ve Doç. Dr. Sezgin Bilgin’e teşekkür ederiz.


  • Urquhart J, Eisen G, Faigel DO, Mattek N, Holub J, Lieberman DA. A closer look at same-day bidirectional endoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc 2009;69:271–7.
  • Axon AT, Bell GD, Jones RH, Quine MA, McCloy RF. Guidelines on appropriate indications for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Working party of the joint committee of the royal college of physicians of London, royal college of surgeons of England, royal college of anaesthetists, association of surgeons, the British society of gastroenterology, and the Thoracic Society of Great Britain. BMJ 1995;310:853–6.
  • Adang RP, Vismans JF, Talmon JL, Hasman A, Ambergen AW, Stockbrügger RW. Appropriateness of indications for diagnostic upper gastrointestinal endoscopy: association with relevant endoscopic disease. Gastrointest Endosc 1995;42:390–7.
  • Laoveeravat P, Thavaraputta S, Suchartlikitwong S, Vutthikraivit W, Mingbunjerdsuk T, Motes A, et al. Optimal sequences of same-visit bidirectional endoscopy: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Dig Endosc 2020;32:706–14.
  • Choi GJ, Oh H-C, Seong H-K, Kim JW, Ko JS, Kang H. Comparison of procedural sequence in same-day bidirectional endoscopy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Korean J Intern Med 2020;35:331–41.
  • Goudra B, Saumoy M. Anesthesia for advanced endoscopic procedures. Clin Endosc 2022;55:1–7.
  • Carter D, Lahat A, Papageorgiou NP, Goldstein S, Eliakim R, Bardan E. Comparison of procedural sequence in same-day consecutive bidirectional endoscopy using moderate sedation: a prospective randomized study. J Clin Gastroenterol 2014;48:236–40.
  • Choi JS, Youn YH, Lee SK. Which should go first during same-day upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy?: a randomized prospective study focusing on colonoscopy performance. Surg Endosc 2013;27:2209–15.
  • Cao Y, Yang J, Li J, Ao X, Zhang K-Y, Shen X-C, et al. Comparison of procedural sequences in same-day painless bidirectional endoscopy: Single-center, prospective, randomized study. Dig Endosc 2017;29:330–7.
  • Chen S-W, Cheng C-L, Liu N-J, Tang J-H, Kuo Y-L, Lin C-H, et al. Optimal procedural sequence for same‐day bidirectional endoscopy with moderate sedation: A prospective randomized study. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018;33:689–95.
  • Hsieh Y-H, Lin H-J, Tseng K-C. Which should go first during same-day bidirectional endosocopy with propofol sedation? J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2011;26:1559–64.
  • El Mokahal A, Daher HB, Yamout R, Hoshaimi N, Ayoub C, Shaib Y, et al. Randomized controlled trial of procedural sequence for same-day bidirectional endoscopy under monitored anesthesia care (RECoVER Trial). iGIE 2023;2:282–91.
  • Sayın P, Bostancı Ö, Türk HŞ, Işıl CT, Oba S, Mihmanlı M. Esophagoduodenoscopy or colonoscopy: which should be done first? Turk J Surg 2020;36:172–9.
  • Carrick MA, Robson JM, Thomas C. Smoking and anaesthesia. BJA Educ 2019;19:1–6.
  • Öztürk E, Aydoğan MS, Karaaslan K, Doğan Z, Topuz U. Does smoking increase the anesthetic requirement? Turk J Med Sci 2019;49:1271–6.
  • Zaballos M, Canal MI, Martínez R, Membrillo MJ, Gonzalez FJ, Orozco HD, et al. Preoperative smoking cessation counseling activities of anesthesiologists: a cross-sectional study. BMC Anesthesiol 2015;15:60.
  • Thomson A, Andrew G, Jones DB. Optimal sedation for gastrointestinal endoscopy: review and recommendations. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2010;25:469–78.
  • Cohen LB. Patient monitoring during gastrointestinal endoscopy:why, when, and how? Gastrointest. Gastrointest Endosc Clin North Am 2008;18:651–63.
  • Rex DK, Deenadayalu VP, Eid E. Endoscopist-directedadministration of propofol: a worldwide safety experience. Gastroenterology 2009;137:1229–37.
  • Pier BJ, Said A, Moncher K, Pfau PR. Safety of endoscopy aftermyocardial infarction based on cardiovascular risk categories: aretrospective analysis of 135 patients at a tertiary referral medicalcenter. J Clin Gastroenterol 2007;41:462–7.
  • Appell MS, Iacovone FM. Safety and efficacy ofesophagogastroduodenoscopy after myocardial infarction. Am JMed 1999;106:29–35.
  • Cappell MS. Safety and efficacy of colonoscopy after myocardial infarction: an analysis of 100 study patients and 100 control patients at two tertiary cardiac referral hospitals. Gastrointest Endosc 2004;60:901–9.
  • Goudra BGB, Singh PM. Cardiac arrests during endoscopy with anesthesia assistance. JAMA Intern Med 2013;173:1659–60.
  • Korkmaz H. Endoskopi yapılan hastalarda eroziv reflü hastalığının sıklığı,endoskopik, klinik ve histopatolojik özellikleri ve Helicobacter pylori ile ilişkisi. Genel Tip Derg 2015;25:8–8.
  • Jowhari F, Hookey L. Gastroscopy should come before colonoscopy using CO2 insufflation in same day bidirectional endoscopies: A randomized controlled trial. J Can Assoc Gastroenterol 2020;3:120–6.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Anaesthesiology
Journal Section Research Article

Caner Genç 0000-0002-2987-6909

Sezgin Bilgin 0000-0002-3031-8488

Hasan Çetinkaya 0000-0002-4228-9063

Hatice Selçuk Kuşderci 0000-0002-3963-3265

Sevda Akdeniz 0000-0002-9284-183X

Esra Turunç 0000-0003-0159-7403

Burhan Dost 0000-0002-4562-1172

Özgür Kömürcü 0000-0002-6321-399X

Publication Date March 25, 2025
Submission Date February 25, 2025
Acceptance Date March 14, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 16 Issue: 1


APA Genç, C., Bilgin, S., Çetinkaya, H., Selçuk Kuşderci, H., et al. (2025). Anestezistlerin bidirectional endoskopi işlemlerinde prosedür sırası tercihleri ve belirleyici faktörler. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory, 16(1), 150-158.
AMA Genç C, Bilgin S, Çetinkaya H, Selçuk Kuşderci H, Akdeniz S, Turunç E, Dost B, Kömürcü Ö. Anestezistlerin bidirectional endoskopi işlemlerinde prosedür sırası tercihleri ve belirleyici faktörler. TJCL. March 2025;16(1):150-158. doi:10.18663/tjcl.1646691
Chicago Genç, Caner, Sezgin Bilgin, Hasan Çetinkaya, Hatice Selçuk Kuşderci, Sevda Akdeniz, Esra Turunç, Burhan Dost, and Özgür Kömürcü. “Anestezistlerin Bidirectional Endoskopi işlemlerinde prosedür sırası Tercihleri Ve Belirleyici faktörler”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 16, no. 1 (March 2025): 150-58.
EndNote Genç C, Bilgin S, Çetinkaya H, Selçuk Kuşderci H, Akdeniz S, Turunç E, Dost B, Kömürcü Ö (March 1, 2025) Anestezistlerin bidirectional endoskopi işlemlerinde prosedür sırası tercihleri ve belirleyici faktörler. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 16 1 150–158.
IEEE C. Genç, S. Bilgin, H. Çetinkaya, H. Selçuk Kuşderci, S. Akdeniz, E. Turunç, B. Dost, and Ö. Kömürcü, “Anestezistlerin bidirectional endoskopi işlemlerinde prosedür sırası tercihleri ve belirleyici faktörler”, TJCL, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 150–158, 2025, doi: 10.18663/tjcl.1646691.
ISNAD Genç, Caner et al. “Anestezistlerin Bidirectional Endoskopi işlemlerinde prosedür sırası Tercihleri Ve Belirleyici faktörler”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 16/1 (March 2025), 150-158.
JAMA Genç C, Bilgin S, Çetinkaya H, Selçuk Kuşderci H, Akdeniz S, Turunç E, Dost B, Kömürcü Ö. Anestezistlerin bidirectional endoskopi işlemlerinde prosedür sırası tercihleri ve belirleyici faktörler. TJCL. 2025;16:150–158.
MLA Genç, Caner et al. “Anestezistlerin Bidirectional Endoskopi işlemlerinde prosedür sırası Tercihleri Ve Belirleyici faktörler”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory, vol. 16, no. 1, 2025, pp. 150-8, doi:10.18663/tjcl.1646691.
Vancouver Genç C, Bilgin S, Çetinkaya H, Selçuk Kuşderci H, Akdeniz S, Turunç E, Dost B, Kömürcü Ö. Anestezistlerin bidirectional endoskopi işlemlerinde prosedür sırası tercihleri ve belirleyici faktörler. TJCL. 2025;16(1):150-8.

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