"Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory" is a peer-reviewed, open access and periodically published journal owned by DNT Ortadoğu Yayıncılık A.Ş. Our aim is to publish high quality scientific articles containing innovations in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases on an international basis. It is a scientific medical journal published four times a year. As a peer-reviewed journal, the articles received are evaluated by consultants primarily in terms of their compliance with the standard requirements and common rules defined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (www.icmje.org) for biomedical articles. It is a scientific, internationally refereed journal that publishes retrospective/prospective clinical and laboratory studies, interesting case reports, reviews written upon invitation, letters to the editor, original images, short reports and surgical technique articles related to all branches of medicine. Articles published or sent for evaluation in another journal or articles not prepared according to the journal rules are not accepted for evaluation.
"Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory" is a peer-reviewed, open access and periodically published journal owned by DNT Ortadoğu Yayıncılık A.Ş. Our aim is to publish high quality scientific articles containing innovations in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases on an international basis. It is a scientific medical journal published four times a year. As a peer-reviewed journal, the articles received are evaluated by consultants primarily in terms of their compliance with the standard requirements and common rules defined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (www.icmje.org) for biomedical articles. It is a scientific, internationally refereed journal that publishes retrospective/prospective clinical and laboratory studies, interesting case reports, reviews written upon invitation, letters to the editor, original images, short reports and surgical technique articles related to all branches of medicine. Articles published or sent for evaluation in another journal or articles not prepared according to the journal rules are not accepted for evaluation.
Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory - Türk Klinik ve Laboratuvar Dergisi
You can find all the information about the standard requirements for articles to be sent to medical journals at www.icmje.org
Purpose and scope: "Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory" is a peer-reviewed, open access and periodically published journal owned by DNT Ortadoğu Yayıncılık A.Ş. Our aim is to publish high quality scientific articles containing innovations in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases on an international basis. It is a scientific medical journal published four times a year. As a peer-reviewed journal, the articles received are evaluated by consultants primarily in terms of their compliance with the standard requirements and common rules defined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (accessible at www.icmje.org) for biomedical articles. It is a scientific, internationally refereed journal that publishes retrospective/prospective clinical and laboratory studies, interesting case reports, reviews written upon invitation, letters to the editor, original images, short reports and surgical technique articles related to all branches of medicine. Articles that have been published or submitted for evaluation in another journal or articles that have not been prepared in accordance with the journal rules will not be accepted for evaluation.
On-line article submission: All correspondence and article submissions should be made via dergipark at https://dergipark.org.tr/tjcl. Detailed information for article submission can be obtained from this internet address. A special number will be given for each article submitted and the receipt of the article will be confirmed via e-mail. The “full-text” pdf form of the articles can be accessed from this page.
Open access policy: Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory is an open access journal. Users can access the full text of the articles, and all articles can be used in scientific studies by citing the source.
The following guide shows the standards sought in articles submitted to the journal. This international format will ensure that the article evaluation and printing stages are carried out quickly.
Information for Authors: All scientific responsibility for the articles belongs to the author(s). The editor, assistant editor and publisher do not accept any responsibility for the articles published in the journal.
Abbreviation of journal name: Turk J Clin Lab
Correspondence address: Articles should be sent by e-mail by the corresponding author after registering and entering the Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory link in DergiPark.
Article language: Article languages are Turkish and English. English articles must be checked by a professional linguist before submission. Spelling and grammar errors in the article can be corrected by an English language consultant without changing the content. Proper use of Turkish is important in articles written in Turkish. For this purpose, the Turkish Language Association Dictionary and Spelling Guide should be taken as the basis for the writing language.
Note that the article has not been published elsewhere: Each author must state to the editor on the presentation page that a part or all of the article has not been published elsewhere and is not under evaluation in another journal at the same time. Abstracts of less than 400 words are excluded. Oral or poster presentations presented at congresses must be stated on the title page by giving the congress name, place and date. All kinds of responsibilities (ethical, scientific, legal, etc.) for the articles published in the journal belong to the authors.
Evaluation: Articles sent to the journal are evaluated in terms of format and plagiarism. Articles that do not comply with the format are returned to the responsible author without evaluation. Spelling rules should be reviewed to avoid such a waste of time. All articles sent for publication are evaluated by two or more local/foreign referees. The evaluation of articles is carried out by taking into account their scientific importance and originality. Articles accepted for publication may be rearranged by the editorial board without changing the content and by informing the authors. After the article is sent to the journal or accepted for publication, the order of names cannot be changed, and the author's name cannot be added or removed.
Acceptance for publication: After the editor and referees approve, the article is placed in the printing order based on the submission date. A doi number is obtained for each article.
Transfer of publication rights: It should be sent online via http:/www.dergipark.org.tr/tjcl. According to the 1976 Copyright Act, all publishing rights of articles accepted for publication belong to the publisher.
General article writing rules: Articles should be written with Microsoft Word program, double-spaced and 12-point font, leaving 2.5 cm margins on both sides and the top and bottom of each page. The font style should be Times New Roman. “System International” (SI) units should be used. Figures, tables and graphs should be referenced in the text. Abbreviations should be given in parentheses at the first occurrence of the word. In Turkish articles, 50% should be written adjacent, and in English, 50% should be adjacent. In Turkish, commas should be used in decimal numbers (55,78), and in English articles, dots (55.78) should be used. A review should not exceed 4000 words, an original study should be 2500 words, a case report should not exceed 1200 words, and a letter to the editor should not exceed 500 words. The pages after the abstract page should be numbered.
Sections of the article
1. Presentation page: This is a letter sent to the journal editor by the responsible author of the article, stating that the article is requested to be evaluated for publication in the Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory. This section should indicate whether a part or all of the article has not been published elsewhere and is not being evaluated in another journal at the same time, and that there is financial support and conflict of interest.
2. Title page: The category of the submitted article should be stated at the top of the page (clinical analysis, original study, experimental study, case report, etc.).
After the names and surnames of all authors are written, they should be numbered from 1 with a superscript, and their titles, the institution, clinic and city they work for should be added under the author names. The "responsible author" should be stated on this page, and the name, full address, telephone and e-mail information should be added. Oral or poster presentations presented at congresses should be indicated on the title page by giving the congress name, place and date. AS OF 2019, AUTHORS ARE REQUIRED TO REPORT THEIR ORCID NUMBERS.
3. Article file: (Author and institution names should not be included)
Title: It should be a short and clear title. It should not contain abbreviations. It should be written in Turkish and English and the running title should be added in Turkish and English.
Abstract: It should be written in Turkish and English. In original studies, abstracts should be divided into Aim, Material and Methods, Results and Conclusion sections and should not exceed 250 words. In case reports and similar, abstracts should be short and single paragraph (150 words), and in reviews, they should not exceed 300 words. Keywords: Should be at the end of Turkish and English abstracts. A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 should be written. Words should be separated from each other with semicolons and written in all lower case letters. English keywords should be given in accordance with “Medical Subject Headings (MESH)” (www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html). Turkish keywords should be given in accordance with “Turkish Scientific Terms” (www.bilimterimleri.com). If not found, a one-to-one Turkish translation should be given.
Text sections: Original articles should be organized as Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion. Case reports should be organized as Introduction, Case, Discussion, Conclusion. The places where figures, photographs, tables and graphics are used in the text should be stated at the end of the relevant sentence and should not be placed in the text. The abbreviations used should be stated in the explanation below. If previously published figures, pictures, tables and graphics are used, written permission should be obtained and this permission should be stated as an explanation in the figure, picture, table and graphic description. Tables should be added at the end of the text. The quality of the images/photos should be at least 300dpi. Ethical rules: The protocol of the clinical trials should be approved by the ethics committee. In all studies conducted on humans, a sentence must be included in the "Materials and Methods" section stating that the study was approved by the relevant committee or that the study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki Principles (www.wma.net/e/policy/b3.htm). It must be stated in the text that all people included in the study signed the informed consent form. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory assumes that the submitted manuscripts are conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, that institutional ethical and legal permissions have been obtained, and accepts no responsibility in this regard. If the element "Animal" is used in the study, the authors must include the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory in the Materials and Methods section of the article.
Animals (www.nap.edu/catalog/5140.html) must state that they protect animal rights in their studies in accordance with their principles and that they have received approval from the ethics committees of their institutions.
Acknowledgement text: If available, it should be written after the references.
Financial support and conflict of interest: At the end of the article, the persons and organizations that financially support the study, if any, and the conflict of interest of these organizations with the authors, if any, should be stated. (If not, it should be written as “There is no person/organization that financially supports the study and the authors have no conflict of interest.”
References: References should be written in the order they appear in the article. If the number of authors in the source is 6 or less, all authors should be specified, if it is 7 or more, the first 3 names should be written and et al. (“et al”) should be added. The format used for writing references should be as specified in Index Medicus (www.icmje.org). Only studies that have been published or accepted for publication or have received a DOI number should be included in the reference list. Journal abbreviations should comply with the style used in the “Cumulated Index Medicus.” Care should be taken to limit the number of references to 25 in research and 60 in compilations, 10 in case reports, and 5 in letters to the editor. References should be indicated in square brackets immediately before the period at the end of the sentence in the text. For example, [4,5]. The author(s) are responsible for the accuracy of the references. Importance should be given to the synthesis of domestic and foreign sources.
4. Figure and table titles: Titles should be written after the references. Each should be sent as a separate image file (jpg).
After the article is accepted for publication, the “First proofreading copy of the typesetting” will be sent to the responsible author via e-mail. Only spelling errors will be corrected in this text, no additions or deletions will be made. The responsible author will notify the publication management center of the corrections in a file via e-mail within 2 days.
5. At the end of the article; Contribution rate statement of the researchers, if any Support and Acknowledgement Statement, Conflict Statement should be included
Source Writing Examples
Quotes from journals;
Özpolat B, Gürpınar ÖA, Ayva EŞ, Gazyağcı S, Niyaz M. The effect of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor and adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells on wound healing, epithelization and angiogenesis in a tracheal resection and end to end anastomosis rat model. Turk Gogus Kalp Dama 2013; 21: 1010-19.
Quote from book;
Tos M. Cartilage tympanoplasty. 1st ed. Stuttgart-New York: Georg Thieme Verlag; 2009.
Quote from book with sole author and editor;
Neinstein LS. The office visit, interview techniques, and recommendations to parents. In: Neinstein LS (ed). Adolescent Health Care. A practical guide. 3rd ed. Baltimore: Williams&Wilkins; 1996: 46-60.
Excerpt from a book with multiple authors and editors;
Schulz JE, Parran T Jr: Principles of identification and intervention. In: Principles of Addicton Medicine, Graham AW. Shultz TK (eds). American Society of Addiction Medicine, 3rd ed. Baltimore: Williams&Wilkins; 1998:1-10.
If the editor is also a chapter author in the book;
Diener HC, Wilkinson M (editors). Drug-induced headache. In: Headache. First ed., New York: Springer-Verlag;1988:45-67.
Excerpt from a PhD/Undergraduate Thesis;
Kılıç C. General Health Survey: A Study of Reliability and Validity. PhD Thesis, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatrics, Ankara; 1992.
Quoting from a website;
The name of the website, URL address, author names, and access date should be given in detail.
Giving a DOI number;
Joos S, Musselmann B, Szecsenyi J. Integration of Complementary and Alternative Medicine into Family Practice in Germany: Result of National Survey. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011 (doi: 10.1093/ecam/nep019).
For other referencing styles, visit the “ICMJE Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Sample References” page.
Statement of scientific responsibility: Before an accepted article is published, each author must declare that he/she has participated in the research to an extent sufficient to share responsibility for its content. This participation may be in the following areas: 1. Conception and design of experiments, or collection, 2. analysis or expression of data; 3. Preparation of the draft of the article or review of its scientific content. 4. Approval of the final version of the article ready for publication.
Declaration that the article has not been submitted for publication elsewhere: "I declare that the material in this work, in whole or in part, has not been previously published elsewhere, and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. This includes symposia, knowledge transfers, books, invited articles, electronic submissions, and preliminary reports of any kind, except abstracts of up to 400 words."
Declaration of sponsorship: Authors should declare the roles of sponsors of the study, if any, in the following areas: 1. Design of the study 2. Collection, analysis, and interpretation of data 3. Writing of the report
1. Presentation page to the editor (Must be written by the responsible author)
2. Title page (Article title/short title in Turkish and English, Authors, institutions, responsible author mailing address, e-mail addresses of all authors, telephone number of the responsible author)
3. Text page of the article (Article title/short title in Turkish and English, Abstract/keywords, Abstract/keywords, article text, references, table and figure titles, tables, figures)
4. Tables and graphics must be in the text.
5. Figures (minimum 300 dpi resolution) must be sent as a separate file or more.
6. Copyright Transfer Form
7. A copy of the ethics committee approval
*A "Layout and Graphic Design" fee is requested for articles uploaded to our journal for evaluation. You can contact DNT Ortadoğu Yayıncılık A.Ş. for information about fees
Ethical Rules: The protocol of clinical studies must be approved by the ethics committee. In all studies conducted on humans, there must be a sentence in the "Materials and Methods" section stating that the study was approved by the relevant committee or that the study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki Principles (www.wma.net/e/policy/b3.htm). It must be stated in the text that all people included in the study signed the informed consent form. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory will assume that the submitted articles are conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, institutional ethical and legal permissions have been obtained, and will not accept any responsibility in this regard. If the “Animal” element is used in the study, the authors must state in the Materials and Methods section of the article that they have protected animal rights in their studies in accordance with the principles of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (www.nap.edu/catalog/5140.html) and have received approval from the ethics committees of their institutions.
For articles uploaded to our journal for evaluation, a "Layout and Graphic Design" fee is requested before the editorial process begins.
e-ISSN: 2149-8296
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