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Gölcük Tabiat Parkın’da doğal ve bozulmuş habitatlarında böcek biyolojik çeşitlilik parametrelerinin karşılaştırılması (Isparta, Türkiye)

Year 2021, , 362 - 365, 30.12.2021


Çalışma, 2018-2019 yılları arasında Gölcük Tabiat Parkı'nda (Isparta İli) doğal ve doğal olmayan habitatlarda bulunan böcek türlerinin biyoçeşitlilik parametrelerinin karşılaştırılması amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bahsedilen amaca ulaşmak için iki doğal ve iki doğal olmayan (turizmin etkisi) orman ekosistemi seçilmiştir. Coleoptera türlerini örneklemek için toplam 40 adet çukur tuzak (her habitat için 10’ar adet) kurulmuştur. Çalışma sonunda doğal habitatlarda tür zenginliği doğal olmayanlara göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Çeşitlilik indeksi (hem Shannon-Wiener hem de Simpson) doğal habitatlarda daha yüksek hesaplanmış ve beklendiği gibi, çeşitlilikle ters orantılı olan baskınlık, doğal olmayan habitatlarda daha yüksek ölçülmüştür. Shannon Evenness, popülasyon yoğunluk ilişkisi doğal yaşam ortamlarında çoğunlukla eşit dağılımlı grafikler oluşturmuştur. Sörenson katsayısı sonuçları, seçilen doğal ve doğal olmayan ekosistemlerin gruplar halinde birbirine benzer olduğunu göstermiştir. Çalışmanın sonuçları, insan faaliyetinin habitat tahribatında önemli bir rol oynadığını göstermiştir. İnsan etkisi ile habitatlarda tür zenginliği ve çeşitliliğinin olumsuz etkilendiği ortaya konmuştur.


  • Aydın, G., Sekeroglu, E., Arndt, E., 2005. Tiger beetles as bioindicators of habitat degradation in the Çukurova Delta, Southern Turkey (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae). Zoology in the Middle East, 36: 51-58.
  • Aydın, G., 2006. Çukurova Deltası’nda böceklerin sürdürülebilir alan kullanımında biyolojik gösterge olarak değerlendirilme olanakları. Doktora tezi. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Adana.
  • Aydın, G., Kazak, C., 2007. Çukurova Deltası (Adana) biyotoplarında böceklerin farklı insan aktivitelerine biyolojik gösterge olarak kullanılma olanakları. Türk.Entomol.Dergisi, 31 (2):111-128.
  • Aydın, G., Kazak, C., 2010. Selecting indicator species habitat description and sustainable land utilization: A case study in a Mediterranean Delta. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 12(6): 931-934
  • Aydın, G., Karaca, İ., 2011. Human threats to population of endemic sand dune cricket (Schizodactylus inexpectatus). International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 13(6): 1016-1020.
  • Aydın, G., 2018. Determination of indicator species in coastal successions in Tentsmuir National Nature Reserves (NNR), Scotland. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 27 (7): 5037-5044.
  • Barron, M.C., Liebhold, A.M, Kean, J.M., Richardson, B., Brockerhoff, E.G., 2019. Habitat fragmentation and eradication of invading insect herbivores. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57 (3): 590-598.
  • Borgelt, A., New, T.R., 2006. Pitfall trapping for ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in mesic Australia: what is the best trapping period? Journal of Insect Conservation: 10: 75–77.
  • Borror, D.J., Delong M.D., Triplehorn, C.A., 1981. An introduction to the study of insects. Fifth edition Sounders Collelege Publishing, Philadelphia.
  • Clauson, D., 2002. III. Environmental Restoration. Restoration's Influence on Aerial Arthropod Diversity - Damien Clauson (John Latto, Matt Orr, Justin Remais and Manish Desai, (Editors) Senior Research Seminar Environmental Sciences Group Major University of California at Berkeley Berkeley, California. 9 p.
  • Dudgeon, D., 2006. The impacts of human disturbance on stream benthic invertebrates and their drift in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Freshwater Biology, 51: 1710–1729.
  • Fakir, H, Dutkuner, İ., 1999. Isparta Gölcük Tabiat Parkı Florası üzerine araştırmalar. 1st International Symposium on Protection of Natural Environment and Ehrami Karaçam, 23-25 September, Kütahya-Türkiye, pp. 77-87.
  • Forister, M.L., Pelton, E.M., Black, S.H., 2019. Declines in insect abundance and diversity: We know enough to act now. Conservation Science and Practice. 1 (8): 1-8
  • Grimbacher, P.S., Stork, N.E., 2007. Vertical stratification of feeding guilds and body size in beetle assemblages from an Australian tropical rainforest. Austral Ecology, 32: 77–85.
  • Heimann, D., 2004. EvenDiv 1.1. Based on a DBase Program Code Supplied by Jörg Perner and Martin Schnitter. Institute of Ecology, University of Jena.
  • Kovach, W.L., 1999. A Multi variate Statistical Package. United Kingdom: Kovach Computing Services.
  • Krebs, C.J., 1999. Ecological Methodology. An Imprint of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
  • Lodge, D.J., Cantrell, S., 1995. Diversity of litter agarics at cuyabeno, Ecuador: calibrating sampling efforts in tropical rainforest. Mycologist, 9 (4): 149-151.
  • Magurran, A.E., 1988 Ecological Diversity and Its Measurement. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
  • Magurran, A.E., 2004. Measuring Biological Diversity. Blackwell Science Ltd.
  • Morris, R.J., 2010. Anthropogenic impacts on tropical forest biodiversity: a network structure and ecosystem functioning perspective. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci., 365(1558): 3709–3718. New, T.R., 1998. Invertebrate Surveys for Conservation. Oxford University Press.
  • Özkan, K., 2016. Biyolojik Çeşitlilik Bileşenleri Nasıl Ölçülür? Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 98, Isparta.
  • Ryder, C., Moran J., MC Donnell, R., Gormally, M., 2005. Conservation implications of grazing practices on the plant and dipteran communities of a turlough in Co. Mayo, Ireland. Biodiversity and Conservation, 14: 187–204.
  • Sutrisno, H., 2010. The impact of human activities to dynamic of insect communities: A case study in Gunung Salak, West Java. Hayati Journal of Biosciences, 17 (4): 161-166.
  • Yanoviak, S.P., Nadkarni, N.M., Solano, J.R., 2006. Arthropod Assemblages in Epiphyte Mats of Costa Rican Cloud Forests. Biotropica, 36(2): 202–210.

Comparison of insect biological diversity parameters in natural and degraded habitats in Gölcük Nature Park (Isparta, Turkey)

Year 2021, , 362 - 365, 30.12.2021


The study was carried out to compare the biodiversity parameters of the insect species in natural and un-natural habitats in Gölcük Nature Park (Isparta Province) between 2018 and 2019. Two natural and two unnatural habitats (impact of tourism) were selected to realize mentioned aim. Totally 40 pitfall traps (10 traps for each habitat) were set up to sample Coleoptera species. Species richness was found higher in natural habitats than unnatural ones. Diversity index (both Shannon-Wiener and Simpson) were calculated higher in natural habitats and as expected, dominancy inversely proportional to diversity was measured lower in natural habitats. Shannon Evenness, population density due to individual of the species showed mostly evenly distributed on the graphs in natural habitats. The Sörenson Coefficient results showed that selected natural and unnatural habitats groups were found similar to each other. The results of the study showed that human activity plays an important role in habitat destruction. It has been revealed that species richness and diversity are negatively affected in habitats with human impact.


  • Aydın, G., Sekeroglu, E., Arndt, E., 2005. Tiger beetles as bioindicators of habitat degradation in the Çukurova Delta, Southern Turkey (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae). Zoology in the Middle East, 36: 51-58.
  • Aydın, G., 2006. Çukurova Deltası’nda böceklerin sürdürülebilir alan kullanımında biyolojik gösterge olarak değerlendirilme olanakları. Doktora tezi. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Adana.
  • Aydın, G., Kazak, C., 2007. Çukurova Deltası (Adana) biyotoplarında böceklerin farklı insan aktivitelerine biyolojik gösterge olarak kullanılma olanakları. Türk.Entomol.Dergisi, 31 (2):111-128.
  • Aydın, G., Kazak, C., 2010. Selecting indicator species habitat description and sustainable land utilization: A case study in a Mediterranean Delta. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 12(6): 931-934
  • Aydın, G., Karaca, İ., 2011. Human threats to population of endemic sand dune cricket (Schizodactylus inexpectatus). International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 13(6): 1016-1020.
  • Aydın, G., 2018. Determination of indicator species in coastal successions in Tentsmuir National Nature Reserves (NNR), Scotland. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 27 (7): 5037-5044.
  • Barron, M.C., Liebhold, A.M, Kean, J.M., Richardson, B., Brockerhoff, E.G., 2019. Habitat fragmentation and eradication of invading insect herbivores. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57 (3): 590-598.
  • Borgelt, A., New, T.R., 2006. Pitfall trapping for ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in mesic Australia: what is the best trapping period? Journal of Insect Conservation: 10: 75–77.
  • Borror, D.J., Delong M.D., Triplehorn, C.A., 1981. An introduction to the study of insects. Fifth edition Sounders Collelege Publishing, Philadelphia.
  • Clauson, D., 2002. III. Environmental Restoration. Restoration's Influence on Aerial Arthropod Diversity - Damien Clauson (John Latto, Matt Orr, Justin Remais and Manish Desai, (Editors) Senior Research Seminar Environmental Sciences Group Major University of California at Berkeley Berkeley, California. 9 p.
  • Dudgeon, D., 2006. The impacts of human disturbance on stream benthic invertebrates and their drift in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Freshwater Biology, 51: 1710–1729.
  • Fakir, H, Dutkuner, İ., 1999. Isparta Gölcük Tabiat Parkı Florası üzerine araştırmalar. 1st International Symposium on Protection of Natural Environment and Ehrami Karaçam, 23-25 September, Kütahya-Türkiye, pp. 77-87.
  • Forister, M.L., Pelton, E.M., Black, S.H., 2019. Declines in insect abundance and diversity: We know enough to act now. Conservation Science and Practice. 1 (8): 1-8
  • Grimbacher, P.S., Stork, N.E., 2007. Vertical stratification of feeding guilds and body size in beetle assemblages from an Australian tropical rainforest. Austral Ecology, 32: 77–85.
  • Heimann, D., 2004. EvenDiv 1.1. Based on a DBase Program Code Supplied by Jörg Perner and Martin Schnitter. Institute of Ecology, University of Jena.
  • Kovach, W.L., 1999. A Multi variate Statistical Package. United Kingdom: Kovach Computing Services.
  • Krebs, C.J., 1999. Ecological Methodology. An Imprint of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
  • Lodge, D.J., Cantrell, S., 1995. Diversity of litter agarics at cuyabeno, Ecuador: calibrating sampling efforts in tropical rainforest. Mycologist, 9 (4): 149-151.
  • Magurran, A.E., 1988 Ecological Diversity and Its Measurement. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
  • Magurran, A.E., 2004. Measuring Biological Diversity. Blackwell Science Ltd.
  • Morris, R.J., 2010. Anthropogenic impacts on tropical forest biodiversity: a network structure and ecosystem functioning perspective. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci., 365(1558): 3709–3718. New, T.R., 1998. Invertebrate Surveys for Conservation. Oxford University Press.
  • Özkan, K., 2016. Biyolojik Çeşitlilik Bileşenleri Nasıl Ölçülür? Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 98, Isparta.
  • Ryder, C., Moran J., MC Donnell, R., Gormally, M., 2005. Conservation implications of grazing practices on the plant and dipteran communities of a turlough in Co. Mayo, Ireland. Biodiversity and Conservation, 14: 187–204.
  • Sutrisno, H., 2010. The impact of human activities to dynamic of insect communities: A case study in Gunung Salak, West Java. Hayati Journal of Biosciences, 17 (4): 161-166.
  • Yanoviak, S.P., Nadkarni, N.M., Solano, J.R., 2006. Arthropod Assemblages in Epiphyte Mats of Costa Rican Cloud Forests. Biotropica, 36(2): 202–210.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Orijinal Araştırma Makalesi

Gökhan Aydın 0000-0003-2301-5195

Publication Date December 30, 2021
Acceptance Date November 20, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Aydın, G. (2021). Comparison of insect biological diversity parameters in natural and degraded habitats in Gölcük Nature Park (Isparta, Turkey). Turkish Journal of Forestry, 22(4), 362-365.
AMA Aydın G. Comparison of insect biological diversity parameters in natural and degraded habitats in Gölcük Nature Park (Isparta, Turkey). Turkish Journal of Forestry. December 2021;22(4):362-365. doi:10.18182/tjf.1006039
Chicago Aydın, Gökhan. “Comparison of Insect Biological Diversity Parameters in Natural and Degraded Habitats in Gölcük Nature Park (Isparta, Turkey)”. Turkish Journal of Forestry 22, no. 4 (December 2021): 362-65.
EndNote Aydın G (December 1, 2021) Comparison of insect biological diversity parameters in natural and degraded habitats in Gölcük Nature Park (Isparta, Turkey). Turkish Journal of Forestry 22 4 362–365.
IEEE G. Aydın, “Comparison of insect biological diversity parameters in natural and degraded habitats in Gölcük Nature Park (Isparta, Turkey)”, Turkish Journal of Forestry, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 362–365, 2021, doi: 10.18182/tjf.1006039.
ISNAD Aydın, Gökhan. “Comparison of Insect Biological Diversity Parameters in Natural and Degraded Habitats in Gölcük Nature Park (Isparta, Turkey)”. Turkish Journal of Forestry 22/4 (December 2021), 362-365.
JAMA Aydın G. Comparison of insect biological diversity parameters in natural and degraded habitats in Gölcük Nature Park (Isparta, Turkey). Turkish Journal of Forestry. 2021;22:362–365.
MLA Aydın, Gökhan. “Comparison of Insect Biological Diversity Parameters in Natural and Degraded Habitats in Gölcük Nature Park (Isparta, Turkey)”. Turkish Journal of Forestry, vol. 22, no. 4, 2021, pp. 362-5, doi:10.18182/tjf.1006039.
Vancouver Aydın G. Comparison of insect biological diversity parameters in natural and degraded habitats in Gölcük Nature Park (Isparta, Turkey). Turkish Journal of Forestry. 2021;22(4):362-5.