bahçelerinde kullanılan bitki türleri kent peyzajında belirleyici rol alarak
kentin biyoçeşitlilik potansiyelinde önemli bir yer tutar. Bunun yanında peyzaj
kalitesini arttırmak adına dekoratif bir kaynak sağlar. Bu çalışma, Batum kent
merkezinde ki mevcut bitki türlerinin estetik, görsel, fonksiyonel,
sosyo-kültürel, ve ekolojik değerlerini göz önüne alarak özel konut bahçeleri,
siteler ve yerleşim yerlerinde yapılmıştır. Bunun yanında Batum kent
merkezindeki konut bahçelerinde kullanılan bitkiler hakkında da nicel bilgiler
vermektedir. Çalışma alanında toplam 100 konut bahçesinde araştırma
yapılmıştır. Bu konut bahçeleri yerel evler, özel konutlar, villalar ve
apartman bahçelerinde olmak üzere 4 farklı konut tipi kategorisinde ele
alınmıştır. Araştırma yapılan konut bahçelerinde 61 farklı familyaya ait 147
bitki türüne rastlanmıştır. Araştırma yapılan konut bahçelerinde, oldukça fazla
egzotik bitki türüne rastlanılmıştır. Özellikle tür çeşitliliğinin fazlalığı ve
farklılığı yeni yerleşim yerlerinde daha çok göze çarpmaktadır. Bunun dışında,
çalışmada net olarak görülmektedir ki yerleşim merkezindeki süs bitkilerinin
kullanımı villa ve özel konutlarda yerini yer yer meyve ve diğer fayda getiren
türlere bırakmaktadır.
Acar, C., Acar, H., Eroğlu, E., 2007. Evaluation of ornamental plant resources to urban biodiversity and cultural changing: A case study of residential landscapes in Trabzon city (Turkey). Building and Environment, 42(1): 218-229.
Agbogidi, O.M., Adolor, E.B., 2013. Home gardens in the maintenance of biological diversity. Applied Scientific Reports. 1(1): 19-25.
Akhalkatsi, M., Maxted, N., Mosulishvili, M., Kimeridze, M., Maisaia, I., 2009. Recovery, Conservation, and Sustainable Use of Georgia's Agricultural diversity”.Conservation and sustainable use of crop wild relatives in Samtskhe-Javakheti Georgian Society of Nature Explorers “Orchis” Biological Farming Association "Elkana". GEF/UNDP Project Final Report, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Beebee, T.J.C., 1997. Changes in dewpond numbers and amphibian diversity over 20 years on chalk downland in Sussex, England. Biological Conservation, 81: 215–219.
Bland, R.L., Tully, J., Greenwood, J.J.D., 2004. Birds breeding in British gardens: an underestimated population? Bird Study, 51: 96–106.
Bhatti, M., Church, A., 2001. Cultivating natures: Home and gardens in late modernity. Sociology, 35: 365–383.
Bondyrev, I.V., Tavartkiladze, A.M., Seperteladze, Z.K., Tsereteli, E.D., 2008. Anthropogenic Transformation of the South Caucasus Natural Ambiente. Polograf, Tbilisi, 476.
Bryant, M.M., 2006. Urban landscape conservation and the role of ecological greenways at local and metropolitan scales. Landscape and Urban Planning, 76(1): 23-44.
Calvet-Mir, L., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Reyes-García, V., 2012. Beyond food production: Ecosystem services provided by home gardens. A case study in Vall Fosca, Catalan Pyrenees, Northeastern Spain. Ecological Economics, 74: 153-160.
Clarke, L., W., Li, L., Jenerette, G.D., Yu, Z., 2014. Drivers of plant biodiversity and ecosystem service production in home gardens across the Beijing Municipality of China. Urban Ecosystems, 17(3), 741-760.
Cooper, M.C., 1992. Environmental memories. I. Altman, S.M. Low (Eds.), Place attachment, Plenum, New York, 87–112.
Das, T., Das, A.K., 2005. Inventorying plant biodiversity in homegardens: A case study in barak valley, Assam, North East India. Current Science-Bangalore-, 89(1): 155.
Dickman, C.R., 1987. Habitat fragmentation and vertebrate species richness in an urban environment. Journal of Applied Ecology, 24(2): 337-351.
Engels, J., 2001. Home gardens- A genetic resource perspective. In: Watson J.W, Eyzaguirre P.B. eds. Proceedings of the second international home garden workshop. Biodiversity International, Rome, Italy, pp. 3-9.
Erduran, F., Kabaş, S., 2010. Investigation of balanced, functional and esthetic plantation principles in the ecological conditions of parks: Exemplary case of Çanakkale Halk Bahçesi. Ecology, 19(74): 190-199.
Fernandes, E.C.M., Nair, P.K.R., 1986. An evaluation of the structure and function of tropical homegardens. Agric. Syst., 21: 279–310.
Francis, M., Hester R., 1990. The meaning of gardens, MIT Press, Cambridge.
Francis, M., 1995. Childhood's garden: Memory and meaning of gardens. Children's Environment, 12(2): 183–191.
Frederiksen, M.D., 2012. Insecurity and Suspicion in the Wake of Urban Development Projects in Batumi, Ajara. Caucasus Analytical Digest.
Frison, E.A., Cherfas, J., Hodgkin, T., 2011. Agricultural biodiversity is essential for a sustainable improvement in food and nutrition security. Sustainability, 3(1): 238-253.
Frumkin, H., 2003. Healthy places: exploring the evidence. American Journal of Public health. 93(9): 1451-1456.
Galluzzi, G., Eyzaguirre, P., Negri, V., 2010. Home gardens: neglected hotspots of agro-biodiversity and cultural diversity. Biodiversity and Conservation 19(13): 3635-3654.
Gregory, R.D., Baillie, S.R., 1998. Large-scale habitat use of some declining British birds. Journal of Applied Ecology, 35: 785–799.
Gross, H., Lane, N., 2007. Landscapes of the lifespan: Exploring accounts of own gardens and gardening. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 27: 225–241.
Guarino L, Hoogendijk, M. 2004. Micro Environments. In: Eyzaguirre, P. and Linares, O. eds. Home Gardens and Agro-Biodiversity. Smithsonian Books, Washington, pp. 31-40.
Hodgkin, T., 2001. Home gardens and the maintenance of genetic diversity. In: Watson, J.W. and Eyzaguirre, P.B. (Eds.), Proceeding of the second International Home Garden Workshop, Biodiversity International, Rome, Italy, 14-18.
Jaganmohan M., Vailshery L. S., Gopal D., Nagendra H., 2012. Plant diversity and distribution in urban domestic gardens and apartments in Bangalore, India, Urban Ecosystems, Volume 15, Issue 4, 911-925.
Kabir, M., Webb, E.L., 2008. Can homegardens conserve biodiversity in Bangladesh? Biotropica, 40(1): 95-103.
Kaplan, R., 1973. Some psychological benefits of gardening. Environment and Behavior, 5:145–16.
Kaplan, R., Kaplan, S., 1990. The restorative experience: The healing power of nearby nature. The meaning of gardens, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 238–243
Kendal, D., Williams, K., Williams, N., 2012. Plant traits link people's plant preferences to the composition of their gardens. Landscape and Urban Planning, 105(1): 34-42.
Ketskhoveli, N., 1959. Vegetation of Georgia. Acad. Scien. Georgia, Tbilisi.
Kiesling, F.M., Manning, C.M., 2010. How green is your thumb? Environmental gardening and identity and ecological gardening practices. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30: 315–327.
Kumar, B.M., George, S.J., Chinnamani, S., 1994. Diversity, structure and standing stock of wood in the homegardens of Kerala in Peninsular India. Agrofor. Syst., 25: 243–262.
Kuo, F.E., Taylor, A.F., 2004. A potential natural treatment for attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder: Evidence from a national study. American Journal of Public Health, 94: 1580–1586.
Lindberg, J.E., Tolbert, V., RSchiller,. A., Hanowski, J., 1998. Determining biomass crop management strategies to enhance habitat value for wildlife. Poster presented at BioEnergy '98: Expanding Bioenergy Partnerships, Madison, Wisconsin .
Lubbe, S.C.S., Siebert J., Cilliers S.S., 2010. Political legacy of South Africa affects the plant diversity patterns of urban domestic gardens along a socio-economic gradient. Scientific Research and Essays, 5(19): 2900-2910.
Mason, C.F., 2000. Thrushes now largely restricted to the built environment in eastern England. Diversity and Distributions, 6: 189–194.
Mazumdar, S., Mazumdar, S., 2012. Immigrant home gardens: Places of religion, culture, ecology, and family. Landscape and Urban Planning. 105(3): 258–265.
Mendez, V.E., Lok, R., Somarriba, E., 2001. Interdisciplinary analysis of homegardens in Nicaragua: Microzonation, plant use and socioeconomic importance. Agrofor. Syst., 51: 85–96
Peach, W.J., Denny, M., Cotton, P.A., Hill, I.F., Gruar, D., Barritt, D., Impet, A., Mallord, J., 2004. Habitat selection by song thrushes in stable and declining farmland populations. Journal of Applied Ecology, 41: 275–293.
Pepping, C., 2012. Feasibility study of an artificial sandy beach at Batumi, Georgia. Doctoral dissertation, TU Delft, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands.
Santhakumar, V., 1996. On-Farm Biodiversity in Kerala. In Using Diversity (eds Sperling, L. and Loevinshon, M.), IDRC, New Delhi, pp. 22–34.
Sarı, D., Acar, C., 2010. Evaluation of plant species in urban residential landscapes based on their characteristics for landscape preferences; a sample of Trabzon city. Ekoloji, 19(74): 173-180.
Shibata, S., Suzuki, N., 2002. Effects of the foliage plant on task performance and mood. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 22: 265–272.
Ulrich, R., 1984. View through a window may influence recovery from surgery. Science, 224(4647): 224-225 Stoler.
Thompson, K., Austin, K.C., Smith, R.M., Warren, P.H., Angold, P.G., Gaston, K.J., 2003. Urban domestic gardens (I): putting small scale plants diversity in context. J. Vegetat. Sci., 14: 71–78.
Thompson, S., 2005. Digestible difference: food, ethnicity and spatial claims in the city. International Migration and Security: Opportunity and Challenges, 217-237.
Trewhella, W.J., K.M. Rodriguez-Clark, N., Corp, A. Entwistle, S.R.T. Garrett, E. Granek, K.L. Lengel, M.J. Raboude, P.F. Reason, B.J. Sewall. 2005. Environmental education as a component of multidisciplinary conservation programs: Lessons from conservation initiatives for critically endangered fruit bats in the western Indian Ocean. Conserv. Biol. 19: 75–85.
Turner, K., Lefler, L., Freedman, B., 2005. Plant communities of selected urbanized areas of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Landscape and Urban Planning, 71(2–4): 191–206.
Van Veenhuizen, R., 2006. Cities Farming for the Future: Urban Agriculture for Green and Productive Cities. Ottawa.
Viljoen, A., Bohn, K., Tomkins, M., 2009. Places for People, Places for Plants: Evolving Thoughts on Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Landscape and Urban Horticulture. Department of Agroenvironmental Science and Technology (Dista), Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bologna, Italy: 38.
Watson, J. W., Eyzaguirre, P.B., 2002. Home Gardens and in Situ Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources in Farming Systems: Proceedings of the Second International Home Gardens Workshop, Witzenhausen, Federal Republic of Germany.
Wells, N.M., Evans, G.W., 2003. Nearby nature: A buffer of life stress among rural children. Environment and Behavior, 35: 311–330.
Evaluation of plant species in home gardens: A case study of Batumi city (Adjara)
The home vegetation
features in urban landscapes play an important role as indicators of urban
biodiversity potential. They are also ornamental resources in the context of
landscape appreciation for the human environment. This study gives information about existing plant species that have
already been determined and evaluated according to plant characteristics (aesthetic
& visual, functional, socio-cultural and ecological) in the gardens of detached
houses and housing estates in home areas in the city centre of Batumi. Therefore,
this paper provides quantitative information on the distribution of plant
species in the urban residential landscape areas of Batumi city (Adjara). This
study covers a total of 100 home gardens. The home gardens are mainly based on
4 different types which are traditional housing, detached housing, villa, and
apartment blocks-housing estates. The results showed that there were 147
species from 61 different families in these home gardens. There are more exotic
species in residential gardens. Furthermore, the richness of species and
diversity are positively related to new urban development areas. However, it
was clearly determined that the vegetation structure has a tendency towards
ornamental purposes, which is different from detached housing gardens and villa
gardens where fruit and other benefiting species are available.
Acar, C., Acar, H., Eroğlu, E., 2007. Evaluation of ornamental plant resources to urban biodiversity and cultural changing: A case study of residential landscapes in Trabzon city (Turkey). Building and Environment, 42(1): 218-229.
Agbogidi, O.M., Adolor, E.B., 2013. Home gardens in the maintenance of biological diversity. Applied Scientific Reports. 1(1): 19-25.
Akhalkatsi, M., Maxted, N., Mosulishvili, M., Kimeridze, M., Maisaia, I., 2009. Recovery, Conservation, and Sustainable Use of Georgia's Agricultural diversity”.Conservation and sustainable use of crop wild relatives in Samtskhe-Javakheti Georgian Society of Nature Explorers “Orchis” Biological Farming Association "Elkana". GEF/UNDP Project Final Report, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Beebee, T.J.C., 1997. Changes in dewpond numbers and amphibian diversity over 20 years on chalk downland in Sussex, England. Biological Conservation, 81: 215–219.
Bland, R.L., Tully, J., Greenwood, J.J.D., 2004. Birds breeding in British gardens: an underestimated population? Bird Study, 51: 96–106.
Bhatti, M., Church, A., 2001. Cultivating natures: Home and gardens in late modernity. Sociology, 35: 365–383.
Bondyrev, I.V., Tavartkiladze, A.M., Seperteladze, Z.K., Tsereteli, E.D., 2008. Anthropogenic Transformation of the South Caucasus Natural Ambiente. Polograf, Tbilisi, 476.
Bryant, M.M., 2006. Urban landscape conservation and the role of ecological greenways at local and metropolitan scales. Landscape and Urban Planning, 76(1): 23-44.
Calvet-Mir, L., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Reyes-García, V., 2012. Beyond food production: Ecosystem services provided by home gardens. A case study in Vall Fosca, Catalan Pyrenees, Northeastern Spain. Ecological Economics, 74: 153-160.
Clarke, L., W., Li, L., Jenerette, G.D., Yu, Z., 2014. Drivers of plant biodiversity and ecosystem service production in home gardens across the Beijing Municipality of China. Urban Ecosystems, 17(3), 741-760.
Cooper, M.C., 1992. Environmental memories. I. Altman, S.M. Low (Eds.), Place attachment, Plenum, New York, 87–112.
Das, T., Das, A.K., 2005. Inventorying plant biodiversity in homegardens: A case study in barak valley, Assam, North East India. Current Science-Bangalore-, 89(1): 155.
Dickman, C.R., 1987. Habitat fragmentation and vertebrate species richness in an urban environment. Journal of Applied Ecology, 24(2): 337-351.
Engels, J., 2001. Home gardens- A genetic resource perspective. In: Watson J.W, Eyzaguirre P.B. eds. Proceedings of the second international home garden workshop. Biodiversity International, Rome, Italy, pp. 3-9.
Erduran, F., Kabaş, S., 2010. Investigation of balanced, functional and esthetic plantation principles in the ecological conditions of parks: Exemplary case of Çanakkale Halk Bahçesi. Ecology, 19(74): 190-199.
Fernandes, E.C.M., Nair, P.K.R., 1986. An evaluation of the structure and function of tropical homegardens. Agric. Syst., 21: 279–310.
Francis, M., Hester R., 1990. The meaning of gardens, MIT Press, Cambridge.
Francis, M., 1995. Childhood's garden: Memory and meaning of gardens. Children's Environment, 12(2): 183–191.
Frederiksen, M.D., 2012. Insecurity and Suspicion in the Wake of Urban Development Projects in Batumi, Ajara. Caucasus Analytical Digest.
Frison, E.A., Cherfas, J., Hodgkin, T., 2011. Agricultural biodiversity is essential for a sustainable improvement in food and nutrition security. Sustainability, 3(1): 238-253.
Frumkin, H., 2003. Healthy places: exploring the evidence. American Journal of Public health. 93(9): 1451-1456.
Galluzzi, G., Eyzaguirre, P., Negri, V., 2010. Home gardens: neglected hotspots of agro-biodiversity and cultural diversity. Biodiversity and Conservation 19(13): 3635-3654.
Gregory, R.D., Baillie, S.R., 1998. Large-scale habitat use of some declining British birds. Journal of Applied Ecology, 35: 785–799.
Gross, H., Lane, N., 2007. Landscapes of the lifespan: Exploring accounts of own gardens and gardening. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 27: 225–241.
Guarino L, Hoogendijk, M. 2004. Micro Environments. In: Eyzaguirre, P. and Linares, O. eds. Home Gardens and Agro-Biodiversity. Smithsonian Books, Washington, pp. 31-40.
Hodgkin, T., 2001. Home gardens and the maintenance of genetic diversity. In: Watson, J.W. and Eyzaguirre, P.B. (Eds.), Proceeding of the second International Home Garden Workshop, Biodiversity International, Rome, Italy, 14-18.
Jaganmohan M., Vailshery L. S., Gopal D., Nagendra H., 2012. Plant diversity and distribution in urban domestic gardens and apartments in Bangalore, India, Urban Ecosystems, Volume 15, Issue 4, 911-925.
Kabir, M., Webb, E.L., 2008. Can homegardens conserve biodiversity in Bangladesh? Biotropica, 40(1): 95-103.
Kaplan, R., 1973. Some psychological benefits of gardening. Environment and Behavior, 5:145–16.
Kaplan, R., Kaplan, S., 1990. The restorative experience: The healing power of nearby nature. The meaning of gardens, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 238–243
Kendal, D., Williams, K., Williams, N., 2012. Plant traits link people's plant preferences to the composition of their gardens. Landscape and Urban Planning, 105(1): 34-42.
Ketskhoveli, N., 1959. Vegetation of Georgia. Acad. Scien. Georgia, Tbilisi.
Kiesling, F.M., Manning, C.M., 2010. How green is your thumb? Environmental gardening and identity and ecological gardening practices. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30: 315–327.
Kumar, B.M., George, S.J., Chinnamani, S., 1994. Diversity, structure and standing stock of wood in the homegardens of Kerala in Peninsular India. Agrofor. Syst., 25: 243–262.
Kuo, F.E., Taylor, A.F., 2004. A potential natural treatment for attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder: Evidence from a national study. American Journal of Public Health, 94: 1580–1586.
Lindberg, J.E., Tolbert, V., RSchiller,. A., Hanowski, J., 1998. Determining biomass crop management strategies to enhance habitat value for wildlife. Poster presented at BioEnergy '98: Expanding Bioenergy Partnerships, Madison, Wisconsin .
Lubbe, S.C.S., Siebert J., Cilliers S.S., 2010. Political legacy of South Africa affects the plant diversity patterns of urban domestic gardens along a socio-economic gradient. Scientific Research and Essays, 5(19): 2900-2910.
Mason, C.F., 2000. Thrushes now largely restricted to the built environment in eastern England. Diversity and Distributions, 6: 189–194.
Mazumdar, S., Mazumdar, S., 2012. Immigrant home gardens: Places of religion, culture, ecology, and family. Landscape and Urban Planning. 105(3): 258–265.
Mendez, V.E., Lok, R., Somarriba, E., 2001. Interdisciplinary analysis of homegardens in Nicaragua: Microzonation, plant use and socioeconomic importance. Agrofor. Syst., 51: 85–96
Peach, W.J., Denny, M., Cotton, P.A., Hill, I.F., Gruar, D., Barritt, D., Impet, A., Mallord, J., 2004. Habitat selection by song thrushes in stable and declining farmland populations. Journal of Applied Ecology, 41: 275–293.
Pepping, C., 2012. Feasibility study of an artificial sandy beach at Batumi, Georgia. Doctoral dissertation, TU Delft, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands.
Santhakumar, V., 1996. On-Farm Biodiversity in Kerala. In Using Diversity (eds Sperling, L. and Loevinshon, M.), IDRC, New Delhi, pp. 22–34.
Sarı, D., Acar, C., 2010. Evaluation of plant species in urban residential landscapes based on their characteristics for landscape preferences; a sample of Trabzon city. Ekoloji, 19(74): 173-180.
Shibata, S., Suzuki, N., 2002. Effects of the foliage plant on task performance and mood. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 22: 265–272.
Ulrich, R., 1984. View through a window may influence recovery from surgery. Science, 224(4647): 224-225 Stoler.
Thompson, K., Austin, K.C., Smith, R.M., Warren, P.H., Angold, P.G., Gaston, K.J., 2003. Urban domestic gardens (I): putting small scale plants diversity in context. J. Vegetat. Sci., 14: 71–78.
Thompson, S., 2005. Digestible difference: food, ethnicity and spatial claims in the city. International Migration and Security: Opportunity and Challenges, 217-237.
Trewhella, W.J., K.M. Rodriguez-Clark, N., Corp, A. Entwistle, S.R.T. Garrett, E. Granek, K.L. Lengel, M.J. Raboude, P.F. Reason, B.J. Sewall. 2005. Environmental education as a component of multidisciplinary conservation programs: Lessons from conservation initiatives for critically endangered fruit bats in the western Indian Ocean. Conserv. Biol. 19: 75–85.
Turner, K., Lefler, L., Freedman, B., 2005. Plant communities of selected urbanized areas of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Landscape and Urban Planning, 71(2–4): 191–206.
Van Veenhuizen, R., 2006. Cities Farming for the Future: Urban Agriculture for Green and Productive Cities. Ottawa.
Viljoen, A., Bohn, K., Tomkins, M., 2009. Places for People, Places for Plants: Evolving Thoughts on Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Landscape and Urban Horticulture. Department of Agroenvironmental Science and Technology (Dista), Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bologna, Italy: 38.
Watson, J. W., Eyzaguirre, P.B., 2002. Home Gardens and in Situ Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources in Farming Systems: Proceedings of the Second International Home Gardens Workshop, Witzenhausen, Federal Republic of Germany.
Wells, N.M., Evans, G.W., 2003. Nearby nature: A buffer of life stress among rural children. Environment and Behavior, 35: 311–330.
Surat, H., & Yaman, Y. K. (2017). Evaluation of plant species in home gardens: A case study of Batumi city (Adjara). Turkish Journal of Forestry, 18(1), 11-20. https://doi.org/10.18182/tjf.308755
Surat H, Yaman YK. Evaluation of plant species in home gardens: A case study of Batumi city (Adjara). Turkish Journal of Forestry. February 2017;18(1):11-20. doi:10.18182/tjf.308755
Surat, Hilal, and Yasin Kültiğin Yaman. “Evaluation of Plant Species in Home Gardens: A Case Study of Batumi City (Adjara)”. Turkish Journal of Forestry 18, no. 1 (February 2017): 11-20. https://doi.org/10.18182/tjf.308755.
Surat H, Yaman YK (February 1, 2017) Evaluation of plant species in home gardens: A case study of Batumi city (Adjara). Turkish Journal of Forestry 18 1 11–20.
H. Surat and Y. K. Yaman, “Evaluation of plant species in home gardens: A case study of Batumi city (Adjara)”, Turkish Journal of Forestry, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 11–20, 2017, doi: 10.18182/tjf.308755.
Surat, Hilal - Yaman, Yasin Kültiğin. “Evaluation of Plant Species in Home Gardens: A Case Study of Batumi City (Adjara)”. Turkish Journal of Forestry 18/1 (February 2017), 11-20. https://doi.org/10.18182/tjf.308755.
Surat H, Yaman YK. Evaluation of plant species in home gardens: A case study of Batumi city (Adjara). Turkish Journal of Forestry. 2017;18:11–20.
Surat, Hilal and Yasin Kültiğin Yaman. “Evaluation of Plant Species in Home Gardens: A Case Study of Batumi City (Adjara)”. Turkish Journal of Forestry, vol. 18, no. 1, 2017, pp. 11-20, doi:10.18182/tjf.308755.
Surat H, Yaman YK. Evaluation of plant species in home gardens: A case study of Batumi city (Adjara). Turkish Journal of Forestry. 2017;18(1):11-20.