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Doğu ladini ve meşe kabuklarından tanen ekstraksiyon aşamasının optimize edilmesi

Year 2018, , 323 - 329, 30.09.2018


Ülkemizde ormancılık faaliyetleri sonucunda ve ahşap levha üreten sanayi kuruluşlarında üretim prosesi sonucunda önemli miktarda atık durumunda kabuk ortaya çıkmaktadır. Yakılmak dışında değerlendirilmeyen bu atık kabukların tanen bakımından zengin olduğu bilinmektedir. Kabuklardan tanen eldesinde kullanılan çözücü türü, ekstraksiyon yöntem ve parametrelerinin optimize edilmesi kritik önemdedir. Doğru ekstraksiyon parametreleri ile gerçekleştirilen ekstraksiyonlar ile tanende ekstraksiyon aşamasında ortaya çıkabilecek otokondenzasyon reaksiyonları, yüksek sıcaklık kaynaklı termal bozunma etkileri, ekstrakt saflığının ve reaktivitesinin azalması gibi olumsuzluklar önlenebilir. Bunların yanında ekstraksiyon optimizasyonu işlemi ile daha kısa sürede daha az çözücü ve enerji kullanımı ile verimlilik artırılabilir. Bu çalışmada, orman işletmelerinde kesim sonrası ortaya çıkan doğu ladini (Picea orientalis) kabukları ve ahşap levha endüstrisinde levha üretimi sonrası ortaya çıkan endüstriyel atık meşe (Qercus spp.) kabukları su, farklı oranlarda sodyum sülfit (Na2SO3), sodyum karbonat (Na2CO3), üre (CH4N2O) ve bunların karışımını içeren sulu çözeltiler ile 70°C ve 100°C ekstraksiyon sıcaklığı, 1/6, 1/8 ve 1/10 kabuk:çözücü oranında, 1, 3, ve 5 saat ekstraksiyon süresi gibi parametreler kullanılarak ekstraksiyonlar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ekstraksiyon çözeltilerinde verim, stiasny sayısı ve pH değerleri belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, ladin ve meşe kabukları için % 2 sodyum sülfit+% 0.50 sodyum karbonat çözeltisi ile 1/8 kabuk çözücü oranında ve 1 saat ekstraksiyon süresinde optimum sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Kabuk ekstraksiyon çözeltileri pH değerleri, sıcak su ekstraksiyon çözeltilerinde pH 4.5 civarında iken sodyum sülfit ve sodyum karbonatlı çözeltilerin pH’ı 7 civarındadır.


  • Aires, A., Carvalho, R., Saavedra, M. J., 2016. Valorization of solid wastes from chestnut industry processing: extraction and optimization of polyphenols, tannins and ellagitannins and its potential for adhesives, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry. Waste Management, 48, 457-464.
  • Azmir, J., Zaidul, I.S.M., Rahman, M.M., Sharif, K.M., Mohamed, A., Sahena, F., Jahurul, M.H.A., Ghafoor, K., Norulaini, N.A.N., Omar, A.K.M., 2013. Techniques for extraction of bioactive compounds from plant materials: A review. Journal of Food Engineering, 117, 426–436.
  • Bisanda, E.T.N., Ogola, W.O., Tesha, J.V., 2003. Characterization of tannin resin blends for particle board applications. Cement & Concrete Composites, 25, 593–598.
  • Brahim, M., Gambier, F., Brosse, N., 2014. Optimization of polyphenols extraction from grape residues in water medium. Industrial Crops and Products, 52, 18-22.
  • Dönmez, İ.E., Dönmez, Ş., 2013. Ağaç kabuğunun yapısı ve yararlanma imkânları. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 14, 156-162.
  • Feng, S., Cheng, S., Yuan, Z., Leitch, M., Xu, C. C., 2013. Valorization of bark for chemicals and materials: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 26, 560-578.
  • Fengel, D., Wegener, G., 1984. Wood Chemistry, Ultrastructure, Reactions. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin New York.
  • Gönültaş, O., 2013. Doğu ladini (Picea orientalis) ve meşe (Quercus spp.) kabukları taneninin biotutkal üretiminde kullanılması. Doktora Tezi, İ.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Ghitescu, R. E., Volf, I., Carausu, C., Buhlmann, A.M., Gilca, L.A., Popa, V.I., 2015. Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction of polyphenols from spruce wood bark. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 22, 535–541. Jerez, M., Pinelo, M., Sineiro, J., Nunez, M. J., 2006. Influence of extraction conditions on phenolic yields from pine bark: assessment of procyanidins polymerization degree by thiolysis. Food chemistry, 94(3), 406-414.
  • Kain, G., Barbu, M.C., Richter, K., Plank, B., Tondi, G., Petutschnigg, A., 2015. Use of tree bark as insulation material. Forest Products Journal, 65 (3-4).
  • Khanbabaee, K., Ree, T.V., 2001. Tannins: classification and definition. Natural Product Reports, 18, 641–649.
  • Kurt, R., Mengeloğlu, F., 2006. Potential utilization of bark residues in Turkey. 1st International Non-wood Forest Products Sympossium, 1-4 November 2006, Trabzon, 623-630.
  • Miranda, I., Gominho, Mirra, I., Pereira, H., 2012. Chemical characterization of barks from Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris after fractioning into different particle sizes. Industrial Crops and Products, 36, 395-400.
  • Özacar, M., Şengil, İ.A., 2003. Evaluation of tannin biopolymer as a coagulant aid for coagulation of colloidal particles. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 229(1-3), 85-96.
  • Özdemir, H., 2010. Bark tannins from commercially important Turkish conifer trees and their use as adhesive in fiberboard. Ph.D. Thesis, Institute of Natural Science, Istanbul University.
  • Pasztory, Z., Mohacsine, I. R., Gorbacheva, G., Börcsök, Z., 2016. The utilization of tree bark. BioResources, 11(3), 7859-7888.
  • Ping, L., Pizzi, A., Guo, Z.D., Brosse, N., 2011. Condensed tannins from grape pomace: characterization and utilization as wood adhesives for wood particleboard. Industrial Crops and Products, 34: 907– 914.
  • Pizzi, A., 1983. Wood Adhesives Chemistry and Technology. Marcel Dekker: New York, vol. 1, 0-8247-1579-9.
  • Pizzi, A., 1994. Advanced Wood Adhesives Technology. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 978-0824-7926-64.
  • Pizzi, A., 2016. Wood products and green chemistry. Annals of Forest Science, 73, 185-203.
  • Şen, A., Miranda, I., Santos, S., Graça, J., Pereira, H., 2010. The chemical composition of cork and phloem in the rhytidome of Quercus cerris bark. Industrial Crops and Products, 31(2), 417-422.
  • Tomak, E.D., Gönültaş, O., 2018. The Wood Preservative Potentials of Valonia, Chestnut, Tara and Sulphited Oak Tannins. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 38,183-197.
  • Vazquez, G., Fontenla, E., Santos, J., Freire, M.S., Alverez, J.G., Antorrena, G., 2008. Antioxidant activity and phenolic content of chesnut (Castanea sativa) sheel and Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globus) bark extracts. Industrial Crops and Products, 28, 279-285.
  • Yazaki, Y., Hillis, W.E., 1977. Polyphenolic extractives of Pinus radiata bark. Holzforschung, 31 (1), 20-25. Yazaki, Y., Collins, P.J., 1994. Wood adhesives from Pinus radiata bark. Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff, 52, 185-190.

Optimization of tannin extraction stage from oriental spruce and oak bark

Year 2018, , 323 - 329, 30.09.2018


A significant amount of waste bark occurs as a result of forestry activities and board production process in the forest industry enterprises. It is well-known that waste barks which contain tannin generally considered as a burning material for energy production. At production stage of tannin from tree bark, the type of solvent used in the extraction and, the optimization of extraction methods and parameters are critical. With optimization of extractions parameters can be avoided the adverse effects that may occur during extraction stage such as auto condensation reactions, thermal degradation due to high temperature and, decrease in extract purity as well as reactivity. Besides, extraction optimization can be improved efficiency of process with using less solvent and energy with a shorter process time. In this study, oriental spruce (Picea orientalis) bark, which occurs as a result of logging from forestry enterprises and, oak (Quercus spp.) bark, which is industrial waste of the wood panel industry, were extracted by water, aqueous solution of different concentration of sodium sulfite (Na2SO3), sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and, urea (CH4N2O) at 70°C and 100°C extraction temperatures. Also, 1/6, 1/8 and 1/10 bark-solvent ratio (m/v) and 1, 3, and 5 hours of extraction time were applied. Extraction yield, stiasny number and pH values of the extraction solutions were also determined. At the bark extraction stage, 2% sodium sulfite + 0.50% sodium carbonate solution, 1/8 bark-solvent ratio and 1-hour extraction time were obtained as an optimum result. The pH of hot water extraction solutions were around 4.5 while the pH of sodium sulfite and sodium carbonate solutions were about 7.


  • Aires, A., Carvalho, R., Saavedra, M. J., 2016. Valorization of solid wastes from chestnut industry processing: extraction and optimization of polyphenols, tannins and ellagitannins and its potential for adhesives, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry. Waste Management, 48, 457-464.
  • Azmir, J., Zaidul, I.S.M., Rahman, M.M., Sharif, K.M., Mohamed, A., Sahena, F., Jahurul, M.H.A., Ghafoor, K., Norulaini, N.A.N., Omar, A.K.M., 2013. Techniques for extraction of bioactive compounds from plant materials: A review. Journal of Food Engineering, 117, 426–436.
  • Bisanda, E.T.N., Ogola, W.O., Tesha, J.V., 2003. Characterization of tannin resin blends for particle board applications. Cement & Concrete Composites, 25, 593–598.
  • Brahim, M., Gambier, F., Brosse, N., 2014. Optimization of polyphenols extraction from grape residues in water medium. Industrial Crops and Products, 52, 18-22.
  • Dönmez, İ.E., Dönmez, Ş., 2013. Ağaç kabuğunun yapısı ve yararlanma imkânları. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 14, 156-162.
  • Feng, S., Cheng, S., Yuan, Z., Leitch, M., Xu, C. C., 2013. Valorization of bark for chemicals and materials: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 26, 560-578.
  • Fengel, D., Wegener, G., 1984. Wood Chemistry, Ultrastructure, Reactions. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin New York.
  • Gönültaş, O., 2013. Doğu ladini (Picea orientalis) ve meşe (Quercus spp.) kabukları taneninin biotutkal üretiminde kullanılması. Doktora Tezi, İ.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Ghitescu, R. E., Volf, I., Carausu, C., Buhlmann, A.M., Gilca, L.A., Popa, V.I., 2015. Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction of polyphenols from spruce wood bark. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 22, 535–541. Jerez, M., Pinelo, M., Sineiro, J., Nunez, M. J., 2006. Influence of extraction conditions on phenolic yields from pine bark: assessment of procyanidins polymerization degree by thiolysis. Food chemistry, 94(3), 406-414.
  • Kain, G., Barbu, M.C., Richter, K., Plank, B., Tondi, G., Petutschnigg, A., 2015. Use of tree bark as insulation material. Forest Products Journal, 65 (3-4).
  • Khanbabaee, K., Ree, T.V., 2001. Tannins: classification and definition. Natural Product Reports, 18, 641–649.
  • Kurt, R., Mengeloğlu, F., 2006. Potential utilization of bark residues in Turkey. 1st International Non-wood Forest Products Sympossium, 1-4 November 2006, Trabzon, 623-630.
  • Miranda, I., Gominho, Mirra, I., Pereira, H., 2012. Chemical characterization of barks from Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris after fractioning into different particle sizes. Industrial Crops and Products, 36, 395-400.
  • Özacar, M., Şengil, İ.A., 2003. Evaluation of tannin biopolymer as a coagulant aid for coagulation of colloidal particles. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 229(1-3), 85-96.
  • Özdemir, H., 2010. Bark tannins from commercially important Turkish conifer trees and their use as adhesive in fiberboard. Ph.D. Thesis, Institute of Natural Science, Istanbul University.
  • Pasztory, Z., Mohacsine, I. R., Gorbacheva, G., Börcsök, Z., 2016. The utilization of tree bark. BioResources, 11(3), 7859-7888.
  • Ping, L., Pizzi, A., Guo, Z.D., Brosse, N., 2011. Condensed tannins from grape pomace: characterization and utilization as wood adhesives for wood particleboard. Industrial Crops and Products, 34: 907– 914.
  • Pizzi, A., 1983. Wood Adhesives Chemistry and Technology. Marcel Dekker: New York, vol. 1, 0-8247-1579-9.
  • Pizzi, A., 1994. Advanced Wood Adhesives Technology. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 978-0824-7926-64.
  • Pizzi, A., 2016. Wood products and green chemistry. Annals of Forest Science, 73, 185-203.
  • Şen, A., Miranda, I., Santos, S., Graça, J., Pereira, H., 2010. The chemical composition of cork and phloem in the rhytidome of Quercus cerris bark. Industrial Crops and Products, 31(2), 417-422.
  • Tomak, E.D., Gönültaş, O., 2018. The Wood Preservative Potentials of Valonia, Chestnut, Tara and Sulphited Oak Tannins. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 38,183-197.
  • Vazquez, G., Fontenla, E., Santos, J., Freire, M.S., Alverez, J.G., Antorrena, G., 2008. Antioxidant activity and phenolic content of chesnut (Castanea sativa) sheel and Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globus) bark extracts. Industrial Crops and Products, 28, 279-285.
  • Yazaki, Y., Hillis, W.E., 1977. Polyphenolic extractives of Pinus radiata bark. Holzforschung, 31 (1), 20-25. Yazaki, Y., Collins, P.J., 1994. Wood adhesives from Pinus radiata bark. Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff, 52, 185-190.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Orijinal Araştırma Makalesi

Oktay Gönültaş 0000-0002-2132-4667

Mualla Balaban Uçar

Publication Date September 30, 2018
Acceptance Date September 12, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Gönültaş, O., & Balaban Uçar, M. (2018). Doğu ladini ve meşe kabuklarından tanen ekstraksiyon aşamasının optimize edilmesi. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 19(3), 323-329.
AMA Gönültaş O, Balaban Uçar M. Doğu ladini ve meşe kabuklarından tanen ekstraksiyon aşamasının optimize edilmesi. Turkish Journal of Forestry. September 2018;19(3):323-329. doi:10.18182/tjf.412956
Chicago Gönültaş, Oktay, and Mualla Balaban Uçar. “Doğu Ladini Ve meşe kabuklarından Tanen Ekstraksiyon aşamasının Optimize Edilmesi”. Turkish Journal of Forestry 19, no. 3 (September 2018): 323-29.
EndNote Gönültaş O, Balaban Uçar M (September 1, 2018) Doğu ladini ve meşe kabuklarından tanen ekstraksiyon aşamasının optimize edilmesi. Turkish Journal of Forestry 19 3 323–329.
IEEE O. Gönültaş and M. Balaban Uçar, “Doğu ladini ve meşe kabuklarından tanen ekstraksiyon aşamasının optimize edilmesi”, Turkish Journal of Forestry, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 323–329, 2018, doi: 10.18182/tjf.412956.
ISNAD Gönültaş, Oktay - Balaban Uçar, Mualla. “Doğu Ladini Ve meşe kabuklarından Tanen Ekstraksiyon aşamasının Optimize Edilmesi”. Turkish Journal of Forestry 19/3 (September 2018), 323-329.
JAMA Gönültaş O, Balaban Uçar M. Doğu ladini ve meşe kabuklarından tanen ekstraksiyon aşamasının optimize edilmesi. Turkish Journal of Forestry. 2018;19:323–329.
MLA Gönültaş, Oktay and Mualla Balaban Uçar. “Doğu Ladini Ve meşe kabuklarından Tanen Ekstraksiyon aşamasının Optimize Edilmesi”. Turkish Journal of Forestry, vol. 19, no. 3, 2018, pp. 323-9, doi:10.18182/tjf.412956.
Vancouver Gönültaş O, Balaban Uçar M. Doğu ladini ve meşe kabuklarından tanen ekstraksiyon aşamasının optimize edilmesi. Turkish Journal of Forestry. 2018;19(3):323-9.

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Utilization of bark tannins from oriental spruce and oak in bioadhesive production
Turkish Journal of Forestry | Türkiye Ormancılık Dergisi